MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 329 Turn around!

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  Chapter 329 Turning around!

  Accompanied by the information from the Huaran Research Institute, it entered Chen Nan's mind.

  Originally, Chen Nan just thought that a system would conceal the acquisition of the third-generation sequencing technology, seems that he was wrong!

  He suddenly discovered that the "rationalization" brought about by this Perfect Level reward was worth the money!

  Because the so-called Huaran Research Institute is not just a cover, let alone an empty framework, it is a research institute with real things.

  This perfect bad review is really not a waste!

  Looking at the system rewards, Chen Nan felt a little more excited.

   It’s just, it’s a pity that…

   Obviously, there is no way to participate in this meeting.

   Otherwise, Chen Nan feels that this time, it will definitely become the most shining one in Chinese oncology medicine.

   And at this time!

  The passers-by who were preparing to attend the meeting also noticed the situation here.

  The passionate behavior of Yuan Chaomin and others also infected everyone.

   You must know that it is not just a country with extremely developed medical level like the United States who is here to participate in this meeting.

   Relatively speaking, there are many situations similar to Huaxia.

   In some countries, only one or two representatives participated.

   As a result, Huaxia's collective abandonment of participating in the meeting this time obviously moved everyone.

  Regional discrimination has never been limited to a province or city, and is more obvious in the international scope.

   When many people came to the United States to participate in this conference, they were naturally discriminated against by others.

  So, the Chinese people rebelled this time, and many people joined it.

  Although everyone did not tear up the invitation letter in their hands, many people stood up to help them speak out!

   "Medical care knows no borders. The World Oncology New Drug Conference is a pinnacle event for the release of new drugs worldwide. Why should a person be disqualified innocently?"

   "That is, since it is going to be cancelled, why not earlier? People came all the way to attend the meeting, so why was it canceled when the entrance was approaching? It's not fair!"

   "Medical treatment should be pure and should not be added with complicated ingredients and colors. If the organizer cannot give a reasonable explanation, I will also withdraw from this meeting!"

  "Yes! Why? We need an explanation and answer, and the organizer has backtracked. This is a disrespect for us, and it is also a disrespect for medicine!"


  Over time, more and more voices began to appear.

  Some experts come from Africa, South America... and other regions. Perhaps their level is far behind that of the United States, and even compared with some developing countries.

  However, this time, Huaxia received some precious support.

   With more and more people joining it.

  The hall at the entrance seemed to be a farce-like scene.

  No one expected that this meeting would encounter such an embarrassing scene before it even started.

   Upon seeing the situation, the staff immediately began to contact the organizer and related high-level personnel.

after all…

   If things get serious, this meeting may become a joke!

  As for the Chinese region, more than a dozen experts stood there, their hearts turbulent.

   This time, they did something amazing.

   They have been recognized by many people!

   They dare to stand up and help themselves to be heard!

  Yuan Chaomin and others were filled with excitement while being excited.

   But only... Yang Fupeng was a little embarrassed, and he felt very helpless.

   **** it!

   You all tore up the invitations, you took the limelight...

   Have you considered my feelings?

   I **** don't have an invitation letter this time!

  He also wanted to tear it up once. What a passionate, exciting, and memorable scene!

  When he is old, retired, and lying on a recliner, he may be able to tell his grandson the passionate story of how his grandfather tore up the invitation letter in anger at the summit meeting held in the United States.

what a pity!

   This time, not only is he not the protagonist, he is not even considered a supporting role.

  However, the most embarrassing person at the scene was none other than others.

  It is Shen Guzhang!

  Shen Guzhang originally came here only for Chen Nan, to tell him that he can't do whatever he wants if he has the ability, you don't understand this world, you are too young and too simple.

  But I didn't expect... Chen Nan made such a big fuss.

   Even now, I don't know how to end it.

   Shen Guzhang looked solemn and began to think about countermeasures.

  He has obviously thought of many possibilities.

  If all the people from Huaxia do not attend the meeting this time, it is absolutely impossible for the organizer to see such a thing happen, and the scene is already in chaos.

   This is not a vegetable market, but the site of the World Cancer Summit!

  Everyone present is an expert!

   is the circle of academic pinnacle of oncology medicine.

   If this matter gets out, it will definitely be a big joke!


   Think about this problem in another way.

  This more dangerous.

  If this incident spreads to the country, saying that Shen Guzhang deliberately disqualified Chen Nan from joining the circle in order to suppress Chen Nan, what kind of impact will it have?

  Chen Nan's current status is not what it used to be.

  In other words, Shen Guzhang will be more important than the current Chen Nan, and the upper management may consider Shen Guzhang to make things difficult for Chen Nan because of the child.

   But... now?

   A Chen Nan doesn't matter.

  However, if all the people in China who come to this meeting give up their places.

  There is no one from Huaxia in the whole meeting, what will the higher-ups think?

  Can Shen Guzhang survive this time?


  This result is impossible!

  Shen Guzhang didn't even think about it, but he didn't want to be self-defeating when things went smoothly and relieved his anger?

   It can even be said that they shot themselves in the foot!

   If this gets out, it will obviously be a joke!

  Shen Guzhang inevitably panicked.

   And at this moment!

  Suddenly a person walked out of the venue, followed by several older experts.

  The man walked up to the staff, took out the invitation letter in his hand, and tore it up in front of the staff!

   "Aren't you going to cancel someone's invitation?"

   "Hehe, why don't you cancel us too!"


   "By the way, my name is Tilson, and I'm from Oxford University."

   After Tillson finished speaking, he strode towards Chen Nan: "Brother, don't worry!"

   "We are with you!"

   "If even the World Cancer Drug Conference cannot be fair, if the World Cancer Society cannot give a satisfactory explanation!"

   "I think, I don't care if I don't attend such a meeting!"

   "After all, this is your American territory, and you don't welcome any of us to steal your limelight!"


  Tilson didn't care about this meeting at all. In contrast, he cherished Chen Nan's friendship more.

  He knew that the young man in his twenties in front of him had a mysterious energy hidden in him, and he could create miracles.

  Tilson went back and searched for Chen Nan, and finally found two papers written by Chen Nan.

  One, is an article by Professor James Harken.

   elicits link of bile reflux to intestinal metaplasia.

   And the instructor of this article turned out to be Chen Nan!

  Who is Professor James Harken?

  In the world tumor circle, there are famous figures, and they even served as directors of the World Cancer Society.

  Having been famous for a long time, many people in the circle believe that Professor Haken is capable of winning the Nobel Prize in the future.

  However, such a person is willing to regard Chen Nan as the instructor of the article.

   One can imagine, what is Chen Nan's image in his mind?

  Tilson thinks that he is very talented, but... at present, he is much worse than Professor Haken.

  No matter what the reason is, Tillson stood up and supported Chen Nan at this time!

  One time!

  The situation became extremely deadlocked.

  More and more people came out of the infield of the meeting to watch what happened at this time.

  Balsha and Dane also came out.

  Actually, Balsha came out very early. After seeing Chen Nan's disqualification, he was extremely excited.

   Seeing Chen Nan deflated, he felt a little overjoyed in his heart.


  At this moment, seeing more and more people participating, he suddenly froze.

  When he saw that this group of Chinese people followed Chen Nan to give up this opportunity, he was even more shocked.

  Why does he have such appeal?

  Balsha even wanted to ask his friends around him, such as Dane and Aruna.

   If they were disqualified, would they be willing to step up and help him?

   Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Dane walking out from beside him.

   "I'm Dane from Mayo Clinic, sorry, I'm giving up this meeting too!"

   "Chen Nan is my friend from China. His ability is obvious to all. If the current world new drug conference is going to become like this, I don't care."

   While talking, Dane walked up to Chen Nan and offered to shake hands:

   "Professor Chen, nice to meet you."

  Chen Nan looked at Dane, Tillson and others in surprise, and was inevitably a little more moved in his heart.



   And at this time!

  The staff quickly reported the incident.

  The World Cancer Drug Conference is still in charge of the World Cancer Society.

  After receiving the news, the president, Drizzt Cole, was obviously taken aback.

  His eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his face was cloudy and uncertain. Obviously, this incident made him a little upset.

  Everyone in Huaxia withdrew from the meeting, which also put a lot of pressure on him.

   Drizzt is very young, only fifty-five years old this year, and this is the first time he chairs a global conference in the field of tumors.

  So, in this meeting, he doesn't want any sons to appear.

   Drizzt glanced at the people around him.

   There were quite a few people in the room, including the vice president, secretary general, council members, and representatives of pharmaceutical companies.

  He looked at the crowd, and before he could make a sound, the council member James Harken stood up excitedly.

   "Why did you disqualify Chen Nan from the meeting?"

  "The World Cancer New Drug Conference is a worldwide new drug exchange conference!"

   "It is one of the most important meetings of the Tumor Association. Representatives of major pharmaceutical companies, I would like to ask, since Chen Nan got the invitation, why did he cancel it?"

   "The membership invitation system has always been approved by our board of directors, and the representatives of your pharmaceutical company only have the right to recommend. Why should you cancel the membership qualification?"

  James Harken was naturally very angry. He looked at the pharmaceutical company opposite.

  Although the relationship between American pharmaceutical companies and medical associations is very close, it does not mean that they are all in one piece.

  Because many experts are also blind to the behavior and style of pharmaceutical companies.

  James Harken and Drizzt were promoted together.

   Drizzt is an American, and he is a well-known Anderson Cancer Center in the field of oncology in the United States.

  In this place, three presidents of tumor associations were born!

   This is known as the title of the largest cancer hospital in the United States!

  However, Drizzt's most famous thing is not this, but one of his lawsuits.

  The most famous thing Drizzt ever did was to bring forward the fact that Johnson's Baby Powder causes cancer.

   At that time, this incident caused an uproar in the United States, and finally won the lawsuit!

  In 3 years, the US court ruled that Johnson & Johnson should compensate consumers more than 5 billion US dollars.

   This is the hardest thing Drizzt has ever done, and it is also the one thing he is most famous for.

   Subsequently, Drizzt successfully ran for the post of president of the World Cancer Society.

  This year's new drug launch conference was the first meeting he hosted.

   Drizzt is not liked by those pharmaceutical companies.

  The representative of Johnson & Johnson is sitting opposite.

   Facing James Harken's anger, Drizzt was much calmer in comparison.

   Drizzt asked the staff, "Who canceled it?"

  After the Secretary-General inquired, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's Gilead, Mr. Joffrey."

   Geoffrey is the vice president of Gilead and a member of the board of directors.

   After hearing his name being called, he just smiled faintly: "I just don't think Chen Nan has such qualifications."

   "Our summit meeting naturally invites industry experts."

   Before the words fell, James Haken smiled sarcastically: "I see, you are scared!"

  Joffrey narrowed his eyes suddenly: "Afraid?"


   "Professor James, this joke is not funny at all."

   "How can I, Gilead, be afraid of a mere Chen Nan?"


   "I don't think I did anything wrong."

  James Haken said with a smile: "Do you think that you are the only one who knows that Chen Nan's new drug icariin will become a competitor of car-t cell therapy this time?"

   "Mr. Geoffrey, we have received the report from Mr. Chen Nan."

   "Medicine serves people all over the world, not a tool for your company to make money!"

   "Gilead is robbing. I have never seen an anti-drug treatment that costs millions of dollars!"

   "Hehe, let me tell you, you are scared!"

   "I think, Mr. Geoffrey, if you are afraid, you can withdraw from this meeting."

  Joffrey was instantly angered by what James Harken said.

  He stared at the other party viciously: "Hehe!"

   "Chen Nan's icariin has not passed clinical research at all, it is just a concept!"

   "Why can it be compared with our car-t cell therapy? We have passed the most advanced NMPA gene sequencing test in the world. It is currently the drug with the most targets and the best effect among targeted drugs."

   "Expensive, of course there is a reason for it!"

   "And I don't think Chen Nan's icariin has the potential to compete with us."

   After hearing the conversation between the two, the pharmaceutical company's eyes widened.

  Could it be... There are targeted drugs in China?

  This is not good news!

   Just like that, before the meeting started, in the office, the two started a frenzied dispute.

   Drizzt said: "Reissue invitations to all members who tore up the invitations."

   "It's almost time."

   "Let's officially start the meeting!"

   "However, let me declare in advance that the matter of Gilead is the last time."

  "The Tumor Association is not a tool for capital to make money, let alone a platform to suppress opponents. What we want to establish is an organization for tumor development and exchange."

   "If Mr. Joffrey does not agree, I will hold a meeting to discuss your qualifications for subsequent organizational meetings."

"So be it!"

   Drizzt was tall and muscular. He didn't look like a researcher, but more like an athlete.

  Unfortunately, this person is the chief expert of Anderson Cancer Treatment Center.

  When he watched Joffrey speak, there was a looming sense of oppression on his body, which made Joffrey very uncomfortable.

  He knew very well that Drizzt in front of him was definitely a ruthless person!

  He dared to sue the Johnson & Johnson Group, so what was he afraid of?

   Drizzt also has an identity as a member of the American Democratic Party. He has capital behind him and the support of labor unions.

  Joffrey's face soon became dull.

  Although it is said that every year this new drug that claims to have a strong effect is doing ppt and publicity.

  But... there are not many who can really make achievements.

  Traditional Chinese medicine to fight cancer is still just a joke to everyone.

  As the vice president, Geoffrey will pay attention to this matter, but... In fact, he doesn't have much panic in his heart.


  Icaritin may not even pass the NMPA standard.

   It is simply a fantasy to make an international targeted drug that cannot pass the NMPA standard.

  The NMPA standard for genetic testing is the industry standard for gene sequencing recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Food and Drug Administration.

   And his source is a commissioned organization called the International Institute of Precision Medicine.

   This is doomed, how difficult it is for Chen Nan to pass this standard!

   As for Chen Nan, Joffrey just likes to nip danger in the bud.



  In the hall outside the meeting.

   At this time, it was already very lively.

   And at this moment, Drizzt and others suddenly walked over.

  When everyone saw Drizzt and the others coming, they naturally gave way quickly.

  Most of the people who attended the meeting this time were members of the Tumor Association, and they were no strangers to President Drizzt, not to mention that there were a group of vice presidents and council members behind him.

   After explaining to the staff, Drizzt turned around and looked at the people in the hall, and then moved his gaze to Chen Nan.

   "Professor Chen, this time you are disqualified, it is Gilead's operation."

   "It is not the behavior of our tumor association."

   "However, it is also the result of our ineffective supervision."

   "So, sorry!"

   "In the next meeting, we will reissue relevant documents for you."

   "Finally, welcome to the World Cancer Drug Conference!"

   Drizzt's words fooled everyone around him!

   And the most dumbfounded is Geoffrey of Gilead.

  He's an idiot.

   Will it grow if you do this?

   Are you **** emotionally intelligent?

   Is there anyone who exposes you like this?

   you fucking...

  Joffrey felt countless eyes looking at him at this time, making him unable to bear such blazing gazes no matter how thick-skinned he was.

  Waiting for him were countless pairs of eyes full of resentment, sarcasm, ridicule, and hostility.

  Joffrey is convinced!

**** it!

  The general president will definitely say that such a scene is caused by our work mistakes, you are really **** amazing.

  Thinking of this, Joffrey looked at Zhang Shen Gu beside him.

   Look gloomy!

  He wanted to say that this idiot asked him to do it.

  Shen Guzhang was also a little confused, so he could only leave the scene in despair.


   Drizzt received a burst of applause.

  Chen Nan also applauded enthusiastically.

   Damn it, I met a bosom friend.

  This guy is nice, capable, and dares to speak up when he has something to say.

Ha ha…

  Chen Nan himself was amused by this interesting soul.

   Such a turning point made Yuan Chaomin and others couldn't help but start applauding.

  Chen Nan took the initiative to shake hands with Mr. Drizzt, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Professor Drizzt."

   Drizzt waved his hand: "We cherish any member."

   “You are all people who can change the world.”

   After finishing speaking, he walked directly towards the venue.

   But these words made everyone feel encouraged and recognized.

  Chen Nan looked at Shen Guzhang who was about to leave, shrugged, and said with a smile: "Sorry, Mr. Shen, you are destined to be disappointed!"

  Suddenly, Yuan Chaomin and the others burst out laughing, and looked at each other contemptuously.

  Shen Guzhang's face was cloudy and uncertain. If his eyes could kill, he would have killed Chen Nan thousands of times.

【Ding! Congratulations, Shen Guzhang has upgraded your negative review level...Currently: severe level +. 】

   Chen Nan heard the voice, smiled, followed the large army, and walked inside.

  James Haken waited for Chen Nan at the door, and when he saw him, he smiled and came over to hug him.

   "Chen, long time no see!"

   "I believe that it won't be long before you can join the association."

   "You have such strength!"

  Chen Nan smiled: "Professor James, thank you!"


   After exchanging pleasantries at the door, everyone entered the venue one after another.

  The meeting is about to start!

   Drizzt stood on the podium.

   said to the crowd:

   "Welcome to this new tumor drug conference."

   "Today is the thirty-first session."

   "This is a platform for the exchange of new drugs, and it is also a grand exchange event for tumor medicine!"

  "Cancer is a problem that plagues people's health at present, and we have been working hard for decades."

  "Medicine is not divided into families. Medicines are for medical services, but they are ultimately for people's health and life."

   "The core purpose of our conference is: to pursue better healing!"

   "Okay, the next time belongs to everyone."

   "Now, I declare the meeting officially opened!"

   "This time, we will still select the five most representative drugs of the era as our key observation and support objects."

   "Now, the meeting officially begins!"

   After Drizzt finished speaking, he took the initiative to leave the rostrum.

  The host began to introduce on stage.

   “First, invite a representative from Pfizer!”

"Pfizer, as the world's No. 1 pharmaceutical company, has achieved excellent results in the fields of blood lipid-lowering drugs, vaccines and autoimmunity. After entering the research and development of tumor drugs, it has also achieved excellent results in breast cancer, kidney cancer and NSCLC... "

   "The drug they introduced is a third-generation EGFR inhibitor improver!"

   "As we all know, the third-generation inhibitor drug has been on the market in the United States for five years, and its efficacy is remarkable. Now their improved third-generation inhibitor drug has obtained the results of phase III clinical trials..."

   "Next, please invite the representative of Pfizer to come on stage!"

  Chen Nan was stunned when he heard it!

  Because...the second-generation EGFR inhibitor dacomitinib was approved for marketing last year!

   But he didn't expect that the third-generation improved model was already on the market in the United States!

   While his heart was shocked, he had to sigh with emotion that the so-called backwardness was not without reason.

  Compared with others, we are behind a whole generation of tumor drugs.


   It's not just Pfizer.

  Even, it can be said that Pfizer can only enter the top ten in the oncology market.

   As for the top five tumor drugs, those are the real bosses!

  The leading anticancer drug, Roche, can be said to be the leader in the field of lung cancer, breast cancer, and lymphoma!

  Drugs such as rituximab, bevacizumab, and trastuzumab are simply unable to find rivals.

  Although the patents have declined after the expiration of these years, the level of their medicines is far ahead.

  Secondly, Celgene, Merck, BMS, Johnson & Johnson!

   These are the top five forces in the field of anticancer drugs.

  Chen Nan listened carefully below.

   On stage, he spoke very professionally.

  If Chen Nan hadn't temporarily strengthened his study of tumor medicine and tumor drugs during this period, he might not understand it.

  Listen to the effects of new drugs and new ideas for tumor treatment.

  Chen Nan had to sigh with emotion.

  Being behind is not unreasonable.

  People's research on tumors has really reached a very high level.

  Even if Chen Nan asked Yang Fupeng for the latest guides and information, on this platform, some of them still couldn't be put on the table.


   Although Chen Nan is envious, he is not inferior at all.

   On the contrary, this meeting gave Chen Nan a lot of inspiration.

for example!

  Treat the problem of drug resistance of tumor drugs.

  Roche has begun to deal with the problem of drug resistance of the third generation of targeted drugs, and has started research and development of new drugs.

  The excellent efficacy of targeted drugs and the inevitable problem of drug resistance have been in a state of ebb and flow.

  Although we are constantly exploring solutions and trying from various reasons and aspects, but the tumor cells are too cunning and have had little effect.

This time, Roche discovered that when tumor cells respond to the attack of targeted drugs, they will initiate a stress response to induce more gene mutations to try to avoid the attack of targeted drugs, and a gene called AXL plays a key role .

What does that mean?

  When our human body encounters a very urgent situation, it often stimulates the potential of the body.

  When bacteria face fatal threats, such as toxic chemicals, antibiotics, etc., they will also activate a dangerous but effective program, which is the SOS response.

  In this case, bacteria will tend to make some more mistakes in gene replication, so as to test how to survive in the predicament.

   Most of the mutated bacteria will die, but there are always some mutations that make a very small number of bacteria gain the ability to survive.

  Similarly, when cancer cells resist tumor drugs, they will also produce similar SOS responses.

When a large number of cancer cells are killed by drugs, in the temporarily surviving cancer cells, there will be more errors in gene replication, and there will always be some cancer cells that have acquired the ability to resist drugs through gene mutations, thus surviving and proliferating , and finally achieve the purpose of drug resistance.

   Cancer cells develop the EGFR gene T790M mutation through this method.

  After hearing this, Chen Nan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  This shows that leading targeted drugs, like antibiotics, does not seem to be the correct way to treat tumors.


   Antibiotics are already preventing abuse.

   Whether one day, targeted drugs will enter such a stage.

  At the beginning, the research and development of antibiotics changed the medical landscape too much.


   The same goes for targeted drugs.

  Nowadays, tumor anticancer drugs have also encountered such problems.

  The current generation of targeted drugs has little effect.

  Second generation, third generation...

   Is it...need to keep updating new medicines?

  Chen Nan began to think about a question.

   That is the rationality of living with tumors.

  And, the research of traditional Chinese medicine against cancer!

   Soon, Gilead came to power.

  After Joffrey went up, the first sentence was:

   "I heard that a counterfeit treatment of car-t cell therapy appeared in China!"

   "Actually, I'm not worried at all!"

   "Because... has been imitated, never surpassed!"

   "Okay, next, I will introduce the improvement measures of our car-t cell therapy!"

   While speaking, Geoffrey glanced at Chen Nan with contempt on his face.

   seems to be saying...

  You have never been my opponent.

  Because, I never put you in my eyes.

   Chen Nan smiled immediately when he saw this.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a negative review from Joffrey, and the negative review level: Intermediate! 】


  ps: Thank you for your rewards, thank you, and the veterans will not thank you one by one here.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion