MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 322 The tone can't be too big!

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  Chapter 322 Don't speak too loudly!

  Qin Shiming walked up and down the room with paper in his hand, his mood was hard to calm down!

  If it is really as stated on the paper, this is definitely a good thing for the country and the people!

  If we could really make powerful cancer-targeting drugs ourselves, how many ordinary people would this save?

  Qin Shiming's eyes shone with excitement, and his mood was even more uneasy, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

  He paced around the room for a long time, but still couldn't calm down and sat down.

Of course!

  Qin Shiming is not a domineering person.

   The three talks with Gilead collapsed, the main reason is that the other party acted extremely strong.

   There is no room for him to relax!

  First is the price!

  At present, more than 95% of the common people in China cannot afford such high medical expenses.

  What is the purpose of introducing it like this?

   A drug is meaningless if it is not introduced to save lives.

   Beyond that is genetic engineering.

  Gene warfare is no longer an implicit topic. As the person in charge of this field, Qin Shiming is well aware of this.

  If in order to introduce a drug, even the genetic engineering of ordinary people in the country should be allowed to build a database, how distorted is this?

  Qin Shiming is definitely not a short-term generation!

  He knows very well what the background of this Gilead company is.

   Although it is now the globalization of the market economy.

  But... the reason why Gilead is so domineering and strong is that it thinks the scarcity of drugs.

  But if we make it ourselves, even if the price is slightly more expensive, it doesn't matter!

  Qin Shiming never thought of forcefully confiscating Chen Nan's achievements.

   This is undoubtedly a means of fishing in the wild.

  If a country wants to develop, what it needs is a fair environment.

   Today, Chen Nan made a new drug, and you took it away forcefully. Who else would dare to do this in the future?

   Qin Shiming not only won't take over, but also wants to protect.

  Protect the development of private scientific research enterprises, the growth of domestic pharmaceutical companies, and the smooth progress of domestic research institutes.

  The power of a country is limited after all!

  Perhaps, other people seem to see that the country is prosperous and prosperous, but... How difficult is it for this country to provide for more than one billion ordinary people?

   Only when the level of civil scientific research is improved, and only when everyone is encouraged to develop, will this become a prosperous era.

  Not long!

   There was a knock on the door, and Qin Shiming hurriedly ran all the way to open the door.

  Outside the door, there were officially three people, Yuan Chaomin, Lu Shouyue, and Yang Fupeng.

  Yang Ming nodded to Qin Shiming: "Mr. Qin, Professor Yuan and the others are here."

   "You guys chat, I'll make tea for everyone."

"Wait a moment."

  Qin Shiming quickly nodded with a smile:


   "Make some good tea from my storehouse."

   "Director Yuan, Professor Lu, Director Yang, sit down quickly."

  Yuan Chaomin and others were flattered. After sitting down, they said, "Mr. Qin, you are too polite."

   "We are the ones who came today, but... the true master of today is not us!"

  Qin Shiming said with a smile: "Director Yuan, we are old acquaintances, so don't be so polite."

   "I'm in a good mood today."

   "Quick, tell me about this drug."

   "What is the situation, really, as you said, it is comparable to CAR-T cell therapy?"

   Speaking of professionalism, Yuan Chaomin and others did not dare to be careless. He glanced at Lu Shouyue and said, "Mr. Qin, let Professor Lu speak, he is an expert in this field."

  Lu Shouyue was also unambiguous, and directly took out his laptop: "Mr. Qin, wait a moment."

   "I specially made a related PPT, let's talk about it after reading it."

  Qin Shiming smiled with satisfaction: "Good!"

   "I have a heart!"

   After Lu Shouyue turned on the computer, he demonstrated it to Qin Shiming.

  Yang Ming would not be so stupid as to bring tea in at this time. He said that to give Director Qin and the others some time to spend alone.

   And at this time!

   Lu Shouyue said solemnly:

   "Mr. Qin, let me say something in advance, because Chen Nan's icariin still lacks the support of a large sample, so the report I made here is not accurate, but a rough estimate!"

   "During this period, Director Chen successively used icariin on 28 patients to treat patients with advanced and end-stage liver cancer."

   "As for me, I can get some specific data on car-t cell therapy."

   "So, I made some comparisons!"

   "Next, let me just talk about the result."

  “The first aspect: in terms of immune function recovery, patients in the icariin group are weaker than those in the car-t cell therapy group, but…the difference is not very big.”

   "The increase rate of car-t cells reached 39%, while the increase rate of the icariin group was only about 33%."

   "There are indeed some differences, but...the difference is not very big!"

   "However, Mr. Qin, listen to me, although it seems that the effect of the car-t cell group is good, but! The key lies in this. Although they are all immune functions, there are many types of immune functions!"

   "Car-T cells themselves strengthen the immune translation of T lymphocytes, which is equivalent to implantation therapy, but the icariin group is a real sense of immune enhancement and activates its own immune function."

   "In this regard, I personally think that in terms of effective immune function and the body's autoimmunity, icariin has more advantages!"

   "The icariin group is more in line with our body's effect on immune enhancement!"

   "So, the second point comes out!"

   "That's the tolerance comparison!"

"The car-t cell group obviously enhanced the immune T lymphocytes, but his enhancement is obviously based on the value. Although it is suitable for the indicators of the human body, it will not cause too many side effects, but...they are killing cancer cells. In terms of cells, it is too mechanized, which is more likely to cause secondary damage to the human body!"

   "Compared to the car-t group, the benefits of the icariin group are also reflected. This is the body's spontaneous activation of immune function and recognition of tumor cells, so it is safer and has no side effects."

   "Third point!"

   "This is also the key point. Although the CAR-T cell group has strengthened too much immune function in face value, it has not done a good job in preventing infection in patients with advanced and end-stage liver cancer!"

   "The icariin group, in this regard, has achieved excellent results, and can even be said to have crushed the opponent."

  The more Qin Shiming listened, the more excited he became, his hands were clenched into fists unconsciously!

   It seems that they are going to hit the arrogant face of Gilead company hard!

  He is so happy!

   These three points already made him so happy.

   So satisfying!

   too happy!


   At this time, Lu Shouyue did not end, he continued:

"fourth point!"

   "This is the bit that excites me the most!"

   "Of course, the fourth point, I can only say in advance, it's not very accurate!"

   "Because the icariin group did not simply conduct clinical trials, Director Chen combined traditional Chinese medicine therapy and acupuncture therapy during treatment."

   "However, similarly, there are many modern diagnosis and treatment methods in the CAR-T cell therapy group, so this time we are comparing the response of patients after comprehensive treatment."

   "The fourth point, we made a quality of life assessment form for patients with advanced cancer!"

"Do you know?"

   As Lu Shouyue spoke, he became a little excited.

   "Chen Nan's treatment group, in this regard, can be said to be a crushing blow!"

   "The Chinese medicine treatment group, the average quality of life evaluation score is 67.8 points!"

   "In the car-t cell group, the average quality of life score was only 45.9 points!"

   "That's a huge difference!"

   "The gap of more than 20 points, according to our assessment of the quality of life, 45.9 points can only be tolerated, while 67.8 points are already at the passing level."

   "There is a difference of two levels!"

   "And, the most important thing is in terms of the average quality of life improvement value!"

   "In the car-t cell therapy group, the average increase was only 24!"

   "The average improvement of Chen Nan's TCM group is 47!"

   "This time, the gap has widened a lot!"

   "Director Qin, I now feel that Chinese medicine is really effective in treating tumors, at least in liver cancer!"

   "This shows that after our traditional Chinese medicine cooperates with appropriate treatment methods, the improvement of patients is remarkable!"


   "We are here today for this purpose!"

  After listening, Qin Shiming slapped the table excitedly, and said excitedly, "Okay!"


   "Professor Lu, you have a heart!"

   "This is a good job!"

   "Your analysis is in place."

   Lu Shouyue hurriedly said, "Mr. Qin, this is a trivial matter for us."

   "The key is Director Chen!"

   "This is the true master!"

   "Think about it, how old is Director Chen? Twenty-six years old?"

   "At only twenty-six years old, with such achievements, it is no exaggeration to say that the future is very bright."

   "And, I just got a message from my side!"

   "Chen Nan really started to engage in tumor research after he came to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital."

   "It's less than half a year!"

   "They have already made such a handy, no, such a remarkable achievement!"

   "Leader, you said that such a person, shouldn't we pay enough attention?"

  Yuan Chaomin nodded quickly and said:


   "Mr. Qin, Director Lu is right!"

   "Chen Nan's epimedium has already emerged, we must pay more attention to it!"

   "Do you also know what kind of influence it will have on the international market if this drug is really released?"

   "I think the protection of Director Chen should be strengthened!"

   "Strengthen the protection and attention of Annan Pharmaceuticals, the pharmaceutical company where Chen Nan researched icariin!"

  After Qin Shiming listened, his face was calm and calm, but his eyes were extremely serious!

  Because he knew very well that what Yuan Chaomin said was definitely not an exaggeration.

  Everyone is innocent and conceives a crime!

  Wood that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by wind!

  From ancient times to the present, there have been too many such warnings in China.

  Qin Shiming has also investigated Chen Nan, and he is very clear that Chen Nan's development up to now is actually not that easy.

  Started from Yuancheng People's Hospital.

  Annan Pharmaceutical, a family business, was crushed by capital.

   These, in fact, Qin Shiming is not very concerned about, after all, too many pharmaceutical companies go bankrupt every year.

  Under the impact of marketization, some studios and workshops as well as small businesses that are not in scale are bound to face a strong impact.

   Qin Shiming will not care about these things.


   After Chen Nan developed, he did many good things.

  For example, crack down on illegal herbal teas on the market, rectify the medical order, save the medical trust crisis in the source city, and at the same time expose the drugs that are inconsistent with the laws and regulations on the market...

Etc., etc!

   Lots of things!

   Chen Nan naturally received threats from many people.

   Even, she was almost murdered by Xin Medical Hall because of her campaign for the youth Chinese medicine training class!

   These things, if not for the help of Chen Nan's good teacher and helpful friend, would have been in danger long ago.

   It was like this at the beginning!

What now?

  Chen Nan is no longer what it used to be.

  When this drug comes out, it is bound to become a favorite in the eyes of many people, and it is bound to become a thorn in the eyes of many capital and financial groups!

   In this way, Chen Nan's teachers are really not enough!

  Thinking of this, Qin Shiming's face became more serious.


  At this time, Yuan Chaomin said: "Director Qin, it's not us who are alarmist."

   "Because... right now, the World Cancer Drug Conference is about to be held."

   "As for Chen Nan, he also received an invitation letter to attend the meeting."

   "In this way, Chen Nan will definitely present his research results at this meeting!"

   "You may not know Chen Nan very well, but he is an open-minded person with strong national feelings!"

   "This time, he will definitely let China and let the treasures of Chinese medicine be displayed to the world!"

   "Although I don't have much contact with him, I can think of Chen Nan's inner ambitions and ideals."

   "Mr. Qin, I think so!"

   "If we don't protect such a person and wait patiently for him to grow, it will definitely be a big loss for our Huaxia medical field!"

  Hearing Yuan Chaomin's words, Qin Shiming's eyes widened!

   "You mean...Chen Nan is going to participate in this World Cancer New Drug Conference and release this drug?!"

   "Who did you listen to?"

  Yang Fupeng smiled wryly: "Leader, it's true. Chen Nan and I have consulted about this matter."

  Qin Shiming became excited immediately, but calmed down quickly!


  If Chen Nan really presents this drug at the new drug launch conference.

  That will naturally make Chinese oncology medicine show its style in front of the world!

   Maybe even win an award!


  Risks are bound to come.

   At that time, Chen Nan will face more terrorist organizations and forces!

   This is clearly a dangerous thing to do if left unprotected.


   Not just foreign forces.

   There is still domestic!

  Chen Nan still has many enemies, such as... Xinglin Garden!

  Qin Shiming couldn't help but took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

at this time…

  Secretary Yang Ming tactfully brought in several cups of tea, and then put a lid on Qin Shiming's cup.

   Director Qin likes strong tea when he is thinking.

  A moment later, Qin Shiming finished drinking the tea in his hand and asked Yuan Chaomin:

   "Director Yuan, what do you think?"

  Yuan Chaomin hesitated for a moment, glanced at Lu Shouyue and the two on the side, and said:

   "Mr. Qin, I think so!"

   "First, Chen Nan is capable, and we want to recommend him to join the health care expert group."

  Qin Shiming pondered for a moment, nodded and agreed: "Well, this is not too much, it is reasonable!"

   "Xiao Yang, please arrange to send an invitation letter to Director Chen and join the health care expert group!"

  Qin Shiming is very clear that joining the expert group does not seem to have any rights, but in fact it is equivalent to a new circle.

   This circle can make Chen Nan meet many people!

  Chen Nan was in Yuancheng, and after joining the health care team, the benefits naturally became apparent.

  But... Now that he is number one, he is curious what Yuan Chaomin thinks.

   "What about the second?"

  Yuan Chaomin saw that Qin Shiming did not hesitate at all, he was overjoyed and said:

   "It's the Oncology Project!"

   "I think no one is more suitable than Chen Nan to join our tumor plan!"

   "He has the tumor technology of traditional Chinese medicine and the ability to develop new drugs. I think... he is the most suitable candidate."

   "Moreover, not only to join the tumor plan, but... I mean, let Chen Nan become the fourth person in charge of the plan!"

   "Every person in charge of the tumor plan enjoys the special national protection policy!"

   "I think a new person in charge can be added!"

  Yuan Chaomin's idea can be said to be very bold!


  After listening, Qin Shiming nodded and agreed without hesitation.


   "I'll just push this."

   "Any ideas?"

  Yuan Chaomin was stunned for a moment.

  He didn't expect... Director Qin agreed to these two proposals without the slightest hesitation.

   "This... I can't think of it, and I hope Director Qin can give me advice."

  Qin Shiming patted the table and said:

   "Yang Ming, get ready!"

   "First, arrange a visit to Annan Pharmaceutical."

   "Afterwards, give Annan Pharmaceutical a brand issued by the Health Commission."

   "By the way, let the science and technology department go there too!"

   "Call Mr. He for me later."

  Yang Ming quickly wrote it down.


  No one expected that Director Qin would be so helpful to Chen Nan.

   This is somewhat arrogant!

   At this time, Qin Shiming continued:

   "Is the million-dollar new rain project about to start?"

   "Give Chen Nan a recommendation letter!"

   "Let him participate in the New Rain Project this time."

   "Then the official report."

  Xinyu Project is an important reserve force in the echelon of millions of talents.

  The focus is on selecting newcomers!

  Entering the New Rain Project, this is the threshold of millions, and... once you enter the New Rain Project, you will join the country's reserve talent pool.

   People who enter the talent pool are people from the country.

   Others want to move, but it is not so easy.

  At this time, Qin Shiming suddenly thought of it, and said suddenly:

   "By the way, please contact President Li of China Resources Pharmaceuticals."

   "Let him get in touch with Chen Nan and the Chen family."

   "See if the other party has any plans to sell the shares, talk to Mr. Li, forget it... You can make an appointment with Mr. Li for me later, and I will meet him."

  Qin Shiming thought of China Resources Pharmaceuticals.

  China Resources is not an ordinary company. It was established in 1938 and involved many fields. In 2003, it was put under the leadership of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

   And China Resources Pharmaceuticals is also the key.

   What Qin Shiming meant was to let China Resources step in and put up a real signboard for Annan Pharmaceutical.

  However, it also depends on whether Chen Nan and the others are willing.

  After all... If it is really what Yuan Chaomin and the others said, the influence of this drug is no small matter.

  Even if China Resources Pharmaceutical wants to win it, it will have to work hard.



   And at this time!

  Chen Nan is out of the clinic.

  But received a call from home.

  Chen Jinhe said dully: "We may be being targeted!"

  Chen Nan was taken aback: "What do you mean, Dad?"

   "What you said... feels like a spy war."

  Chen Jinhe said angrily: "Be serious!"

   "Your new drug may be targeted by people, and there are some big names among them."

   "Here, I contacted Mr. Zhuang and the others, as well as Leader Gu, and they all came forward."

   "There is no disturbance for the time being!"

   "But... this also set off alarm bells for us."

   "This drug is about to be targeted."

   "The ones who come now can be controlled, but... there is no guarantee who will come in the future."

   "Be careful."

   "Recently, I have upgraded the company's security system."

   "Your side... I'm a little worried."


  “I used to think that with core strength, an enterprise can develop.”

   "Looking at it now... Fortunately, we asked Mr. Zhuang and the others to invest in the stock, otherwise... the pressure was too great."

   "Mr. Zhuang is still very well-connected in Jin Province. With the help of Leader Gu and the others, it is not a crisis."

   "But...the capital is too big!"

   "Mr. Zhuang asked me to tell you, be careful!"

   "Can't bear to call him."

  Chen Nan hung up the phone, his face became serious.

   It's not that he hasn't thought about this question.

  But...didn't expect it to be so fast.

  How long is this?

   Not many people knew about icariin.

   Now it's spreading so fast...

   Is it Pei Shoutong and the others?

   Could it be Xinglin Garden?

  Chen Nan thought about it.

  However, my current foundation is not stable. I originally planned to win the award in the United States, and then I will see what the country means.

   I didn't expect it now... all ghosts and snakes are here.


  Chen Nan wasn't very worried, he hesitated and decided to talk to Qin Shiming.

  After all, before going to the United States, this matter must be discussed with Mr. Qin.

  The morning clinic is coming to an end.

   And this time...

   Suddenly a group of people came in.

  The leader was a young man, not very old, wearing a black windbreaker and sunglasses. After he entered, the door of the clinic was closed by the man behind him.

  In an instant, Chen Nan, the man, and a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses were left in the room.

  Seeing this, Chen Nan frowned slightly, but he still asked patiently:

   "Sir, are you here to see a doctor?"

   "Don't close the door."

  The young man smiled. He took off his sunglasses, revealing his face in his early thirties.

   "Director Chen is really amazing. I registered this registration two days in advance, but I didn't get it."

   "This has to be found."

  Chen Nan remained calm: "Oh?"

   "It's okay, what's wrong with you?"

  The man smiled very politely, but his eyes were full of unruliness, which made people uncomfortable.

   "I'm not feeling well, I don't know if Director Chen can cure it."

  Chen Nan smiled: "You have to feel the pulse to know."

  The man suddenly laughed and waved. The middle-aged man behind him took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Chen Nan.

  Chen Nan glanced at it, and it said: "Yu Zhe Investment Company."

  The man smiled and said, "My name is Shen Yuzhe, Director Chen. Nice to meet you."

  Chen Nan naturally noticed that this person might be as his father said, and he fell in love with Annan Pharmaceutical.

  Chen Nan nodded: "Boss Shen is young and promising."

   "It's normal to be a little troublesome."

   While speaking, Chen Nan also looked at the other party.


  Out of professionalism, Chen Nan looked at the other party's face and the vaguely revealing tongue when speaking, and naturally saw that the other party was angry.

  And while talking, there is a special taste in the mouth, which is a manifestation of stomach heat.

  This kind of taste is sour or not, smelly or not, fishy or not, with a faint woody smell.

  Those who do not overflow wood qi in the mouth due to eating the five flavors are liver heat and excessive spleen.

  Bitter taste means that the heart heats up the spleen, and if it tastes sweet, the meridian heats up the self-indulgence.

  Chen Nan didn't say much.

  I want to see what the other person thinks.

at this time…

  Shen Yuzhe smiled: "It's not as good as Director Chen, who cares about the country and the people, and saves lives and heals the wounded!"

   "However... I'm really not feeling well recently, can you help me feel the pulse?"

   While speaking, Shen Yuzhe stretched out his hand.

  Chen Nan also put his hand on it lightly.

  The pulse is stringy, smooth and strong, and the Cun pulse on the left hand is above the thenar, which means there is heart fire.

   And the liver pulse is stringy and slippery, which means there is anger!

  The right-hand Guanmai is massive, and there is a faint heat and poisonous air.

  Chen Nan pondered for a moment, then moved his hand away.

  Seeing this, Shen Yuzhe said, "I am indeed a little anxious recently, thinking a lot, and my appetite is average."

   "But... I think my illness is a heart disease!"

   "Medication may not help."

   "How about... Director Chen, you are an expert, can you help me?"

  Chen Nan looked at Shen Yuzhe, smiled, and did not speak.

  Seeing this, Shen Yuzhe took out a contract: "Director Chen, let me get straight to the point!"

   "I have taken a fancy to your Annam Pharmaceuticals."

   "I want to invest!"

   "This can inject one billion yuan!"

   "I only want 50% of the shares, isn't that too much?"

   "I'm already polite."

   "You know, Annan Pharmaceutical, even now, its assets are less than tens of millions."

   "I counted your new icariin drug, but... a new drug is a new drug, and it is just an unfinished product before it is tested in the market."

   "However, I am willing to pay the risk to invest, what do you think?"

   "Am I sincere?"

   Chen Nan glanced at the contract with a smile.

   suddenly smiled and said: "Too many, I'm afraid we won't be able to handle it!"

  Shen Yuzhe smiled: "Not much!"

   "By the way, you may not know much about it."

   "Yuzhe Investment Company, its subordinate assets have reached more than 50 billion U.S. dollars."

   "The companies participating in the investment have a market value of more than ten trillion yuan!"

  “We have international channels, and we can also connect with the FDA.”

   "Just join us, one billion, not much!"

   "In China, I can also guarantee that there are not so many ghosts and snakes who can come to your door!"

"How about it?"

"think about it?"

  Chen Nan glanced at the contract pretending to be polite, and said with a smile, "When will the billion be credited?"

  Shen Yuzhe smiled: "It's very simple!"

   "I own 50% of the shares, so I should have the right to dividends?"

   "You count all my annual dividends as the investment amount, and divide it every year."

   "I estimate that in five to ten years, almost all of them should be credited."

   "With our Yuzhe Investment Company here, I believe that your assets will soon reach tens of billions!"

   "This is a win-win deal!"

  Chen Nan understood now.

  This is an empty glove white wolf!

  Using the company's profit dividends as investment every year, you don't need to pay anything, you have to take 50% of the shares!

  This too big!

  Chen Nan suddenly laughed:

   "Mr. Shen, you are sick!"

   "It's not light!"

   "The tone is relatively loud, this is just an external manifestation."

   "The heart qi is too high, the liver fire is too strong, the liver heat overwhelms the spleen, and the heart and spleen meridians accumulate heat deeply!"

   "This, a normal person, has a flat mouth, so it is called spleen harmony."

   "Your tone is not a good sign."

   "I think you worry too much, it's better to relax."

  Shen Yuzhe narrowed his eyes immediately: "It's okay, I have a good appetite!"

   "Young people... it's normal to be a little angry."

   "Doctor Chen, are you right?"

  Chen Nan shook his head, smiled and said, "It's normal to have anger, but... your anger is evil fire."

   "Evil fire, it is easy to breed poisonous fire, and it will be difficult to cure at that time!"

  Shen Yuzhe made a large number of Chen Nan, originally he thought it would go well, but he didn't expect this guy to make fun of himself.

  Shen Yuzhe smiled: "I am more honest!"

   "Although the tone is loud, but the strength allows."

   "Director Chen, believe it or not, I can make Annan Pharmaceuticals, but not a single drug can be produced?"

   "If it is produced, it can't be sold?"

   "What do you think is the root cause of this disease?"

  Chen Nan looked at Shen Yuzhe, and said with a serious expression:

   "Does Mr. Shen believe it?"

   "Your condition is gradually getting worse."

   "It will take less than seven days!"

   "You will speak the same words as you are now, with lotus flowers in your mouth!"

   "But... when the time comes, your tongue is like a lotus flower."

  Shen Yuzhe suddenly laughed!


   "Director Chen, I didn't expect that you are not only a Chinese medicine doctor, but also a prophet!"


   "Tell me, why do I have a lot of tongue?"

   "If this is the case, maybe I will still be famous!"


  Chen Nan Zhengse said: "Sitting on the lotus wind on the tongue, the under tongue is swollen with phlegm and phlegm. There are one or two petals at first, and gradually five or six petals. It looks like a lotus flower."

   "There are three small tongues under the tongue, which are shaped like a lotus flower!"

   "Mr. Shen, it's not a bad thing to speak too much, but...too high-spirited is not a good thing!"

   "I'm leaving get off work!"

   "If you like this place, you can stay and live here, but unfortunately...the hospital doesn't provide food."

   While speaking, Chen Nan stood up on his own and walked outside.

  The middle-aged man looked at Chen Nan in a deep voice and said, "Chen Nan, don't be ignorant of flattery!"

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether I know how to praise or not."

   "The important thing is to take care of your master."

   "I'm afraid he will speak too loudly, and he won't be able to talk big for a few days."

   "At that time... it will be difficult to talk!"

  Shen Yuzhe sneered: "We'll see!"

   "See, I can't speak yet."

   "It's still you, Director Chen, ask someone to talk to you first."

  Chen Nanhun didn't care, got up and left directly.

  He planned to go directly to Qin Shiming.

  When Chen Nan left, Shen Yuzhe's face darkened suddenly.

  The middle-aged man beside him quickly asked, "Master, do you want to keep him?"

  Shen Yuzhe smiled: "Stay?"

   "What can you do if you leave him?"

   "Do you dare to kill him?"


   "Just wait and see!"

   "Let's go, I think Annan Pharmaceutical needs to be rectified!"


  ps: Thank you "Qinghong" for your heroic 10,000 rewards! The boss is mighty!

   Also thank you for the 1500 tip from "Fishermen don't know the taste of abalone", thank you!

  Everyone said that I didn't add more...

   I actually added it, mainly because it is not reflected in the number of chapters, but in the number of words.

   Veteran update, I think it is relatively stable, right?

  Although it is not tens of thousands of words per day, but... there are about 7,000 words per day, right?

  The main reason is... I am also afraid that I will write too fast and collapse...

  Hey, I will try my best to update it. If you enjoy watching it, vote for the monthly ticket, and you will be more motivated!

  (end of this chapter)

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