MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 337 The storm is about to begin!

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  Chapter 337 The storm is about to begin!

  The announcement of this news was like a thunderbolt, which shocked everyone who paid attention to this matter!

  No one thought that the Chinese genetic testing agency was established, and...

   If it is not established, it will be fine. Once it is established, it will cause such a big sensation.

  The most important thing is gene sequencing technology!

  Three generations of sequencing!

  This is a technology that many institutions have not yet developed.

  How could China master such technology?

  One time...

  Suddenly, after this news was announced, it caused an uproar in an instant.

  Even many foreign testing agencies have been shocked by this news.

  Everyone can't help but have a thought in their mind: "Is this true?"

  After seeing the news, Morton, the domestic president of NMPA, stared wide-eyed and couldn't relax for a long time.

  Although the cooperation between NMPA and domestic official organizations has been cancelled, the company is still there.

  Although, moving and evacuating is a matter of time.

  But currently Qin Shiming has not taken any coercion or other means against him.

  Morton really didn't want to go back.

  The market in China is so fragrant.

  As the president of the China region, he is the emperor of the land.

   Once back, what should he do?

  Morton was still thinking about how to deal with Qin Shiming and these pharmaceutical companies.

   Even, he has made relevant preparations.

  But... After waiting for a long time, Qin Shiming didn't see any movements, which made Morton a little puzzled.

  He knows Qin Shiming too well. This man is very capable.

   Therefore, Morton has been cautious during this time and has prepared many coping strategies.

At this time, there is still a lawsuit between NMPA and the National Health and Medical Commission. Morton seized this opportunity. If Qin Shiming and the others claim that NMPA breached the contract, he will definitely unite with the companies that he is currently cooperating with. Hit him hard.


   There was no movement for a long time, and Morton was obviously a little flustered.

  But he has done thousands of calculations and thought about 10,000 possibilities, but he never thought of this possibility.

  The Chinese Health and Medical Commission has independently established a relevant testing agency, and also has the third-generation sequencing technology.

How is this possible?

  Morton is the first to not believe in evil!

   Looking at the secretary's report, Morton had only one thought at the moment: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

  However, in any case, the news has already been announced. It is obviously impossible for such a great country to joke about this matter.

   Whether true or not, Morton contacted Bird directly.

  New York nightlife just started at this time.

  Bird was about to start his mysterious journey after receiving the call. After hearing the news, he immediately got up, called the secretary, and called an emergency meeting!

  The same thing happened to many testing institutions.

   Similarly, many pharmaceutical companies, too.

  If China uses an independent detection system, it means that their targeted drugs must be re-tested if they want to enter China.

  This is a very dangerous thing for many pharmaceutical companies.


  As long as they pass the sequencing report of NMPA, they can be recognized by China's food and drug administration.

  But now it's different!

  Everything, we have to start all over again!



   At this time, Chen Nan, Qin Shiming, Liao Wenkai and others warmly entertained Kong Xu in the Diaoyutai Hotel.

   This overseas research institute called Huaran has proved the superiority of the third-generation sequencing with its strength this time.

  Qin Shiming, Liao Wenkai and others have made many attempts, and the fresh fruit is remarkable!

   During the following period, after trial and error again, they finally signed a cooperation agreement with Huaran Company.

   But, to everyone's surprise, the negotiation this time went surprisingly smoothly!

  Kong Xu’s ancestral home is Shandong. He is 49 years old this year and has been engaged in genetic testing for decades. The Huaran Research Institute has also conducted many investigations and found that the other party is completely innocent.

  Qin Shiming and others are actually ready to bleed heavily.

  As long as the other party is willing to provide technical assistance and cooperative development, they are willing to give up more profits and policy support.

  However, Kong Xu is very generous.

   smiled and said: "This country is also my country, and it is also my home!"

   "It's just that there are still many people to be trained in the institute, and the work of the institute also needs to be carried out."

   "So, I will not refuse the terms that should be there."

  The final contract was signed very smoothly.

   Huaran Research Institute will cooperate with China Institute of Genetic Testing to establish a testing institution.

   As a technology investment, Huaran occupies 40% of the shares.

  In addition, testing agencies set up testing services across the country, and these are charged.

  Genetic testing, the fee is not low, although the crowd is small, but... the biggest convenience is to set up testing services across the country.

   This will be a lot of money!

  Looking around the world, the market for precision medicine has been expanding.

   As for testing agencies, the market value of NMPA was once pushed up to 120 billion US dollars by capitalists.

  Although NMPA is not a listed company, it is enough to see the market for precision medicine and genetic testing.

   And domestic!

  Gene testing is an emerging industry, although its development is slow, its market share last year was less than 10 billion.

  However, with the development of oncology medicine, genetic testing technology will become more mature.

  In addition to the testing services of pharmaceutical companies and scientific research services, private genetic testing is also a market waiting to be developed.

  The fight against cancer must start with prevention, and it may not be an unattainable dream in the future.

   Huaran will cooperate with China Institute of Genetic Engineering and China Resources Group to establish a new Huayao Institute of Genetics.

  Hua Ran is also allowed to obtain 30% of the shares, but it needs to be accompanied by development and irregular capital injection.

   There is no doubt that the country has not treated Hua Ran badly.

  Although the other party provided technology, the country provided many platforms.

   Kong Xu told Chen Nan everything he knew.

   There is no doubt that it may be difficult for Huaran to benefit in a short period of time. After all, Huayao Institute of Genetics will invest a lot of money.

   And these funds can only be obtained from testing institutions.

   Chen Nan naturally has no objection to this.

  Actually, in many cases, the weight of money is not as heavy as other things.

  For example, in these research institutes, how much weight will Huaran's 30% shares have?

  Chen Nan is very clear.

   This can be regarded as an umbrella he laid down for his own future.

  Qin Shiming and the others held a celebration banquet at the Diaoyutai Restaurant.

  Chen Nan also participated naturally, when asked about his identity.

  Kong Xu just said lightly: "Professor Chen Nan is one of the investors of our research institute."

   “Professor Chen has been supporting our institute for many years.”

  Hearing these words, Qin Shiming and Liao Wenkai looked at each other in surprise.


  They did find out some information that Chen Nan once funded Hua Ran.

  However, they guessed correctly this time.


  When the meal is over.

  After seeing off Chen Nan and Kong Xu, Qin Shiming and Liao Wenkai sat down suddenly.

  Qin Shiming couldn't help asking: "Wen Kai, have you noticed a problem?"

  Liao Wenkai also frowned slightly: "You can see it too?"

   "This Kong Xu has an amazing respect for Chen Nan!"

   "Moreover, during the dinner, Kong Xu respected Chen Nan even more."

   "It doesn't look like a simple shareholder, or even a friend."

   "And sort the boss?"

  When Qin Shiming heard this, he immediately nodded with a frown: "Indeed, I also feel a little bit like this!"

   "This is weird!"

   "The Kong Xu of the Huaran Research Institute is obviously not what it used to be."

   "Although Chen Nan has made some achievements, he is still far behind Kong Xu!"

   "And this time, Hua Ran received a lot of support, and Kong Xu... obviously there is no need to respect each other so much!"

   "This Chen Nan is a bit mysterious!"

  As Qin Shiming spoke, he couldn't help shaking his head.

  The same is true for Liao Wenkai.


   After a while, Qin Shiming suddenly laughed: "Hehe...we are just worrying about it!"

   "Chen Nan, this kid, is obviously different from ordinary people in his behavior."

   "But no matter what, he has a bottom line for the country and the people."

   "This person is credible!"

  Liao Wenkai nodded and smiled: "Well, that's why I still agreed to Hua Ran's terms knowing that."

   "Chen Nan, you are not a mortal!"

  The two looked at each other and smiled.

  Everyone drank some wine.

   There was a bit of alcohol in his eyes.


  When a car stopped at the door, the two people who got into the car suddenly changed their appearance, as if they were completely drunk.

  Liao Wenkai took a deep breath: "It's time to act!"

  Qin Shiming nodded: "Yes!"

  Liao Wenkai smiled: "It has to be done, otherwise it will really be deeply rooted and have a bad influence!"

  Qin Shiming didn't say a word, his eyes were full of sharpness.

  After tonight, there will be a day of cleaning. Before the sun shines, there will be a heavy rain to wash away the dirt in the air.


   And at this time.

  The capital, inside a high-end bar.

  In a luxurious box, the table is full of famous wine and expensive fruits.

  In the room, most of them are young people, and the oldest one is no more than forty years old.

  Several beautiful and graceful girls are singing, so close that it is impossible to tell that these people are pure starlets on TV.

   "Yu Zhe, don't worry, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years! Brothers will definitely avenge you!"

   "Yeah, Yuzhe, stop talking, it's all in the wine!"

   "This time, Chen Nan was lucky, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to kill him, what the hell!"


   A group of people around him enlightened Shen Yuzhe.

  It's a pity that the other party is in a dull mood at this time, without saying a word, just drinking alone.


  Let him speak, but he may not be able to speak clearly.

   Tongue reconstruction surgery was performed, and Shen Yuzhe's self-esteem was also destroyed.

  After he came back, a group of shareholders of Yuzhe Investment Company helped him clean up the dust one after another. For several days in a row, they were setting things up.

  Yan Chengyu patted Shen Yuzhe on the shoulder: "Okay, don't be angry."

"Do not worry!"

   "It won't be long, brother will avenge you!"

  Shen Yuzhe forced a smile, nodded, and continued drinking.

   At this time, Liu Hongmin suddenly looked at Yan Chengyu: "By the way, Xiaoyan, I saw the announcement, it seems... there is something to do."

   "The newly established gene sequencing institution, these three fires have not made a fuss, and there will definitely be some action."

   "Your company won't be affected?"

  Yan Chengyu smiled: "Second brother, it's okay!"

   "I have a count on my side!"

  Liu Hongmin smiled: "Well, good, among this group of people, you are the most mature."

   "By the way, you are also in the medical field, and you have the opportunity to vent your anger on Yu Zhe."

  Yan Chengyu chuckled: "Second brother, don't worry about that!"

"and me!"

   "Chen Nan, it won't be long."

   "I heard that Xinglin Garden has already started to move."

   After finishing speaking, Yan Chengyu patted Shen Yuzhe who was drinking in a muffled voice: "Yuzhe, wait for good news from brother!"

  Shen Yuzhe glanced at Yan Chengyu, didn't speak, just sighed.

  They thought he was angry because of Chen Nan.

   As everyone knows...

  Shen Yuzhe was really scared this time.



as expected.

  After Qin Shiming released this news.

   Within a few days.

   Another big news broke out.

   Liao Wenkai's food and drug supervision and management department also released a message.

   "A centralized review will be conducted on the existing targeted drugs in our country. Only those that have passed the CNM certification of domestic genetic testing will be allowed to go on the market. For drugs that fail to pass, they will be directly removed from the shelves."

   Announcement of this news!

   It caused the shock of countless people.

To know!

  In recent years, NMPA has received many applications from domestic targeted drug companies, and some of them are even the result of testing through irregular means.

   As we all know, next-generation sequencing has errors.

   Therefore, the prerequisite for obtaining NMPA certification is the need to test the gene recognition ability of drugs with targeted therapy.

  However, this thing has a probability.

   To put it bluntly, it is a loophole.

  Some pharmaceutical companies, through some special means, allow NMPA to make an exception. For example, if you do it a few more times, you can get the certification as long as you get it right once.

  For some companies, they adopt thunderous means, and if they make a mistake once, they will not be certified.

  For example...Chen Nan's new drug icariin.

   This is the example.

  NMPA relies on such means, and has received many benefits over the years.

   And Morton, as the president of the China region, relied on this method to earn countless things for nothing.

  The announcement Liao Wenkai released this time can be said to be a thunderbolt method!

   Everyone at home and abroad was shocked!

   At the beginning, those organizations and companies that had reported on Liao Wenkai, and even threatened Liao Wenkai, were all dumbfounded.


   These people have to think about a problem.

  How to build a good relationship with Liao Wenkai? !

   These people finally woke up at this time.

  Liao Wenkai and Qin Shiming were not affected or disturbed by this incident.


  The determination of the two became stronger!

  If they still don't understand this matter now, obviously... they are too slow, and failure will happen sooner or later.

  One time!

   The wind is jittery.

   All trees and trees are soldiers!

  Companies that make targeted drugs have urgently held meetings.

   Discuss measures.

   Qin Shiming's deputy, Ji Shirang, also panicked at this time.

  He originally thought that what happened this time, no matter what, would definitely have some impact on Qin Shiming.

   And Qin Shiming was indeed invited to drink tea.

   Ji Shirang was even secretly delighted, thinking that his chance had come.

  During this period, I began to frequently contact those pharmaceutical giants, NMPA companies, and international pharmaceutical companies.

  But now, instead of having any influence, Qin Shiming has become more courageous.

   This is like a posture holding Shang Fang's sword.

   What kind of style is it?

   Ji Shirang suddenly felt a little scared at this moment.

  This incident...will it affect me?


   At this time, this is the case domestically, and it is not much better internationally.

  Morton was flustered, and NMPA was also flustered!

  Bird didn't sleep all night.

  NMPA has not been truly transparent in the past few years. It has given green light to some companies. In order to enter the Chinese market, many pharmaceutical companies have used their certification.

  If China really masters the third-generation sequencing technology!

  This will be a devastating blow to NMPA.

  Internationally, in any country, the punishment for medical problems is very severe.

  If you lose the case!

  Pharmaceutical companies have a lot of responsibility.

  The certification company also needs to shoulder a lot of responsibility.

  If it is true that China has mastered the third-generation sequencing and discovered the tricks in it, maybe...NMPA company will encounter the largest compensation in history.

   In this way, NMPA will surely become a thing of the past.

   This is definitely an unprecedented blow for them.

   Moreover, the third-generation sequencing has appeared, and the second-generation sequencing, the **** 2+ era, will be destroyed.

  NMPA company is about to become history.

   Bird saw all this and was anxious in his heart.

  As a crazy representative of the Eagle brand, he has always seemed to be winning and fighting, but now he seems to be afraid.

   Not only him!

  At home and abroad, those pharmaceutical companies have also begun to get nervous.

  If they make mistakes, their drugs will leave the Chinese market on a large scale, and those domestic companies that violate the regulations will also be severely punished.

   This is obviously a huge crisis for many pharmaceutical companies.


  The domestic Ruilianda Pharmaceutical Company is a typical case.

  Ruili Anda Pharmaceutical Company was not originally engaged in the research and development of medicines, but a leather bag company of medical equipment, and the hidden boss behind it was Yan Chengyu.

   is also one of the major shareholders of Yuzhe Investment Company.

  Yan Chengyu's family has a background in the medical system, and his grandfather is Yan Leshan, who is in the top 50 on the list of Xinglin masters in Xinglinyuan.

  Although the Yan family is not a top-notch medical family, the Yan family is one of the new giants in the medical field, and has benefited countlessly from Xinglin Garden.

  Yan Chengyu started his business by relying on these excellent resources.

  In the early years, medical equipment was a hugely profitable industry. The tens of millions of equipment such as MRI and CT were basically imported from abroad.

  Yan Chengyu of Ruili Anda Company has grasped that the update and iteration speed of medical equipment in large domestic hospitals is extremely fast, and they all use international leading equipment.

  Yan Chengyu then started a special activity, buying old and selling new.

  The so-called buying old and selling new ones is not pure new ones, but the instruments that have been eliminated by large hospitals are sent to Guangzhou for processing and become "brand new" instruments.

   Then sell it to the following hospitals at a high price.

   Just imagine, for a depreciated NMR, it is already a high price to buy 10 million, but he can sell it for tens of millions with a little modification and new additions!

   Such a business can be said to be a huge profit!

   Moreover, he can basically prostitute some scrapped equipment for free, and then resell them after repairing them.

  Under such a cycle, the original accumulation of Rilianda was completed in an instant.

  With the improvement of the domestic medical market, Reliant has obviously looked down on these "small businesses".

   Instead, they focused on the latest emerging targeted drugs.

  At the beginning, the import of targeted drugs was very difficult, and Yan Chengyu used his own resources in Xinglinyuan to start recruiting and investing in the targeted drug market.

  This move coincides with the cooperation of NMPA.

  Under the investment of Yan Chengyu, the calitinib he produced, as a breast cancer drug, cleverly avoided the difficulty of gene sequencing and entered the market directly.

  Caritinib is actually a targeted drug that has been eliminated abroad.

  As a second-generation targeted drug, Calitinib has many problems, but... the price is much lower than that of imported targeted drugs.

  One time!

   Capritinib instantly occupied the domestic market.

  After that, Yan Chengyu started to get in touch with the generic drug company in India and started further development.

  Ruilianda is now listed on the market, with a market capitalization of RMB 12.9 billion, which is an emerging force in the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

   And at this time!

  With the issuance of the "verification order", calitinib will naturally also be subject to review.

  Yan Chengyu sat in the office with a dull expression on his face.

   In the acquisition case between Yuzhe Investment and Annan Pharmaceutical, he was inevitably implicated.

   Under the protection of his family, Yan Chengyu is fine.


  Now, Rayleigh Anda is his key industry.

  Yan Chengyu, who owns 45% of the shares, is very clear about one thing. If something happens to Caritinib, something will obviously happen to Rui Lianda.

   At the beginning, when NMPA canceled its cooperation with China, Yan Chengyu inevitably sided with NMPA.

   So much so that he spent a lot of energy reporting and complaining about Qin Shiming and Liao Wenkai.

   Even found someone to send a threatening letter at any cost!


  Yan Chengyu began to panic.

  Actually, the circle is not big, and many things are very clear.

  Yan Chengyu is very clear that there are some things, as long as you investigate, you will definitely get some clues.

What should I do?

  Yan Chengyu was confused for a while.

  After much deliberation, Yan Chengyu decided to go to the sugar-coated shell first.

after all!

  He does not believe that there are people in the world who are not greedy for money, or who are not lustful.

  However, Yan Chengyu also has a question, that is, does the genetic testing institution established by Qin Shiming and the others really have the third-generation sequencing technology?

  He couldn't figure out what was going on behind this.

   Yan Chengyu is very familiar with domestic genetic engineering research, and there are high-level executives in his family who are doing this research.

  So Yan Chengyu called his grandfather Ouyang Fan directly.

   "Grandpa, do we really have third-generation sequencing technology?"

  Ouyang Fan heard Yan Chengyu's call and naturally guessed something.

  As an academic leader in the field of genetic engineering, Ouyang Fan participated in the negotiation with NMPA company Morton as an advisory group last time.

   Although in the end he was not dismissed as an advisor.


  He is very clear that Qin Shiming is very strong this time.

  As for the reason, he couldn't figure it out.

  He was always curious about why Qin Shiming was determined to defend Chen Nan.

   And he thought of Chen Nan's remarks at the World Cancer Drug Conference.

   Also came up with some ideas, could it be...Chen Nan really has three-generation sequencing technology?

  Ouyang Fan sighed, and said something to the phone:

   “We don’t have three generations of technology.”

   "The team I'm in charge of also follows the progress of NMPA."

   "However, Qin Shiming is very strong this time, you have to be careful."

   "Calitinib is an unstable targeted drug with a limited audience. Not to mention third-generation sequencing, even second-generation sequencing technology can detect it!"

   "Be careful!"

   "If you have to stop, there will be future troubles!"

   "This time, Qin Shiming may have Shang Fang's sword in his hand!"

   Speaking of this, Ouyang Fan couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

  If this time is as he expected, it is difficult for him to imagine what kind of rectification will be encountered in the domestic tumor-targeted drug market!

  Hearing what Grandpa said, Yan Chengyu's face became more and more gloomy.

  He couldn't help but said: "Grandpa, you are one of the academic leaders and have not mastered three generations of technology."

   "Then how could Qin Shiming have it?"

   "You are a member of the advisory group!"

   "Apart from you, who else has these technologies, could it be..."

  Ouyang Fan shook his head: "Don't guess!"

   "What happened this time is very likely to have something to do with Chen Nan."

   "Qin Shiming is so partial to the other party, obviously... there is something tricky."

  After hanging up the phone, Chen Nan's figure suddenly appeared in Yan Chengyu's mind.

  He and Chen Nan met once, when the other party attended the door-knocking ceremony of Xinglin Garden.

  At that time, he was standing on the second floor with his grandfather Yan Leshan, and he could see clearly. Naturally, Yan Chengyu didn't like this person who kicked open the gate of Xinglin Garden.


  When Yuzhe invested in the acquisition of Annan Pharmaceutical, Chen Nan had already grown to a level comparable to that of the boss.

   And now...

  How long is this?

   Has Chen Nan already stood at such a height?


  I, Yan Chengyu, have accumulated for six generations, why do you want to surpass it for decades!

  Yan Chengyu was naturally unconvinced.

  But, what should I do now?

Just at this time!

  Suddenly a phone call came.

   "Mr. Yan, the regulatory authorities called us just now."

   "Let's cooperate with the investigation."

   "Let the person in charge go to the gene sequencing department to retest the drug!"

  Hearing the secretary's voice, Yan Chengyu couldn't help shaking his hands.

  But he still nodded calmly: "I see, you can leave this matter alone."

  After hanging up the phone, Yan Chengyu's mind ran wildly, trying to find a good solution.


  Wait first?

   How about the limelight?

  Thinking of this, Yan Chengyu quickly contacted the relationship to see if he could ease the situation.

  But, at this moment!

  His phone rang suddenly.

   "Mr. Yan, Caritinib will be re-tested today, and a notice has been issued from above, asking our management staff to send someone there immediately!"

  Hearing this, Yan Chengyu's expression changed immediately.

So fast? could it be so fast?

  Could it be... Are you really going to target yourself?

  Thinking of this, Yan Chengyu unconsciously trembled a little!



  ps: Thanks for the 5,000 reward from the boss of "The Moment of Youth", thank you boss!

  (end of this chapter)

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