MTL - Do You Remember My Name?-Chapter 54

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Haixiu sat down and packed up the book while looking at the curriculum. He was pleasantly surprised: "There are so many self-study classes?"

“Hey.” Feng is not a joke. “Good students are not willing to attend classes?”

"It is not unwilling to listen, but the knowledge points of the lecturers have been told many times in the last semester. It is not necessarily that I am not familiar with it. I am tired of wasting time, willing to study on my own, and I will summarize the weakest review. The place..." Haixiu looked at Fengfei and retorted, "Don't say what good students are bad students, where are you broken? You... you have to make up the class."

"Don't!" Those who want to make up the lessons of Tianfeng are still hurting. "Don't mention that, just a few days, Laozi has lost all his life."

Haixiu couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Feng was not worried: "You said... those who make up the class, will they tell others after school? Say I am stupid | Forced to follow the classmates to make up the class?"

"It won't be." Haixiu Xindao may not say it, but still comfort him. "The teacher does not let the remedial things go out, have you forgotten?"

Peak did not think about it, nodded: "Yes."

Haixiu snickered and looked at the curriculum for a while. The brow wrinkled a little bit: "Early self-study... 7:00 to 7:30, the first lesson, 8:00 to 8:45..."

Peak is not puzzled: "Well? What are you talking about?"

Haixiu pointed to the time marked on the curriculum, saying: "From early to the first class, why is there half an hour in the middle... What is this? Is it a copy of seven to fifty? Already?"

Feng Fei was just a mechanical copy, and had not had a brain. Now he looked at it. He got up and went to the front of the podium to confirm it. He said to Hai Xiu: "No mistakes, here is 7:30."

Haixiu is not clear, so Feng Fei returned to his seat and said: "It is estimated that the curriculum given by the teacher is wrong. It is like this before the start of school. If you have a class, you must change it."

Haixiu thinks too.

When the two talked, a faculty member went into the classroom and took a college entrance examination countdown board nailed to the blackboard in front of the classroom. The peak was not dumb: "As for what, so exaggerated."

"Right, in the last semester of the third grade, the school will provide one cup of milk and one apple per person per day. When the class is over, it will be sent." Feng Fei said, "Unless there is a milk allergy diagnosis book, it must be clean and clean. The class teacher will check."

Haixiu couldn't help but smile: "Is it like in kindergarten?"

Peak did not deliberately tease him, said: "It is estimated that Apple's nuclear is too big, you may have to stand still."

Hai Xiu's stomach hurts: "Hey... High school."

Feng Xiaoxiao said: "This is still a modified version. I was in the middle school when I was in junior high school. It was exaggerated at the time. It was a glass of milk and two eggs. Later, many students took the eggs and lit it, and changed it into a cup of soy milk and an egg. It has changed several times. From the last session, it was milk and apples."

Haixiu thinks about two white-water eggs, and he can't afford it. He said: "It's still better for Apple."

"Well, I heard from the previous session that the prepared fruit is quite fresh and delicious. The milk is provided by the nearby dairy. When I was a child, it was their factory. It should be OK." Feng Fei suddenly remembered something, laughed. "Yes, I remember when I was in the last session, I bought a fruit that was a mistake. I didn't prepare anything. Our director, driving the car in the morning, I went to the farmer's market in the east and bought a hundred. More than a catty of cucumber came to make up..."

Haixiu hahaha laughed, Feng said: "The director of the third department and the teachers are not easy."

Haixiu smiled and saw that the peak did not talk. Feng did not laugh: "What do you think of me?"

Haixiu shook his head and said: "No, I think you are mature now."

"I am not the kind of two who are not good at all." Although they haven’t tossed me in the past few years..." Fengyue wants to think that he knows the general. "Look at me, I don’t take any hate, I understand the teachers. The difficulties in management, no matter how overdone they are, I fully cooperate."

Haixiu is very supportive, and even said: "That is that."

When he was half a child, Feng Fei stood on the playground, and his face was scary.

Hai Xiu followed behind the peak, carefully watching his face, whispered: "Don't, don't get angry, you are so sensible..."

Half an hour ago, when the self-study bell rang, Ni Meilin entered the classroom on time.

In the new semester, Ni Meilin will open a brief class meeting as usual. At the beginning of the routine, an inspiring statement, although Ni Meilin is not good at sensationalism, but after so many years of work, the class teacher has done a good job of mobilizing morale, and once the call is down, the whole class is greatly affected. Encourage, no matter how good or bad, I feel that as long as I work hard for the last hundred days, I will pay more attention to it.

After the mobilization before the war, Ni Meilin also explained the changes in the study schedule of the last semester. The first thing that said that Feng Fei had already said to Hai Xiu, the school gave everyone a meal, emphasizing that every day must be on time. According to the amount, the milk is not allowed to be poured down quietly. The apple will have to eat a whole, and the director will blitz.

The whole class laughed, and Ni Meilin coughed twice. He said: "There is a new arrangement for us this year."

Ni Meilin looked at the curriculum and said: "After every morning self-study, there will be half an hour of blank study time. This time is not for everyone to play. Every day, I go to the morning to study, and immediately go downstairs. The whole team is finished in the playground within five minutes. After counting the number of people running, the boys are one thousand two, the girls are eight hundred, do not ask for speed, just to improve everyone's physical fitness, run fast jogging according to their own physical conditions, the completion time does not make provisions, do not delay the first class can be, but……"

Ni Meilin took a look at everyone and said: "The head teacher is going to go downstairs to stare. If you find someone who is lazy, you know me."

The students snorted in an instant, and Ni Meilin added: "Girls can take leave on holidays, and boys are not allowed to leave without special circumstances."

Ni Meilin swept Haixiu and lowered some other things.


After self-study, everyone was excited or complained about going downstairs. Ni Meilin let Haixiu stay. When there was no one in the classroom, he asked if he could participate. Haixiu hesitated and nodded.

Ni Meilin looked at the back door of the class and waited for the peak of Haixiu. She sighed and smiled softly at Haixiu: "Go."

Feng Fei went downstairs with Haixiu and confirmed: "Is it okay?"

Haixiu is alert and afraid that Feng is not aware of anything. He wants to cover up: "Nothing, Teacher Ni is... I am afraid that I am not willing to delay my study time, but I feel very good... Exercise with everyone, I... I will I like to exercise."

The peak is not crying and laughing, nodding: "That would do, in fact, it will be one thousand two, three laps will be down for a while, don't run silly, not tired."

The two went downstairs, and the team in their own class had already been arranged. Haixiu fainted and did not know where to stand. The peak did not pull his back collar and took people to his side.

The physical education teacher came over to the number of people and glanced around. "All are together, hey! Your class! He Hao, Feng Fei!"

He Hao suddenly looked up: "What happened to the teacher?"

Feng Fei is pinching the ears of Hai Xiu. He listened to the teacher and told him that he thought that he was doing a small movement and was busy releasing Hai Xiu.

The physical education teacher said: "You two will run three thousand in a while! Our regulations are one thousand two for boys, eight hundred for girls, three thousand for sports students, don't forget."

The peak is not squatting, busy: "Teacher, I am not a sports student!"

The physical education teacher took a look at the peak and frowned. "What price?" Isn't the sports student still a school team? You honestly run three thousand!"

The students laughed. This physical education teacher is also the coach of the school basketball team. He has always regretted that Feng Fei refused to take the college entrance examination as a sports student, but he still liked him very much. After Feng Feng’s side, he said: “Don’t want to be lazy! After a while, sports students Run first, you come right away, I will give you time alone!

Peak non: "..."

When the teacher walked far, the peak was not biting: "What is this special thing about me?"

Feng Fei did not take the one thousand two seriously, and did not do anything to prepare for the activity. Now I heard that I have to run three thousand. I only have to squint my ankles and wrists. Haixiu wants to laugh and dare not laugh. Before the starting line, said: "Or... I... I will run with you three thousand?"

"Don't make trouble." Feng Fei was not willing to let Hai Xiu down, but he wanted to make Hai Xiu better integrate into the group, and exercise by the way, but he did not expect him to sell this strength with him. "Oh, no, you don't run often, three thousand are getting tired, I'm not the same, I have no problem running five thousand, playing the same."

There are many high-skilled and handsome boys in the sports life. Fengfei’s school grass is even more eye-catching. Many other girls in the class are also surrounded, watching Feng Xiao while laughing and whispering.

The physical education teacher loudly reminded everyone to stand up after preparing for the event. Haixiu still wants to accompany the peak. He confessed: "Running together, I usually run with you, don't feel tired."

"Can this be the same? If you ran, you will know, nothing to look for." Feng is not frowning, "Go back! Wait until you run a thousand and two."

Feng Fei put his face down, Haixiu was honest, and the surrounding sports students looked curiously. The girls who looked at Fengfei in the distance were also guessing what the first grade was doing. Haixiu felt that he was a bit stupid, he laughed. Now, just say that he is leaving, Feng Fei thinks that he still has to bargain with himself, the teacher will soon whistle, and the peak is completely impatient, and he bends directly to Haixiu.

Hai Xiu: "!"

The classmates who were on one side all looked over, followed by picking up and laughing.

Feng did not take Haixiu to the side of the viewing platform, let Haixiu sit on the viewing platform and sneered: "Be honest, dare to follow you and run."

Haixiu was so ugly, he lowered his head with a red face and nodded hard. Feng did not smile and played on his head. He ran back to his runway and compared his physical education teacher with a prepared gesture. Teacher Whistling, the peak was not the first to rush out.

On the same day, the peak did not run the first three kilometers.

The sports teacher smiled and hammered him down on the shoulders of the peak, rewarding him with a bottle of mineral water. Feng said with a smile, thanked the teacher, took the water and ran to the sea show just after the 1200, and handed the mineral water to the sea. Show, raise your eyebrows: "Is it amazing?"

Haixiu smiled and nodded hard. Ni Meilin, who was not far away, looked at them and when they didn't see it, they turned to supervise other students.

Haixiu also ran a little sweat. He unscrewed the water bottle and handed it to Fengfei. After drinking two of the peaks, he handed it to Haixiu. The two men drank a bottle of water.

Feng Fei threw the drinking water bottle into the garbage bin and smiled and said: "High school..."

Haixiu smiled and said: "Come up, I will have the first class."

The peak did not nod, and went upstairs with Haixiu.

The new semester, one hundred and seven days before the college entrance examination, began. 2k novel reading network