MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 323 Guardian!

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  Chapter 323 Guardian!

  Chen Nan didn't say he was worried, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

  After all...the other party dares to come to you so ostentatiously, and acts so arrogantly, an idiot!

  Either... is really awesome!

  Chen Nan felt that in the capital, the possibility of such an idiot is not very high. If the other party is really an doesn't matter.

  But, what if the other party is really a boss?

【Ding! Congratulations, received a bad review from Shen Yuzhe, bad review level: advanced! 】

【Ding! A warm reminder, the other party is the consortium in Xinglin Garden, and there is a chance to increase the reward level. 】

  After hearing the voice, Chen Nan was stunned for a moment.

  This... bad review received!

  And...the reason was found, it was the consortium in Xinglinyuan.

   Sure enough, what happened this time still has the shadow of Xinglinyuan.

  Chen Nan couldn't help but sighed.

  The matter of Shen Yuzhe was somewhat shocking to Chen Nan.

   After much deliberation, Chen Nan called Gu Lin.

   "Ouch, my god, you finally think of me!"

   "Brother, you have been here in the capital for several months, right? What's wrong? Kicking the door of Xinglin Garden, won't you draw a line between me who wants to knock on the door?"

  Gu Lin's voice has nothing to do with his appearance. Who would have thought that a man who looks better than a woman would speak like an old BJ.

  Chen Nan smiled: "I don't think you're here, give me a call and have dinner together tonight."

  When Gu Lin heard this, he was immediately happy: "Alright, I'll arrange it."

   "My dad has changed a chef. It is said that the ancestor is the imperial chef. I will take it there at night. Let's go to your house!"

   "You boy, you are lucky!"

   "You live alone in that house, don't you panic!"

  When Chen Nan heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Indeed...his courtyard was quite big, and he lived alone. At night, he was really panicked.

  The yard has two entrances, and there are more than a dozen houses. Chen Nan lived in one main room, plus one bedroom, and the rest was used as a warehouse.

  Worried about mold, I had to open the doors and windows to ventilate from time to time. A few days ago, a wild cat camped in the Westinghouse.

   No, a litter of kittens was born a few days ago.

  This winter, Chen Nan couldn't bear to drive them away, so he bought some cat girls and had to feed them well.

  That afternoon, Gu Lin took the chef to Chen Nan's house. He had a key. After all, before Chen Nan came, it was the house that Gu Lin asked someone to clean up. By the way, Chen Nan asked him to leave a key.

  Gu Lin is also a decent person. Although he has a key, he has never been there.

  Chen Nan does not have many friends in the capital, except director Ruan Yongyi from Dongzhimen.

  However, since he came to the capital during this period of time, Chen Nan has never been free, so he only went there on Saturday, and there is rarely any interaction.

  When Chen Nan came home at night, it was past seven o'clock, and the chef had already left.

  The light in the main room was on, and Gu Lin made a pot of tea by himself, and drank it leisurely on the recliner where Chen Nan sat every day.

   "You are finally back, my uncle!"

   "If you don't come back, I plan to leave."

  Chen Nan smiled: "There are many people in the outpatient clinic in the afternoon, so this will delay some time!"

   "Come here, see what wine I bought, drink some."

   While speaking, Chen Nan took out a bottle of Moutai from his pocket.

  Gu Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I don't need your wine."

   "I brought Wuliangye."

   While speaking, he poured a cup for Chen Nan.

  The table is full of meals, steaming hot, which makes people very appetizing.

  Chen Nan washed his hands, sat down, picked up a cup, and did it first as a respect.

  Seeing this, Gu Lin smiled and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "That's right!"

"you caught me?"

  Gu Lin sneered: "Cut!"

   "The spirit in the eyes is uncertain, there is a lot of wandering light, the hands and feet are quick, and the face is not peaceful. This is obviously something on the mind."

  When Chen Nan heard this, he gave a thumbs up: "You have mastered Chinese medicine!"

   Gu Lin rolled his eyes at Chen Nan: "Got it!"

   "Don't disgust me!"

   "Hurry up, what's the matter."

   "It's over, it won't affect drinking."

   "There is nothing hidden in my wine."

  Chen Nan took out a business card and put it on Gu Lin's side: "Do you know the background?"

  Gu Lin picked up the business card and looked at it.

  After seeing the name, he frowned slightly: "Shen Yuzhe?"

   "What did he ask you for?"

  Chen Nan was taken aback for a moment: "Do you know this person?"

  Gu Lin nodded, with a serious look in his eyes, and said: "Well, Shen Yuzhe is not ordinary. His ancestors were overwhelmed. At that time, he participated in the construction of the motherland before the founding of the motherland. The Shen family was mainly overseas capital forces, and gave a lot of help at that time."

   "After the elders of Shen's family left, Shen Yuzhe's father took over earlier and kept in touch with domestic organizations."

  “Although they are not the group of people who are rooted in Zhengmiaohong, they have also made a lot of contributions to the economic development after the reform and opening up.”

   "As for Shen Yuzhe..."

   "He grew up abroad, and after he came back with his father to recognize his ancestors, he hung out with a group of three generations."

   "And he has a thorough understanding of the inside and outside."

   "It's a bit arrogant, but it doesn't cross the line. It has a Yuzhe investment company outside, and it is also a person on the bright side."

   "There are many people behind Yuzhe Investment."

   "Besides, Yuzhe's investment has focused on the medical field in recent years, and he has spent a lot of money. Relying on overseas and domestic relations, he is very popular in Xinglin Garden."

"What's wrong?"

   "You... did he trouble you?"

  As Gu Lin spoke, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked at Chen Nan and asked.

  Chen Nan nodded and filled Gu Lin with wine.


   "He wants to buy Annan Pharmaceuticals from our family."

   "And it's the kind of white wolf with empty gloves."

   "Give me one billion yuan, and I want 50% of the shares, but... the one billion yuan will be deducted from the profits of Annan Pharmaceutical!"

   "Hehe...the tone is really loud."

  Gu Lin frowned suddenly and asked, "Why did he focus on your small company?"

   "I remember... Annan Pharmaceuticals only has tens of millions of assets?"

   "One that an exaggeration?"

  Chen Nan smiled wryly, and continued: "There is one thing that you are not quite clear about."

   "I recently researched a new drug at home."

   "This is a single-product compound of a traditional Chinese medicine extract. It is icariin. It has a good effect on patients with liver cancer. It has multiple molecular targets and can significantly improve the curative effect."

   "Moreover, for patients with advanced and end-stage liver cancer, it can enhance immune function, allowing lymphocytes to recognize cancer cells and kill them!"

   "Overall, it worked great!"

   "But...someone may have leaked it to Xinglinyuan."

   "During this time, quite a few people came to my house."

   "And this Shen Yuzhe went to my clinic in person today."

   "No, put down the business card and give me a choice."

  After hearing this, Gu Lin's eyes became a little more worried.

   "This style is very Shen Yuzhe!"

   "He has a thorough understanding of the domestic set."

   "To put it bluntly, I just see that you have no background, so I have to take it hard."

   "It's not that they haven't done similar things in these years, and there are quite a few."

   "But how should I put it, there are many people behind Yuzhe Investment, so... the channels and paths are very wide."

  “Although it is empty-handed, the company has indeed developed.”

   "It hasn't been wiped out. Even the assets of the founders have indeed improved under their investment, and the overall assets have increased."


   "I didn't expect them to follow you!"

   Speaking of this, Gu Lin suddenly froze for a moment, looked up at Chen Nan: "No!"


   "What did you just say?"

   "Have you developed a targeted drug?"

   "And it's a traditional Chinese medicine extract? Wait...Damn it, let me stroke it... Epimedium?"

   "I rely on it! I rely on it!"

"real or fake?"

   Gu Lin realized the medicine that Chen Nan just said, and stood up excitedly, his eyes and mouth widened, and he looked at Chen Nan in disbelief:

   "I am Cao!"

   "I said I've been so busy recently."


"real or fake?"

   " must be true!"

   "This **** Shen Yuzhe went to find you in person, there must be no problem!"


   "Chen Nan, you are really awesome."

   "This time, you have discredited Chinese medicine!"

  Gu Lin raised his wine glass excitedly, and said to Chen Nan: "I toast you!"

   While speaking, he drank it all in one gulp, his eyes still full of excitement.

   "Come on, let me toast you again!"

   "Chen Nan, you are so **** awesome!"

"I tell you!"

   "This time, you have really discredited Chinese medicine!"

   "Traditional Chinese medicine tumors in our country are originally a disadvantaged group, and there has been no success for a long time, but now it is good!"

   "You boy, you are too powerful to do such a big thing directly."

  Chen Nan looked at Gu Lin who was more excited than himself, as if... this matter was researched by himself.

  He couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Okay, don't get too excited!"

   "Maybe our house will be closed tomorrow!"

   "According to what you said, this Shen Yuzhe is obviously not fighting unprepared battles. It is determined that I have no foundation and will eat me to death!"

   "Even if I agree, my family only has 80% of the shares in Annan Pharmaceuticals, but after all his troubles, there are only more than 30% of the shares!"

   "I'm not saying that I don't want to find someone to cooperate with, the main thing is... this guy is too deceitful, which makes me very unhappy!"

   "Why should I give them home what I worked so hard to make?"

  “Even if I don’t make money for free and don’t make money for the common people to use, I will definitely not let them take advantage of it.”

   "And... Let me say this, I don't intend to say how much money I will make by making this drug, but... if the company becomes someone else's, do I have the right to speak?"

   "Annan Pharmaceutical can not!"

   "But... I changed to another company, but he still does the same thing, what do you think I should do?"

  Chen Nan was really angry in his heart at this time.

  This incident made him very angry.

  For no reason, a group of people who took advantage of the fire and wanted to collect the fruits of victory came, how could he agree?


  If, according to what Gu Lin said, this Yuzhe investment obviously belongs to a big force, and I can't afford to provoke it at the moment!

   Could it be that he really just watched the other party succeed?

   Chen Nan was very upset!

  Gu Lin fell silent when he heard Chen Nan's words.

  Because he knew very well that Shen Yuzhe was not easy to mess with.

   Moreover, the forces behind him are even more difficult to mess with.

  Chen Nan's social status is undoubtedly very fragile in front of others.

   Don't talk about Chen Nan!

   It’s me, can I compare to others?

  Speaking of which, the Gu family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine in the capital, and it has a very high prestige in the circle. Its personal connections, identity background, etc. are definitely handy.


  My family has practiced medicine for generations. To put it bluntly, it is the same as the previous ancestral doctor.

   So what?

  Which family of imperial physicians have you seen that can fight against the power of the dynasty, civil and military officials?

   These are two very different fields.

  In the final analysis, you are still of the three teachings and nine streams.

  People are playing tricks, what about yourself?

  The more Gu Lin thought about it, the more unhappy he felt.

  He suddenly slapped the table excitedly: "Grass!"

   "If you don't accept it, do it!"

   "What are you afraid of!"

   "You did a good thing."

   "I don't believe it anymore, can Shen Yuzhe turn the world upside down?"

   "What era is it, and you still play that way!"

  As Gu Lin spoke, his somewhat feminine face was filled with fortitude.

   "Chen Nan, are you afraid?"

  Chen Nan rolled his eyes: "I'm afraid of a bird!"

   "Why do you have an idea?"

  Gu Lin spoke righteously, and shook his head with a righteous face: "No!"

   Chen Nan was speechless when he saw this.

  Are you excited?

  Gu Lin couldn't help but said: "I don't have one, but it doesn't mean you don't!"

"Who are you?"

   "The holy son of Chinese medicine in the future!"

   "Do you know, that's what my old man said about you."

   "You are the future of Chinese medicine and the hope of the nation."

   "I see, what the old man said is right."

   "You have made achievements now. This drug is definitely a good thing to justify the name of Chinese medicine!"

   "In that case, what are you afraid of?"

   "You are never fighting alone!"

   "Do you really think that those ten teachers of yours are offering incense?"

   "That's **** instant power!"

   "We directly join forces to kill him, what can he do?"

   "I don't believe it, with so many of us, we still can't keep your company?"

   "What about him, Shen Yuzhe?"

   "Okay, this matter, you say hello to your teachers."

   "Others, just wait!"

   "If he, Shen Yuzhe, dares to investigate your company, then let him investigate, don't worry about anything, the door should be closed, what should you do!"

   "We Chinese medicine practitioners also have guardians!"

  Chen Nan was also excited by Gu Lin's words at this time.


   Scared of a bird!

  He, Chen Nan, never fought alone, let alone without support behind him.

  What about Xinglin Garden?

  What about him, Shen Yuzhe?

  Chen Nan also patted the table and said:



   "Doesn't he think he's awesome?"

   "I will take this drug to the World Cancer New Drug Conference!"

   "I'd like to see how much Shen Yuzhe weighs!"

  At this time, Chen Nan was also ignited with raging flames.

  Since you can’t be alone, since Muxiu Yulin will be blown by the wind, and since everyone is guilty of conceiving Bi, then let me be guilty, and let the world tremble because of me!

  I want to see how little wind you have, how much can it shake my foundation? !



the next day!

  Jin Province.

  Source city.

   Jiaoyuan Road.

  There are many corporate factories here.

   And Annan Pharmaceuticals is here.


   At this time, Annan Pharmaceutical has a group of people.

  Go in for inspection.

The old security guard stood at the door with more than a dozen young security guards, looking at several cars parked not far from the gate, a group of men in suits and leather shoes came down one after another. Microphone reporter.

  However, Pharaoh was not panicking at all.

   "Master, open the door, we are here to check."

  Old Wang snorted coldly: "Check?"

   "What unit do you belong to?"

"what to examine?"

   "What about the work permit?"

   "Bring it out, we have to register."

  The headed man frowned when he heard the sound, and a middle-aged man at the side saw this, and quickly scolded Lao Wang:

   "I tell you, this is from the capital!"

   "Quickly get out of the way and inform your bosses, we have invited reporters, if you have any problems, these will be exposed!"

  Old Wang has seen the world in the past few days, but... Facing all the Beijing-brand cars, he is still a little worried.

  He is also worried about breaking the boss.

  Old Wang winked at the security captain at the side.

  Seeing this, the other party quickly got up and walked towards the company. Others gathered around the door of the company, blocking the inside of the door, just not allowing people to enter.

  Pharaoh Wang took the visitor registration form from the security room and put it on the table at the door.

"Feel sorry!"

   "In a special period, our boss said that we need to strengthen management."

   "Any visitor must register before entering."

  The middle-aged man wanted to go up and argue with Lao Wang, but the leader man stopped him.

   "No, we are a formal inspection, we should write and abide by other people's rules."

   While speaking, the man took out the documents and work permit in his hand.

   "Look, here is our work permit, and related documents!"

  Old Wang looked at the other party's things and frowned.

   Then he picked up the walkie-talkie, went back to the room and called the security captain.

  After coming out, he said directly: "Okay!"

   "Wait a moment."

   "Our boss will be here soon."

   "After you come, just go in together."

  The man frowned suddenly: "Aren't we going to let in even if we have a certificate?"

  Old Wang smiled: "Don't make things difficult for us, a security guard!"

   "As soon as you leave, the boss fires us, this is inappropriate!"

  For a while, there were more than a dozen people around the door, and they could only stand there and wait in the winter.

  Not long!

   Soon, several cars stopped at the door.

  The leader was actually Gu Haihua!

   In addition, there is Li Haibo, Wang Wenhai of food and medicine...

   "Hello, comrade, why do you come to our source city for inspection?"

   "We haven't received any documents here either!"

  Wang Wenhai got up and asked directly.

  The people around were dumbfounded when they saw the license plate of this row of buses.

   Even if you don’t know the market in Jin Province, you can still recognize that these license plates are official vehicles, and the license plate numbers are all big bosses!

  One time!

  The leading man couldn't help being stunned.

  He couldn't think of why so many people were attracted to investigate a small Annan Pharmaceutical?

   "Leader, hello!"

   "We are a routine inspection."

   That's all the leading man can say.

  The reporters also put away their cameras and microphones quickly and wisely.

  In this battle, if you give them courage, they won't dare!


   All this is not over.

  Accompanied by Chen Jinhe's arrival, Gu Haihua just looked at the group of people indifferently, and said, "Isn't it an inspection?"

   "Let's go, I will accompany you!"

  These staff were suddenly dumbfounded!

  Check, still have to check.

   It's just that everyone didn't dare to go to war, so they could only cooperate with the inspection.

   Wait until everyone goes back.

   On the same day, the results came out, and Annan Pharmaceutical was still blocked!

  Shen Yuzhe had already received the news.

  He didn't expect that Annan Pharmaceutical would involve so many people.


   The arrow is on the string and has to be fired!

  The people behind him also began to exert their strength.


   Annan Pharmaceutical was still suspended for seven days for inspection work.

   This seven-day rectification cannot be regarded as processing.


   It happened that many people realized that something was wrong with this matter.

   And at this moment!

  Everyone realizes that this is no longer a matter of Jin Province.

   It is someone above who wants to make Annan Pharmaceutical.

  At this moment, Chen Jinhe and others began to encounter difficulties.

  Even Mr. Zhuang Xunzhuang, his eyebrows were tightened at this time, and he was a little anxious.

  Annan Pharmaceutical has increased its capital one after another because of the expansion of its scale, and everyone knows what new drugs represent.

  Zhuang Xun's brows were tight at this time, smoking a cigarette: "Jin He, this matter...Chen Nan really said that?"

  Chen Jinhe nodded: "Yes!"

   "President Zhuang, Chen Nan said, stand still."

   "We have to go through this hurdle."

  The news that Annan Pharmaceutical was rectified instantly spread in Xinglin Garden.

   Many people know the news.

  One time!

  There was a lot of noise outside, and everyone felt that there was something wrong with Xinglinyuan this time.

   Moreover, a discerning person, who knows the reason of this incident, is very clear that this time, Yu Zhe's investment is going to be serious.

   Chen Nan also received a call from Shen Yuzhe today:

   "Director Chen, how are you thinking?"

   "My's happening again. It's really difficult for me to get over this serious matter!"

   "No, it's easy to do some impulsive things with a big tone."

   "You say this is a mess, it's inappropriate!"



   "You said my tongue, why don't you say it like a lotus tongue?"

   "I'm looking forward to it!"

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, the development of this disease depends on a process!"

   "The struggle between good and evil in this human body also pays attention to a process."

   "Let's take it slow!"

  Shen Yuzhe snorted coldly: "Chen Nan, I think it's better for you to think about it carefully!"

   "Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have some connections in the source city."

   "I am not only a big talker, but also a big heart."

   "I've seen a lot of people like you."

  Chen Nan also smiled and said, "Oh?"

   "What a coincidence!"

   "Shen Yuzhang and the Yuancheng Shen family fell, and I participated in it!"

   "Coincidentally, the surname is Shen. You were still relatives hundreds of years ago, right?"

  Hearing what Chen Nan said, Shen Yuzhe immediately snorted coldly. really isn't a coincidence.

  Shen Xinzhe offended Chen Nan back then and was brought down by Chen Nan, this really has something to do with the Shen family.

   It was just the original matter, and Shen Yuzhe couldn't help.

   Finally let it go.

  However, when Chen Nan said this, Shen Yuzhe was immediately annoyed.



   "We'll see."

   "However, I have a bad temper. When the time comes, there will be a quarrel, but it will not end."

   "When the time comes, it's no use begging me!"

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "I'm not very good-tempered either!"

   "You should have heard from Shen Xinzhe."

  "I am a person who never punishes those who harm me."

   "It's useless to beg me!"

  Shen Yuzhe hung up the phone immediately.

  In the office of Yuzhe Investment Company, Shen Yuzhe said to everyone:

   "Check it out for me!"

   "Annan Pharmaceutical, start investigating from the beginning to the end!"

   "Also, bribe the researchers, I want their detailed information about icariin!"

   "Check it out for me at any cost!"

  At this time, a man walked in and smiled: "Yu Zhe, you are so angry!"

   "It's not good for your health!"

  Shen Yuzhe smiled forcedly: "Young Master Yan, you are here."

   "Sit down quickly."

  Yan Chengyu did not sit down, but said: "There is a meeting tomorrow, I have to come back."

   "How about this?"

  Shen Yuzhe said: "Hey, this Chen Nan is quite difficult, but... it shouldn't be a big problem!"

  Yan Chengyu nodded: "Hurry up!"

   "Strive to win before the World Cancer Conference!"

   "That's a great opportunity!"

   "As long as we release it on this stage, we will surely reap a lot of capital."

  Shen Yuzhe nodded quickly.


  Shen Yuzhe exerted his strength.


Just at this time!

  Suddenly, there was a riot on the side of the Association of Chinese Physicians.

  Lu Pingren directly approached the leader and made a decision on the matter!


  Lu Pingren directly held a party.

   As the president of a famous doctor of the Association of Chinese Physicians, Mr. Lu is highly respected!

   This time!

   I was really angry.

   Those invited to participate are all seniors in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

  Lu Pingren cut straight to the point and said:

   "Damn it, this group of people just don't take us Chinese medicine seriously!"

   "After finally waiting for a good seedling, do you have to destroy it?"

   "Xinglinyuan is not a good bird either!"

   "No stand at all!"

   "How great is the appearance of icariin to our Chinese medicine practitioners?"

   "Unfortunately, you see what they did?"

  Shen Yuyuan also said angrily: "Yes, this time, we can't bear it anymore!"

   "We're going to stand up!"

   "Xiao Chen is not only our disciple, but also the future of Chinese medicine!"

   "How many people are so young, can have such accomplishments, and can make such achievements?"

  Lu Pingren also nodded excitedly:

   "We are old, but he is young!"

   "This time, we must protect him."

   "This drug must never fall into the mouth of others!"

   "Because of Chinese medicine, the most dangerous time has come!"

  “Because the younger generation is the future of Chinese medicine!”

   "The one who hangs is already hanging, the one who is twilight is already twilight, and the one who is facing the sun is thousands of miles away!"

   "We need you to change the current status quo."

   "Today is Chen Nan, who will be tomorrow?"

  "If we don't protect our own things, who will protect them?"

   "This time, who is willing to be a guardian of Chinese medicine with us!"

  With Mr. Lu's sonorous and forceful words, the whole audience erupted.


   "I, Jia Menzhang, am willing to be a guardian of traditional Chinese medicine!"

   "And I, Huang Yiping! I am willing to be a guardian of traditional Chinese medicine!"

   "I, Shao Yanfang, will do my part!"

   "I, Gu Siming, am obliged!"


   All of a sudden, more and more old men were full of praise and stood up excitedly!

   This is the blood of their older generation!


  In addition to Lu Pingren, more and more Chinese medicine practitioners have begun to stand up.

  Master Yu Mei announced directly: "Exit Xinglin Garden!"

  Accompanied by Yu Meiyu's actions, it immediately caused an uproar in Xinglin Garden.

  Master Yu is the 15th master on the Xinglinyuan master list!


   This is just the beginning.

  After the old man, Shen Yuyuan, Jia Menzhang...more and more people joined in.


   At the critical moment, the four major Chinese medicine practitioners in Jin Province all announced their withdrawal from Xinglin Garden!

  Gujia in the capital, exit Xinglin Garden!

  Nanyang Gu Family, quit Xinglin Garden!

  The Zheng family in Sichuan, all quit Xinglin Garden!

  Academicians of the Academy of Engineering quit...

  Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences quit...


  Suddenly, more and more old men who had been famous for a long time withdrew from Xinglin Garden.

   It was originally just a small thing!

  No one thought that it would cause such a big turmoil.

  The frenzy of so many people withdrawing from Xinglin Garden suddenly caused quite a shock.

   At this time, many people panicked!

  Xinglinyuan was also dumbfounded.

   They never expected that Chen Nan would have such a terrifying cohesion!

  Originally, Shen Yuzhe had already vowed to win the game.


  He was dumbfounded when he saw the news suddenly.

  Damn it!

  This Chen Nan, why?

  He De He Neng?


Just at this time.

  Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration, Gao Ruizhen made a statement directly.

   "We must protect the development of traditional Chinese medicine, protect the products of traditional Chinese medicine, and more importantly, protect our culture and heritage!"

   "This time, Annan Pharmaceutical has achieved excellent results in Chinese medicine extracts!"

   "Successfully made up for our shortcomings in the production of traditional Chinese medicine standards!"

   "Specially awarded to Annan Pharmaceutical as a cooperative unit in the formulation of traditional Chinese medicine standards!"

   Along with this announcement!

   Chen Nan was also dumbfounded!

  Could it be...

  Brother did it?

  He quickly called Chen An!

   "Brother, you made it?!"

  Chen An smiled: "You can't just let you bear the responsibility alone!"

"Do not worry!"

"and me!"

   "The harpaside propionate has been made and handed over to Professor Guo De'an!"

   "This time, he helped us a lot."

  Chen An hasn't had a good rest for half a month, and these days he even forgets to sleep and eat.

  Annan Pharmaceutical has reached the most dangerous time.

  He knew that he couldn't help with many things.


  The harpaside propionate in Eucommia ulmoides extract has reached a critical time.

   And he seized the time, worked tirelessly, and finally extracted it.

  He found Professor Guo Dean overnight, went to the capital together, and found Mr. Gao Ruizhen.

  This is how we are today!

  Chen Nan said excitedly: "Thank you, brother!"

  Chen An smiled: "Brother's ability is limited, I will leave it to you."

   "I need to get a good night's sleep."

   "Or I will die suddenly!"

  Chen Nan had a sore nose and hung up the phone without saying a word!

  The horn of counterattack has sounded.

   This time, he can't lose!

  Can't afford to lose!


  ps: I still feel a little uncomfortable today. I feel...after being ill this time, my vitality has been severely damaged, and my temper and lungs have been damaged.

   Can't lift my spirits.

  I did something this morning, but I lost my energy in the afternoon.


   Everyone should also pay attention to maintenance.

  I originally wanted to ask for leave, but... I have to do it after turning on the computer. After all, I was stuck there yesterday, and everyone must be uncomfortable.

  More than 8,000 have been delivered, ask for a monthly ticket!

  (end of this chapter)

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read The Duke's Passion