MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 332 Shut up!

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  Chapter 332 Shut up!

  In the evening, Chen Nan found out that the patient was a businessman named Miao Dingfu.

  However, it was Miao Yuanhua, the other party's son, who invited him to go.

  After ten o'clock, the other party called me back. The courtesy was very thoughtful and the words were very polite.

  At this time, Jia Menzhang happened to call Chen Nan.

   "Xiao Chen, when will you return to China?"

   "Hehehe, this time, the extract of traditional Chinese medicine has become famous all of a sudden at the World Cancer New Drug Conference!"

   "Many people from overseas asked me about you."

   "Tsk tsk, those old guys don't know, you are my student!"

   "It's too face-saving!"

   "Hey... We old guys got together yesterday, everyone is very happy!"

   "There is a successor, haha, there is a successor!"

   "Xiao Chen, this time, thank you very much!"

  Chen Nan suddenly smiled: "Master Jia, I'm so honored."

   "If you ask me, I am standing on the shoulders of giants."

   "Besides, this is what I should do, what are you thanking me for?"

  Jia Menzhang took a deep breath, and said with a complicated face: "We have worked hard for so many years."

   "You made it for us."

  “The development of targeted cancer drugs in China has lagged behind.”

  “The development of our TCM oncology is even more slow, and it is suppressed everywhere. The capital is unwilling to see the development of our TCM oncology.”

   "This time, you have made everyone proud!"

   "We old guys are very happy!"

   “We do what they don’t want us to do!”

   "Well done!"

  Whilst speaking, Jia Menzhang felt emotional in his heart.

   "Lao Lu...Lao Lu is worth it, and finally he can accept a disciple like you."

  Chen Nan suddenly thumped in his heart:

   "Master Jia, Lu... Lu... Mr. Lu, what's the matter?"

  When Chen Nan spoke, he couldn't help feeling a little more uneasy and uneasy, and even had a bad feeling.

  Jia Menzhang's smile gradually faded at this time, and he said with some seriousness: "Hey... You Master Lu, maybe time is running out!"

   "Come back early!"

   "In the last days, you accompany the old man with him."

   "This time, if you go to this meeting, the quota is not easy."

   "You Master Lu also worked hard to get it for you."

   "Since he learned that you made the icariin extract, he hasn't been idle for a day."

   "Running all day, just for today."

   "It's worth it!"

  As soon as the news came out, Chen Nan's expression changed!

  He has never even dared to talk or ask this question!

   Don't even dare to think about it!

  Master Lu has been kind to him like a mountain.

  Heaven and earth rulers, relatives and teachers, the teacher is the father who has no support, and has the grace of teaching.

   Moreover, Chen Nan's house in the capital was a gift from Master Lu himself.

  For more than a year, Master Lu often analyzed some problems with himself in detail.

  In Chen Nan's heart, Master Lu is already a very important person.


  Although Chen Nan expected that Master Lu might not be very old, but...he suddenly found out that he still couldn't help but panic.

  He asked quickly: "Is the situation serious?"

  Jia Menzhang heard the sound, shook his head and said:

   "Not serious."

   " can't be called light."

   "This time, he went out for more than half a year."

   "Seeing the ancients over the years, in should be able to feel it too."

   "This is your long-cherished wish before the death of Master Lu."

   "You are a Chinese medicine doctor, and your level may not be lower than ours now. You should be able to see that Lu Lao's body has reached the point of exhaustion. It cannot be saved by medicine or manpower!"

   "He drank too much yesterday and was talking about it. You are the one who worries the most."

   "I hope you will grow up soon."

   "This is also the old man's last long-cherished wish. Mr. Lu has been open and bright all his life, and rarely asks for help, but for you, he makes exceptions many times!"

   "Xiao Chen, I'm not saying that I have to let you do something, but... you are also the last hope of us old guys!"

   "Traditional Chinese medicine has a lot to do."

   "It's also human effort."

   "You do your thing well, come back and spend more time with the old man."

   "These are his last days."

  Chen Nan's heart was heavy, and his heart was a little more depressed.

  As a doctor, life, old age, sickness and death seem to be used to it, and I have seen a lot of life and death.

  But the more this is the case, the more I don't want to see this scene.

  He was facing the phone and remained silent for a long time.

  Jia Menzhang suddenly said: "By the way, you are in Rochester, USA, and you have time to visit Miao Dingfu."

   "This is my old friend."

   "I heard that you offended the Shen family last time."

   "But don't worry, this Miao Dingfu is a character. In his eyes, although the Shen family has some power, but... there is a gap."

   "If you can't solve the problem, you can find him."

   "Just say you are my student."

  When Chen Nan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.


  Is it such a coincidence?

  Is this Miao Dingfu the one I am going to see tomorrow?

  Chen Nan couldn't help asking: "Master Jia, it's a coincidence that a man named Miao Yuanhua invited me to show Miao Dingfu tomorrow."

   "Are you talking about a person?"

   Jia Menzhang was stunned for a moment.

   Immediately said: "Well, Miao Dingfu does have a son named Miao Yuanhua."

   After finishing speaking, Jia Menzhang told Chen Nan about Miao Dingfu in detail.

  This Miao Dingfu is really an amazing character.

  The Liao family belongs to the group of people who went abroad in the early days. They have taken root in the United States for decades and have a large industry, involving energy, trade, overseas minerals and other fields.

   And Miao Dingfu himself is a director of the Chinese Overseas Chamber of Commerce and the executive chairman of the American Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.

   In overseas Chinese circles, it has a very high status.

   And Miao Yuanhua is the youngest son of Miao Dingfu. He is 31 years old this year. He is young, but he has already held an important position in the ocean trading company.

  However, this Miao Dingfu has seven or eight sons, and Miao Yuanhua belongs to Miao Dingfu's illegitimate son in China, and he took it back later.

  However, Miao Yuanhua's personal ability is also very strong. He controlled the Ocean Trading Company at a young age, which is very good.

   Before hanging up the phone, Jia Menzhang reminded Chen Nan.

   "Miao's family affairs are more complicated."

   "Now that Mr. Miao has encountered physical problems, it is inevitable that there will be some disputes."

   "Miao Yuanhua is an illegitimate child, please pay attention."

  Chen Nan nodded in response.

the next day.

   An extended Lincoln waited for a long time at the entrance of the hotel.

  Chen Nan boarded the car at the kind invitation of a young man.

  The other party was sitting next to Chen Nan, with some worry in his eyes, but he still greeted Chen Nan politely.

   "Professor Chen, hello, you can call me Miao Yuanhua."

  Chen Nan nodded and smiled: "Mr. Miao, hello."

  Miao Yuanhua quickly waved his hand: "Professor Chen, I can't bear your name. Just call me Yuanhua. There is not much difference in age between us."

   "There are not so many scruples and particularities in the relationship between peers."

  Miao Yuanhua is very easy-going, but he doesn't have the arrogance of a son of a wealthy family, and he speaks and does things in a orderly manner.

   "Yesterday, I asked Mr. Nelson to invite you because I was worried about offending you."

   "However, it is true that I am somewhat helpless."

   "My father's body is getting worse day by day."

   "The body is getting thinner and thinner, and the fever continues. No medicine can lower the temperature. The body temperature is not high, but it has been hovering between 37.5, but I just can't find the problem."

   "I have seen a lot of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, but... the curative effect is very average."

   "At first I thought it was a tumor, but I went to the hospital and did a lot of checkups. Even the NMPA Precision Medicine did a genetic test, but all of them denied the possibility of cancer."

   "Yesterday, after our consultation, Dr. Dane mentioned you, saying that you are very accomplished in the field of integrated Chinese and Western medicine."

   "So, I'm really sorry to trouble you today."

   After listening, Chen Nan nodded and understood, and said with a smile: "They are all Chinese when they go out, so I still need to help with this."

  Miao Yuanhua nodded gratefully and did not continue to say anything.

  Chen Nan broke the silence and asked, "By the way, is it convenient to introduce your father's situation?"

   "It also gives me some insight."

  When Miao Yuanhua heard this, a little joy appeared in his eyes, and he quickly took out a stack of documents from the briefcase beside him.

   "My father may be the cause of the relatively high pressure, and his health has become worse and worse in recent years."

   "Even in the past year, he lost more than 20 catties. He suddenly lost weight in his seventies, which made us very worried."

   "Just after New Year's Day this year, he fainted twice and even vomited blood."

   "Tell a Chinese medicine doctor in the United States, and the other party said that it was a serious injury caused by overwork."

   "However, the critical persistent low-grade fever has lasted for nearly a month, and my father is getting weaker and weaker."

   "We tried our best to mend it, and the good things never stopped, but... it seems that there is no effect."


   "Professor Chen, please take care of me."

   "Things in my family are more complicated. Without my father in charge, it is easy to cause trouble."

   "So... I have to ask you."

   While speaking, Miao Yuanhua took out a document from his bag.

   "I also know that it is not appropriate to talk about money with you."

   "This is an isolated copy of several ancient Chinese medicine books that I found overseas."

   "This thing, in my hands, is useless, and it can be regarded as a sword for a hero."

   "Professor Chen, I hope you will accept it."

   Chen Nan was stunned when he saw the things handed over by the other party.

   "Extraordinary Classics and Eight Vessels Test", "Secret Biography of Pulse Jue".

   "This... where did this come from?"

  Chen Nan couldn't help exclaiming.

  Miao Yuanhua said: "One copy was collected from the people."

   "The other one was purchased from the collection archives of the University of Munich."

   “My dad has been doing this for years.”

   "I have also developed such a habit on weekdays."

   "Professor Chen, please accept it."

have to say.

   This gift really hits what it likes.

   Chen Nan couldn't stop.

  The source of the book "Extraordinary Classics and Eight Meridians" is Li Shizhen.

  This is a description of the key points of pulse diagnosis of the eight extraordinary meridians.

  For a long time, pulse diagnosis has mainly described the diagnosis and treatment of the twelve meridians, but there are few records about the eight extra meridians.

   Firstly, many doctors have no way to master it, let alone write it to mislead future generations of doctors.

  Secondly, basically what I have mastered is not willing to wear it outside, and it is regarded as a family heirloom.

  Although the world has mixed praise and criticism for Li Shizhen's description.

   However, it is undeniable that Li Shizhen has made outstanding contributions in summarizing medical prescriptions, syndromes, pulse and acupuncture.

   After Chen Nan opened this "Extraordinary Classic and Eight Meridians", he saw a sentence in the preface.

   "Time treasures are not sensitive, refer to various theories, and collect them on the left, so that they can be used by immortals and doctors."

  People have indeed made outstanding contributions in collection.

  According to historical records, Li Shizhen did have this book.

  It's a pity that it is difficult to verify it at all, because the folks can't find it.

   This book is really a good thing.

   It is precisely because of Mr. Li's summary that this book is full of many opinions without being biased.

  Chen Nanqi can't be excited?

  The other "Secret Biography of Pulse Jue" is a book that Chen Nan has never heard of.

【Ding! Expert-level pulse diagnosis experience is detected, and the proficiency of pulse diagnosis can be greatly improved after learning. 】

【Ding! Detected advanced pulse diagnosis experience...]

  Accompanied by two crisp system prompts, Chen Nan became a little excited.

  Chen Nan's current pulse diagnosis has reached [control level].

   According to several teachers and his own insights, the next step is to pay attention to the subtleties.

  Pulse diagnosis, to express the inner, to figure out the changes of qi, blood, yin and yang.

  If you can't detect changes and control them, you won't be able to use medicines accurately.

   As for the next step, Chen Nan is well aware of the difficulty.

  If it weren’t for decades of precipitation, it would be impossible to achieve.

   And now...

  Chen Nan faintly felt that these two books seemed to give him a chance to find a breakthrough.

  Chen Nan glanced at Miao Yuanhua with deep eyes, and said seriously: "I accept the things, and I will try my best!"

   "Mr. Miao, I owe you a favor."

  Miao Yuanhua smiled: "No need."

   "Professor Chen is out."

   Watching the car leave the main road and head towards a place with a "private residence".

  Miao Yuanhua's complexion changed a bit:

   "Professor Chen, there is something, I think it's better to inform in advance."

   "I belong to the illegitimate son of my father Miao Dingfu, and I am not very pleasing at home."

   "So... please forgive me if those people are a bit presumptuous in speaking to you."

   Chen Nan waved his hands and smiled, then nodded.

  To be honest, Chen Nan appreciates Miao Yuanhua's frankness and generosity.

   Soon, the car drove into a manor.

  However, what catches the eye is not a manor with Western-style architecture, but an oriental Huizhou-style architecture, with pavilions, terraces and waterside pavilions. In this kind of America, I feel a lot closer.

  The manor is very large, and the huge sculptures and gardens all show the strength of the owner of the manor.

   After Miao Yuanhua got off the car, he took Chen Nan straight to a room in a small three-story building.

  There is a plaque on the small building with the words "Dingfu Building" written on it.

   At this time, there are many cars parked at the door, and there is no doubt that they are all luxury cars.

  Miao Yuanhua took Chen Nan and walked straight into the room.

  Arrived in the living room, Chen Nan was taken aback for a moment, this...why are there so many people in the room?

   Moreover, it seems that they are all experts in the medical field.

   After working as a doctor for a long time, Chen Nan discovered that there is indeed something special about doctors.

  The arrival of Miao Yuanhua did not attract everyone's attention.

  A group of experts gathered together, seeming to be discussing the condition.

   Around, there are a few middle-aged people who look similar to Miao Yuanhua. It seems that they should be Miao Dingfu's children.

  Chen Nan looked at the discussions among the people and didn't care. He was invited by Miao Yuanhua, so naturally Miao Yuanhua should be the main one.

  Miao Yuanhua went straight to a room, waited for a short time, and walked to Chen Nan's side after coming out.

   "Professor Chen, please follow me to see my father."

  Chen Nan nodded: "Yes."

   Accompanied by the two of them entering the room, several people around noticed Chen Nan.

  But he didn't care much.

   After all, everyone invited internationally renowned experts, and Chen Nan was so young that no one cared.

  Large family with many disputes.

  Miao Dingfu's condition suddenly worsened this time, which made several children feel a little uneasy.

  Master Miao Dingfu's business empire naturally needs someone to take care of it.

  If the old man leaves, they are also ready for infighting.

  However, as a child, you still have to do your best to save the old man. After all, everyone knows that as long as Miao Dingfu is alive, the empire will be stable for a day.

  So everyone invited experts for today's matter.

  If the experts they invited can help the old man find the cause of the disease, that would be a great credit.

   Even if it is not completely cured, it can make the old man's life expectancy slightly longer, which is also a credit.

  So, for this kind of thing, everyone is doing their best.

   In contrast, Chen Nan, who was invited by Miao Yuanhua, was obviously not taken seriously by everyone.


   After Chen Nan followed Miao Yuanhua into the room, he saw the old man lying on the bed, breathing weakly, with a flushed face lying on the bed, beside the detector, making a faint sound of beeping.

  An old woman sat next to Miao Dingfu, carefully serving and feeding water.

   "Dad, Professor Chen is here."

  Miao Yuanhua whispered something.

  The old man on the bed slowly opened his eyes, looked at Chen Nan, nodded, and said in a weak voice:


  Chen Nan nodded: "Well, from Yuancheng, Jin Province, Chen Nan, a Chinese medicine practitioner."

   "I am under the tutelage of Jia Menzhang, Mr. Jia, and Master Jia asked me to visit Mr. Miao."

  As soon as these words came out, Miao Yuanhua on the side was obviously taken aback.

  The old man on the bed also opened his eyes immediately, and he smiled: "Old Jia's disciple!"

   "Hehe, why are you here in Rochester? You don't even look for me when you come."

   "Yuanhua, bring a chair for Xiao Chen and pour tea."

  Chen Nan quickly said: "Old Miao, today is really a coincidence. I received an invitation from Mr. Yuan Hua yesterday, but I also received an order from Master Jia."

   "No trouble!"

  Miao Dingfu winked at the old woman on the side, who quickly helped the old man up and sat down.

Miao Dingfu was tall and handsome, and the old woman struggled to support her, but she carefully put a cushion behind her and whispered, "Your body doesn't dare to sit for a long time. "

  Miao Dingfu waved his hand and looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "My old friend's disciple is here."

   "Brother Menzhang and I have been close friends for many years, so don't call me Miao Lao anymore, it seems to be a natural."

   "Just call me Uncle Miao."

   "However... as you can see, I am not in good health. If you are negligent, you are not allowed to complain to your teacher!"

  During the conversation, Miao Dingfu laughed himself, speaking very politely.

  Looking at the other party's expression and face, Chen Nan frowned slightly.

  The eyes are full of fatigue, the complexion is flushed with sallow, the eyes are blue, the lower part of the eye sockets, the lips are dry, and the nose is heavy.

  This is indeed not a good phenomenon!

  But... what disease can have such a reaction?

  Chen Nan was a little curious.

   "Uncle Miao, you'd better take a rest."

   "Today's visit is also for your condition."

  Miao Dingfu smiled: "Okay, let me also see how much of your teacher's authenticity you have obtained."


   "Yuanhua, go and make arrangements for Xiao Chen to stay at home tonight."

   "You give me a treat, don't dare to neglect."

  Miao Yuanhua nodded quickly: "Okay, Dad, take a good rest, I will arrange these things."

  Chen Nan quickly refused: "Uncle Miao, it's not that I don't want to stay, but... I'm going back tonight's plane."

   "I came here this time for a meeting."

   "I still have things to do at home, so I dare not stay for long."

  Miao Dingfu looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "I really can't stay long? Have a chat with Uncle?"

   "I haven't been back for many years, so talk to me and introduce domestic affairs."

  Actually, how can Miao Dingfu not know the situation in China?

   It is nothing more than seeing Jia Menzhang's disciples, and there are many excuses.

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "When you are healthy, I will take you around when you go back."

  Miao Dingfu looked bitter and sighed.

  When people are old, they also want to return to their roots.

   "Hehe, well, it's all up to you."

  Chen Nan walked to the old man's side: "Uncle Miao, let me take your pulse."

   "You just need to lie down."

  Miao Dingfu nodded, with a smile on his face, and a little more calmness in his eyes.

  Chen Nan held the Cunguan ruler in his hand, trying to figure it out gently and rhythmically.

  The pulse condition was also clearly displayed on Chen Nan's fingertips.

  The pulse comes vigorously, but not long.

this is…

   Wasting work?

  The pulse comes from a large and strong pulse, which looks like a hot image, but it is not long, so you have to consider the rootless pulse.

  The pulse is like flowing water, where it comes and needs it, it also has a place to go.

  However, the other party's pulse is strong, but there is no intention of continuation.

   This shows that it is caused by the qi of the viscera, which cannot be smoothly achieved.


   But there is fire between the pulse conditions.

   This fire is real fire, not virtual fire.


  What's going on?

   Chen Nan suddenly thought about it.

  He pondered carefully, calmed down, let the pulse go deep into it, and felt the changes in his body carefully.

  One time!

  Chen Nan's mind seemed to be completely silent. Accompanied by the rhythmic heartbeat, he seemed to be able to clearly grasp the in and out of the body's qi, blood, yin and yang.


  Chen Nan opened his eyes and looked at Miao Dingfu: "Uncle Miao, did you catch a cold last year?"

   "The situation was quite serious at the time, but it hasn't been thoroughly understood?"

  As soon as these words came out, the expression of the old woman at the side suddenly changed, and she quickly looked at Miao Dingfu.

  Miao Dingfu also stared at Chen Nan with wide eyes: "How do you know?"

  Miao Yuanhua was also shocked by his father's remarks.

   Can you guess this?

  Chen Nan nodded: "Your illness is serious, but it is not serious."

   "However, definitely not light."

   "The cause of the disease is not caused by a day's cold."

   "It's because the body is tired, the mind hurts the spleen, and the smoking is excessive..."

   Speaking of this, Chen Nan suddenly stopped the topic: "Uncle Miao, what I say next may offend you, I hope you don't mind it."

   At this time, Miao Dingfu was completely hooked by Chen Nan, and he said quickly: "It's okay, tell me!"

  Chen Nan continued: "There is also... unrestrained indulgence and no restraint!"

   "Addicted to sensuality."

   "Maybe these things will relieve your anxiety, but... they are also overdrawing your body!"

   Sure enough, following what Chen Nan said, Miao Dingfu blushed suddenly.

  In his entire life, he was indeed, as Chen Nan said, very lustful!

  This, his wife also knows.

  Miao Dingfu's father lived in Hong Kong for a few years and had several wives. In this regard, he really followed his old father.

   And Miao Yuanhua wanted to close his eyes and cover his ears at this moment, he shouldn't have heard these things.

  Miao Dingfu was quite calm, he gave a wry smile and coughed.

  The voice was so violent that the old woman beside her was so frightened that she quickly stroked her chest and let out her breath.

  After Miao Dingfu calmed down, he sighed: "There is no cure for illness!"

   "Xiao Chen!"

   "You are three points better than your teacher!"

   "I have some ability, you are right, I am... hey... I do have this stinking problem."

  Chen Nan continued:

   "Your body is completely weak."

   "However, last year, after working hard, you suffered from chills and fever.

  like typhoid fever, but not typhoid!

  But at the beginning, there must be the cause of fatigue and cold, so it is extremely difficult to distinguish.

  But tired people will naturally sweat out in a week or so!

  But if it is not clear for four or five days, and it looks like a cold, it can be treated with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy.

   But I also lost my stomach!

  This disease, in order to cure its symptoms, must first cultivate its roots with flavored rehmannia soup.

  You are procrastinating to heal, which has damaged the natural energy of the human body. "

   "As a result, all internal organs are empty!"

   "Although the pulse condition is loud, it is because of the real fire caused by you taking tonic for a long time."

   "There is emptiness and anger that cannot be replenished."

   "But there is no real qi in the viscera."

   "Moreover, in this case, there will be continuous low-grade fever, and there may even be coughing up blood, blood in the urine, shortness of breath, palpitations, palpitations, insomnia, inability to eat, lack of energy, and lack of concentration!"

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Miao Dingfu, who was lying on the bed, was really stunned.

   "What you said... is exactly the same as my current situation!"

   "It's really a famous teacher and a good apprentice!"

   "Old Jia, this old boy, is really blessed."

   "Heir to the mantle, here we are!"

   "Xiao Chen, tell Uncle the truth, can I be saved?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "It can be helped!"


   "As soon as possible!"

   "Moreover, I feel that there may be another reason why you may be weak now!"

   "That means evil spirits have grown in the body."

   "It stands to reason that the qi of the internal organs of the human body are mutually generated and restrained, which is the balance of the human body."

   "However, your deficiency is not replenished, and the breath in your body is in disorder, which destroys this balance."

   "Although the one who prescribes the medicine for you is a master, but... your body is not balanced."

   "If I'm not mistaken, it won't be long before you get cancer."

   "When the time comes, it will be really difficult to cure!"

   Before Chen Nan finished speaking, he heard a voice from behind.


   "Full of nonsense!"

   "Miao Yuanhua, who did you invite?"

   "Talking nonsense here."

   Accompanied by this sound, several people appeared in the ward at the same time.

   Several people looked at Miao Yuanhua and Chen Nan covetously, with a bit of sternness in their eyes.

   The speaker is Miao Yuanpei, the eldest son of Miao Dingfu.

  Miao Dingfu stared directly at the other party, and angrily said: "Shut up!"

   "Listen to what Dr. Chen has to say!"

  Miao Yuanpei became anxious immediately: "Dad!"

   "You can't listen to these doctors talking nonsense!"

   "What cancer?"

   "What precancerous condition?"

   "We did genetic testing, and invited the world's most famous oncologist, Professor Nelson of Mayo, who is the vice president of the World Cancer Society."

   "None of them said it was the cause of the tumor. This... This person is clearly scaring people!"

   While talking, Nelson was called in by Miao Yuanpei.

   But Chen Nan said with a smile: "It's normal if it can't be detected."

   "Because of the second-generation sequencing, it is not allowed! The next-generation sequencing technology used by the NMPA genetic testing company has a high error rate and error rate!"

  As soon as the words came out, another person came out at this time.

   "This is Professor Tashi from the NMPA company. This gentleman, you can eat things indiscriminately, can't talk nonsense!"

  Chen Nan was unmoved, and continued to look at Miao Dingfu:

   "Uncle Miao!"

   "I don't have to lie to you."

   "You have to trust me, I will prescribe you seven traditional Chinese medicines, and then draw a tube of blood for me to send for examination."

   "Then follow me back to China for treatment."

   "If you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say anything."

   "However, your body... Once cancer occurs, there is no way to operate, let alone radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

   "Once cancer occurs, it will be too late!"

   "If you don't believe me, you can ask Professor Nelson."

  Besides, Nelson, who had been silent all this time, glanced at Chen Nan.

  He didn't expect Chen Nan to say such a thing.


  What he cared most about was what Chen Nan said just now.

  Gene sequencing is inaccurate!

   And draw blood!


  Could it be...

  He really has three generations of sequencing technology?

  However, Nelson nodded and said, "Mr. Miao, if cancer really develops in your body at this time."

   "There is really no way to treat it."

   "By the way, this Professor Chen Nan has a lot of research in the field of gene sequencing."

   "I think you can try it!",

   "Moreover, NMPA's sequencing technology is indeed quite error-prone!"

  As soon as these words came out, Nelson's words immediately stunned many people.

  Miao Dingfu thought for a while, and said, "Okay!"

   "Xiao Chen, please prescribe me medicine!"

   "Yuanhua, let all the experts go away."

   "Treat me well."

  Miao Yuanhua froze for a moment, then nodded quickly.

  Miao Dingfu's other children were dumbfounded.

  They didn't expect such a reaction from their father.

  One time!

  Everyone is a little dissatisfied.

   And Miao Yuanpei even said: "Dad, this can you trust him!"

   "NMPA is the world's top gene sequencing company, and has been recognized by the food and drug supervision and management standards of many countries."

   "And...we have found so many experts, but none of them think you have cancer!"

   "This is clearly..."

  Miao Dingfu glared: "Shut up!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion