MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 313 bamboo

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  Chapter 313 Bamboo

  If the word embarrassment has quantifiers and measurement tools, then... Yu Jinhua will definitely find the largest unit to describe his mood at this time.


  Thinking that he debuted in Jinhua for many years, no matter whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, he is more or less a figure in the capital's oncology field!

  However, what happened today caused everyone around to look up at each other.

   itself is not the kind of large-scale conference site, and all the people who come to participate are famous experts, professors and directors.

  The room is not big, so everyone heard what Professor Cummings said just now, really and clearly.

If people speak English, some people may not understand it, but... Cummings is a China hand, and he speaks serious Chinese. Although the words are not so formal, but... Fortunately, he speaks clearly and slow!

   Therefore, everyone will hear more clearly!

  One time...

   The discussion sounded like a beehive, and a small discussion began to buzz below.

  Yu Jinhua, who stood in front of the stage and wanted to receive the reward, fell into a dilemma!

  He looked down and whispered one by one... His heart was so anxious that his face was extremely red, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to let every cell of him embarrass a world!

   "This... I thought it was Yu Jinhua, but it's not..."

   "Not only is it not, but this is a bit boring to Director Yu. What's the point of admitting it frankly? It's not a shameful thing. I have to impersonate. Now it's all right... tell me... how embarrassing it is!"

   "No, this is no longer a matter of shame or shame, it is a matter of principle! As experts and professors in the field of medical research, how can we do such a thing of false credit?" An old man said a little angrily:

   "What's the difference between this and stealing the fruits of other people's labor?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but wake up.


  If everyone believed what Yu Jinhua said today, just imagine, what would be the result?

  Will Yu Jinhua use the tiger skin as a banner to command?

  What kind of things will you do in the future?

  Maybe he won't, but...whether he will, and whether he can, are two different things!

"Hey... I have also known Director Yu for several years, and I know him a little bit." The director of the Oncology Department of Dongzhimen Hospital sighed, and continued: "Director Yu is young and promising, and he was selected into the Yangtze River Scholar, you can't deny your ability!"

"But... I am a bit arrogant about my talents, and I am very high-profile in my behavior! Of course, being high-profile is a personal style, not a quality, but Director Yu is too pursuing achievements and fame, and is too eager to be recognized by the upper circle. In this way... It's go wrong."

   "This year's matter, in fact...maybe Director Yu is eager for success!"

   "Sometimes, in life and work, haste makes waste!"

  Hearing what the other party said, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

  Looking at Yu Jinhua, there was a little more pity in his eyes, and those who couldn't understand him showed a sarcastic smile.

  After all, this time, Yu Jinhua has stumbled.

  At this time, suddenly a person said:

   "Hey? Do you know about this Chen Nan? Why haven't I heard of this person!"

   This sentence actually asked the voices of many people.


  Everyone is full of curiosity about this person who really made Professor James Haken highly respected, and even filled in as the corresponding author.

   And it is also from the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, which is even more interesting.

  At this moment, Shi Zhendao, director of Dongzhimen Oncology Department who spoke just now, said:

   "I do know a Chen Nan, but... I don't know if it's the same person!"

   "Besides, that Chen Nan seems to be in Yuancheng City? He's not in the China-Japan Friendship Hospital at all."

   "He's still a visiting professor in our hospital!"

  A man on the side smiled and said: "I know the Chen Nan you mentioned, the person on the black list of Xinglinyuan, hehe..."

   "However, although the black list is still powerful, you may not know that the people on the Xinglinyuan black list are more famous than those on the master list."

   "It's a pity, it's not alone, right? This director Chen Nan is the director of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital. Although that one is not bad, after all... at this age, can't you reach it?"

   Just when everyone around was talking about it.

  Chen Nan was also a little dumbfounded.

  He came today for the purpose of learning. He didn't even think about coming here to make a splash or make a big splash.

  But now... the arrival of Cummings directly pushed himself to the forefront.

  Chen Nan had no choice but to sigh helplessly.

   But he wasn't nervous at all, he was very calm, but in contrast, someone beside Chen Nan was extremely excited!

  Lou Aicheng wished he could lift Chen Nan up and show everyone a good look.

  Look, this is my director, Chen Nan!

   It is the big guy you mentioned!


  Yu Jinhua, you dead liar, impostor, villain!



  What does it mean to keep hidden?

  What is keeping a low profile? !

  What does it mean that a real person does not show his face!

  Lou Aicheng had nowhere to put his excited little hands, so he could only grab Chen Nan's clothes corner with one hand, and pinch Chen Nan's cuff with the other hand, trembling slightly!

  The nervous and somewhat flushed face was full of excitement, and his mouth was already incoherent with excitement.

   "Director Chen!"

   "It's you! It's you! It's you!"

   "I knew it was you!"

   "You... this is hidden too deeply, we don't know it at all."

  Chen Nan hurriedly tore off his clothes, worried that Duofa would damage them.

   Even Ni Weiping stared at Chen Nan curiously.

  To be honest, Ni Weiping didn't want to participate in the competition between Chen Nan and Yu Jinhua in the hospital, but...he felt that Chen Nan could not compete with Yu Jinhua, the leader of the hospital.

  However, Chen Nan came to the hospital for just one month.

   It turned out to be very impressive, bringing the oncology department back to life, and this time...helping James Harken create a new theory.

  This is amazing!

  Although Ni Weiping has a relatively high vision, but...the height of this new theory is absolutely beyond his reach.

   And how did Chen Nan do it?

   For a moment, Ni Weiping was shocked and a little more curious.

   "Director are really a real person without showing your face!"

   " humble."

  Chen Nan smiled: "No, Director Ni, please be polite."

   "This matter is really not as complicated as everyone imagined, it's just a simple communication."

   "It is Professor James' kindness that gave me such an honor, so... you are welcome."

  Ni Weiping looked at Chen Nan with a complex expression, his eyes seemed to be filled with words: "Do you think I believe your nonsense."

   Seeing this, Chen Nan shrugged helplessly.

  Lou Aicheng couldn't bear it anymore, he asked excitedly: "Director Chen, what happened?"

   "Why is this theory called a binary theory?"

   "Erhe? I always think it sounds familiar, but... I can't remember it."

  Chen Nan heard the sound and really wanted to say something.

  Have you forgotten the restaurants I took you to?



  At this moment, if you say who is the most shocked at the scene.

   That is definitely Shao Yanfang.

  On the stage, Shao Yanfang was completely dumbfounded after hearing what Cummings said next to him.


  He raised his eyes to look at Chen Nan, his eyes were not inferior to that of Ni Weiping.

  There is a bit of resentment and unwillingness in the pure eyes!

   seems to be saying, I am so kind and you lie to me?

  Are you a fit?

   And Chen Nan is really suffering and can't tell.

  After all...what should I say?

  Could it be possible to go up and talk about the "two-in-one restaurant" at a street stall where I ordered a few animal offal to entertain foreign professors, and then fooled the other party into a "two-in-one theory?"

   Isn’t this funny?

  Chen Nan was a little helpless.

  Shao Yanfang did not blame Chen Nan, but gave Yu Jinhua a disgusted glance.

  As an old scholar, Mr. Shao attaches great importance to his academic attitude.

  I would rather be mediocre all my life, and I would never write an erroneous experiment report to conduct academic fraud.

  This is the principle that Shao Yanfang has practiced all his life.

And this Yu Jinhua, to be honest, even if he is not greedy for merit today, I will appreciate him, and maybe I will support him in the next meeting, because Yu Jinhua is indeed one of the rare juniors who can be accomplished in both Chinese and Western medicine. And young!

  But today, this incident made Shao Yanfang a little more decisive.

  The upper echelons of the academic circle cannot let such a person do it, at least... not now.

  The vice president Zhang Tinghai stood there, a little embarrassed, not knowing how to end it.

   "Chen Nan?"

   "Professor Cummings, the leader in the field of oncology at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, is the professor here!"

   Cummings smiled and did not refute Zhang Tinghai's words.

  This smile is like a slap, making Yu Jinhua and Zhang Tinghai feel dull at the same time.

  Shao Yanfang said with a smile: "This is a misunderstanding!"

   "Professor Cummings, don't take offense."

   "Professor James came to China this time, and he did have a detailed chat with Director Yu Jinhua."

   "However, we don't know what will happen next."

   "It seems that everyone has misunderstood today!"

  Shao Yanfang didn't want what happened today to become a complete farce.

   Otherwise, this embarrassment is not only Yu Jinhua, but the face of the entire capital of the TCM Oncology Association!

   Cummings naturally understood, and said with a smile:


   "Professor James also has a lot of praise for the professor."

   After these words were spoken, the atmosphere on the scene gradually began to recover.

   It won't be as cold as before.

  Shao Yanfang said with a smile:


   "I believe that everyone must be very curious now, what is this Chen Nan?"

   "Okay, next, let's invite Director Chen Nan to the stage with warm applause!"

  During the speech, everyone in the audience hesitated for a moment, followed by sensational applause.

  Chen Nan also knew that he couldn't refuse, so he simply stood up and walked towards the stage.

  He didn't want to show off, but he wasn't stage fright either.

  When everyone saw Chen Nan in the crowd, they were stunned for a moment!

  So young?


  Is that Chen Nan?

   These two Chen Nans are the same person? !

   All of a sudden, many people around realized that this was clearly the man from Yuancheng City who was on the Xinglinyuan Black List!

   Now, he came to the capital?

  And this first stop turned out to be the tumor field?

  The most important thing is that I am new here... No, I was really blown away when I first came!

so amazing!

  Yu Jinhua stood aside, his face extremely embarrassing, he didn't care about other people's reactions, he gave Chen Nan a vicious look, and returned to his seat.

   Yu Jinhua was extremely angry at this time!

  This **** Chen Nan really has no good intentions.

   Just know!

   It's not going to be a good place to have this guy around.

  Yu Jinhua's teeth were itchy, if it wasn't for the bite force, his white teeth would definitely be broken first.

   After Chen Nan took the stage, he bowed slightly to the seniors.

   But Cummings couldn't bear Chen Nan's bow, so he stood up and shook hands with Chen Nan.

   "Director Chen, I have long admired you!"

   "When we were busy doing experiments some time ago, we have been discussing this matter."

   "If it weren't for your guidance, I think our thinking and focus for a long time will be placed in a relatively narrow space!"

   "It's no exaggeration to say that you helped us free our minds."

   "Introduce yourself, I'm Lasha, Lasha Cummings."

   “Will be in China for a long time.”

   "This time, in addition to giving you a certificate, there is also a cooperation agreement, I hope I can sign it with you."

  As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted many people in the conference room.

  Chen Nan also looked at each other curiously: "Oh?"

"what's up?"

   Cummings said with a smile: "JH Institute hopes to reach a cooperation with you."

   "We have shares with the Cancer Research Institute of Capital Medical University, and we hope to invite you as a consultant."

   "In addition to this, I invite you to become the third person in charge of our research on this subject."

   "I hope you can agree."

   "I've brought the contract and the offer."

   Chen Nan looked at Cummings and fell silent.

   And many people around are a little envious at this time.

  JH Institute is relatively well-known in the tumor circle, and it can be said to be internationally renowned. It is not so easy to join this institute.

  Even the most ordinary researcher must be a Ph.D. from an Ivy League eight school.

   And they actually invited Chen Nan?

   Still as a consultant.

   In addition to this, there is also the third person in charge of this research project.

   This third one is even more amazing!

   In time, if James Haken and his team can win a Nobel Prize for this topic, Chen Nan will obviously become a Nobel Prize winner.

  Because it belongs to the sequence of sharing results.

   This is not a fantasy.

  Because the JH Institute is not without the chance to hit the Nobel Prize.

   For a while, many people looked at Chen Nan with envy.

  Relying on such a studio, it is easy to win some international awards.

  This is also the reason why many well-known domestic scientists are working as professors in many international institutions.

  Because... many international awards, in fact, I like to see my background.

   There are even quite a few prejudices.

  However, many large research institutes and colleges do not welcome domestic experts to be gilded.

  So, one can imagine what an opportunity this invitation is for the experts present!

  The key is that they are Chinese medicine practitioners!

  Chinese medicine, maybe you can see that the country is encouraging and advocating it, but...any encouragement and advocacy means that the development is not good and it is not taken seriously.

   has been mentioned many times, which is even more so.

   It's like a person who shows off his wealth, but in fact he doesn't have much money.

  In the boundary of the capital, everyone can see the capital, no matter the original city. How much capital do those Western doctors rely on?

   In comparison, Chinese medicine is much poorer.

  However, when everyone was staring at Chen Nan with envious and jealous eyes, he suddenly said: "I...may not have much energy and time to go to the research institute, so, sorry..."

  Everyone in the audience was a little confused by Chen Nan's answer!


  Chen Nan refused?

   This is a golden shovel that fell from the sky, you don’t want it!

   No, it's a gold mine...

  Cummings did not expect Chen Nan to refuse.

   "Director you have any concerns?"

   "Don't worry, just mention any conditions you have."

  Chen Nan said: "I just came to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital as the deputy director of the ward, and my focus is on clinical work."

   "If we cooperate, we can join the oncology department. In this way, I may have time."

   Cummings hesitated a little after hearing the sound, and agreed:


  Seeing that Cummings agreed, everyone at the scene had to hold their foreheads and sigh.

   This is the posture!

  Here, after the cooperation was reached, Cummings also sat down to participate in this meeting.

   On the other side, Shao Yanfang smiled, looked at Chen Nan, and whispered, "What's wrong? Don't you hide?"

   "Hehe!" Chen Nan also smiled awkwardly.

  Shao Yanfang continued: "Okay, now that the real master has come out."

   "Then invite Chen Nan to share with you, from this article, how to modernize the research on tumors in traditional Chinese medicine... let's put forward his views!"

  Chen Nan stood in front of the stage with a smile, and nodded slightly to everyone.

   "Everyone, next, let me briefly talk about my views and ideas."

   "Actually, Professor Yu's analysis just now is also in place. It's probably that way of thinking."

   "However, seemingly simple things require us to think and analyze from another angle."

   "But, I'm not going to talk about that today!"

   "Because Professor James Harken has already researched it, it doesn't make sense for me to talk about it."

   "Let me tell you something new!"

   "That is, based on Professor Harken's research, what should we do?"

   "To be honest, in fact... we belong to mend the dead, and it is useless to confess why the lost sheep is useless at this time, but to be the first to make up for it!"

   "Why do you say that?"

  “Because they are already ahead of us, and they are relying on our ideas.”

   "But, someone is going to ask, why did I tell Professor James Harken?"

   "Can't we do it ourselves?"

   "This is a joke in itself!"

   "Because everyone understands what I said to James, and even said it, it is more professional than me."

   "My suggestion now is that since the bile reflux theory has been proposed."

   "That means that the new chronic atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia need to restart the track!"

   "Isn't this what we should do?"

  “Modern medicine has no good treatment and intervention methods for bile reflux. Isn’t this our opportunity?”

   "I think, why shouldn't we start from this angle and improve the research as soon as possible?"


  Chen Nan spoke very quickly, and his tone was not so kind.


  The people below just didn't pay attention to this, everyone was very enthusiastic when they heard it.


  What's the use of discussing this now?

  It’s better to think about how to run the current track well, this is the key.

   Just like that, Chen Nan's joining has greatly improved the level of today's meeting.

  Even after he stepped down, the experts who came to the stage were full of confidence one by one, berating Fang Qiu and putting forward various ideas.

  The meeting lasted until six o'clock in the afternoon!

  It was supposed to end at 5 o'clock, but unfortunately...everyone was thinking about it, so we went on for an extra hour.

   After the meeting, there is a dinner.

  Unfortunately, this dinner has once again become a conference scene.

  Everyone sat together in groups of three or four, and the discussion was still on scientific research and clinical practice.

   It seems that everyone wants to achieve something on this new track.

  Shao Yanfang looked at Chen Nan and smiled:

   "You boy!"


   Just when Chen Nan thought Mr. Shao was also blaming him, he saw him give a thumbs up: "Amazing!"

   "Did you see it?"

  “I have been the president for so many years, and I have never seen everyone so excited and motivated.”

   "Progress is the driving force from the heart."

   "Chen Nan, you taught everyone a lesson in today's meeting."


   "Come on, let's have a drink."

  Yu Jinhua didn't come to the dinner, and slipped away in frustration, he didn't have the face to stay any longer.

   And Zhang Tinghai also smiled and said to Chen Nan: "Young people are awesome!"

【Ding! Congratulations, your behavior has made the members of the Capital Association of Oncology Chinese Physicians feel motivated and motivated, and won a praise reward, praise level: special grade! 】

  【Congratulations, you have been rewarded: Medical Statistics (Expert Level)】

  Looking at the system rewards, Chen Nan couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

  Medical statistics?

   Good stuff?

  It is indeed a good thing!


  Chen Nan always felt that he didn't need it. After all...the division of labor was very clear, and he didn't have much time to find and analyze big data.

   It is somewhat wasteful to get such a reward, why not give it to Zhao Jianyong!

   As soon as the words fell, Chen Nan suddenly saw the system rewards changed.

  【Expert-level medical statistics (bound)】

  Chen Nan rolled his eyes... dumbfounded.

  Look at your digging look.

   After dinner, Chen Nan was not in a hurry to go back. Shao Yanfang called Chen Nan to stop and chat with him.

   Chen Nan simply asked Lou Aicheng to go back first.

   The two were strolling in the hotel's park.

   After chatting about Lu Pingren at the beginning, I returned to TCM tumors.

  Shao Yanfang asked Chen Nan:

   "Are you out of the clinic now?"

  Chen Nan shook his head: "Not yet, but soon, I will be settled in the medical department on Monday."

  Shao Yanfang nodded: "Well, Chinese medicine tumors, in fact... are no better than other internal medicines, you have to be prepared."

  Chen Nan thoughtfully, nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

  Shao Yanfang sighed: " don't understand!"

   "I'm not talking about the difficulty of treating the disease."

  “The development of traditional Chinese medicine tumors started late in systematization, and most of them are fragmented.”

   "Apparently not as easy as you used to be."

   "But even so, that's not what I'm talking about."

   "What I'm saying is, as an oncologist, you have to be prepared to be a quack doctor!"

  Chen Nan was stunned when he heard the sound.


  Shao Yanfang smiled wryly: "I used to be the director in Dongzhimen. At that time, I was the director of the Department of Spleen and Stomach, and the director of the Department of Internal Medicine."

   "I was only 40 at that time, so happy!"

   "I think my medical skills are very good."

   "As a result, the old director of the Cancer Hospital was gone, and I took over the hospital there."

   "I thought it was better now, the platform is bigger!"

   "What a pity? It backfired!"

   "It is no exaggeration to say that at that time... we were really in a mess."

  “I went there for a month, and no one praised me, and no patient appreciated me.”

   "Because... I don't look down on their illness at all..."

  “Even if the symptoms are alleviated, that time, people were immature about these awareness and concepts, and felt that it was not cured, and it was your fault for spending money!”


   "I have been a quack doctor for three years!"

   "Later, oncology medicine gradually improved and matured!"

   "Everyone is getting more and more aware of tumors, and those who come to see me are to improve symptoms."

   "At that time, many people praised me..."

   “Thanks to my patients too.”

   "But what?"

   "I'm healing...healing...the person is gone!"

  “After many patients left, their family members sent medicines and told me...the old man left and asked me to give the medicines to those in need.”


   "The oncology department is the most ruthless department and the most insensitive department, but it is also... the most distressing department!"

   "Xiao Chen, you are young. Although I don't know why you set foot in the oncology department, you should think carefully about what I said today."

  After listening to Chen Nan, he nodded thoughtfully.

   The night gradually deepened.

  Shao Yanfang said to Chen Nan:

   "If you have time, come to our hospital."

   "Although there are not many other things, but... we have preserved a large number of clinical cases here."

   "This may be the medical records of many diseases diagnosed and treated by traditional Chinese medicine in China."

   "Maybe, I can provide you with some help."

   "Chinese medicine needs to be developed."

   "We are no worse than others!"

   "These medical records are all valuable."

   "I've been collecting for over twenty years..."

   While speaking, Shao Yanfang walked towards the room with his hands behind his back, his gait was slow but firm, one step at a time, he was short in stature, but his back was very long...

  Chen Nan looked at the back of the other party silently, and unconsciously said: "Thank you..."

  This old man grew up in the cracks of Western medicine and has a unique character.

   insist on Qingshan not to relax,

  The roots are originally in the broken rock;

  Thousands of blows are still strong;

   Let the wind from east to west, north and south!


  ps: Ask for a monthly pass.

  Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month~

  (end of this chapter)

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