MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 312 True and False Monkey King

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  Chapter 312 True and False Monkey King

  Although he left the source city, Chen Nan naturally wouldn't forget the old team.

  Director Mi Leimi, as the star director of Yuancheng City, also extended a helping hand many times when he was just a young man, and he has devoted countless efforts to this project.

   Moreover, from this clinical trial, it is enough to see the strength of Director Mi. With the help of Professor Zhang Xuehai, the two researched the gastric mucosa to the cellular level.

   This has to be said, definitely a major breakthrough!

  But whether it can be published in top core journals like "Tumor Discovery" is really hard to say.


  Because foreign countries do not recognize Chinese medicine itself, and even some regions are more resistant.

   And this article is undoubtedly a paper of traditional Chinese medicine, but it only studies the changes of gastrointestinal mucosa from the perspective of cell physiology.

   Therefore, it is not difficult to publish this article in a journal with a high impact factor.

   After bidding farewell to James Harken, Chen Nan got up and returned to the oncology department.

  Suddenly, a system prompt sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a good review from James Harken, the rating of the review is: special, and the reward you get: an analysis card (expert level)]

   Chen Nan was a little excited when he heard the system prompt.

  After all... this is a special reward from an international tumor circle leader like James Harken.

   It must be an amazing skill, right?


  How did you analysis card?

  Chen Nan suddenly fell into doubt.

  He quickly took out the analysis card and checked it carefully.

  The analysis card exudes a purple light, giving people a very extraordinary feeling at first sight.

  But, no matter how extraordinary you are, you can’t just be a card, right?

   Compared with this, isn't an expert-level skill good?

   Chen Nan was a little disappointed.

  【Analysis Card (Superior): Find the truth by peeling away the cocoon, from the treatment experience, combined with modern scientific research methods, to find the truth by peeling off the cocoon. 】

  【Reminder: This is a precious card, use it carefully, you will have unexpected gains! 】

   Chen Nan looked at the system prompt, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.


  The system has already said so, what else can I do?

   No matter!

  Chen Nan carefully placed this "noble and rare" card in the space, then ignored it, got up and walked towards the oncology department.

   This time!

  The development momentum of the oncology department is getting better and better.

  The acupuncture group led by Xue Zhongqing, although it is still unable to achieve accurate acupuncture anesthesia, but... in terms of combined anesthesia drugs, it has achieved good results.

  Acupuncture combined with anesthesia is also the research that Chen Nan needs to do.

  Under the ten days of intensive training, Xue Zhongqing has been able to independently complete Haifudao's anesthesia operation.

  Xue Zhongqing's training has given the oncology department a real successor.

   After all, everyone knows that it is impossible for Director Chen to stay here forever.

   You have to hurry up.

  Xue Zhongqing's acupuncture group is good, and similarly, the Haifu Knife group led by Director Lou Aicheng has also achieved good results.

  Haifu Knife surgery, Director Lou and the others already have the foundation.

   And Chen Nan has been teaching hand in hand during this period of time, no matter how stupid he is, he can still master it.

   In this way, acupuncture combined with anesthesia combined with Haifu knife surgery has completely become the signature of the oncology department in the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward!

   At this time, it is time for the early education class.

  After Chen Nan entered the doctor's office, the surroundings instantly became quiet.

  Everyone at the scene looked at Chen Nan in the eyes, where there was no disdain at the beginning.

  Even the head nurse, Xia Lianping, smiled and put the cup of brewed tea by the table for Chen Nan.

   Then he said: "Director Chen, everyone is here."

  Chen Nan nodded: "Well, Director Lu, take over."

  Lu Zhilin smiled slightly: "Okay!"

  Lu Zhilin couldn't be in a bad mood. During this period of time, with the development of the department, Lao Lu was rarely happy.

   And everyone in the department was naturally happier.

  There are quite a few patients this month. Although I have only been busy for ten or so days, the most important thing is hope.

  This hope that is visible to the naked eye, no matter who sees it, it doesn't take a bit of greed?

  The sudden rapid development of the oncology department was naturally curious by many other internal medicine colleagues in the same ward.

   Everyone sighed that Chen Nan really has magic power?

   Shifts are carried out in an orderly manner.

   Just before the end, Xue Zhongqing stood up: "Last night, the patient in bed 39 suffered from cancer pain."

  “When morphine injections were ineffective, we decided to try acupuncture for pain relief, and achieved good results.”

   "Director Chen, Director Lu, I feel... our acupuncture analgesia can strengthen the research on pain relief for cancer pain patients."

   "And... I also found that although the analgesic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion in a short period of time is not as immediate as that of narcotics, it has a relatively reliable long-term mechanism."

   "I think we can do some research."

   "I have submitted this proposal to the research team."

  Chen Nan heard the sound and smiled slightly: "Yes, yes."

   "Actually, that's why I asked you to form the Acupuncture Pain Relief Group."

   "This is our characteristic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine."

  “In the future, we will form a comprehensive oncology department that integrates acupuncture, medicine, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery.”

   "This is the true ward of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine."


  After the shift was over, Lou Aicheng came over.

   "Director Chen, are you going to attend the meeting on Saturday?"

  Chen Nan was slightly taken aback: "Are you going too?"

  Lou Aicheng smiled awkwardly, blushing a little: "Well, we can all receive invitation letters."

   "You just came to the capital, and you are not familiar with the way, how about... I will pick you up on Saturday, and we go together?"

  Chen Nan heard the sound and smiled: "Okay!"

   "Hey? By the way, isn't Director Lu going?"

  Lou Aicheng said gratefully: "Actually... I am not qualified to go to this kind of forum."

   "Director Lu said that since he is old, it is useless to attend more meetings!

  In recent years, I seldom participated in various academic conferences, and usually entrusted me to attend. "

   "Actually... I am also very clear that Director Lu wants to focus on training me."

   "Hey... It's a pity, my talent is limited."

   Chen Nan nodded upon hearing the sound.

  I also have a little more affection for Director Lu in my heart.

  He smiled, patted Lou Aicheng's arm, and said with a smile: "Who said you are not talented?"

   "I think it's pretty good!"


  The signboard of the oncology department is not only well-known in the circle of patients in the department, but even the hospital has paid attention to this changing department.

  It's not...

  The monthly meeting will be held soon.

  The signboard of the Oncology Department of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine was also affirmed by the dean at the regular meeting of the hospital!

after all…

  From the fact that there were not many patients in the beginning, to the overcrowding now, this is indeed a remarkable thing.

  As the deputy director of the ward, Chen Nan sat at the front of the hospital's large conference room, but this time, the director praised Lu Zhilin.

   This also made Lu Zhilin very excited!

  Yu Jinhua's mood was completely different from Lu Zhilin's.

  He originally wanted to make all the preparations at this monthly meeting, but... now?

  The oncology department in the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward has nothing to do, but is on the right track!

   Moreover, a special diagnosis and treatment project came out.

  The combination of acupuncture and medicine combined with Haifu Knife under anesthesia directly and significantly reduces the dosage of anesthesia, and also plays a very good role in the cooperation of patients during the operation.

  Ge Yerong said with a smile:

   "Hey, that's right!"

   "Director Chen, you go back and let Corey take care of this subject."

   "Let's apply for a topic."

   "Now there are rumors in the outside world that the combination of acupuncture and medicine anesthesia reduces the amount of anesthesia and is good for the body!"


   "You have to hurry up."

  Chen Nan nodded and smiled: "Okay, thank you Dean Ge."

  Ge Yerong smiled: "Well, let's continue."



   In a blink of an eye.

   Come Saturday.

  Chen Nan got up early in the morning, changed into a suit of leaner clothes, walked out along the alley, and ate some breakfast on the side of the street.

   Then he came out of the alley and waited here.

   Not long after, a car drove over slowly.

  Lou Aicheng got out of the car and opened the door for Chen Nan himself.

   "I'm sorry, I've been waiting for such a cold day, Director Chen!"

  Chen Nan smiled: "I just arrived too, so I had breakfast by the way."

   "Please take a trip."

  Lou Aicheng smiled: "You are welcome."

  With someone as a companion, Chen Nan became a little less boring and boring.

   Today's tumor forum, Chen Nan went with the attitude of learning from the scriptures.

   When it comes to tumor research, the ancients are naturally inferior to modern people.

  People can’t favor the past and underestimate the present, after all...there were not many studies on cancer in ancient times, and the understanding was not deep.

  It is not as good as it is now. In terms of anatomy, physiology, etc., everyone has more knowledge about tumors, so that the understanding will be more profound.

   What's more, Chinese medicine is clinical medicine.

  How many cancer patients can you meet in ancient times?

   It’s really hard to say!

   Even if you encounter it, it doesn't mean that everyone can grasp it accurately.

  Now, there are too many cancer patients, and everyone has the basic conditions for research.

  Chen Nan wouldn't think inflatedly that he was awesome and just arrogant.

This is impossible!

  Everyone has their own unique understanding of disease.

   This point, Chen Nan is still very clear.

  Lou Aicheng is a typical Bai Xiaosheng, it seems that from his mouth, there is nothing he doesn't know.

   However, it is strange to say.

  In any circle, those people in the upper middle class seem to gossip, know everything, and know everything.

  Director Lou, who seems a little silent on weekdays, seems to be a chatterbox today.

  The hotel parked the car and took the elevator to the third floor.

  The venue is in the meeting room on the third floor of the hotel.

  Two staff members were there in cheongsams, very conspicuous. The red cheongsam and high forks, is there a more attractive guide than this?

   Sure enough, life is full of knowledge!

  Lou Aicheng took Chen Nan to sign in.

  The staff at the door smiled and said, "Director Lou is here."

   "Hehe, Director Chai!"

"long time no see!"

   "Let me introduce, this is the deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of our China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Director Chen! Chen Nan."

   "Currently in charge of our oncology department."

   "Let me tell you, Old Chai, don't look at Director Chen as young, he is absolutely powerful!"

  After introducing Chen Nan here, Lou Aicheng began to introduce the other party: "Director Chen, this Director Chai is a professor at Capital University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chai Sanping, Director Chai."

  Chen Nan smiled: "Director Chai, hello."

   But Chai Sanping looked at Chen Nan thoughtfully:

   "Director Chen, you haven't met me, but I know you."

   "I was present at the National Association of Chinese Physicians that time."

   "You are really awesome!"

  Chen Nan smiled slightly: "I'm overwhelmed."

  Chai Sanping quickly smiled and welcomed the two of them in.

  The venue is not too big or small, it can accommodate more than 200 people, and everyone has a name on the seat.

  After finding a place to sit down, Lou Aicheng began to introduce Chen Nan.

   "Director Chen, look, that is the president of our TCM Oncology Association, Dean Shao Yanfang."

   "He is now the director of the Capital Cancer Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a master of traditional Chinese medicine."

   "That... is Zhang Tinghai, the vice president..."

  With Lou Aicheng present, Chen Nan found that the unfamiliar meeting suddenly became transparent.

   This guy has really become Bai Xiaosheng, there is no one he doesn't know.

   Seeing the time gradually approaching, at this moment, the two walked towards Chen Nan.

   "Director Chen, that is Ni Weiping from the traditional Chinese medicine ward of our hospital."

   "Yu Jinhua is here too!"

   Chen Nan nodded, but didn't look back.

   Chen Nan didn't even take a look at Yu Jinhua's arrival.

  For this newcomer, Chen Nan will not give face to the person who doesn't give face, but gives him power.

  As for Director Ni, Chen Nan has never dealt with him before, so he can't say he likes or dislikes him, so naturally he didn't express much.

   After Yu Jinhua sat down, he ignored Chen Nan.

   Instead, he started chatting with the people around him.

   It can be seen that, as a pillar of the tumor field in the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Yu Jinhua, who has both Chinese and Western medicine knowledge, has good connections and status.

   It is said that he holds positions in tumor associations in the field of Chinese and Western medicine.

  This is actually already a remarkable thing.

  Compared to Jinhua's popularity, Chen Nan is happy and quiet.

  Ni Weiping greeted Chen Nan, nodded and smiled.

  Chen Nan also nodded.

   Soon, the meeting started.

  Shao Yanfang took the lead in speaking:

   “It is a great honor to sit with you today to share, learn and discuss together.”

   "Our association has been established for several years. We hold such meetings several times a year."

   "The reason for this is because we need to develop!"

  “Only by brainstorming can we better seek ideas for TCM treatment of tumors.”

  “Right now, western medicine is undoubtedly the first choice for cancer patients.”

   "However, we Chinese medicine practitioners should also work hard to discover our own potential."

   "We have to learn the things of modern medicine."

   "Chinese medicine should also be carried forward."

  “In any case, we have only one purpose, which is to serve patients better!”

   "Just recently, in "Tumor Discovery", Mr. James Harken, a professor in the field of oncology at Harvard University, published an article."

   "It is called analyzing chronic atrophic gastritis from the perspective of liver treatment..."

   "And then unexpectedly discovered the effect of bile reflux on chronic gastritis."

  “After reading this paper, I only feel ashamed!”

   "Isn't this the disharmony between our liver and stomach?"


   "Why, we haven't discovered this thing?"

   "The ancestors have clearly given me a lot of things and left us a lot of inheritance, but why do we lack such a key to open the treasure?"

   "I'm ashamed!"

   "Today, let's first use this article as the standard, let's brainstorm, everyone express their views and opinions!"

   "First, I invite Professor Yu Jinhua from the China-Japan Friendship Hospital to make his sharing."

   As soon as the words fell, Yu Jinhua stood up calmly, and everyone around him burst into warm applause.

  Yu Jinhua's face was also a little more confident, and his eyes were even more radiant.

   After Yu Jinhua walked up.

   Zhang Tinghai on the side introduced: "Hehe, I have to say something here."

   "Why did you let Director Yu publish it?"

   "Maybe everyone doesn't understand."

   "Professor James Harken came to the capital and made a special trip to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and had a detailed chat with Director Yu."

   "Leaving that day!"

   "After that, in less than half a month, the results of this study were released!"

   "It can be said that Director Yu played an indispensable role in this matter."

   "Next, let Director Yu share the research concept of the modernization of TCM tumors."

   "Applause welcome!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the applause this time was even more boiling.

  No one thought of it.

  It turned out that James Harken was able to propose such a concept because of Director Yu Jinhua?

  Lou Aicheng was a little displeased, and couldn't help muttering, "What are you pretending to be!"

   "What's the big deal..."


  Ni Weiping, who was silent for a long time, looked at Lou Aicheng and said with a smile:

   "Aside from other things, if it is true what President Zhang said, Director Yu does have some strength!"

  Lou Aicheng hesitated to speak, but had to admit...

   But Chen Nan's expression was obviously as embarrassing as if he had eaten something.


  Are you serious?

  Dear Director Yu!

  You are really...shameless.

   Dare to wear any honor on his head.

   Really... Absolutely!

  If it wasn't for the director himself, Chen Nan felt that all this was true.

   This is really funny.

  After Yu Jinhua came to power, he spoke eloquently about how to lead from "treating from the liver" to "biliary reflux", and then to "intestinal metaplasia" and "chronic atrophic gastritis"...

   I have to say that Yu Jinhua did it very carefully, and even made a PPT mind map.

  The whole process has a shape and style, and it looks very similar to that.

  Those who don’t know why, look at it this way.

  Maybe really feel... This is really what Yu Jinhua did.

that's it.

   Yu Jinhua's speech took up a lot of time, and people kept asking questions.

   And Yu Jinhua was able to resolve it calmly.

   It seems that all of this is as it should be.

   And there was constant applause from the audience.

   Everyone's respect for the director seems to have reached a peak in this atmosphere.

that's it!

   When Yu Jinhua stepped down, the applause lasted for more than half a minute.


  Yu Jinhua did not step down.

   Instead, he turned to the microphone and said loudly:

"I believe!"

   "The thinking of our Chinese medicine practitioners is leading and excellent, and we have rich clinical experience!"

  "This success brings us a wake-up call, an opportunity, and an attempt!"

   "I believe that one day, our traditional Chinese medicine oncology will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of oncology medicine!"

   "Okay, my report is over, thank you everyone."

   After finishing speaking, Yu Jinhua bowed, then walked towards the audience with his head held high.

  On and off the stage, there were cheers and applause.

  Lou Aicheng looked a little disdainful!

  Chen Nan smiled and applauded.

Well said.

  After Yu Jinhua came down, he seemed to look at Chen Nan with provocative eyes.

  Chen Nan smiled at him with deep meaning.

   Yu Jinhua was stunned by this smile.

  He snorted coldly and ignored it.

  Since the beginning of Jinhua, people have continuously put forward their own ideas.

   Analyze the ideas of James Harken.

   Soon, it will be time for tea break.

at this time.

  Shao Yanfang suddenly saw Chen Nan, thought for a while, and walked over with a smile.

   "Director Chen, here we come."

  Chen Nan smiled and stood up: "President Shao, hello."

   "Well, hehe, hello, hello."

   "It's been a long time since I saw you, and I'm more mature and stable."

   "Mr. Lu is in good health."

  Chen Nan nodded: "Well, Master Lu... went out to visit friends."

  When the people around saw Shao Yanfang taking the initiative to greet Chen Nan, they were a little curious.

   After listening carefully, it turned out that it was about Mr. Lu.

  Yu Jinhua heard the sound, the corners of his mouth raised inadvertently.

  At this time, Shao Yanfang smiled and asked:

   "By the way, Director Chen, why don't you go up and express your opinion?"

   "I have heard many times that you have your own unique thinking about the modernization of Chinese medicine."

   "You are not allowed to share?"

  Chen Nan smiled awkwardly: "President Shao, you're... breaking me."

   "I don't want to play tricks on others."

   "Everyone spoke very well."


   "Oh, Director Yu's suggestion to Professor James is also very pertinent!"

   "I'm a junior, so I just need to learn more from the seniors."

  Chen Nan smiled modestly.

   And at this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded outside.

"someone is coming?"

   "Who is it?"

   "Looks like...Professor Lasha Cummings?"

   "Professor Cummings is here?"

   "Who is Cummings?"

   "Oh, Professor James Harken's assistant is also a visiting professor of the Cancer Research Branch of Capital Medical University."

"Why is he here?"

"do not know?"


   While speaking, more and more people started to stand up and look out the door.

   At this time, a group of people made way for this guest.

  Shao Yanfang didn't bother to greet Chen Nan at this time, and hurried over.

  The same goes for other presidents.


  The whole venue has a slightly different atmosphere.

   "President Shao, hello."

  As soon as Cummings exited, Chen Nan was a little surprised standing in the distance.

  This China hand?

   This Chinese language is okay!

   And he looked curiously at this tall white man with glasses.

  After a group of people brought Cummings to the front, Zhang Tinghai suddenly came to Yu Jinhua, and quickly invited:

   "Director Yu, come, come with us!"

   "Cummings is an assistant to Professor James Harken."

  When Yu Jinhua heard this, his expression suddenly became unnatural.


  Does he dare to go?

   It is impossible for Yu Jinhua not to be nervous.

  But... thinking about it carefully, I didn't lie either.

  James Harken chatted with himself. the end, I didn't get the other party's approval, but...what if I said my words to the other party's heart?

  Thinking of this, Yu Jinhua gritted his teeth, got up and walked forward.


  The coffee break time is over.

  People around looked at Cummings in front of him, with some doubts.

  Shao Yanfang asked: "Professor Cummings, since you are here, do you have to share this research with us?"

  Cummins laughed immediately when he heard the sound, waved his hand and said to everyone, "I won't be playing with an ax in front of everyone."

   "Using your Chinese words, is Guan Gong playing big swords in front of you?"

  Suddenly, everyone laughed.

   Cummings continued: "I'm really not humble. For this research, Professor James Harken asked me to come in person. He asked me to send a certificate, a letter of thanks, and an invitation to someone."

   "After I came, I happened to know about this meeting."

   "So come here."

  Hearing this, everyone in the audience looked at Yu Jinhua with envy in their eyes.

   This personally sent the certificate and honor, together with the invitation letter.

  This is not something ordinary people can have!

  Yu Jinhua was also a little excited.

  At this time, Zhang Tinghai smiled and said, "Professor Cummings."

   "Come on, let me introduce you."

   "This is Professor Yu Jinhua, who is also the person who gave him some advice and inspiration after a serious discussion with Professor James Haken."

  As soon as these words came out, Cummings was stunned for a moment.


   "Professor Yu Jinhua?"

   "Isn't it?"

"I remember…"

   "Professor James told me that the person I want to Professor Chen Nan?"

   "It was also with the help of Professor Chen Nan that he achieved the results of the project?"

"Did I remember it wrongly?"

   While speaking, Cummings opened his file and looked at the thank you letter above.


   "Look, this is Professor Chen Nan!"

   "On the thesis, we also noted that the instructor is Mr. Chen Nan!"

   "It's not Director Yu Jinhua at all?"

   "Could it be..."

   "Is there some misunderstanding?"

   Cummings scratched his head, he said with a slight frown, "Professor James told me personally before I came."

   "Director Chen Nan is an important participant in our project."

   "Without Director Chen Nan, there would be no results for this project."

   "So I specially invited him to be the third participant of our research group."

   "Could it be... Director Chen didn't come to the meeting?"

   "Professor Yang Fupeng told me, he is here?"

   Cummings froze for a moment.

   And everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

  Lou Aicheng even stared at Chen Nan beside him with wide eyes, always feeling... like a dream.

   "Chen...Director this true?!"


  ps: The status is not very good, so the update is a little late.


   It’s the end of the month, everyone has a monthly pass... Hey, please.

   [Monthly Pass] mouth

  (end of this chapter)

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