MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 311 instructor

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  Chapter 311 Instructor

   Just like that, Chen Nan found a small restaurant and went in.

  I was hungry all morning, so I planned to order a few dishes, but I couldn't order by myself, so it was good.

  The restaurant is called "Erhe Hotel". Although the store is not big, it is fortunately clean.

   "Ouch, here we come!"

  When the boss saw Chen Nan coming, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

  During this time, Chen Nan ate here every day, came and went, and got acquainted with the boss.

  It was originally a small mom-and-pop shop, and now that it’s past meal time, there are not many people.

   "What's for dinner today?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "Director Yang, Professor James, are there any taboos?"

  James said with a smile: "No, I just came here to have a chat with Director Chen. It doesn't matter what you eat."

  Yang Fupeng nodded and smiled: "I think you are a regular customer, you can just order a few special ones, I don't choose."

  Chen Nan smiled and ordered a few dishes without looking at the menu:

   "Green pepper shredded pork, tomato eggs, sautéed scallion fat intestines, pepper tripe shreds, fried liver, a West Lake beef soup."

   "Three rice dishes."

"thank you boss."

   "This has to be done better, with international friends."

   "It's done, but it can increase the international reputation."

  The boss is also surnamed Chen, called Chen Erhe. Hearing this, he immediately laughed: "Come on, sit down, I'll go get ready now."


  The proprietress poured three cups of hot tea and put them on the table, and stopped disturbing the three of them.

  At this time, James Harken looked at the time and said to Chen Nan:

   "Director Chen, I'm really sorry to disturb you at this point."

   "It's just that I'm currently doing research on digestive tract tumors and precancerous conditions, and I'm stuck in some confusion."

   "This time I came to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and I also hope to seek some cooperation."

   "Unfortunately, Professor Yu Jinhua is not good at clinical research. Compared with scientific research, he is better at treatment."

   "I think Professor Yu is more like a craftsman than a scientist."

  “He has a good craftsman spirit and is good at studying and improving, but he lacks pioneering and innovation.”

  James Harken is sixty-three years old this year, with a full beard, wearing a gentleman's hat, and a suit in a straight-forward suit, which is indescribably awkward with the fly house at this time.

  However, the other party didn't care at all.

   Instead, discuss it directly with Chen Nan in detail.

   "Director Yang said that you have a lot of research on Chinese medicine, so I hope I can have a good chat with you."

   After finishing speaking, he took off his hat meticulously, put it on the chair, untied his black coat by the way, took out a notebook and a pen from the inner pocket, and put them on the table.

   From these details, it can be seen that this Professor James is definitely a serious and meticulous person.

  This kind of person is actually very suitable for research.

  Chen Nan smiled: "Well, let's just chat, Professor James, you are a senior, you can't be called an advisor, just a simple academic exchange will do."

   James smiled: "Well, good!"

   "Director Chen, you should know something about atrophic gastritis accompanied by intestinal metaplasia."

  When Chen Nan heard this, his eyes lit up.

  Because... Mi Lei's current research project, which has even achieved certain results, is this research.

  Reversal of chronic atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia.

   "You continue." Chen Nan did not interrupt the other party.

  At this time, James Harken took out a printed piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Chen Nan:

   "Director Chen, please take a look at this first. This is a paper I am going to publish."

"Previous studies have believed that there is an "irreversible point" in gastric mucosal lesions, that is, once intestinal metaplasia occurs, it is difficult to reverse it no matter how much attention is paid and how to treat it. The only way to wait for its progress is to foolishly review the gastroscope; so Many patients diagnosed with intestinal metaplasia carry a heavy burden of thought, and some even suffer from depression because of it.”

   "But in fact, this is not the case. After conducting a lot of research results, I found one thing."

   "Actually, intestinal metaplasia is not irreversible!"

"Intestinal metaplasia (IM) is the abbreviation of gastric mucosal intestinal metaplasia. After atrophic gastritis occurs, gastric mucus secretion will decrease. In order to make up for the insufficient mucus secretion, the gastric mucosal layer will repair itself and use goblet cells to secrete Mucus, called intestinal metaplasia because these cells resemble the goblet cells of the small and large intestine."

   "Simply put, cells that should have grown in the intestinal tract grew on the gastric mucosa, that is, they grew in the wrong place. First, there was no abnormal change in them.

  Second, it is still a basically normal cell shape, although people say it is a "precancerous lesion/state", but in fact it is basically a good boy, just entered the wrong door. "

  Chen Nan nodded. He also participated in understanding this when Mi Lei was experimenting.

   Although the specific process is not familiar, it is not unfamiliar.

  At this time, James Harken suddenly said: "Nowadays, there are very few published literatures that talk about the reversal of intestinal transformation.

  However, my research over the past few years has shown that after standard treatment, especially the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, at least 1/3 of intestinalization can be reversed. "

   "This shows that there is a key to this problem!"

   "But, I think, one third is not the end!"

  "I don't want to publish an immature data, so as to mislead many people!"

   "I feel, it must be our research, there are still many problems!"

   "So, I was hoping for some inspiration."

   At this time, the boss smiled and brought up a plate of tomatoes and eggs.

  Chen Nan became slightly pensive.

   Seeing that Chen Nan didn't speak, Yang Fupeng and James Haken beside him were a little anxious and even a little confused.

   Seeing that the dishes are almost ready.

  James Harken couldn't bear it anymore: "Director Chen, why don't you speak."

   Chen Nan suddenly laughed when he saw the shredded tripe, fat intestines and fried liver served.

   "Professor James, do you know these dishes?"

  James Harken was speechless when he heard the sound, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Nan with some doubts.

  Even, he felt that he was... This is crazy, come to him.

  This person...why is he like this?

  If it weren't for James Harken's self-cultivation, he would have scolded his mother and left long ago.

   "I don't know him. Professor Lao Chen will introduce you."

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "This is tripe, a dish made from the stomach of an animal."

   "Taste it."

  James nodded without hesitation, picked it up and tasted it.

"This is fried liver. The old BJ's fried liver is very famous. It uses pig's large intestine and liver as the main raw materials. This dish also has very high requirements on the heat. After cooking, the soup is bright and red sauce, and the liver sausage is fatty. , thick but not greasy, thin but not sloppy, mellow taste."

   "Taste it."

  Afterwards, Chen Nan pointed to a plate of fat sausage and said, "This is fat sausage."

   "Made of the large intestine of an animal."

   "Taste it."

  Although James Harken was puzzled, he still tasted it one by one. The taste was really good, and he couldn't help but eat a few more mouthfuls.


  After eating, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

  This... how can you forget the business?

  He quickly looked at Chen Nan: "Director Chen, I came to ask you for advice with a pious attitude."

   "Aren't you fooling people like this?"

  When Chen Nan saw James Harken, instead of being angry, he smiled: "Actually, I have already said the answer."

  James Haken was stunned when he heard this!

how can that be?

   Didn't you just let me eat a few dishes?

  Why did you tell me the answer?

   Isn't this a joke?

  Even Yang Fupeng stared at these dishes with wide eyes, trying to see some clues.

  At this time, Chen Nan returned the paper of research results that James Harken had handed him just now.

   Then, said:

   "Actually, Professor James, if I guessed correctly."

   "Your so-called atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia, at least 1/3 can reverse this theory. It's just your guess, or a theoretical guess, right?"

  As soon as these words came out, James Haken's eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Nan in disbelief.

"Do not!"

   "I have hypothesized and experimented."

   "Nature is not a simple conjecture."

  Chen Nan asked back: "Then do you have a specific ratio?"

  James Harken was silent, shaking his head: "No!"

  Chen Nan smiled: "That's right."

   "Actually, your research has been narrowed from the very beginning."

   "Intestinal metaplasia is called a "precancerous lesion" because:

  1. After the proliferation center in gastric mucosal glands is stimulated by carcinogens, the undifferentiated cells undergo gene mutations, enterotype genes are opened, and differentiate into enterotype cells. If the cells continue to develop in a bad direction, the differentiation will become worse and worse, and eventually develop into gastric cancer.

2. With the atrophy of the gastric mucosal glands or the reduction of the number of parietal cells, the mucosal parietal cells are destroyed, the glands atrophy, the secretion of gastric acid decreases, and the pH value in the stomach increases, which induces the differentiation of stem cells in the neck of the glands to the intestinal mucosa, and finally Dysplasia and gastric cancer occurred. "

   "These things can only explain one problem!"

   "That is the internal environment, which causes the gastric mucosa to be in an environment that is not easy to survive and is prone to alienation."

"Is it right?"

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Yang Fupeng's expression became serious immediately, and his eyes became extremely solemn.

   And James Harken hastily opened his notebook and began to write on it.

  Chen Nan continued:

   "Look, those dishes, the stomach and intestines... are obviously the digestive system, but why is there such a big difference in texture?"

   "This is actually the so-called intestinal metaplasia."


   "Think about it, the living environment of intestinal cells, and the living environment of gastric mucosal cells."

   "Can it be the same?"

  James Harken closed his eyes and pondered for a while, without saying a word.

  Chen Nan, on the other hand, took his time and analyzed while eating.

  Yang Fupeng didn't dare to disturb the two of them, he wanted to eat, but...Looking at Chen Nan, he always felt that he was not worthy of eating.

   Damn it, after a meal, can we still discuss academic issues?

  Even, Yang Fupeng has made up his mind to pay attention.

   Never have dinner alone with Chen Nan in the future.

   Otherwise, it would be embarrassing.

   Just kidding, Yang Fupeng is naturally not an ordinary person. As a leader in the field of oncology in China, his ability is naturally very powerful.

   But, I have to say, he felt that he still underestimated Chen Nan.

  Even though he has raised his opinion of Chen Nan a lot, but looking at it today, it seems... not enough!

  How powerful is this young man?

  He always felt that a remarkable result could be produced in this "Erhe Hotel" today!

  Thinking of this, Yang Fupeng quickly ate a few mouthfuls of fried liver secretly, feeling shocked.

   I have to say, the taste is really good.

   At this time, James suddenly looked at Chen Nan: "What Director Chen means..."

   "Did I go the wrong way from the start?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "That's right!"

   "You study gastric mucosa and intestinal metaplasia, but you simply study the environment in the stomach."

   "It is undeniable that Helicobacter pylori is indeed an important pathogenic factor."

   " know what? Professor James."

   "In China, the human body is a whole!"

  "Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment of diseases is never to treat stomach pain, and headache to treat head."

   “It’s narrow thinking.”

   "Although modern medicine's target cell technology for tumors is very powerful, I still feel that this is a relatively narrow path."

   "It's far away!"

   "Come back and talk about atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia."

   "Actually, I am also researching on this topic, and even have done data analysis."

"I made a detailed statistics of the conditions that lead to this disease. There are a large number of such patients in the syndrome types of traditional Chinese medicine. I analyzed the probability of symptoms according to the syndrome theory and divided them into: stagnation of liver-stomach qi, stagnation of liver-stomach Stagnation of heat, dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach, gallbladder heat invading the stomach, qi stagnation and phlegm obstruction, weakness of the spleen and stomach, deficiency of stomach yin, and mixed cold and heat."

   "That says a lot!"

   "That is, stop simply studying the situation in the stomach, what gastric acid secretion, gastric mucosa, and Helicobacter pylori."

   "Perhaps, if you open your mind, you might be able to find something newer!"

   "For example, from the perspective of the liver, gallbladder, etc., to study!"

  As soon as these words came out, James Hacken suddenly trembled with excitement.

  He looked at Chen Nan solemnly.

   "Are you saying..."

  Chen Nan smiled: "Professor James, this is an academic discussion. I am giving you an inference from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical data."

   "What do you think is the connection between the liver and the stomach the most?"

  After James heard this, his mind was like a flood breaking a bank, with countless data and tongue images rushing in.

   Chen Nan really gave him an amazing suggestion!

   This trip was really not in vain.

  As Chen Nan said, my path was narrow from the very beginning.

   What an enlightenment!

  At this moment, James Harken really felt a sense of enlightenment.

   "Director Chen, thank you for your kindness!"

   "If I have research results, I will definitely share them with you."

   "This is your honor!"

   "I have limited time here, so I won't bother Director Chen for dinner. Next time I come back, I'll treat you."

"Bye now!"

  Looking at James who left in a hurry, Yang Fupeng looked at Chen Nan in surprise: "You... how old are you kid?"

  Chen Nan looked blank: "26?"

  Yang Fupeng rolled his eyes: "Why do I always think you have 260?"


   "You boy, evil door!"

   "Come, eat, eat, this store is really good."



  The following days passed quickly.

  After James Harken returned to the United States, he directly cooperated with the staff of the laboratory to start the "research on the effect of bile on intestinal metaplasia of gastric mucosa".

  Chen Nan said a lot, but James Harken instantly grasped one point.

   That is bile, which may be the key factor connecting the liver and stomach.

   The research this time is not too difficult, and it doesn't need to take a lot of time.

  Because they have done a lot of research before.

   Much of the data is readily available.


   Under the study of a large number of data samples, experimental data, and clinical data.

  A new idea was proposed by James Harken!

   "Effect of bile reflux on intestinal metaplasia in chronic atrophic gastritis."

   That's right!

  They found that a large number of patients had a case of bile reflux.

  Bile reflux is not actually proposed now, but because the mechanism of bile acid-induced intestinal metaplasia is still unclear, so it is not clear whether the regulation has an impact on intestinal metaplasia.


still have a question!

   That is, it is difficult for Western medicine to treat from this angle.


  The treatment of bile reflux with intestinal metaplasia Western medicine is only aimed at the cause to reduce bile reflux, and it is difficult to improve or reverse intestinal metaplasia.

  This is why this theory has been shelved.

  Medicine is not such a benevolent subject.

  Those so-called experts are nothing more than speaking for the forces behind them.

   If not for capital.

  If it weren't for power and political needs.

  You can trust what experts say, but you can’t trust everything, will be the one who suffers.

   After getting this result, James Haken started further research!

  About the various effects of bile reflux.

  One time!

  His research institute fell into a state of frantic operation.


  All of this is not in vain.

  Because, every day, they have new research results.

   After three days of research and observation.

  They found that bile acids can not only dissolve the lipids of gastric mucosal epithelial cells, but also change the permeability of cells and destroy the stability of cells.

  This discovery immediately excited everyone.

   Which means, they might actually have found the password.

   They may fill in the gaps in the discipline!

   Similarly, James Harken was extremely excited.

  The deputy director on the side couldn't help asking:

   "James, you really are a genius!"

   "How did you come up with this idea?"



  The other responsible persons also nodded one after another: "Yes!"

   "I feel that this time, we may come out with a remarkable result!"

   "It might even be possible to win a small prize!"

  Another professor on the side also gave a wry smile:

   "I really didn't expect that the data that was once put aside can be put to great use now!"

   "I'm telling the truth, I'm ready to throw it away!"

"Ha ha…"

   "It's a good thing I didn't throw it away, otherwise, I might have become a sinner!"

   "By the way, James, this trip to China actually gave you such a rich harvest?"

   "What happened?"

  James Harken suddenly smiled and said, "Er He Hotel!"

   "I met a strange person!"

   "He gave me too much advice."

   "Moreover, their research must be ahead of us."

  “The gap may just be because we are better at speaking with modern ideas.”

   "And other people are better at using curative effects."


   "Chinese medicine is even more miraculous than we imagined!"

   "Don't slack off, everyone."

   "Hurry up, I want to be the first to let the world see this new achievement."

  At this time, everyone is a little curious about what happened to the director of the institute in China.

  But... Right now, is there anything more exciting than researching new results?


   One by one, the latest research began to appear.

  Bile reflux can also inhibit the activity of NO enzyme and the exchange of sodium-hydrogen in cells, resulting in DNA damage in cells, causing cell apoptosis and inducing cell mutation.

  And bile acids can also promote the reverse diffusion of H+, stimulate mast cells to release histamine, stimulate gastric acid secretion, and further aggravate the inflammatory response.




  A paper, published directly in the journal of "Tumor Discovery".

  When this journal appeared, it immediately caused an uproar.

  "Tumor Discovery" itself has a very high impact factor, reaching 28.66 points.

  So, those who pay attention to tumor research cannot bypass such a step journal.


  When they saw the latest papers, they were all dumbfounded.

   "Study of bile reflux on intestinal metaplasia of gastric mucosa from the perspective of liver therapy"

   This journal with a strong style of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine papers directly attracted the attention of many people after it appeared in the publication.

  Originally... people just thought it was a gimmick journal.


   This article happened to be printed on the cover, and the first author turned out to be "James Harken".

   All of a sudden, more and more people began to pay attention to this paper.


   And at this time!

  In China, many people naturally discovered this article.

   After reading this article, Shao Yanfang, head of the Tumor Branch of the Association of Chinese Physicians, was immediately excited!

  Because, this article happens to be triggered from the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and conducts new theoretical research on chronic atrophic gastritis of gastric mucosa and intestinal metaplasia.

no doubt!

   This is a standard answer for the modernization of Chinese medicine.

   If the modernization of Chinese medicine wants to develop, it undoubtedly needs a direction.

   And at this time!

  They actually saw this direction from abroad.

  Although Shao Yanfang blushed a little, he was also very excited.

  However, at this time, here is an office.

  Shao Yanfang looked at the crowd with a smile: "This time on the tumor forum, we will focus on understanding and thinking about this article."

   "This is a good direction!"

   "Professor James, you really deserve to be a leader in this field."

  Others also nodded: "That's right!"

   "This article is so well written!"

   "Just right, the meeting the day after tomorrow starts, we can really prepare for it, and have a good discussion then."

   At this time, an expert on the side suddenly smiled and said:

   "By the way, Professor Yu."

   "I heard that this time Professor James Harken came to China and went to your China-Japan Friendship Hospital in person!"

   "I even had a good conversation with you!"

   "This...can't be the thinking you gave, right?"

  When Yu Jinhua heard the sound, he felt extremely honored on his face.

  He said with an ambiguous smile: "Don't dare!"

   "Just a simple communication."

   "Professor James has a high level and good comprehension."

   "I... I just had a casual chat."

  Yu Jinhua felt that his fortune was changing, such a good thing was hit by himself.

  At this moment, Shao Yanfang suddenly smiled and said, "How about..."

   "Director Yu, you will be the keynote speaker for this article this time!"

   "After all, this paper may have your credit."

   "It's more appropriate for you to speak!"

  Yu Jinhua suddenly felt excited.

  Looking at the eyes of everyone around him, Yu Jinhua felt an unprecedented honor.

   And at this time.

  Shao Yanfang continued to ask: "By the way, have you sent out all the invitations?"

   "Don't miss it."

   "Our traditional Chinese medicine tumor itself is weak, and what we need is a kind of unity."

   "This time, didn't it just happen to explain, do we still have a chance?"

  When everyone around heard this, they nodded immediately.


   And at this time!

  Chen Nan finally received an invitation letter from the TCM Oncology Association.

   Invite him to a seminar in two days time.

  The day after tomorrow is Saturday, Chen Nan is fine, you can go and have a look.


  He didn't expect that this James Harken was really capable, and he actually produced a paper by him.

  This result is really good!

  The key point is that James Haken also wrote "CN: nan-chen" on the name of the corresponding author, that is, the instructor

  This is no ordinary honor.

  However, Chen Nan didn't mind, he just smiled and called James Harken:

   "Congratulations, Professor James Harken."

  After James received Chen Nan's call, his excitement was beyond words: "Haha, dear Chen!"

   "Thank you so much!"


   "I kind of miss that table of dishes now."

   "Erhe Restaurant, is it? I must eat more next time."

  Chen Nan smiled: "Yes!"

   "By the way, let's get down to business."

   "I have an article here, maybe you need to post it."

  James Harken immediately laughed when he heard this: "There is no problem with such a simple matter."

  Chen Nan added: "It's Chinese medicine!"

   "Clinical trials of traditional Chinese medicine on the treatment of intestinal metaplasia, is it possible?"

   James hesitated: "Others may not."


"you can!"

   "You send me the article."

   "I'll show you after I've read it and revised it. If there's no problem, I'll make the manuscript."

  When Chen Nan heard this, he was immediately overjoyed: "Thank you, Professor James!"

  James shook his head: "No, Chen, we are friends!"

   "Also a partner."

   "If you say this, you will see yourself outside."

   The article Chen Nan sent to the other party was written by Mi Lei.

  This article, in terms of novelty, has no problems.

  If it is published, for Mi Lei who is far away in Jin Province, it may be a great opportunity in his life.


  ps: Thanks for the 11,000 reward from the "Coffee Demon King", thank you.

  Hey, the condition is not very good, I wrote 7,000 words in a day.

   I still have a fever, and I didn't sleep from one o'clock to morning last night.

  (end of this chapter)

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