MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 336 I can't look down on it!

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  Chapter 336 I don't like it!

  NMPA has not been idle during this time!

  Before the journal of the World Cancer Drug Conference was published, the public opinion counterattack with major academic journals and experts had already begun.

  The purpose is to prevent this publication from affecting their company.

  NMPA's influence is very large, with huge sums of money to clear the way, dredging relationships, and many other means.

  One time!

   Many well-known cancer journals in the world have begun to report on the latest sequencing of NMPA.

   And NMPA has recently introduced the "2+ era" statement.

  They believe that it is impossible for three-generation sequencing to make progress so quickly, which is where many problems of genetic engineering lie.

  The 2+ era is the current mainstream direction and trend of gene sequencing.

  With the strong influence of NMPA, for a while, various journals are competing for headlines in this new year.

   "NMPA precision medicine predicts that the 2+ era is coming!"

   ""Progress and Development of Gene Sequencing in the 2+ Era"!"


  Academic competition is nothing compared to war, where you can’t see the smoke of gunpowder, but there are battles of ideas everywhere!

  When NMPA company is constantly creating 2+ era information.

  The World Cancer New Drug Conference will soon publish the latest journal!

  World Cancer New Drug Conference, as the only new drug conference in the cancer conference, represents the future trend of cancer drugs.

   It is also a discussion about the direction of future treatment of tumors.

   It can be said that although this journal does not have any impact factor, its influence is very high!

  It is more terrifying than "Tumor Discovery" and other influences!

   After all, this is a key meeting of the world-class oncology discipline.


  When the journal was released, it immediately aroused frenzied discussions in the tumor academic circle.

  Oncologists all over the world have begun to read this journal seriously.

  As the winner of this year's most anticipated drug award, Chen Nan's icariin naturally became the core of everyone's discussion.

   And the most important thing is that in this journal, a lot of words are used to analyze Chen Nan's remarks this time!

  The next-generation sequencing technology is the main core of the discussion in this journal.

   Moreover, the key point is that Chen Nan's remarks are easy to attract attention.

  First of all, Chen Nan's criticism of "the improved car-t model launched by Gilead and NMPA".

  Think that the other party is making mistakes.

  Directly named both parties simply do not have the strength to intervene early in the treatment of tumor precursors.

   And pointed out the deficiencies and loopholes of NMPA in next-generation sequencing without shy away.

  Chen Nan is one against two like this, and he is the world's two top pharmaceutical companies.

  One is Gilead, an upstart in the tumor market.

   A long-established genetic testing company NMPA.

  For a while, many tumor researchers saw Chen Nan's comments and doubts about the two companies' cooperation in developing new drugs.

   Everyone has to admire Chen Nan's "hit the nail on the head!"

  Academic views are sharp and sharp.

  Actually, most oncologists in the world don’t know much about genetic testing.

   I don’t know much about next-generation sequencing.

   Compared with the long-established behemoths Gilead and NMPA, Chen Nan seems to be more down-to-earth.

  Chen Nan's performance of defying power like this naturally won the support of many people!

   Even, everyone began to reflect on whether NMPA's next-generation sequencing is mature and capable of early intervention and prevention of tumors.

  Although most of these oncologists do not understand these scientific research methods and techniques.


  Everyone’s experience and feelings come from the clinic.

  They are the link closest to patients, and also the link closest to the truth!

  When everyone saw Chen Nan's refutation that NGS was immature and limited by its own defects.

  Everyone suddenly began to reflect.

  Some doctors may have been skeptical about NMPA's precise sequencing before, but... due to the influence and brand of the other company, they just reflect on it.

  Some doctors don't even think that many patients have undergone sequencing before, but... they still get cancer in the end, and the key reason is that their test results are not wrong first!


  When Chen Nan's viewpoints were all written out in the Journal of the World Cancer Drug Conference.

   Suddenly everyone began to recall and reflect.

  Even after reading it, there is a kind of enlightenment and enlightenment.

   Is it really a problem with the second-generation sequencing technology as Chen Nan said?


  When such a topic starts to appear.

  More and more oncologists or experts have started to join this dispute.

   Regarding the lack of next-generation sequencing technology, the inaccuracy of NMPA's sequencing... etc., problems have begun to emerge!

  Academic war is an academic confrontation led by experts and journals as a platform!

  Professional Oncology Forum.

  More and more people began to stand up and become suspicious of NMPA.

  So that.

  The 2+ era launched by NMPA has also begun to be considered a scam!

  In the latest issue of articles, major tumor journals have more or less begun to increase the number of pages and content.

  The added content is undoubtedly a problem with NGS and NMPA.

  As the topic gets higher and higher, the dispute becomes louder and louder.

  NMPA company will soon be unable to sit still!

  Bird sat in the office with a gloomy expression.

  He can now clearly feel that the company has encountered a big problem at this time!

   If you can't get through it safely, NMPA will definitely be seriously affected.

  Seeing that the president is silent, the office is also very dull.

  During this time, everyone has participated in this second-generation sequencing defense battle.

   Everyone is a little tired!

   And at this moment!

   Bird said suddenly, he looked at Morton, and said with a somewhat cold voice:


   "What's the reaction from China?"

  Morton couldn't help feeling a little flustered when he heard this.

  Because he knows very well that if he gives up the cooperation with China, NMPA will encounter big problems in terms of cash flow.

  As a certification company, NMPA’s more profitable means are genetic testing projects and commissioned projects by pharmaceutical companies.


   But now, the Chinese market is currently the most frequently developed one for pharmaceutical companies and lost.

  Bird has always believed that China's technology depends on the support of NMPA, which is inseparable.

   But now?

  Qin Shiming directly canceled the cooperation with NMPA.

  This result was unexpected by everyone.

  Morton took a deep breath, and said helplessly:

   "President, I didn't do a good job!"

   "I never thought that Qin Shiming and Liao Wenkai would cancel it directly, without any room for relaxation!"


   "I promise, Mr. Bird, during our cooperation, China did not get our core technology."

   "Their current level can only be said to be ordinary."

  “Besides, without us, it will be more difficult for their drugs to be better tested, and it will be even more difficult to get FDA approval!”

   "What's more, they are now cooperating with us on some project research and development work."

"I think!"

   "The top priority now is to delay!"

   "Let's see who has the patience to win this confrontation!"

   Speaking of this, Morton suddenly paused for a moment, and continued: "President, I don't think you need to worry too much!"

   "Because, I think... we may be full of unrealistic illusions about Chen Nan, which makes us fall into a passive state."

   "We all think that the other party really has three-generation sequencing technology."

   " it possible?"

   "Besides, what Chen Nan said now is just a guess. If he really had an idea, he would have launched a counterattack in an influential magazine!"

   "And now, he still has no news."

   "So I don't think it's just a crisis."

   Bird nodded when he heard this.

   I have to say that Morton really understands himself and knows what he is worried about.

   Bird also knows that it is indeed necessary to hold back with China now.

   Let's see who can't hold his breath first!

   "How are you doing?"

  Morton said: "I have united the pharmaceutical companies that are cooperating, and the medical companies that are testing, and they have all submitted reports to the above!"

   "Qin Shiming and Liao Wenkai are indeed a little too partial to Chen Nan."

   "There are obviously some tricks in this!"

   "Even if there is no one, Qin Shiming can still eat a pot."

   "Even, force him to abdicate!"

   "After the new boss takes over, we can make a little gesture and start working together again!"

   "Doesn't affect us."

  Bird nodded: "Well, good, good job!"

  Morton smiled slightly: "I have stayed in China for a long time, and I know China better. Even if Qin Shiming and the others cannot be punished for this kind of thing, their decision will be influenced."

   "We just have to be patient..."

   It's just... Morton didn't finish his sentence.

  Suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door.

   "Bang bang bang!"

   "Bang bang bang!"


   This burst of hasty knocking on the door immediately made Bird frown slightly.

  After the secretary hurriedly opened the door, he saw a manager of the company standing at the door in a hurry, and said a little out of breath, "It's not good!"

   "No, Mr. Bird!"

   "Something went wrong!"

  Hearing this, Byrd frowned suddenly: "What's the matter?"

   And the hearts of everyone in the room couldn't help but tugged.

  During this time, the company is very sensitive, everyone is busy, and any disturbance can make everyone nervous.

  The manager suppressed the excitement in his heart and said:

   "The Lancet!"

   "It's The Lancet!"

   "They put Chen Nan's latest two articles on the cover."


   While speaking, the manager quickly put the tablet in his hand on the table.

   And the cover has a striking big character.

   "Did NGS cover up a lie? Or... a deception woven by NMPA?"

  This title really made Bird's eyelids jump.

  Lancet... Lancet!

   What are you here to mix in at this time?

   When it comes to the medical field, which journals and magazines are the most courageous.

  The Lancet is definitely on the list.

  The Lancet is a medical academic journal, but it often complains about many things in the world.

  His position currently seems to be a relatively neutral journal.

   Therefore, this has allowed The Lancet to gain a large number of readers and fans.

  Perhaps, the impact factor of The Lancet is not the highest.


  The influence of "The Lancet" can definitely be ranked in the top three!

   But why!

   At this time, the "Lancet" published such a headline.

   Besides, this is the first issue of the new year!

   Immediately afterwards, they saw the titles of two papers by Chen Nan on the cover of The Lancet.

  《Analysis of the error rate of NMPA’s next-generation sequencing gene detection》

  《NMPA company's next-generation sequencing technology, observation and exploration of drug inefficiency of targeted drugs! "

   These two papers can be said to directly target NMPA without any hesitation!

   Bird looked at the cover at this time, and suddenly his eyes were full of fierceness.

  He can even predict what kind of sensation this "Lancet" will cause when it is released for publication!

  Too ruthless!

  Chen Nan is really too ruthless!

  However, no matter who Bird is, he can still hold his breath in this matter.

  He nodded to the manager beside him: "Good job!"

   "Send the article to everyone present!"

   "Let's take a look at the two articles published by Chen Nanxin."

  Everyone in the conference room was stunned just now.

   "The Lancet"!

  They never expected that this time the war in the field of tumors would directly spread to The Lancet.

  As a comprehensive medical journal, it is not easy to have an impact factor of about 30 points!

The key is…

  The readers of "The Lancet" are a group of crazy militants.

   Moreover, there are many masters among them!

  So, after hearing what the manager said just now, many people in the room have already groaned in their hearts.

  Now, everyone opens their notebooks or tablets, and begins to read the latest New Year's first issue of The Lancet.

  In the room, there was no sound, and everyone was watching the article silently.

  Even, including Byrd, the same is true.

   "Everyone, watch carefully!"

  "Show me whether there is any academic fraud, whether there is any data fabrication, or other problems!"

  Bird's words made everyone more serious.


   Accompanied by time, slowly passing like an hourglass.

  Everyone even began to feel a sense of despair in their hearts.

   First up is the first article.

   After Tashi saw it, his face turned pale.

  He knew very well that Mr. Miao Dingfu's condition, without a doubt, should be in a precancerous state.

  While engaged myself nearly twenty times, checked it out twice.

  For many patients, once missed, the best treatment cycle may be lost.


   They are not an error.

   but error!


  Tashi was really unwilling to admit this until he saw Miao Dingfu's latest certification result information...

  After reading it, Tashi suddenly recalled what happened back then.

  Chen Nan asked Miao Yuanhua to submit for inspection...

  Could it be...they really have three generations of technology?

  Thinking of this, Tashi even trembled a little.

  Until he read the second article, Tashi fell into a struggle.

  Perhaps, the original NMPA company was precision medicine to open a new era.

  His appearance broke the nearly monopolized market of oncology pharmaceutical companies and brought a new era.

  But, now!

  Tashi, who used to be the veteran of NMPA, seems to have discovered a problem. With the development of the company, now, he has become an object he once hated.

  Could it be...

  Will the dragon slayer become a new dragon one day?

   Time, an hour has passed.

  But still no one in the office spoke.

   After Bird finished reading the article, he closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

   He clearly anticipated what would develop next.

   Waiting to die?

   This is not Bird's character.

   But how?

   Bird began to think wildly.

   In a moment!

  Bird suddenly opened his eyes, at this time he was completely different from just now.

  Bird's eyes were full of fighting spirit. It had been a long time since he had fought such a tough battle, and he couldn't lose!

  Bird's eyes were sharp, and he said sharply: "Contact Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Roche...these pharmaceutical companies!"

   "Their latest targeted drug is also the result of next-generation sequencing!"

   "If there is a problem with the next-generation sequencing, they will naturally lose a lot."

   "Then, find a professional expert to criticize Chen Nan!"

   "Call the other party is a castle in the air!"

   "There are indeed problems with next-generation sequencing, but... this is something that will inevitably appear in the development of medicine, and this is also the law of medical development!"

   "Three-generation sequencing will not appear in one day, and second-generation sequencing will still be the core!"

   "Look for our colleagues to refute each other!"

   "Departments, start to act!"

  Hearing Bird's words, everyone around trembled in their hearts. Everyone knew that the crisis was coming!

   The battle needs to begin!



   And at this time!


  After Qin Shiming and Liao Wenkai were investigated, they were released soon.


   They went to see an old gentleman at the same time.

  The other party just said lightly: "As long as it is beneficial to the people and the country, we must persist!"

   "We are not afraid of losing!"

   "However, I am afraid that there is no hope."

   "Qin Shiming, you are in charge, you did the right thing this time!"

   "Go for it! Let go and be bold!"

  Qin Shiming clenched his fists, eager to try, and nodded excitedly: "I promise to complete the task!"

   This sentence!

   is Qin Shiming's military order.

   After they left, Qin Shiming personally found Chen Nan this time.

  He asked straight to the point:

   "Three-generation sequencing, is there really hope?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Although I can't, but... someone can!"

   "I can make referrals."

   "However, Director Qin, you have to discuss the details."

   "However, the good news from my side is that the person in charge of the other party is Chinese!"

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Qin Shiming suddenly became excited.

Chinese? !

   This is indeed good news.

  Qin Shiming patted Chen Nan on the shoulder, looked into his eyes seriously and said, "Thank you!"


  Chen Nan quickly contacted Kong Xu, who was engaged in genetic engineering in the UK, and asked him to meet Qin Shiming.

   As for Kong Xu, after the plane returned to China that day, he led his team to discuss work with Qin Shiming.

  Qin Shiming was a little unclear about Kong Xu at first.


  When Kong Xu showed up with real data, Qin Shiming knew that it was time to fight back!

   And at this time!

  Internationally, about next-generation sequencing and NMPA companies have fallen into crazy discussions.

  On The Lancet, experts gather.

  The gold content of these two papers by Chen Nan is too high.

  More and more experts stood up and began to support Chen Nan.

   As for next-generation sequencing, the NMPA company's inaction and intentional concealment of data directly began to criticize!

  The person in charge of the British Drug Administration: "NMPA has always been a gene sequencing company that I trust. I trusted in the past, I dare not!

  Because there are so many errors in the next-generation sequencing technology, but the other party did not give a detailed introduction.

  This is an extremely irresponsible thing for patients. "

  And Germany this time is even more thorough: "Temporarily suspend all gene sequencing business of NMPA in Germany."

  Germany's statement this time can be said to be full of weight!

   This is the entry of the national team!

  Before, it was just a drizzle.

  Experts are fighting a war of words.

  However, it is different now, the flames of war have spread.

  Rising to a higher level.

  That is...whether NMPA has the ability to serve as the identity of these national testing agencies!

  If the journal of the World Cancer New Drug Conference is the first shot in this battle.

no doubt!

  This time, Germany’s fate made many people realize: “The times may have changed!”

  Suddenly, more and more experts, countries, and organizations joined this discussion.

  The EU itself is not very dependent on NMPA companies.

   Their member countries have institutions that are good at sequencing.

   And now!

  Many countries in the EU took the initiative to stand up and refute NMPA.

   And at this time!

  NMPA did not initiate surrender.

   Instead, it united major pharmaceutical companies and some colleagues and experts in the field of gene sequencing to start a counterattack.

  Pfizer spokesperson: "Three-generation sequencing is still just a fantasy, unrealistic. I am not denying the correctness of Chen Nan, but I have some doubts... Now, is it really time to start three-generation sequencing?

   To be precise, are we capable? ? "

   "Moreover, there is another problem. If there is no third-generation sequencing, all our assumptions are false.

  The development of medicine is inherently limited, and any small progress will change the current situation of medical care!

  I believe that the certification of NMPA company is still the industry leader! "

  The well-known genetic testing expert and genetic engineering expert at the University of California, Los Angeles made a statement:

   "If the third-generation sequencing appears now, we will support it!"

   "But...for a third-generation sequencing that is currently in the stage of overcoming technical difficulties, this is still just a beautiful dream, and I don't support vain fantasies!"


   Right now.

  International Oncology Forum has countless commentators and many participants.

   And at this time!

  Qin Shiming also received a call from Bird.

  Hope to communicate with each other.

  Actually, Byrd is also thinking about retreat.

   But now, they have no way out.

   "Director Qin, we can help you build and develop genetic engineering medicine."

   "I think we may have misunderstood!"

   And Qin Shiming smiled lightly.

   But in his heart, he was extremely excited!

  The opponent is convinced!

   All the grievances from before seemed to be vented at this moment!

  If placed before.

  Qin Shiming will definitely agree without hesitation.

   Then talk about the conditions again.

   But now?

  Qin Shiming just smiled faintly.

  He said something from his heart... Let's really look down on NGS, and even more on NMPA.

  He now has the third-generation sequencing, but I still need the second-generation sequencing?

   What's more, those who forsake me shall not keep the day of yesterday!

  Qin Shiming put on airs and deliberately said slowly: "Sorry, our cooperation has been cancelled."

   "Mr. Bird, because this is a contract that you have unilaterally torn up, so... please be prepared."

   "We will carry out the judgment of the International Court of Justice!"

"see you then!"

  Bird became angry instantly after hearing this, and he directly tore up the books and notebooks on the table in front of him.

  However, he still couldn't let go of his hatred.

   "Give me a blast on Chinese genetic engineering."

   "Cancel cooperation!"

   "I want to see what chance they have to resist this time!"


as expected.

   Soon, there was a large wave of claims supporting the 2+ era on the Internet. I don’t believe in the third-generation sequencing at all!

   Time, every day is fermenting.

   Wait for an opportunity!

  It's not...

  When everyone is full of doubts about China's genetic engineering.

  Many domestic medical and pharmaceutical companies also jumped out and opposed this move.

   Everyone even thought that this was Qin Shiming's impulsive behavior.

   There are more and more report letters.


  This time, these report letters like snowflakes have disappeared like stones and seas, and there has been no news!

   Just when many people are curious.

  Suddenly, the Chinese Health and Medical Commission officially released a news.

   "Third-generation sequencing, we have completed the review and investigation!"

   "From today, our National Health and Medical Commission will independently use our own sequencing institution!"



  ps: Grandma’s funeral today, I’m a little tired, so I can’t write too much.

  (end of this chapter)

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