MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 309 Arabian Nights!

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  Chapter 309 The Arabian Nights!

   The benefits of this system upgrade far exceeded Chen Nan's expectations.

  With the praise system, Chen Nan naturally has more promotion channels, which is undoubtedly a rare good thing for him who is new here.

  This is much more than the reward for bad reviews.

  Chen Nan didn't have time to sort out his harvest. At noon, Wang Jing was going to make something, and insisted on treating guests to dinner.

  Being scolded by the old man, Wang Jing didn't complain in her heart, after all... now that her father is fine, it's better than anything else.

   "Director Chen, thank you so much."

   "I...hey, I'm a little... done...mai tai today!"

   "You have to go to work in the afternoon, so you can't drink. I'll offer you a glass of tea instead of wine."

   Chen Nan waved his hands with a smile and said, "Mr. Wang, you're welcome."

   "I didn't communicate well."

   "Concerned about chaos, understandable."

   "You're welcome."

  Accompanied by a clear voice, Chen Nan received two praises reward.

【Ding! Warm reminder, the praise rewards can only be obtained once by family members or patients, and multiple rewards will automatically be converted into low-level praise. 】

  Looking at the system notification tone, Chen Nan felt relieved.

  He is not a greedy person, and he is very clear that it is obviously easier to accumulate good reviews than bad reviews.

  After all... Treating a patient can get good reviews, as well as good reviews from family members. In a sense, it is easier to get good reviews.

   In this way, it is naturally impossible for you to get the reward repeatedly.

   After dinner, Yang Fupeng followed Chen Nan to the office.

  Before going in, Luo Qiping found an opportunity to hold Chen Nan back, and said seriously:

   "Director Chen, Yang Fupeng is very good."

   "We have been friends for decades and are reliable people."

   "I say this, nothing else."

   "I think that a lone tree does not make a forest. When you come to the capital, the time is relatively short, but... any large-scale project and experiment cannot do without everyone's cooperation and hard work."

   "If you want to do some research in the field of tumors, you can have a good communication with Director Yang."

   "Director Yang has a lot of research in the field of tumors, and...if nothing happens, he will become an academician next year in all likelihood!"

   "Of course, don't get me wrong."

  Luo Qiping said with a smile: "I know Four Points, and it's also interesting to say."

   "He is a man, friend Wang, don't mention it, he really has the same name as Four Points, Four Points, hehe..."

   "Those who cooperated with him in research have won awards one after another, the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award!"

   "One vote, he has not been selected as an academician yet!"

   "Director Yang is in the circle and has very good connections. Everyone likes to call Director Yang Fuxing."


   "Of course, Director Yang is also very righteous, straightforward, easy to communicate, and has no bad intentions."

  When Chen Nan heard Yang Fupeng's deeds, he immediately laughed.

  This Director Yang actually has such a buff?

  Four Points, Four Points, what a name!

   Even with this name, you have to make friends.

  After Luo Qiping finished speaking, Yang Fupeng came out from the toilet, said hello, and left.

  Chen Nan took Yang Fupeng to the office.

  After the two of them sat down, Yang Fupeng straight to the point expressed his intention of coming.

   "Director Chen, today's visit is actually... mainly because of your acupuncture anesthesia!"

   "I guessed it from the beginning, you must have used acupuncture anesthesia combined with Haifu Knife for the operation."

   "Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong."

   "Your idea is very good, and it has a bright future."

  "Most cancer patients are older, and after being eroded by cancer cells, their bodies are very weak and their tolerance is very poor. Few patients can persist in completing the operation!"

   "However, acupuncture anesthesia, in this regard, does not have the side effects of anesthetics, relatively speaking, the effect is very good!"

   "I want to... see if we can cooperate?"

   Seeing what Yang Fupeng said, Chen Nan didn't agree hastily, but said seriously:

   "Actually... this operation did not go as smoothly as expected!"

   While speaking, Chen Nan took out the operation video, opened the notebook, and started playing it.

   "Director Yang, look!"

   "I found out that I underestimated the Hifu Knife surgery."

   "Haifu Knife surgery requires focused solidification, and this process needs to penetrate some visceral tissues."

   "In this way, the visceral tissues that need to be taken care of in anesthesia will definitely be implicated."

   "During my surgery today, I noticed something."

   "Acupuncture anesthesia is still not as precise and extensive as anesthesia, and there are still some problems with multi-level anesthesia."

   "Look here, when I operate the old man, the other party has a movement, although it is not big, but to explain one thing, there is a reaction..."

  Yang Fupeng couldn't help but sat aside and watched carefully.

  When he saw the place where Chen Nan paused, he frowned immediately: "You mean... if the patient is not pancreatic cancer, or if the situation of pancreatic cancer is more complicated, there may be accidents?"

   "No... It's not an accident, it's an incomplete reaction to anesthesia."

   All of a sudden, Yang Fupeng frowns and thinks.

  Chen Nan is the same!

   Today's operation is very successful, doesn't mean that acupuncture anesthesia is universal.

  This technology is indeed not perfect, and there are still some shortcomings.

   Especially when dealing with some complex operations, this performance will be more obvious.

  Chen Nan looked at Yang Fupeng's solemn expression.

  Suddenly thought for a while and said:

   "Of course, I have other ideas."

   "It's just... still in a trial period, I can't guarantee it."

  Yang Fupeng looked at Chen Nan immediately: "Director Chen, tell me."

  Chen Nan said solemnly: "Acupuncture combined anesthesia."

   "The skill plays the role of acupuncture regulation, and can obtain a certain analgesic effect, and can avoid the side effects of a large number of anesthetic drugs."

   "But... I don't have a lot of clinical cases for this technology."


   "Director Yang, you understand."

   "Besides, I won't hide it from you. The oncology department of our hospital is currently encountering some problems, and the number of patients is also insufficient. It will take a long time to complete the clinical research."

  Yang Fupeng heard the sound, suddenly smiled and said:

   "Director Chen, let's cooperate!"

  Yang Fupeng's act of being so excited actually confused Chen Nan.


"Did I hear it wrong."

   "Director Yang, are you sure?"

  Yang Fupeng nodded quickly: "Yes, I'm sure!"

   "And, for sure!"

   "Our oncology department in Xiehe is developing very well."

   "I also know the strength of your hospital."

   "We can work together."

   "Haifu knife technology alone is enough."

   "We can conduct a pilot project in your hospital to conduct research and development of Haifu Knife technology."

   "Patients, don't worry, there are a lot of patients in our hospital!"


  After an hour of detailed discussions, Yang Fupeng and Chen Nan worked out the relevant details in detail.

   And just as Yang Fupeng was about to leave, he suddenly stopped Chen Nan.

"Oh, right!"

   "Oh, no... You should go to the meeting next Saturday, so let's meet on Sunday."

  When Chen Nan heard the sound, he suddenly became curious: "A meeting? What meeting?"

   All of a sudden, Yang Fupeng stopped asking: "Huh?"

   "Traditional Chinese Medicine Oncology Academic Exchange Meeting."

   "Aren't you going?"

   "I heard that... many experts in the field of tumors were invited, as well as well-known scholars of traditional Chinese medicine at home and abroad."

  When Chen Nan heard this, he immediately became curious: "Oh?"

   "I...I didn't get an invitation."

  Yang Fupeng couldn't believe it: "Isn't it?"

   "You are the deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and you are in charge of the oncology department."

   "This card is definitely needed."

   "Maybe your time here is too short, otherwise, how could such an international TCM tumor exchange be without you!"

   "However, you don't have to worry."

   "They will definitely prepare for next week."

   "I forgot you just came!"

   After speaking, Yang Fupeng got up and left.

   And Chen Nan didn't pay much attention to this meeting.

  After all...he had a lot more work to do than this inconsequential meeting.

  If the oncology department doesn't make a show, it's obviously unreasonable.


   That afternoon!

   Oncology Department, news came out soon.

  Director Chen led the team and successfully completed Mr. Wang's operation.

   And the most important thing is...Xue Zhongqing and Lou Aicheng changed the name of Chen Nan to Director and started to call Teacher Chen.

   All of a sudden... it became news in the department.

  Head nurse Xia Lianping looked at Lou Aicheng curiously: "Director Lou, are you serious?"

  Lou Aicheng nodded immediately: "Of course, a teacher for one day will be a teacher for the rest of his life. I, Lou Aicheng, respect teachers!"

   "Mr. Chen is the most powerful I have ever seen in the field of Haifu knife technology, bar none!"

   "Even if it is compared with Jinhua, it is much worse!"

   "If you don't believe me, you can ask Director Xue."

   Director Xue nodded: "Well, I have also seen Director Yu's operation, this time I personally followed Teacher Chen in the operation."

   "The gap between the two is still obvious."

   "After the inspection tomorrow, you will know."

  After Xue Zhongqing finished speaking, this suddenly caused a commotion among the people in the department.

   "This... Director Xue, Director Lou is called a teacher because Director Chen personally taught him the technique of Haifu Knife."

   "You...what is your teacher called?"

  Xue Zhongqing smiled slightly: "I've learned even better!"

   "If this is true, I'm still Director Lou's brother!"


  As soon as these words came out, Lou Aicheng immediately gave Xue Zhongqing a blank look: "Nonsense, how did you become a senior brother?"

  Xue Zhongqing said with a smile: "I can call the teacher faster than you!"

  Lou Aicheng said: "Ms. Chen didn't even agree, okay?"

  After speaking, Lou Aicheng said to the two team members: "Okay, stop making trouble."

   "Go and study the surgery video carefully, there will be more patients in a few days!"

   "Also, Director Xue, don't hold back!"

   "If it is because of you that it affects our operation volume, this is your problem!"

  The people on the side saw that the two had become serious, and they were also extremely curious.

   "You said... what kind of hallucinogenic drug did Chen Nan take?"

   "That's right, I've heard of a drug called obedient water!"

   "Go, go, what are you doing!"

  The head nurse, Xia Lianping, couldn't help giving a blank look: "Okay, let's all get busy!"

   "Stop booing!"

  The team leader in charge of the bed, Shen Bing, smiled wryly: "There are not many patients to keep us busy!"

   "Head nurse, why don't you think about recruiting some patients?"

   "Speaking of which... Do you really think that you can really recruit all the patients in a week like Director Chen said?"

   "You said that if you are not satisfied..."

   Before he finished speaking, Lou Aicheng said with a smile: "It is impossible to recruit dissatisfied people!"

   Xue Zhongqing nodded in agreement, after all... Brother Dahu, father and son soldier in battle, although the status of this senior brother has not yet been determined, the dignity of this master must be maintained!

   "That's right! Impossible!"

   "No way!"

  Shen Bing was amused when he heard it: "Haha..."

   "I said, you two, you are too involved in the drama."

   "A bet?"

   "If Director Chen can fully recruit patients within this week, I will treat everyone to a big meal!"

   "How about arranging wine and apologizing to Director Chen personally?"

   "If you lose..."

   "Second place?"

  Shen Bing is not short of money. As a native at the foot of the imperial city, his ancestors were overwhelmed, so he only left a few houses. Once they were demolished, he became a nouveau riche.

  But this Shen Bing is also low-key, he does not have the temperament of a nouveau riche, his ancestors have been scholars for several generations, and his parents are now working in the military hospital.

  Xue Zhongqing smiled slightly: "That's good wine!"

  Shen Bing: "Must!"

  Xia Lianping said with a smile: " quiet, I have to talk to the big guys!"

   "Director Chen, I can also see that he is a person who is sincere in his career."

   "Regardless of whether you can complete the order of the Rao Shizi Army, everyone must not gossip!"

   "Just do your job well!"

  Everyone nodded and said with a smile: "Head nurse, you were the loudest at that time!"

  Xia Lianping gave everyone a blank look: "Go, go..."


   "It makes me upset just looking at you."

   While speaking, he smiled and walked away.

  She is straightforward.

  In fact, the oncology department is a very united department.

  Otherwise, they would not agree to deduct wages from everyone to seek development for the department.


the next day!

   Early in the morning.

  The head nurse Xia Lianping personally took Mr. Wang to the postoperative examination.

  Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw many people entering the elevator.

  Suddenly, the head nurse froze for a moment: "You are..."

   "Oh...we're here for the hospital!"

   "This is a hospital certificate."

  As soon as these words came out, Xia Lianping was stunned.

   It's just... this... so many people?

  Xia Lianping was a little confused.

  Because there are nearly a dozen people at the door at this time!

  There are 69 beds in the oncology department, and 46 of them are empty now.

   More than a dozen people came here at once, but it was like sending charcoal in the snow!

  Xia Lianping quickly said, "Oh!"

"it is good…"

   "Here, Xiaomi, Lele, go through the hospitalization procedures for the patient."

  Xia Lianping hurriedly beckoned people to settle down.

  At this time, she didn't even bother to send Mr. Wang for an examination in person. With so many patients, she had to settle down.

   While speaking, she quickly arranged for someone to send Mr. Wang to check.

   And here, quickly arrange the hospital bed.


  Xia Lianping was surprised to find that all just the beginning!

  Before nine o'clock in the morning, patients poured out of the elevator in an endless stream.

   A group of people are here for hospitalization!

   All of a sudden, all the doctors and doctors in the department were confused.

  This... this... this is too unbelievable, right?

  Shen Bing looked at the dark people, was stunned for a moment, and quickly arranged for the doctors to perform the operation.

  Here, Lu Zhilin was equally happy in the outpatient clinic!

  So many people came to the hospital today, how could he not be happy?

  This Director Chen Nan Chen is really capable!

   "Director Shen...Is this... all brought by Director Chen?"


  Shen Bing nodded: "Yes... this guy, it's only the second day!"

   "Are there many people outside?"

   "Many! I thought, there are about twenty more!" The little doctor said excitedly.

  Shen Bing was amazed: "Absolutely!"

   "Hurry up, settle the patient, the big medical record of admission, the first journey, hurry up and prepare!"

   "Never exceed eight hours!"

   "We can't let Director Chen look down on us."

   "Director Chen, you look good!"


   A group of people nodded one after another.

   This sudden group of patients shocked everyone in the oncology department.

   Never underestimate the power of Union Medical Oncology.

  You know, people’s hospital beds have been lined up for several months.

   These dozens of patients are too simple.

  Yang Fupeng settled down a bit, and so many people came all at once.


  At this time, Chen Nan has already started ward rounds in the Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases, which combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

  Shao Zizhen personally led the team and started rounds with a group of doctors.

   "Director Chen, our department has a lot of patients, and there are two floors of wards."

   "Our Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases, which combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine, is said to be a Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases. In fact, there are many miscellaneous diseases in internal medicine."

   "So, sometimes it's not just a spleen and stomach disease."

   "You have an idea in mind."

   Shao Zizhen said with a smile.

   Chen Nan nodded and smiled when he heard the sound: "Well, good!"

   "Director Shao, please."

  Shao Zizhen smiled and nodded: "Well, let's go faster, otherwise, I don't think I can finish the rounds in the morning."

  Shao Zizhen didn't complain about Chen Nan at the beginning.

   After all, this guy is now a celebrity around the leader of the academy, and Shao Zi really doesn't want to offend him.

   While speaking, a group of people started rounds. Shao Zizhen didn't make things difficult for Chen Nan, and even asked Chen Nan for his opinion many times.


  Every time Chen Nan made a speech, this Shao Zi really praised him.

   It made Chen Nan's face a little more subtle.

   Good guy...

  This is typical hypocrisy and obscenity!

  You just praised me, but... you are not sincere at all!

  Not a single good review!

  What is this for?

   At this time, Shao Zizhen took Chen Nan to a ward.

  Shao Zizhen pointed to Chen Nan and said: "This patient is just here. He has diarrhea and poor appetite. We can't find out the reason."

  The patient is a 40-year-old man with a mouthful of old yellow teeth when he smiles, the gap between the teeth is very wide, and he looks a little rough.

   Seeing this, Chen Nan nodded slightly.

  Shao Zizhen greeted the patient at this time: "Hello, how are you feeling today?"

  When the other party heard the sound, he looked at Shao Zizhen with a look of astonishment, and he was a little bit stunned, and then suddenly said: "Yeah!"

"it is good!"

   This answer immediately stunned all the doctors around.

   Even Shao Zizhen frowned slightly.

  Years of clinical experience and professional sense of smell made him realize something was wrong:

   "Zhang Lao Wu, what did you eat this morning?"

  When the other party heard the sound, it was still the same as before, and the answer was not the question and said: "Eat!"

   "Sit, sit!"


   While speaking, he smiled politely.

   All of a sudden, the surrounding doctors came to their senses.

How is this going?

  The patient on the other bed at the other side saw this and quickly said: "He woke up this morning and ignored people."

   "Talk to him, but he doesn't answer!"

   "I don't know what's wrong?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately became tense.

  Seeing this, Chen Nan hurriedly stepped forward, put his hand on the opponent's wrist, and began to check.

  Suddenly, Chen Nan felt a special pulse.

  The pulse condition is very strange.

  The pulse is floating and stringy, if the floating pulse is lifted more than enough but not pressed enough, it is like a breeze blowing the feathers on the back of a bird, like a piece of wood floating in water.

  Floating and large, with thin veins, as thin as silk, should refer to sinking without end. Xianmai, the string is long and the end is straight, like a silk string.

  Chen Nan said to the patient: "Stick out your tongue."

  The other party glanced at Chen Nan curiously, and smiled: "Hey."

   This action seems funny, but... every doctor can't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

   Something bad happened!

  Patient is...suddenly stupid?

  Seeing this, Chen Nan looked at the other party's eyes, but clearly felt the clarity in the other party's eyes.

  Traditional Chinese medicine is based on observation, hearing, inquiry, and inspection.

  When looking at the gods, first look at the form, and when looking at the gods, first look at the eyes.

   What I said is the importance of eyes!

  In ancient Chinese culture, the word "eyes" was often used, because eyes are only eyes when there is spirit in them.

  Chen Nan clearly felt that there were no messy colors or perceptions in the patient's eyes.

  After pondering for a moment, he took out the paper and pen, and wrote on it: "Stick out your tongue."

  When the other party saw Chen Nan's words, he quickly stuck out his tongue.

  After seeing the other party's tongue coating, Chen Nan couldn't help frowning.

  The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are traces of green, and Chen Nan is wearing a mask, and he can clearly smell a special smell.

   This is... How long has it been since I brushed my teeth?

  When Shao Zizhen saw this, he also wanted to go up for a diagnosis.

  He looked at the doctor at the side and said, "Hurry up and ask the neurologist for consultation!"

  The other party nodded quickly and began to prepare.

   At this time, Shao Zizhen obviously realized that the patient might have an intracranial lesion.

   "Director you think..."

  Chen Nan said to Shao Zizhen: "Aphasia!"

  After hearing about aphasia, everyone looked at each other curiously.

   "Speech function is dominated by one hemisphere, called the dominant hemisphere. Except for a few people, the dominant hemisphere is located in the right cerebral cortex and its connecting fibers. Damage to the dominant hemisphere often results in aphasia."

   "The patient should have an intracranial infection!"

   "Or...a brain abscess!"

  As soon as these words came out, Shao Zi really looked at Chen Nan curiously: "Isn't it?"

   "Why do you say it is an intracranial infection?"

   "The patient has just been hospitalized, and some related examinations were done yesterday."

   "There is no trauma or inflammation of the ear canal, so how could it cause intracranial infection and inflammation?"


  Chen Nan said seriously: "The patient's diarrhea is not actually due to a problem with the function of the spleen and stomach."

   "It's because of an intracranial nerve problem!"

  "I observed the pulse just now, and found that the pulse is very strange, the pulse is floating and stringy, the floating pulse is more than enough, but not enough, like a breeze blowing the feathers on the back of a bird, like wood floating in water."

   "I have encountered some of this kind of pulse, but it is very rare."

   "Look at the appearance of his tongue. It is thick and greasy, with tooth marks, fat, and a bad smell in the mouth."

   "This is a smell of corruption, this smell belongs to the air of detoxification!"

   "In Western medicine, this foul smell is usually formed by secretions."

"Sinusitis, atrophic rhinitis, nasopharyngeal cancer, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, dental caries, periodontitis and other oral diseases, upper respiratory tract infection and other diseases will secrete a large amount of protein-containing mucus, some of which form nasal mucus, and the rest flow from the nasal passages. Pharynx of the population.

  These mucus parts adhere to the back of the tongue or the oropharynx, and when the protein breaks down, it produces a putrid smell. "

   After Chen Nan finished speaking, he took a deep breath.

   "Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the source of biochemistry, but the patient's pulse condition is floating and stringy, which is a Yin disease."

   "Looking at the pulse of his tongue, the tongue condition should be recent, but the pulse condition has been around for a long time, which means... the spleen and stomach disease is just a symptom."

   "The real condition of the patient is caused by the deficiency of Yang and the excess of Yin, and the obstruction of clear orifices!"

  When Shao Zizhen heard this, he frowned quickly: "But, when he was admitted to the hospital, he didn't have high blood pressure, diabetes, etc... let alone any intracranial lesions!"

   "Although no head CT was done,...he has no intracranial changes at all."

   "Isn't this a spleen and stomach disease?"

   Chen Nan shook his head, but did not speak.

   Instead, he walked up to the patient again and continued to feel the pulse.

  After he achieved "control" in the pulse diagnosis, it was difficult to go deep.

   And this time...

  He seems to have vaguely grasped the key point.

   Afterwards, Chen Nan clearly grasped that in the patient's pulse condition, there was an obvious sign of sufficient Qi and blood in the spleen and stomach.

   is not an illusion!

   But it is even more difficult to peek into the head!

   In traditional Chinese medicine, the internal organs do not have the head at all.

  How to start?

  Chen Nan was also in trouble.

  This may require him to study further.

   Sure enough, this subtlety has a long way to go.

  However, this will not affect Chen Nan's diagnosis.

  He said: "The patient's condition should be a brain abscess."

   "Perform relevant inspections as soon as possible, or, I think it's better to transfer to another department."

  At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in my ear:

   "The patient showed no signs of a brain abscess, did you tell?"

   "The patient's test results haven't come out yet!?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Well, there is indeed no result."

   "But...the brain of Chinese medicine is light orifice, where the six meridians gather!"

   "And similarly, the mouth, ears, nose, and eyes are all connected to the brain."

   "The condition of the patient...may be that the bacterial infection in the mouth has a lot to do with it."

   "The appearance of the tongue coating in the patient's mouth, as well as the smell, can indicate that the opponent's mouth contains the poison of corruption. This poison can easily invade the light orifices."

   "The patient's pulse is stringy and thin, which is the pulse of yang deficiency."

   "The head is where the six yangs gather, and if the yang qi is insufficient, it is easy to be attacked!"

   "Look it up ASAP!"

  After hearing these words, Ye Liangyu, the director of neurology outside, was stunned!


   Chen Nan's words are so similar to a study he just read today!

  He just saw a new paper today!

   This article is based on a study that was published yesterday in the Dental Journal.

   investigated brain abscesses and their association with bacteria occurring in the oral cavity.

   Although this type of abscess is relatively uncommon, it can cause significant mortality and morbidity.

  This retrospective analysis used data from 87 patients with brain abscesses admitted to neurosurgical units in the United Kingdom over a 16-year period. Patients (n = 52) with no primary source of infection (NSI) identified for brain abscesses, or where the source of infection (ISI) was found, were identified using microbiological data obtained from abscess sampling and peripheral cultures. Microbial data were then screened to identify common oral bacteria in each group.

  The results showed that compared with the NSI group (n=29) (p<0.05), the brain abscess in the ISI group (n=35) showed a significantly lower predominance of oral bacteria (n=8);


  Brain abscesses most commonly occur in the frontal and parietal lobes of ISI and NSI.

   That is, in cases of brain abscesses without a clear etiology, the oral cavity can be considered a source of occult infection.

   This theory is the latest in research by Dr Holly Roy, NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Neurosurgery at the University of Plymouth and Plymouth University Hospitals NHS Trust!


   These words, he actually got the certification from a Chinese medicine doctor? !

is it possible?

  Even Ye Liangyu didn’t quite believe it, or it was hard for him to believe the theory that the boss of the University of Plymouth obtained after a lot of funding and research...

   Actually said it from a young Chinese medicine doctor?


   Isn’t it a fantasy?


  (end of this chapter)

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes