MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 330 They don't deserve it!

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  Chapter 330 They don't deserve it!

  Joffrey directly named Chen Nan in his opening remarks, without any taboo at all.

  But his words did not make the people around him feel too much disgust, and even many people laughed.



   These laughter also did not avoid Chen Nan.

   It seems that, as Joffrey said, the gap between the two is too great. Many people don't believe that Huaxia has developed a drug that can be compared with car-t cell therapy.

  After all, over the years, no matter how the tumor drugs change, it seems to have become a game for these large pharmaceutical companies.

  Cancer has also become a stage where everyone competes with each other.

   In contrast, Huaxia has been weak in this field for a long time, and this is by no means a truth that can be changed overnight.

  People like Qin Shiming in the medical field work hard every day to negotiate with these companies.

   Keep the price as low as possible to benefit domestic patients.

  It seems... Huaxia lags far behind in this field compared to India, where generic drugs are prevalent.


   This is not the case. Why didn't Qin Shiming understand that he could learn from India and let go of patents on medicines.

  However, if you let it go, you will face a very serious problem: bad money chasing good money!

  When everyone blindly makes imitation drugs and pirated drugs, this is definitely a self-defeating thing.

  Because this means that the benefits of innovation are too low, and no one will work hard in this industry.

  Pharmaceutical business, absolutely not.

  So, many things, even if you grit your teeth, you have to do it yourself.


  Joffrey's words hurt the hearts of many people, especially Yuan Chaomin and others.

  In everyone's eyes, what Joffrey laughed at was not Chen Nan, but their country!

   Being overseas, each of them represents that flag and that country.

  However, although Joffrey said it was very annoying, why didn't everyone understand that this is the current truth?

  Being behind is indeed the current situation.

  Yuan Chaomin and others took a deep breath, their faces were solemn, and their eyes were full of firmness and a strong sense of responsibility.

   Lu Shouyue glanced at Chen Nan: "Don't worry about it!"

   “We always need someone to make the first move!”

  Chen Nan nodded, why isn't that true in his heart?

at this time!

  Joffrey stood on the stage, full of spirits.

  car-t cell therapy is indeed a top-notch therapy in the field of tumor treatment.

  He was born under the background of precision medicine. With the help of genetic testing, precise sequencing and other methods, Gilead overtook the company in a corner, and faintly became the top ten anticancer drug company.

  Joffrey said with a smile:

   "The improvement of CAR-T cell therapy will not only target cells that have caused cancer."

   "We will strengthen T-cell therapy and develop better early anti-cancer drugs."

   “Before, our car-t cell therapy was mainly a survival-prolonging therapy for advanced anti-cancer.”


   "Now, it's different."

   "Our new drug will cooperate with NMPA testing company to establish an early intervention tumor program."

   "The purpose of early intervention is to let the body's immune cells recognize those cells that have lost the control of tumor suppressor genes as soon as possible, so as to prevent the epidemic as soon as possible!"


  Accompanied by Joffrey's excited words, the scene has fallen into a frantic discussion.

   Chen Nan was also a little surprised. Sure enough, the background and technological strength of these large pharmaceutical companies are indeed not something we can catch up with at present.

  The other party's plan is actually similar to what I thought.

   I have to say one thing, it’s really a narrow road to Yuanjia.

  The core of the opponent's improved car-t cell therapy lies in early intervention and early treatment.

  By cultivating special immune cells in vitro, the cells with tumor suppressor gene loss in the early stage can be cleaned up!

   This is obviously a kind of thinking of treating the disease before it is cured.


Really can?

   Indeed, it is theoretically possible to cultivate T cells in vitro on the basis of precision medical gene sequencing.


  Next-generation sequencing technology uses high-throughput sequencing technology.

  Chen Nan didn't understand the core content of precise sequencing before. If it were before today, he would definitely be as shocked by the other party's theory as everyone at the scene.

   After all, if Gilead really achieves early intervention in tumor cells, this may really be a great thing.


  Many people were a little moved at this time.

   Even the president, Drizzt, fell into deep thought at this time.

  Professor James Harken was even more serious, without saying a word, he was trying to think about the feasibility of this treatment.

  The core of car-t cell therapy lies in multiple targets, so that the cultured T cells can recognize those tumor cells and carry out self-immunity.

  The previous target is the nucleic acid targeting the existing tumor cells.


  At this time, if they really achieve early intervention, this is definitely a great joy for tumors.

  Under the stage, there were heated discussions one after another.

   “It would be amazing if CAR-T cell therapy could do this!”

   "Yes, let T cells be improved, successfully recognize tumor cells, and kill them. This can be said to strengthen the immune function of the human body, and it is even much less effective than those of radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

   "It's unbelievable that Gilead has such strength!"


  Under the stage, more and more experts began to discuss and think frantically.

  Seeing this scene, Joffrey smiled inside, and looked at Chen Nan who was not far away with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.

   seems to say: See? did you see? This is the real strength!


  Someone stood up and began to speak and ask: "Mr. Geoffrey, the current progress of this treatment, to which stage?"

   "How much feasibility analysis do you have?"

  This person is a member of the board of directors of the Tumor Association, and his question quickly attracted everyone's attention.

  Joffrey saw this, smiled and said:

   "Professor, there should be no problem with our feasibility at present!"

   "We have reached a cooperation agreement with NMPA sequencing company to cooperate in the early prediction of tumor cell targets!"

   "However, it is undeniable that this is an absolutely impressive progress and a great creation in the history of tumors."

   "At present, although our progress is only over 40%, our scientists are researching and innovating every day, and our progress is moving forward!"

  Joffrey said these words, and the applause burst from the scene, which lasted for a long time.

   No one will hate a person who changes the times.

  In this new drug launch conference, every announcer needs to face the doubts of the experts in the audience, so as to clarify and express.

   Again, this is also the significance of this conference.

  After the director finished his speech, some people stood up in the audience.

   "Mr. Joffrey, I have a question. The biggest problem with car-t cell therapy is that the human body cannot tolerate the modified T cells. Those who enhance the immune response need to increase the consumption of the human body."

   "Will this improved therapy cause damage to the human body?"

   "Will the body's immune system face the result of collapse?"

  Joffrey smiled and said, "That's a good question!"

   "Actually, we have already thought of this."

  “This is why we found the cooperation with NMPA Gene Sequencing Company.”

   "NMPA now owns the next-generation sequencing technology, which is the so-called high-throughput sequencing."

   "We randomly break the DNA into countless small fragments by physical or chemical means, about 250-300bp!

  Afterwards, these DNA fragments were enriched by library construction.

  Next, put the completed library into the sequencer for sequencing. There are regions in the sequencer that allow DNA fragments to attach, and each fragment has an independent attachment region, so that the sequencer can detect all attached DNA sequence information at one time. "

   "Next-generation sequencing technology allows us to measure a large number of sequences at one time!"

   "Making our T-cell therapy more precise."

  Joffrey said here, excitedly said: "This will be a real stage victory for precision medicine!"

   “This is the real core of cancer treatment.”

  Joffrey spoke, not caring what other pharmaceutical companies thought.

  Maybe, this is the heroism advocated by Americans.

  They flaunt their individuality and pursue freedom and liberation of individuality.

  However, Joffrey still aroused intense applause from the audience.

  Joffrey enjoyed the moment very much.

   When the applause ends, the time is almost up. After all, this time the new drug launch conference is very tight, and everyone has limited time.

  Chen Nan was not in a hurry, because his time was at the bottom.

  Joffrey said with a smile: "Everyone, does anyone have any questions?"

  Secretary General Oliva glanced at Drizzt: "Sir, it's time, isn't it..."

   Drizzt couldn't help but waved his hand at this time.

  Although he directly expressed his dislike for Joffrey before, size fits all.

  The therapy proposed by the other party is indeed very innovative, and may even lead to a new track for tumor treatment.

   Let tumors enter a new era from the era of targeted drugs.

   If so!

   This meeting will surely be a great meeting, even one with historical memory.

   Drizzt waved his hand: "He can have more time."

   That's right!

   This is the double standard everywhere in the world.

   Oliva heard the sound and nodded without disturbing.

  Joffrey also smiled at Drizzt when he saw this.

it is more than words.

  When a person is good enough, everything he says makes sense.

  However, when a person has nothing, even breathing is wrong.

   This world is originally a world of double standards.

  Joffrey looked at Chen Nan and smiled, with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

  He seemed to be saying, yes, it was me, and I was the one who stopped you from coming in.


  Do you think I'm afraid of you?

   Joffrey actually said it.

  He said directly to Chen Nan: "This Mr. Chen Nan from China."

   "Do you think it is necessary for me to stop you?"

   "Do you really think that I didn't let you in because I was afraid?"

   "No, I simply think that you are not qualified!"

   "Oh, by the way, this Professor Chen from Huaxia, do you have any questions?"

   Sure enough, more people laughed this time!

  Everyone looked at Chen Nan, which seemed to be in stark contrast to what happened in the morning.

  James Haken also had to shake his head helplessly.

   This Joffrey is obviously a little too much...

  But, when someone is good enough, is right or wrong that important?

   All of a sudden, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Nan!

  At this moment, Yuan Chaomin and the others clenched their fists, filled with anger!

   And at this moment!

  Chen Nan stood up suddenly.

  Under the gaze of everyone, he stood up directly and said to Joffrey:

   "Mr. Geoffrey, I do have a problem."

   This scene stunned everyone.

  Chen Nan really stood up?


  What is he going to do when he gets up?

  Although Yuan Chaomin and the others wanted to stand up, but... Joffrey's new drug is really a bit too time-breaking.

  Joffrey continued to look at Chen Nan playfully, as if he had found an interesting toy.

   "Oh? Go ahead!"

  Chen Nan got straight to the point and said directly: "Mr. Geoffrey seems to be very familiar with next-generation sequencing."

   "What I want to ask is, do you know a fatal problem of next-generation sequencing?"

  Joffrey's pupils shrank instantly.


  This problem is the difficulty they are currently encountering.

  Chen Nan didn't wait for the other party to speak, and said directly:

   "Next-generation sequencing can indeed measure a large number of sequences at one time!

  However, there is a fatal flaw!

  Because the gene fragments are limited to 250-300bp, some sequences may be tested many times because they are spliced ​​through the overlapping regions of the sequences.

  Moreover, because PCR enrichment sequences are used in library construction, some sequences with a small amount may not be amplified in large quantities, resulting in the loss of some information, and there is a probability of introducing mismatched bases in PCR.

  This means that there will be a lot of information loss, and the error rate will increase a lot! "

  After Chen Nan finished speaking, his tone became sharper.

   "As you said."

   "Your improved car-t cell therapy is based on the NMPA sequencing organization."

   "Well, great!"

   "This will mean that if your company proceeds on the basis of next-generation sequencing."

   "Instead of precise prevention and control, it will greatly increase the burden on the immune system!"

   "This is definitely not a good thing!"

   "On the contrary, it is a big flaw."

   “What I’m here to ask is… how does your company want to solve this problem?”


   Following Chen Nan's sharp words, the scene suddenly fell silent.

  Joffrey on that stage couldn't help but look stern, and his eyes drifted away.

  He really didn't expect that here, he would meet a master!

   You know, in gene sequencing, next-generation sequencing is still a core secret. How did Chen Nan master the core points of this technology?

   And what Chen Nan said, without a doubt, was a stern attack on Joffrey!

to be honest!

  When Joffrey came to power, he had even predicted that after today, Gilead's stock price would soar.

  With the publication of this conference journal, this will surely make Gilead a target that capital is chasing.


  He never expected that Chen Nan's sudden standing up really put him in a predicament.

  For a moment, Geoffrey felt a little more panic and uneasiness in his heart.

  If Chen Nan's views are continuously recognized, it will mean that their company will not become the object of capital competition, and even the stock price will fluctuate a lot.

   As we all know, a pharmaceutical company is a high-risk, high-return business.

  The basis of the return is based on the release of new drugs.

  If the new drug investment fails, they will also face the **** capital market.

  In history, there has never been a lack of some large pharmaceutical companies that were brilliant for a while, but... accompanied by the failure of competition in the new drug market, the company will directly fall into a deadlock.

  If there is no way to break the deadlock, the company will definitely pay a heavy price, or even... go bankrupt!

   At this time, why has Gilead not lowered the price of car-t cell therapy for a long time.

   It is because they have encountered economic problems in the development of new drugs!

  NMPA sequencing company is a cooperation, but the main investor is still Gilead.

  For the research and development of new drugs, they have paid nearly 2 billion US dollars in initial investment.


  The investment of two billion U.S. dollars did not bring good benefits to the company's research progress.

   On the contrary, he fell into a dilemma.

  Two billion, how much?

   Doesn't look like much for Gilead.

  Gilead Sciences ranks 92nd among Fortune 500 companies.

   And the company's market value is as high as hundreds of billions of dollars!

  The annual turnover has reached 20 billion US dollars.


  Gilead is currently developing five drugs, and car-t cell therapy is the top priority.

  According to the latest financial report, Gilead had a net profit of 5 billion US dollars last year.

   That may seem like a lot, but… it’s really not that much.

  Because their annual investment in scientific research is a huge expense.

  So, Gilead's participation in the new drug launch this time is also very obvious, and it wants to attract capital to re-enter.


  Chen Nan's words made the scene immediately quiet.

  Everyone whispered to each other and began to discuss.

"Professor Chen is right. Gene sequencing itself is a new field. Although NMPA is indeed powerful,... as a developing and mature channel, they have no way to provide Gilead's improved car-t cells. Good forecast!"

   "Yeah, this will be a very fatal problem, and even... this progress is difficult to continue."

   "It makes sense, if there is no way to reduce the error rate in gene sequencing, there will definitely be a lot of problems with this new drug!"

   "Well, let me just say, how can this kind of cross-age technology appear now?"

   "That's right, a gimmick!"


   "Unexpectedly, this Professor Chen knows so much about gene sequencing!"

   "Yeah... If it wasn't for him, we would have been fooled today!"

   Soon, what Chen Nan said caused many people from the Cancer Association to start talking about it.

  This sudden turning point, even Drizzt did not expect it.

  He glanced at Chen Nan with some curiosity in his eyes.

   And at this time!

   Joffrey is stuck.

  Standing on the stage, he suddenly regretted, was he stupid today?

  Can't we go down early?

  He has already regretted it at this point, if he had ended earlier, this would have been another story.

   But what about now?

  Chen Nan's doubts have made everyone at the scene and some pharmaceutical companies start to react.

  Chen Nan continued to ask: "Mr. Geoffrey, I still want to ask, how does your company plan to solve this problem?"

   "If you develop car-t cell therapy based on next-generation sequencing, do you think we dare to use it?"

   "I think, Mr. Geoffrey, your qualification should be revoked instead, because your new medicine has serious problems!"

   "And, you should know this, but still want to stand on this stage."

   "Whether a drug with serious problems is qualified to stand on this stage, I think, should be a question worth pondering!"

   Chen Nan's words immediately aroused warm applause and support from the surroundings.

  Yuan Chaomin, Lu Shouyue and others stared at Chen Nan with wide-eyed expressions as if they were reading from heaven.

  He did not expect such a situation!

   Originally, everyone didn't have much expectation for Chen Nan to stand up.

   But now?

  Chen Nan gave them enough surprises.

  Although they don't know why Chen Nan knows so much about gene sequencing technology, but...they have no time to think about this issue.

  Everyone was applauding wildly, but Geoffrey on the stage fell into an awkward situation at this time, in a dilemma.

  At this time, Drizzt suddenly stood up.

  He said to Joffrey: "If Mr. Joffrey hasn't prepared the answer, please come down first."

   "We're next, with a new publisher."

   These words directly made him lose face.

  Joffrey is still a little furious!

   "You are ignorant of scientific progress!"

   "You are all scientific researchers, you lack enterprising spirit and desire to explore!"

   "Any progress across the ages requires too much hard work!"

   "Don't back down just because of a little difficulty!"

   "Yes, that's right, gene sequencing is a developing subject, but... because of this, we need to work harder and explore more firmly!"

  Chen Nan is not used to the other party!

   directly retorted: "A technology that is about to be eliminated, what are the reasons for supporting it?"

  “There are already big problems in next-generation sequencing!”

   "Even, next-generation sequencing, it won't be long before it will withdraw from the stage of history!"

  Joffrey glared at each other: "You are talking nonsense!"

   "You are not qualified to say that!"

   "The food and drug supervision that China is currently using is still using the NMPA sequencing standard. What qualifications do you have to make such remarks!"

  Chen Nan said with a faint smile, "Oh?"

   "It won't be long before you will see all kinds of problems in next-generation sequencing!"

   "Three-generation sequencing is only a matter of time!"

   After Chen Nan finished speaking, he sat down directly.

  Don't care about what people around you think.

  Yuan Chaomin and Lu Shouyue pulled Chen Nan carefully, and whispered:

   "Professor Chen, you can't say that nonsense!"

   "NMPA sequencing company is still an international general sequencing company."

   "Their next-generation sequencing has entered the tripartite testing of multiple food and drug regulatory agencies including the FDA."

   "Even our country is using it!"

   "Your remarks can easily offend the other party."

   "Isn't your icariin currently accepting applications from NMPA sequencing companies?"

   "Be careful they trip you up!"

  Hearing the sound, Chen Nan frowned slightly. He thought of this question!

  His new drug, icariin, is being tested by a third-party NMPA company.

  Although the application is submitted domestically, it is still subject to the other company.

  However, what he said was the truth.

  Such a neutral tripartite organization...

  Before Chen Nan came to the United States, the domestic food and drug regulatory department sent the drug to a third-party testing agency to test the sequencing of targeted drugs.

  If he releases a new drug at a new drug launch conference, he also needs the other party's acknowledgment.

   Chen Nan pondered for a moment, and an idea came to his mind.

  He was the last one anyway. He asked Kong Xu to send someone to pick it up at noon today. There should be results tomorrow, right?



  The new drug launch conference in the morning can be said to be full of explosive points.

  The emergence of new drugs one by one made everyone on the scene fall into madness and shock again and again.

   And this climax was brought about by Gilead, which everyone had high hopes for.

   And the final ending was rewritten because of Chen Nan!

  So, at the luncheon at noon that day.

  Chen Nan and Geoffrey obviously became two hot topics.

  Joffrey received a call from Gilead's headquarters at this time.

  The other party just vented to Joffrey.

   "Joffrey, are you out of your mind?"

   "Do you know how much loss you have brought to the company this time?"

   "Our liquidity will soon be deadlocked, and new capital must come in at this time!"

   "Why did you confront Chen Nan? What loss can he give you?"

"you idiot!"

   "Did you know? He's using you to take over!"

   "Chen Nan is unknown, but what is our Gilead company?"

   "You are so stupid!"

  The other party vented, causing Joffrey's anger towards Chen Nan to rise instantly.

   After hanging up the phone, Joffrey smashed anything in the room that could!

  However, even so, he still did not vent his anger.

   At this moment, a phone call came in.

  Joffrey picked up the phone, and immediately heard the other party's words: "The new drug submitted by Chen Nan did not pass the NMPA sequencing standard!"

   These words made Joffrey excited as if he was reborn.

   Time, passing day by day.

   And Joffrey became a joke of this meeting.


   That's when the meeting took place the next day.

  As Chen Nan came to the stage, there was a sudden round of applause from the audience.

  Everyone sent the most respectful ceremony to this young Chinese professor.

  Chen Nan stood on the stage, bowed and smiled:

   "Today, the drug I brought is called Acradine, which is a traditional Chinese medicine extract called icariin!"

   "Next, I will release a set of data for everyone!"

  “Although this drug has not yet undergone Phase III clinical trials, a small-sample clinical trial has been conducted in a hospital.”

   "Obviously, the effect is very significant!"

   "Icaritin is a single-product compound, but it is a drug with multiple molecular targets. It has a significant effect on advanced and end-stage liver cancer!"

   "Next, I used the data of icariin to compare with car-t cell therapy!"

   "Everyone can see the data!"

   "Whether it is the reconstruction of immune function, and human tolerance, as well as the analysis of the patient's late-stage quality of life assessment scale, or the analysis of the value of the quality of life improvement..."

   “We all achieved excellent results!”

   "Everyone please look!"


   While speaking, Chen Nan directly released the experimental data.

   "I'm curious why the price of car-t cell therapy is so high!"

   "The quality of such a drug is not worthy of the price of such a drug!"

   "I have to admire Gilead's courage!"

   Following Chen Nan's words, there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

   This set of data is a real analysis and comparison.

  Put car-t cell therapy directly over the fire pit.

  Joffrey was very angry standing in the audience!

  Damn Chen Nan!

you again!

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a negative review from Geoffrey, and the rating of the negative review has been raised to: Advanced! 】

  When Chen Nan saw this, he turned a deaf ear.


   Now comes the Q&A session.

   Just when an expert was about to stand up and ask questions.

   Suddenly Joffrey stood up.


   "Everyone wait a moment!"

   "I think this Chinese man is lying, even a scam!"

   "He does not have the ability to develop targeted drugs."

   "Here, I just received the analysis form from NMPA's sequencing technology."

   "As far as I know, this drug does not seem to have received the third-party identification results from NMPA."


   "I have results here."

   "Professor Chen, would you like me to read it for you?"

   "After testing, icariin alcladin does not have the molecular level of targeted drugs..."

   These words!

   once again plunged the scene into a crazy state.

   Everyone looked at the two people who were in a fierce stalemate, and suddenly their scalps went numb!

  They suddenly felt that this meeting was not in vain!

   Worth the price of admission!

   And Drizzt was also dumbfounded.

   This Geoffrey actually directly obtained the identification results of icariin from NMPA.

   And it's... didn't pass? !

  He quickly looked at Chen Nan.


  He didn't see the slightest panic in Chen Nan's eyes at all, as if...everything was under his control.

  However, Yuan Chaomin and others were dumbfounded.

   Didn’t pass? !

  No... Didn't pass? !

  Why did Chen Nan offend NMPA?

  Thinking of this, everyone feels a little regretful.

  Joffrey looked at Chen Nan proudly: "Professor Chen, I think you are more like a liar!"

   "Even if you haven't got the standard from NMPA, you dare to come to this meeting!"

   "Do you think everyone is a fool?"

   "What do you have to say!"

  Chen Nan looked at Geoffrey lightly, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

  Afterwards, he looked at the crowd and said, "Why should my medicine be tested by NMPA?"


   "Next-generation sequencing technology has fallen behind."

   "They, don't deserve it!"


  ps: There are too many things to do today, so I can only postpone it until the evening. Eight thousand words have been delivered, and the next one will be even more exciting.

   Sorry for the late update.

  (end of this chapter)

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Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes