MTL - Divine Rune Awakening: Starting With Various Divine Runes and Dominating the World-Chapter 188 fight against yourself

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  Chapter 188 Playing against yourself

  In the trial space, the four dragons roared, and the smoke mixed with fire rose up.



  Two unicorns, their huge bodies appear in the smoke.

   Endless red flames spread throughout the entire space.

   The cracks in the space are covered by red flames, like bleeding wounds.

  The two figures moved the wind and cloud, and wherever they went, the space fell apart like broken glass.


   Fist to fist!

   Between the two, a ripple spread out.


  In the shattered space, the two shot like light and lightning.

   Unless it is this specific space.

  I'm afraid that at this moment, countless galaxies have become the history of the universe, and have disappeared in the long river of time.

   Gu Changqing has never had such a hearty battle.

  A famous saying of Blue Star, a person's biggest opponent is often himself.

  Gu Changqing didn't know how the trial space could create an opponent exactly like himself.

  However, in the situation where each other is fully fired, there are many magical means that have never had the opportunity to use.

   All were used by Gu Changqing, and they were constantly verified to gain new insights.


  A wormhole instantly opened beside Gu Changqing.

  The Bone Emperor's Shield immediately blocked the hole.


   After the bone shield trembled twice, the wormhole slowly closed.

  Gu Changqing opened a wormhole casually, and in his hand, an extremely sharp blood spear pierced through the air and sank into the wormhole.

   Immediately, there was a crashing sound in the distance.

  Gu Changqing was about to make up an attack when the space behind him fluctuated.

  Gu Changqing immediately dodged, and a dragon's breath gushed out from the wormhole opened behind him.

  Gu Changqing cherishes this opportunity very much, and constantly polishes his brand new combat system.

  The majestic power of the **** pattern and the terrifying recovery ability keep this battle going on.



   After a long time, Gu Changqing panted heavily, staring at the opposite "self" who was also panting.

   No idea how long the two of them have been fighting.

  The trial space at this moment is like a balloon with air leaking everywhere.

   There are tearing space cracks everywhere, and the power of the **** pattern overflowing from the battle between the two is lost to other spaces along the space cracks.

  Gu Changqing made some investigations and found that he still had 50% of his strength left.

  The "self" on the opposite side seems to be similar.

  However, there is no point in continuing to fight.

  What you want to verify, what you feel, and what you are familiar with have all been perfected and proficient in the countless competitions between the two.

  At this moment, if you continue to fight, you can only fight until the power of the **** pattern is exhausted, and another one falls down.

  However, how can we end this battle between self and "self"?

   Gu Changqing felt a little bit difficult, it was really the trial space that restored the other "self" too perfectly.

   So that, wanting to defeat "myself" by myself has become the most difficult thing.

  While Gu Changqing was thinking about how to defeat him, the image of a demon boy emerged above the head of "Gu Changqing".

  The moment he saw the devil boy, Gu Changqing frowned.

  From the moment when another "self" appeared, almost all details were reproduced perfectly, and finally something special appeared at this moment.

  The devil boy was originally in the strongest state, with three heads and six arms, but now he has eight arms.

  The extra two hands hold the bow and the other holds the arrow.

   This is something that my own devil boy does not have.

   What made Gu Changqing feel even more strange was that the bow held in the hands of the demon boy was not an illusion of the power of the **** pattern, but a real bow.

  The bow body of the dark black bronze inscriptions is full of light and charm.

  The next second, the other hand of the demon boy pulled the bowstring, and the power of the divine pattern turned into a light arrow, which was placed between the bowstrings.


  The bowstring was released, and the light arrow appeared in front of Gu Changqing's forehead in an instant like a stream of light, but it stopped in the air strangely.

  Gu Changqing suddenly felt a chill down his back, not because of the power of the light arrow.

  With the lethality of this light arrow, it can't even break through its own defense, so let alone hurt itself.

  But Gu Changqing thought of something.

  The Feathered Arrow obtained in Chaoge City.

  If the feathered arrow was shot, what would be the result?

  The light arrow stagnated in the air, which was achieved by Gu Changqing using the technique of folding space that he had just realized.

   This is an arrangement made by myself, but if there is no preparation, it will be difficult for Gu Changqing to avoid this sudden blow.

  If it was the feather arrow, Gu Changqing would be seriously injured on the spot due to the characteristic of ignoring the power of the divine pattern.

   Several light arrows shot at Gu Changqing again, and Gu Changqing didn't bother to use space folding to defuse the light arrow's attack.

  The shield of the bone emperor appeared in front of him, blocking the light arrow's attack, and then took out the feather arrow from the space ring.

  As soon as the feathered arrow came out, the bow in the hand of another "self", the light of charm on the bow suddenly lit up.

  Gu Changqing can be sure that there must be a very close relationship between feather arrows and bows.

   That bow must be obtained, Gu Changqing said secretly in his heart.

   At this point, the black dragon, which had not been used all this time, flew out from his wrist, roaring and flew towards another "Gu Changqing".

  Space law, activate!

  Beside another "self", separated by space.

  The same law of space constantly breaks through the isolation of space.

   At this moment, Gu Changqing suddenly appeared next to his other "self", and with lightning speed, he stabbed towards him with a feathered arrow in his hand.

   seems to be generated by itself, and it is impossible to restore these details that are not there.

  Caught off guard, he was wrapped around his legs by a miniature black dragon.

  Watching helplessly, the feather arrow easily pierced through the Emperor Armor of the Strange Pattern on his body, ignoring the defense of the power of the divine pattern.

   Watching another "self" slowly dissipate in front of myself.

  Gu Changqing was silent for a moment, then put the dark golden bow in his hand.

   Above the head, the figure of the devil boy appeared, and the power to activate the divine pattern was increased again, and the devil boy with three heads and six arms appeared.

  However, eight arms did not appear.

  However, something unexpected happened to Gu Changqing.

  Just put the dark golden bow and the feathered arrow in his hands, and they flew towards the figurative devil boy uncontrollably.

  The devil boy's original three heads and six arms suddenly regenerated two arms.

  The bow and arrows that came before him were all in his hands.

   Gu Changqing scratched his head unexpectedly, completely unaware that such an effect would appear.

  The bow and arrow are like equipment tailor-made for the devil boy.

  With a thought, Gu Changqing put away the devil boy, and the bow and arrow disappeared together.

   Activate the strange pattern again, the devil boy descends, and the bow and arrow are in the hands of the devil boy.


  The trial is over.

  Gu Changqing left the trial space.

  A flash came to the center of the city, the gray mark on his hand lit up.

  The eye of the talisman gradually became smaller and sank into Gu Changqing's body.

   So far, the authority of Luoshui City has been obtained.

   Gu Changqing couldn't wait to inquire about the arsenal's information.

   Sure enough, there are countless magical weapons in the arsenal.

   It's just that, like Chaoge City's crystallization of the power of the gods, it needs to complete trials continuously before it can be obtained.

  (end of this chapter)