MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 308 Praise Rewards!

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  Chapter 308 Praise Reward!

  In the treatment room of Haifudao, everyone looked at Chen Nan in surprise, their eyes full of disbelief.

this is…

  A highly difficult Haifu knife surgery?

   Everyone's minds are a little messy.

  If they didn’t know Wang Cunyou very well, and had seen this operation with their own eyes today, they would definitely think that today’s operation was a “game within a game”.

  No way, the reality is too strong, fuller than the dream.

  How can they believe that everything is real?

  Okay, let’s not say that Chen Nan can complete the precise resection of Haifu Knife in less than half an hour.

  Even if his Haifu knife skills are extraordinary, it is extraordinary.


  Wang Cun has the anesthesia effect of the old man... Isn't this too powerful?

  No reaction at all?

  Look at that surprised face...they are more surprised than themselves, can this be faked?

  Even if it is acupuncture anesthesia, how could it have such an effect?

  Chen Nan's operation scared everyone in the audience and stood upright, a little dazed.

  Xue Zhongqing himself is engaged in acupuncture work, he naturally knows how difficult the anesthesia effect like Chen Nan is!

  At this time, he has not emerged from Chen Nan's ideas of "detaining qi", "guiding qi" and "keeping qi" just now.

   Suddenly heard that Chen Nan had completed the operation!

  For a while, Xue Zhongqing stared at Lou Aicheng with wide eyes.

  At this time, Lou Aicheng also looked at him in disbelief.

  The two of them looked at each other, and suddenly a terrible thought appeared in their hearts: Chen Nan...I'm not joking, this is a real boss!

  After this idea appeared, it quickly invaded their brains like a virus, and what followed was an unprecedented excitement and shock!

  This is awesome!

  Chen Nan is also amazing!

   No, bah bah bah!

  What Chen Nan, obviously Director Chen! The young and promising director Chen, who is wise, martial arts, financial and trade, has a bright future!

  After thinking about those things clearly, the two suddenly realized.

   Even found a new direction of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat tumors.

  If this is done... don't talk about whether Yu Jinhua can take away patients, even the cancer hospital will have to give a three-pointer, depending on our faces.

  Lou Aicheng also ignored the embarrassment just now, and quickly said to Chen Nan: "Director Chen!"

   "You...really awesome!"

   "This...the operation of Haifu Knife for pancreatic cancer is so difficult that you can complete the operation within half an hour, and...without three-dimensional stereotaxic, it can be positioned at one time, and the error control is so precise."

   "It's really amazing!"

  Chen Nan glanced at Lou Aicheng with a smile: "Do you have any doubts about the operation just now?"

  Lou Aicheng nodded excitedly: "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

   "Director Chen, the first one is positioning."

   "How did you do it?"

   "Also, it's about temperature control. How did you manage to precisely control the temperature of the pancreatic cancer area without hurting the skin?"

   "This... even Director Yu can't do it!"

   Speaking of this, Lou Aicheng felt a little embarrassed: "Director Chen, don't be disgusted."

   "This Haifu Knife technique, I have just mastered a superficial technique, which can be used for routine operations, but for this...complicated, difficult, and risky ones, I dare not do it..."


   "When Director Yu was around, it was impossible for people to tell us all these things."

   "After all, this... learned the apprentice and starved the master."

   "This is also an obvious thing..."

   Speaking of this, Lou Aicheng suddenly thought of something, and quickly explained: "Director Chen, I'm really not implying you..."

"I have no other meaning."

  Chen Nan waved his hands and smiled: "What kind of thing is this?"

   "If you can really learn it, it will be a good thing for me. I can't stay in the oncology department all the time."

   "After all, I can't cover all the five departments of internal medicine."

   "I also hope that you can be alone."

   "You too, take a closer look next time, if you have any doubts, please raise them, and I will tell you."


  Hearing Chen Nan's words, everyone in the treatment room felt a little incredulous.

  They didn't expect that Director Chen actually wanted to teach them.

   It's not about embarrassing a few people.

  In the department, there are only three people who are good at Haifu Dao, or those who have learned Haifu Dao.

   It's all here.

  At this time, Chen Nan lowered his head and said to Mr. Wang:

   "Mr. Wang, I have to trouble you with one thing. The operation went well. I can assure you."

   "Tomorrow, let's go for an examination to check the postoperative effect."

   "However, I still hope that you can cooperate with us to conduct a clinical teaching work. Don't worry... it won't have any impact on you."

"is it okay?"

  Wang Cunyou nodded excitedly: "Of course!"

   "Director Chen, this is a good thing."

   "Director Lou, you have to study hard."

   "I'm not bragging, I, Wang Cunyou, am not an untrained expert."

   "However, compared to this Director Chen, to be honest, I am far behind."

   "Let me tell you about my own feelings!"

   "When I performed this Haifu knife operation before, the skin on my abdomen felt burning pain."

   "But... this time, there really isn't one!"

   "I have also worked **** Haifu Knife. The ultrasonic wave gathers energy to pass through the skin and focus on the lesion."

   "But... when it passes through the skin and tissues, it hurts! It hurts badly."

   "During the last operation, Xiehe performed it. It stands to reason... he is an expert, right?"

   "However, I feel that the pain in my stomach is worse than a knife scraping. The burning feeling is very uncomfortable."


  Listening to Mr. Wang Cunyou's words, Lou Aicheng and the others were thoughtful.

  Actually, this involves two issues.

  First: temperature perception.

  Second: Target positioning.

   These things are the difficulty of Haifu Dao.

   Moreover, there were indeed no red, swollen, burning spots on the surface of the old man's skin, which meant that Chen Nan's operation was more powerful than everyone imagined.

  The perceptual experience of ultrasonic convergence far surpasses others.

  The following time turned into an on-site teaching job.

   At first, Lou Aicheng thought that he was lacking in these two aspects, but with Chen Nan's in-depth understanding, more and more problems began to emerge.

  For example, the control of temperature, which involves the convergence reaction after the penetration of visceral tissues, etc...

   Any big problem, often the key point of the problem is the foundation.

  They never imagined that Chen Nan, a Chinese medicine practitioner, is so familiar with human anatomy.

   This way...

  Lou Aicheng gave them time to think, and Chen Nan was not idle either.

   Started the group responsible for Xue Zhongqing, and started teaching acupuncture and anesthesia.

  Anyway, there are not many patients in the department now, and there are patients like Mr. Wang here, which also makes the teaching work smoother.



   However, at this moment.

  Here, Yu Jinhua also got a piece of news. After Chen Nan entered the department, he disrupted the staffing of the department and set up an acupuncture and anesthesia group and a Haifu knife group.

  And... Chen Nan had an operation performed by Mr. Wang Cunyou this morning.

  Yu Jinhua quickly contacted here and got a piece of news...

   Chen Nan brought the old man into the operating room for two hours!

  This news made Yu Jinhua frown first, and then a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

   What he frowned is... Generally, Haifu knife surgery doesn't last long.

  And...Generally, the longer the duration, the more troublesome the operation and the worse the surgeon's level...

   But even so, Haifu Knife’s surgery for pancreatic cancer usually takes no more than one and a half hours!

  Could it be...

there is a problem?

  After thinking of this, Yu Jinhua suddenly became excited.

  Chen Nan, Chen Nan, you are... asking for trouble.

  Yu Jinhua obviously thought that Chen Nan was deliberately going against him.

  However, although the Haifu knife is not a knife, it is more dangerous than any other knife. This is fighting a bull across the mountain. Although there may not be any injuries on the surface, the internal damage is not something ordinary people can grasp.

  Thinking of this, Yu Jinhua was a little excited.

  If something goes wrong with Mr. Wang, Chen Nan will definitely be responsible.

  So, Yu Jinhua took out his mobile phone, hesitated for a while, and dialed Wang Jing's number.

   "Mr. Wang, hello, I'm Yu Jinhua."

  Wang Jing was also waiting outside the operating room at this time, but...she had already been informed by the nurse that the operation was successful.

   It's just that her father hasn't come out yet, so she is more or less entangled and apprehensive.

  At this time, I suddenly received a call from Yu Jinhua, and I was a little curious.

   "Well, Director Yu, hello."

   "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

  Wang Jing's attitude towards Jinhua was mediocre, she didn't have much affection, and she didn't intend to offend her.

  Even if she is the boss of a listed company, she will definitely not do something that offends a well-known expert for no reason.

  She was just curious, why did Yu Jinhua call herself suddenly?

  Yu Jinhua asked in a concerned tone: "I heard that the old man had an operation, how is it going?"

   "Is the operation going well?"

  Wang Jing pondered for a moment and said, "Well, the nurse from the operating room came out just now and said that the operation was a success."

   "Thank you Director Yu for your concern."

  When Yu Jinhua heard this, he immediately said, "Oh!"

   "As long as there is nothing to do, the old man has a special body and cannot tolerate high-intensity surgery and anesthesia."

   "The reason why I didn't accept the old man last time is also because of this."

   "The old man's body is very sensitive. If he is anesthetized for a long time, there may be serious problems with his body."

   "Well, well, Mr. Wang, I won't bother you anymore. Congratulations to you and the old man."

   "I'll go see the old man some other day."

   "Haifu Knife surgery is also very fast, it's over in an hour."

   "It's too long, but it's not good."

   "I'm just going to interrupt."

  After hanging up the phone, Wang Jing sat outside, feeling more and more anxious.

  This... Yu Jinhua's words directly made her feel confused.

   How should this be done?

  Father has been in for more than two hours, and it’s past twelve o’clock now, isn’t it over yet?

  This father's body, I don't allow myself to delay it!

  The more she thought about it, the more flustered Wang Jing became, but the operating room is not accessible to ordinary people.

  Even if Wang Jing has a lot of money, he does not have the right to enter the operating room at will.

  Called Chen Nan, but no one answered.

  Wang Jing sat there, the more she thought about it, the more something went wrong.

  At this time... Suddenly the younger brother couldn't help but said: " said...Dad could be...what happened..."


   Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Wang Jing, and said quickly: "Stop talking nonsense!"

  Brother heard the sound, and felt a little depressed: "But... I have been in for more than two hours now, why don't you come out!"

   "How long do we have to wait?"

"just in case…"

   "Sister, don't interrupt me in a hurry. In this society, you also know that people are sinister. What if?"

   "I read the news some time ago, and it was said... After a doctor performed an operation, the patient had a problem, so he stalled for time to let him out. After a thorough investigation, he found out... It turned out to be to eliminate the evidence!"

   "We don't ask for anything else now, so we have to ask for justice, right?"

   "Find out what's going on!"

   "Didn't Yu Jinhua call just now?"

   "He is the person in charge of the hospital's oncology field, so he can enter the operating room, why not...see the situation?"

  After listening to Wang Jing, although she didn't want to believe her younger brother's words, but... once some things took root in her heart, it became a demon, and there was no way to solve it.

  Thinking of this, Wang Jing didn't directly look for Yu Jinhua.

   Instead, he called Yang Fupeng, Director of Oncology Department of Union Medical College.

   Then he told Yang Fupeng about this matter in detail.

  After Yang Fupeng heard about Mr. Wang's surgery, he was taken aback for a moment, and then... suddenly thought of something.

   "Are you sure, the name of the person who operated on your father is Chen Nan? Nan in southeast, northwest?"

   "China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Chen Nan? Right?"

  Wang Jing didn't know why the other party asked such a question, but she nodded seriously: "That's right, it's him."

  After hearing this, Yang Fupeng heaved a sigh of relief: "Oh..."

   "If this is the case, actually... there may not necessarily be a big problem."

   "Anesthesia, at least don't worry."

   "President Wang, let me tell you one thing, don't mention it to outsiders."

   "This Chen Nan is not an ordinary person. He was personally hired by the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and...he made outstanding contributions to the successful completion of the Parkinson's surgery in the PD3Y plan."

   "Leaving aside other things, Chen Nan has great insights into acupuncture anesthesia!"

   "Don't worry too much."

   "As for why the operation took more than two hours, it's not an important matter. I'll go there now, just in time... I also want to get to know Director Chen Nan."

   "Wait a minute!"

   "As for the operating room, don't worry about it. Director Luo and I have a good relationship, and you can enter the operating room."

  After hanging up the phone, the Wang Jing siblings sat on the chairs, feeling somewhat calmer.

  Not long!

  Luo Qiping walked over with a fat man, who was Yang Fupeng.

  Yang Fupeng nodded and asked the two of them, and walked inside without staying too long.

  Yu Jinhua was still waiting impatiently.

  This Wang Jing...why hasn't she called herself yet?

  Could it be...the operation was really successful?


  Luo Qiping was somewhat nervous.

  This Chen Nan...I really underestimated it!

  As soon as he arrived at the oncology department, he immediately performed Haifu knife surgery for pancreatic cancer on Mr. Wang, who was the most difficult patient.

  How many mysterious places are there in this kid?

   "Director Yang, this way please."

  Luo Qiping leads the way.

  Yang Fupeng said with a smile: "Director Luo, you are too out of touch."

   "But... To be honest, I'm not worried about Chen Nan's problems."

   "I'm here to meet Director Chen."

  “There are too many treatment methods in the oncology department, and too much reliance on anesthesia, which will become a major problem that limits the development of surgery.”

   "I'm here because I want to have a good chat with Director Chen."

  Luo Qiping heard the sound, nodded and smiled: "Indeed!"

  “If acupuncture anesthesia is really done well, it will have a terrible impact on the field of anesthesia in the world.”

   "Anaesthesiology, this is the cornerstone of the current surgical field!"

   "If anyone can shake the status of anesthesiology, his historical status will definitely reach an unprecedented level!"

   "To be honest, I don't even dare to think about it."

   "If acupuncture anesthesia is really done by Chen Nan, how high will his achievements... be?"


  After Luo Qiping thought of such a scene, he even felt a little excited and excited.

  The two opened the door of the room and entered the treatment room.

  Suddenly heard a burst of hearty laughter.

   It is Mr. Wang.

  Yang Fupeng was taken aback for a moment, what is this... doing?

  But I heard Chen Nan explaining.

  “Actually, the biggest advantage of acupuncture anesthesia lies not only in the effect of anesthesia, but also in reducing surgical complications and sequelae.”

   "Acupuncture and moxibustion point allocation, pay attention to an overall concept."

   "Anesthesia is just one of his effects, and it can even be understood as a side effect."

   "Because anesthesia and analgesia are not effects, but the compatibility between meridians, qi and blood."

   "We should open up our horizons, such as this pancreatic cancer operation, what sequelae might he cause? What are his complications?"

   "In other words, how do we maintain our heart rate and blood pressure during this operation?"

   "Having said that, let me say one more thing. For the stimulation of acupuncture and moxibustion, you must learn to use acupoints, can't stick to acupoints. We must use modern neurological concepts in moderation. For the reasonable combination of autonomic nerves and electrophysiology..."

   "These, we can use the combination of acupuncture and moxibustion..."

   "The modernization of acupuncture and moxibustion is not just the modernization of acupuncture points, but between electrophysiology and biotransmitters..."


   Chen Nan spoke very carefully and deeply.

  If this was in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yuancheng People's Hospital, it would be impossible for Chen Nan to say that.

  However, this is the China-Japan Friendship Hospital!

   This is a pilot project of the National Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. How many mediocre people are here?

  Any one out is not a talent?

  That's why Chen Nan spoke so profoundly.

   Similarly, Xue Zhongqing and others were extremely excited when they heard this.

  Their world of acupuncture and moxibustion seems to have been opened up, unprecedentedly empty and far-reaching!

  Acupuncture, can it still be like this?

   Not just them.

  After Luo Qiping and Yang Fupeng outside heard it, their steps that were about to go in stopped instantly.

   Both of them were attracted by Chen Nan's theory.

  Chen Nan's idea made both of them extremely excited!

  Using the compatibility of acupuncture and moxibustion points, while anesthesia, it can reduce the complications and sequelae of surgery, and at the same time, it has such an effect on maintaining the vital signs of the human body.

   To be honest, the two of them were moved!

  If there is such a day...

   Anesthesia will really usher in an unprecedented innovation!

   What impact will this have on the world?

  The development of domestic and foreign medicine is bound to advance by leaps and bounds...

  Chen Nan's explanation lasted for half an hour.

  Everyone listened with gusto...

  Even Mr. Wang on the bed couldn't help but get excited.

  If it weren't for a burst of phone ringing, everyone could still continue for a while.

   This burst of phone calls made everyone somewhat disgusted.

   Chen Nan is the same!

  He hates being interrupted when operations and treatments require a high degree of concentration.

   After looking for the reputation, I found Yang Fupeng smiled awkwardly: "'s my phone number."

   "Director Luo?" After seeing Luo Qiping, Chen Nan glanced at him curiously.

  Luo Qiping also smiled awkwardly: "I'm really sorry, Director Chen, for interrupting you!"

"Really sorry!"

   While talking, Luo Qiping took a look at Yang Fupeng with his eyes.

  Yang Fupeng smiled mischievously, saw the phone, and found it was Wang Jing.

  He apologized to Chen Nan: "Director Chen, excuse me..."

   "I don't mean it."

   "Mr. Wang, hello."

   "By the way, Director Chen, let me introduce myself. I am Fupeng Yang from Xiehe Oncology."

   "I came here today because I want to visit and learn about your surgery experience."

   "I didn't's already done."

  Yang Fupeng obviously couldn't express Wang Jing's worries.

   But… he still picked up the phone.

   "Mr. Wang, hello, the old man is fine, the operation was successful..."

   Before the words finished, Yang Fupeng heard an angry voice: "Director Yang, call me!"

  Wang Cunyou was very angry!

  The kindness of women!

   A few of them are discussing the future trend of national medicine.

  You girl, why are you calling me?

this is not…

   Long hair and short knowledge? !

   "It's me, your father, what are you doing on the phone?"

   "Didn't Director Chen inform you that the operation is complete?"

  Wang Jing was stunned when she heard her father's voice: "Dad... you... me"

   "We are worried about you..."

  Wang Cunyou snorted coldly:

   "Okay, long hair, short knowledge!"

   "Director Chen and I are discussing important matters. Stop calling and go have dinner with your brother!"

   "You are still the boss, you are so calm!"


"That's it!"

  Hung up the phone, Wang Cunyou smiled awkwardly: "Director Chen, I'm sorry..."

   "Hey... sorry to bother you."

   "You are so kind!"

   “If you ask me, this will be a revolution in anesthesia.”

   "I have many old friends who are in similar situations."

  Listening to Wang Cunyou's words, everyone was dumbfounded.

  This making a fuss!

  Yang Fupeng also smiled awkwardly.

   Seeing this, Chen Nan said to everyone, "Okay, I'm ready to go back!"

   "Go back and tell me what I said, and think about it carefully."

  At this time, Xue Zhongqing, Lou Aicheng and others led the group and bowed deeply to Chen Nan:

   "Thank you, Director Chen!"

   "Thank you, Teacher Chen!"

   This time, Xue Zhongqing called Teacher Chen to Chen Nan.

   And the group of members behind them also called it that way.

  Lou Aicheng glanced at this guy in disbelief, and was speechless. This guy...shameless!

  Chen Nan didn't pay attention either, and waved his hands with a smile: "Okay, let's go back!"

   "Old man, you should go back too."

   "Take good care."

  At this time, Wang Cunyou suddenly said to Chen Nan: "Director Chen... Excuse me!"

   "Can I... invest in you guys?"

   "No... I'm not trying to make a profit."

   "I simply want to support your cause!"

   "You are a capable person! You are also a person with great ambition!"

   "I believe in your future, and I also believe in the future of our Huaxia Medicine."


  Chen Nan heard the sound and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, take good care of your illness. When we run out of money, I can find you, okay?"

  Wang Cunyi was happy when he heard this.

"it is good!"

   "You are the Lord who made a promise that you can't go back!"

   "If you need money, you must find me!"

   "I'm rich, really!"

  Seeing Chen Nan smiling, Mr. Wang became furious: "Ask Yang Fupeng, I am a listed company, worth tens of billions, and I am also the president of our regional chamber of commerce."


  Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw this.


  The two siblings of the Wang family stood outside in embarrassment, at a loss.

  Wang Jing didn't expect her father to scold her?

   For a while, I was a little confused.

  At this time, the door of the operating room opened.

   Chen Nan and a group of people came out.

  Wang Cunyou glanced at his children and snorted coldly: "What's the big deal?"

   "Why don't you call the dean?"

  Wang Jing was speechless and blushed.

   "Director Chen... sorry... I..."

  Chen Nan waved his hand: "You're welcome, it's my problem, I didn't communicate well."

   "I borrowed from the old man for a while."

  Wang Cun was not happy when he heard this: "Director Chen, what you said, hit me in the face!"

   "I, Wang Cunyou, am willing to contribute to the medicine of the motherland!"

   "In the future, if there is such a good thing, call me!"

   "This one-hundred-pound body is not as good as the future of medicine in our country!"

  “I, Wang Cunyou, died of illness in China, and I would not go abroad for medical treatment.”

   "The roots are here!"

  Wang Cunyou is a typical entrepreneur with national integrity.

   He is a stainless steel maker, and his stainless steel is internationally famous, as famous as the Paper Pieces.

   A group of people returned to the ward one after another.

   And at this time!

  Chen Nan suddenly received a system notification tone.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a good review from Wang Cunyou, the rating of the review is: special (equivalent to serious)! 】

  【Reward: TCM Tumor and Dharma Experience (Expert Level)】

  Chen Nan was overjoyed!

  Is this a good thing?

  Expert-level insights.

   At the same time, a series of favorable comments followed.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received praise from Xue Zhongqing, praise level: advanced]

  【Reward: Nuclear magnetic imaging data (professional level)】

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received praise from Lou Aicheng, praise level: advanced]

  【Reward: CT image data (professional level)】


  Looking at a variety of praise and rewards...

  Damn it!

  This praise reward... so exciting?

  Chen Nan couldn't help but get excited.

   This system is upgraded, it is really time!

  (end of this chapter)