MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 64 64%

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Ji Qingzhuo didn't hear what he said, because her consciousness had already drifted into the cultivation space.

She remembered that when she was sleeping just now, it seemed that the red air was entangled, and then she responded subconsciously.

Ji Qingzhuo glanced at the sea of ​​red blood in front of her and looked away. She suddenly realized something, the red air flow was Shen Rongyu, their auras were exactly the same, and the red air flow should not appear outside the cultivation space.

So...she subconsciously hugged and dragged...Shen Rongyu.

Ji Qingzhuo's eyes widened, she was a little flustered, she still remembered the fingers sticking to her neck, the pads of the fingers were soft, but the temperature was hard from the cold, and the knuckles hit her chin.

Shen Rongyu... touched her neck, how could he do this?

She also hugged him.

Ji Qingzhuo felt ashamed of her behavior. She squatted down in the training space, covered her head, and closed her eyes, not daring to face reality.

At this time, the red air current sensed her presence, and one of its branches came towards her like a swimming snake, and was about to wrap her enthusiastically around her, but Ji Qingzhuo pushed him away.

It's all because of the red airflow, he always treats her like this, Ji Qingzhuo is a person who is very dependent on habits, her daily habits are like written programs, which are repeated step by step every day, and hardly change.

Days and nights in the practice space, the red airflow led her to write a new program.

Hug him, kiss him, respond to him, willingly sink into his body.

Ji Qingzhuo followed suit, but sometimes, when she was confused, the program would start in a scene outside the practice space.

She felt that this was inappropriate, so she pushed the red airflow away a little, intending to forget this habit.

However, Ji Qingzhuo obviously forgot the essence of this red airflow, he is evil and domineering, and can do all kinds of bad things.

So, at the moment when Ji Qingzhuo felt resistance, the red air flow counterattacked and threw Ji Qingzhuo down. describe.

Ji Qingzhuo's hair was scattered and melted into the sea of ​​blood, spreading out like black ink. She raised her neck and let out a soft sigh.

Here he is again.

However, she has long been used to his kissing and entanglement. She will not feel resistance when he kisses her like this. .

Ji Qingzhuo closed her eyes, and her nasal voice was intermittent... Well, it still feels a little strange, but it's within the range she can bear.

She can endure pain, but also sweetness.

Ji Qingzhuo was thinking, the red airflow on the left and right can't play any new tricks...

Her thoughts suddenly paused, new tricks?

Several well-articulated hands climbed onto her back, and the muscles on Ji Qingzhuo's back instantly became tense due to this unusual touch, and even his back straightened, and he stood up straight.

However, in front of her, there are also a few more hands transformed by red air flow. He can transform countless lips and tongues, and he can also transform countless hands. Each separate air flow can act independently.

What a...bad form. Ji Qingzhuo wanted to cry without tears, her hand was entangled with Shen Rongyu's hand transformed by the red air flow, he kept holding her hand, climbing up the arm until it landed on the back of her head.

This place is the back of her neck, a few sections down from the top of the spine—the place where the epiphyllum was painted on Shen Rongyu's body.

Ji Qingzhuo's body froze, because his fingertips kept drawing a pattern on the back of her neck, which was a roughly round polygon, and his fingertips kept circling.

She didn't quite understand what he was drawing until the fingertip suddenly changed shape, the original hard fingertip became soft, and became a pen tip with soft animal hair.

Yes, nibs.

The tip of the pen moved down her spine and continued to swim on her back. Ji Qingzhuo's butterfly bones moved, and she felt some...repressive emotions, as if the tip of the pen was constantly on the tip of her heart Scratching, she wanted to chase, but she couldn't catch up.

Although she is relatively slow, but... she still has the reaction she should have, especially the tactile feel of this pen tip is so familiar, which made Ji Qingzhuo think of the painting brush dipped in blood this afternoon.

She closed her eyes and called softly: "Xiaoyu, stop for a while—"

Ji Qingzhuo's ending sound was lengthened, because the brush stroke continued down her waist until it spun around her waist, it seemed that the stroke of the brush was falling with ink, changing from thick to light.

"Zhuo Zhuo." The mouth melted by the red air flow whispered in Ji Qingzhuo's ear.

Ji Qingzhuo couldn't respond to him anymore, she closed her eyes, her lips were trembling, she couldn't help pushing the red air out.

And the stroke of the pen had already reached her waist, Ji Qingzhuo was really ticklish, so he kept hiding, but he didn't know where to hide.

She regretted it very much, she shouldn't have the idea that "it's not going to happen to him anyway".

While avoiding the pursuit of the pen, Ji Qingzhuo thought, he is a big villain, and it is only reasonable for him to do such a thing.

She hid the red airflow and called out the red airflow softly, with an imperceptible tremor at the end: "Xiaoyu, if you do this again, I... I will stop practicing."

How could the red air flow understand what she was saying, the extra hand only caressed her neck, with its fingertips resting on her neck, feeling the wonderful vibration of her vocal cords.

"Don't be afraid..." He chased after her.

Ji Qingzhuo really can't hide anymore, she thought, she has to get used to the new Shen Rongyu again.

How can he do this? First he had a mouth, and then he had hands. Why didn't he have ears?

"Shen Rongyu, you scoundrel." Ji Qingzhuo patted the red air flow, not sure if he was angry or ashamed.

Perhaps the red air current understood, he rushed towards Ji Qingzhuo excitedly, Ji Qingzhuo guessed that if he could speak other words, he would proudly announce: "Yes, I am."

She resigned herself to her fate, and only hoped that she would adapt quickly, but that pen... is really...

He is a red air flow obediently lurking in the cultivation space, where did he learn these things? Shen Rongyu is also very normal today, but she is just leading her to paint...

etc? painting?

Ji Qingzhuo thought of the pen that was constantly spinning on the umbrella surface, and the solid chest that Shen Rongyu held her hand against the back of her head.

What inspiration did she give him when she painted on the umbrella? Now he actually wants to paint on her?

Ji Qingzhuo was angry and impatient, but there was nothing she could do. She couldn't practice on her own, and Shen Rongyu was already doing a good deed by helping her practice. She couldn't be too demanding and let a big villain treat her politely.

Of course, the entanglement between these two divine senses lasted for an unknown amount of time, and the red airflow finally stopped.

Ji Qingzhuo's lips trembled slightly, her cheeks were soaked with sweat, she panted lightly and said to the red airflow: "Xiaoyu, next time... let's grow ears next time."

The red air current rubbed against her palm, as if she had gotten a bargain, so she behaved extraordinarily well-behaved.

Ji Qingzhuo liked this kind of red air flow very much, she leaned over, almost subconsciously, lowered her head and kissed the red air flow.

This red air flow is also very smart, when Ji Qingzhuo's lips approached, the end had already turned into a lip, meeting her kiss.

Her lips were touching, Ji Qingzhuo didn't open her eyes, she only opened her lips slightly, and the tip of her red tongue poked in, tossing and rubbing, but it was only a taste.

He has something else he wants to show Ji Qingzhuo today.

The hand turned into red air held Ji Qingzhuo's hand, because this hand was too hateful just now, so Ji Qingzhuo avoided it.

But this hand still couldn't help but wrap around her, holding her tightly.

He took her to the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

During cultivation, in the cultivation space, Ji Qingzhuo could often see mirror-like shards passing by from time to time, and she avoided them. Although she knew that there were some memories of Shen Rongyu in the shards, she was not interested, and, The more she knows, she won't hide herself, Shen Rongyu will find out that she knows his secret if she is not careful, and kill her to silence her.

Ji Qingzhuo was afraid of death, but she didn't know that Shen Rongyu came here today to kill her.

She followed the red airflow and walked into the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood. She kept her eyes closed, because she couldn't see the bright red color for a long time.

However, after reaching the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood, the fingertips transformed by the red air flow climbed up to her eyes, touched her tightly closed eyes, and touched her trembling long eyelashes.

Ji Qingzhuo understood his hint, so she opened her eyes a little, and she saw the only different color in this sea of ​​blood.

Her consciousness is a cyan airflow, almost white, but not pure white. However, she found that in the center of the sea of ​​blood, there was an extra flower, a light and ethereal... Epiphyllum.

At this time, another shard of brilliance flew over surrounded by blood, it was embedded in the white epiphyllum, and merged with it.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't understand why this happened, she subconsciously stretched out her hand and touched the petals of the epiphyllum, but immediately, the petals closed and held her fingertips.

She was startled, and wanted to withdraw her hand, but the epiphyllum was no longer pretending, it turned into a red airflow again, and turned into a red epiphyllum, only dragging Ji Qingzhuo towards it.

There is really nothing else here, the red airflow is still the red airflow, it just puts together the bright fragments it has collected into an epiphyllum.

Why epiphyllum? Such a shy flower only blooms for a moment under the moon, and is delicate and hard to keep, Ji Qingzhuo thought so.

She was dragged by Xue Tan, the flower was tall, and looked slender and graceful from a distance, but when it got close, every slender petal could hug her tightly.

"Here... I'll show you..." The red air flow moved closer to her ear, and whispered, "Zhuo Zhuo... looks good."

It wasn't long before he learned to speak, and he stuttered when he spoke, but Ji Qingzhuo understood what he meant.

—He pieced together a beautiful flower in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and carefully hid it until it was officially completed. Finally, it took shape, and immediately invited her to come and see it.

"It's beautiful." Ji Qingzhuo said, her fingertips entangled with the petals, "Xiaoyu, why do you like it so much?"

The red air current would not answer her question, but pressed down again, burying her deeply in the sea of ​​blood. On top of her head, the celestial cloud had returned to pure white, rootless, only floating faintly in the middle of the sea of ​​blood.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't know how long she had been practicing. When she woke up, the thick quilt that was originally placed on Shen Rongyu had been wrapped around her body again.

She raised her head, her eyes were watery, she only looked at Shen Rongyu's shoulder, and called out: "Senior Brother Xiaoyu."

The author has something to say:

Xiaoyu in the red airflow version: Share interesting things with Zhuozhuo (referring to Huahua), and share interesting things with Zhuozhuo (referring to Epiphyllum)