MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 341 The chips are abundant, and the competition begins!

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  Chapter 341 Rich chips, the competition begins!

  Master Yu Mei's influence among the people is extraordinary!

  In his life, he had a chivalrous complex. Although he can't be called a chivalrous hero, he still left his name everywhere.

   Take the initiative to take people to rescue disasters many times.

  In the early years, he always paid for the treatment of the poor and generously out of his own pocket.

  Yu the old man was born a few years ago. At that time... Although his birth was not much of a sensation, it also witnessed many things happen.

  In the old days, Wang Xietang’s front swallows flew into the homes of ordinary people.

  However, Mr. Yu, after all, has an extraordinary family background, and his vision is even more extraordinary. In those years, he collected a lot of precious antique jade articles from the palace nobles in the capital.

  Sponsored many students and retained talents, donated money all their lives, without any worries.

  The strength is even more extraordinary!

  Grandpa Yu was also a fearless master back then, and he joined Xinglin Garden only because he felt lonely after the age of fifty and wanted a place to belong.

  Xinglinyuan once wanted Mr. Yu to come out to be the vice president or the principal, but he was rejected.

   "Life is unrestrained and unrestrained, with wings flying and laughing at the end of the world."

   This is what Yu Mei said when he was laughing at himself.


  When old man Yu Meiyu suddenly said these words, coupled with Lu Pingren's initiative to choose a restaurant before.

  In an instant, there was quite a commotion in Xinglin Garden.

   Even Yan Leshan was dumbfounded at this moment!

  He originally just wanted to vent his anger on his grandson, but now it's fine...

   All of a sudden, two big bosses were drawn out!

   This Yu Mei used to be a master of more than 20 on the Xinglin master list.

  Although Lu Pingren stayed in Xinglin Garden for only a short time, no one dared to underestimate his strength.

  Lu Pingren is an official background, rarely makes a move, and picks are even rarer.

  However, only one shot caused a sensation.

  In the early years, Xinglinyuan encountered a very serious selection of museums. It was a Kampo master from Japan who was very proficient in the theory of typhoid and miscellaneous diseases.

   And the other party came to the door, it was like typhoid fever!

  At that time, there were quite a few masters in Xinglin Garden. After all...under the background of the times at that time, the Chinese people had a lot of complaints and hatred towards Japan.

  So, everyone wants to deal a severe blow to this ignorant guy.

  But who would have thought that the Japanese Kampo master who came to choose the museum is very strong and has a deep understanding of typhoid fever.

   At that time, he picked for a month in a row!

  More than 20 Xinglinyuan masters lost one after another, which dealt a severe blow to Xinglinyuan's reputation.

   Lu Pingren was only fifty years old at the time, and had just entered Xinglin Garden. When he encountered this kind of thing, he couldn't bear it anymore, and compared it.

   That time, how many people watched!

   Even the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Japanese Kampo Medical Association also came to witness this competition.

  But fifty-year-old Lu Pingren is in high spirits.

  Push three levels horizontally, and the opponent will be convinced to lose.

   That time was Lu Pingren's unique record!

   And that time, Yan Leshan was the witness!

   It is also the most exciting time for Xinglinyuan's senior management.

  Since then, Lu Pingren has never participated in any selection activities, and he has not even been named on the Xinglin master list.

  However, his strength has always been a riddle.

  Many people speculate that as long as Mr. Lu makes a move now, he will definitely be in the top ten of Xinglin Garden.

  After all, Mr. Lu, who has been settled for more than 30 years, is now... even more extraordinary!

  Therefore, when everyone saw the news that Yan Leshan was invited to challenge by Lu Pingren and Yu Mei at the same time, they immediately boiled over.

  Now, the high-level executives of Xinglinyuan all know the hidden strength of the two old men, Mr. Lu and Mr. Yu.

   And Yan Leshan, who was the party involved, was also confused at this time!

  He...he really didn't know what kind of bad luck he had.

  Damn it!

   Surprised that these two old monsters attacked at the same time, trying to pick a house.

   What a **** bad luck.

   To tell the truth... Yan Leshan actually smiles secretly when he thinks about it carefully when he is sleeping at night.

   After all, these two old monsters took the initiative to invite them to pick a house, which is not an honor that ordinary people can have!

   You know, this old man Yu and Lu Pingren are both absolute masters, with a prominent reputation and a long history of fame.

   It is not an easy task to be targeted by the two of them, and most people have no such opportunity at all.

  However, this is just a reason for Yan Leshan to comfort himself and anesthetize himself.

   What he is most struggling with now is... how to deal with it!

  Damn it!

   After all, people nowadays are not afraid of big things when they watch the excitement.

   During this evening's effort, the Xinglinyuan forum has already been boiling.

   It has been a long time since such a sensational event occurred in Xinglin Garden.

   Originated from the gossip in the bones, everyone is full of expectations for this selection of venues.

  Yan Leshan couldn't fall asleep, looking at all the comments, he wanted to throw his phone away!

   "Fight? Fight! That ragged cape?"

   "Come? Come! The humblest dream!"

   "Who said that the hero is standing in the light... Mr. Yan, don't be cowardly!"

  Yan Leshan spat out a mouthful of old phlegm from 1941, and couldn't help but want to curse: "Do you deserve it?!"

  Although Yan Leshan has some skills, but...he really doesn't have the courage to fight with old masters Yu Mei and Lu Pingren.


   Now Mr. Lu Pingren is old and not in good health.

   What should I do if there is a sentence that decides whether to compete or life or death?

  Damn it! ?

  Or...I just don't choose a restaurant with Chen Nan.

  He really didn't expect that such a big event would be caused by Chen Nan.

  I knew it earlier, the grandson could swallow this breath.

   Besides, this Yan Chengyu crashed the car by himself, and it has nothing to do with Chen Nan, right?

  Yan Leshan couldn't fall asleep with a headache all night!

  He really didn't know how to deal with this matter.

   After all, he suddenly thought of something.

   Chen Nan has ten teachers...

  These ten teachers, except for Gu Siming who is in the field of ancient medical prose, are all masters. Then the **** Shen Yuyuan, Jia Menzhang, Huang Yiping...


  The more he thought about it, the more Yan Leshan felt bald.

  Yan Leshan, who was obviously bald, lost countless hairs in one night.


   Early the next morning.

  Yan Leshan made a decision, that's all!

   No more challenges!

   Isn't it embarrassing?

  Why not?

  Let’s talk again... What’s the shame in embarrassing Yu Mei and Lu Pingren?

   And just at this time!

  Suddenly a phone call came.

  Yan Leshan was taken aback when he saw the caller ID.

   Meng Zhier? !

   This is the current vice president of Xinglinyuan.

   What did he call himself?

   Meng Zhier and Yan Leshan have a good relationship, they meet several times a year to drink tea.

   "Hehe, President Meng, hello."

  Yan Leshan answered the phone and greeted with a smile.

  The other party just said lightly: "I'm not well, and brother Yan, you probably didn't sleep all night, right?"

  Yan Leshan heard the other party's voice, and suddenly wanted to scold her.

  Is the old **** here to make fun of himself?

  Meng Ji'er didn't wait for Yan Leshan to finish, and said directly:

   "Brother Yan, I didn't call you to cause trouble!"

   "I'm here to help you!"

  Yan Leshan shook his head, sighed and said, "Brother Meng."

   "Hey... this matter, I thought about it carefully, and I don't compare it!"

   "I've caused a lot of trouble!"

   "This is Lu Pingren and Yu Mei... hey!"

  Meng Zhi'er smiled: "Do you think there are only Lu Pingren and Yu Mei?"

   "Look carefully at your backstage!"

   "See how many library selection applications you have received?"


   "I'm telling you, out of ten teachers in Chen Nan, nine of them have sent out applications for selection!"

   "The Xinglin Garden has already exploded."

   "At this moment, do you think you can quit if you want?"



   "This time, if you don't stand with Chen Nan once, you will really be in trouble."

   “Things have come to this point, there has to be a solution.”

  Hearing these words, Yan Leshan was dumbfounded.

  He looked at Meng Zhier on the phone, and really wanted to sing a song, listen to me and say thank you...

  Damn you, you called me this early in the morning, and you said you weren't making trouble for me?

   Are you **** poisonous? !

   "This is the good news you told me?"

   "Hehe...Thank you!"

  Yan Leshan gritted his teeth and said.

   And Meng Zhier smiled: "What are you in a hurry for?"

"of course not!"

   "Let me tell you, Xinglinyuan can mediate this matter!"

   "You know, Xinglinyuan has such obligations and responsibilities."

   "You and Chen Nan's choice of venues, don't cancel this time."

   "Let's find a way to get around it."

  Hearing Meng Zhier's words, Yan Leshan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

   It seems... there is such a possibility!

   "Brother Meng, can you elaborate?"



  Chen Nan arrived at teacher Lu Pingren's home at night, Yu Mei and several teachers were here.

  Master Lu's body is not in good shape, but his eyes don't have the slightest look of withering like the old, weak, sick and disabled.

  In other words, even though Master Lu is getting old, his spirit is still bright.

  Chen Nan was naturally very moved by the teachers who came forward this time.

  Lu Pingren drank tea without speaking, and his body was so tired that he started to feel extremely sleepy after eight o'clock every day.

   It's not easy to insist on sitting here, but you can't sit for a long time.

  The reason why I came here today is because of Xinglinyuan's mediation, and everyone wants to hear Chen Nan's opinion.

  Yu Mei said lightly to Chen Nan:

   "Chen Nan, don't worry, with us here, no one dares to ask you to start picking a house!"

  Yu Mei's tone was flat, but in the words, the domineering color was undoubtedly revealed.


  With this group of teachers around, this is Chen Nan's umbrella.

   Chen Nan was extremely grateful when he heard the sound.

  He, Chen Nanhe, is so honored to have so many mentors to help him...


  He looked at the teachers who were not young in front of him, and felt a little sentimental in his heart.

  Master Lu's health is getting worse and worse this year, and maybe time is running out. According to what Master Yu said, he may not be able to pass the next Mid-Autumn Festival.

   Teacher Lu likes to use chrysanthemums, and Chen Nan also grows a lot of them in his courtyard.

   Teacher Lu is like this, other teachers... who can avoid it?

   are all very old people...

  The more he thought about it, the more sad Chen Nan felt.

  Although he is not a person who likes to be sad by nature, but... he also has some thoughts.


   Isn't this the meaning of his efforts?

   Today, he enjoys and is grateful for the protection of all his mentors, but... who can protect him for the rest of his life?

  In other words... who can protect the longevity of traditional Chinese medicine?

  He has nothing to repay for the kindness of his mentor.

   We can only practice prudently and promote Chinese medicine.

  Besides, the teacher is old, and he has to improve himself.


   They will be a little unwilling to leave.

   After Yu Mei finished speaking, Lu Pingren raised his eyelids and nodded: "Yes!"

   "Xinglinyuan, no way!"

  The other teachers nodded one after another: "That's right!"

   "With us here, what's the use of Xinglin Garden's mediation?"

  Chen Nan heard the words of each mentor, and couldn't help but say:

   "Masters, thank you for your support!"

   "But... this time, I am willing to accept."

  As soon as these words came out, several of them couldn't help looking at Chen Nan in surprise.

  Even Lu Pingren looked at Chen Nan curiously.

  Huang Yiping pondered for a moment and said:

   "That Yan Leshan, who is well versed in acupuncture, has become famous for a long time over the years."

   "Although you are talented and quick-witted, but...Xiao Chen, this accumulation is also very important!"

   Jia Menzhang also nodded: "You have to be careful!"

  Chen Nan hummed: "Understood!"

   "I am very aware of my strength."


   "Masters, this selection is also my chance!"

   "I am currently at a bottleneck in pulse diagnosis. If I can break through this competition, it may be a great thing for me."

   "Yan Leshan is proficient in pulse diagnosis, I know something about it."

   "It is said that he even grasped the subtleties of the pulse condition, and he has a fine-grained state."

   "However, I am now stuck in control of the pulse diagnosis, but I have been unable to break through that layer of membrane."

   "I need a kind of pressure, and the other party's pulse diagnosis experience to help me."

   "Every teacher knows that the third-generation gene sequencing was carried out in China by contacting Kong Xu."

   "The decline of traditional Chinese medicine has lost too much attention under the modern diagnosis and treatment methods."

  “And we treat the disease before it is cured, which is obviously a joke in the eyes of Western medicine!”

   "But, now is the chance!"

   "If the third-generation sequencing is performed, we can clearly evaluate the precancerous state."

   "Then use the subtle pulse diagnosis, and after clearly feeling the changes in qi and blood, early detection and early treatment may be an unprecedented opportunity for us Chinese medicine practitioners!"

   "And likewise, this is also a direction and approach for the treatment of tumors with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine!"

   "Besides, there are also a lot of chips this time!"

   "The other party wants nothing more than my acupuncture analgesic technology and the shares of Annam Pharmaceuticals."

   "And I also want shares in Gilead, the other party has a lot of research in cytology, the most important thing..."

   "They are also now carrying out improved car-t cell therapy in the tumor field for early cancer intervention."

   "I think such a technology can completely allow us to better develop this field in the coming time."

   "Whether it's for yourself!"

   "It's still for the proof of Chinese medicine!"

   "It's even bigger, it's for our domestic cancer patients."

   "This time, I have to do it."


   "I missed this time, I don't know how long it will take for such a good opportunity!"

   Chen Nan's words were so true that everyone could hear Chen Nan's inner urgency.

  Chen Nan glanced at Lu Pingren.

  He wants to see Chinese medicine in front of world medicine before his teacher dies, to prove his own strength, let the whole world see our Chinese medicine in China, can help our common people, have a chance to resist in front of tumors!

  Although Lu Pingren and others joked that Chen Nan was a master of Chinese medicine in the past.

  Actually, isn’t this a hope for everyone?

  The scene fell silent.

  Everyone is very clear about Chen Nan's determination and ambition this time.

   Lu Pingren, who was silent for a long time, looked at Chen Nan and said:

   "Forget it!"

   "It's time for you to have your own ideas."

"go a head!"

   "If you lose, I will help you win it back."

   "This hand is staggering, but it can still fight Sanbaihe!"

   "It's a good thing to work harder and give it a try while I'm still alive."

   Lu Pingren's words made Chen Nan's nose sour.

  A staggering and incomplete body, with a sonorous ambition hidden inside;

  Wen Tian didn't borrow many years, and he was still able to fight Sanbaihe!

  Chen Nan nodded: "I hope..."

   "Everyone, teachers, can you give me a glimpse!"

  Lu Pingren raised his eyelids, revealing his pupils, which concealed a great deal of satisfaction.



   At this time, the Xinglinyuan forum was already very lively.

   After several days of fermentation.

  Chen Nan and Yan Leshan's selection of a venue this time has attracted too many people's attention.

  Especially when the "Luxury Tiantuan" behind Chen Nan appeared and took an army against Yan Leshan, the attention this time became more and more intense.


   Accompanied by the mediation of Xinglinyuan and various comprehensive factors.

  Obviously, Yan Leshan would not accept such a challenge.

  Because Yan Leshan was scared!

  Seeing that the end of the new year is approaching, this time the competition will be held on the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month.

   As for the selection of the venue this time, Xinglin Garden even adopted the form of a live broadcast.

  After all...there are too many people who follow.


   But Chen Nan participated in the CSCO annual summit at this time.

  As the annual summit of the Oncology Society of the Chinese Medical Association.

  Chen Nan directly nominated the vice-chairman (vice-chairman) at the meeting.

  As for Chen Nan's nomination, it did not arouse too many doubts.

  Because of Chen Nan, he is a named member of the World Cancer Society, and he is also a director of China!

  What an honor is this?

  If such a person really loses the election of the vice president at the domestic summit, it will undoubtedly be slapping himself in the face.

   Moreover, Chen Nan's new drug icariin won the Most Anticipated Award at the World Cancer New Drug Conference.

   This is also a hard-headed record!

  If it is said that when Chen Nan was selected into the Association of Chinese Medicine Physicians, his name was still not right, and he did not have any honor and title.

   This time, Chen Nan was selected into the domestic oncology society, but there was no disturbance at all!


  Chen Nan really did the truth.

  At the meeting, Chen Nan directly named and conducted an in-depth analysis of the unqualified and pharmacological effects of five "targeted drugs" including calitinib.

   Moreover, they severely criticized pharmaceutical companies such as Rayliant.

   And domestic!

  After the establishment of the genetic testing agency, a major inspection was carried out on many drugs.

   I have to say that this time, 19 substandard products were found out of 59 targeted drugs.

   It also includes 6 foreign drugs!

   This time, the China Genetic Testing Institute can be said to have opened the curtain with a great record!

   And at this time.

  The matter about the Huaxia Genetic Testing Institute has also caused an uproar internationally.

  Many countries have already taken a skeptical attitude at this time, and began to contact Qin Shiming and the others.

   Obviously, Huaxia couldn't be fooling around.

   And the key is!

   This time, the one who panicked the most was NMPA.

  Bird, the president of NMPA, looked at the report in his hand and was a little shocked.

  He looked at the general manager aside: "Are you sure? These have all been detected?"

  The other party nodded helplessly: "Yes!"

   "In addition to this, there are more than a dozen drugs, and we have no way to accurately detect them."

   "So, I suspect... maybe the other party has mastered the third-generation sequencing technology nine out of ten."

   "Even if it is not the third-generation sequencing technology, it is beyond our sequencing capabilities."

  After Bird heard it, his face suddenly became ugly.

  This news made him sleepless for several days.

  He is staring at Huaxia's test results every day.

   Seeing that all the people on the list were detected, I felt a little scared for a while.

  If the third-generation sequencing really comes out.

  The future of their NMPA company is really in danger.

   But right now...

  Bird also knew that Gilead was planning a building selection operation by Chen Nan.

  Bird suddenly said: "How about...we also join in?"

  The general manager was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

  Bird: "How about...we also take out something and let Chen Nan agree to our chips?"

   "For example... three-generation sequencing technology..."

  The general manager was suddenly speechless.

   "He has three generations of technology, do you think... he will agree to our conditions?"


   "The chips this time are already amazing enough."

   "It's better for us not to get involved!"

   "Let's wait and see!"

   Bird thought for a moment, then nodded!

   And at this time!

  Chen Nan has also started to prepare for this selection of museums.

   It's mostly about chips.

  The two sides began to negotiate.

  Chen Nan didn't have many bargaining chips, after all, he was the weak side in terms of apparent strength.

  First: Chen Nan's insights on acupuncture analgesia.

  Second: Twenty percent of the shares of Annan Pharmaceutical.

  The opponent's chips are much richer.

  First: Yan Leshan's insights on pulse diagnosis.

  Second: 6% of Gilead's shares.

  Third: Analysis of the research progress of CAR-T cell therapy improvement.

   Seeing such a rich bargaining chip, everyone suddenly became crazy.

   Regardless of Yan Leshan's experience.

   is still a stake in Gilead.

  This is enough to drive everyone crazy.

  One time!

  More and more people are paying attention to this selection of museums.

  Xinglin Garden also found Chen Nan and began to formulate three levels.

  According to the rules, it is the other party who chooses the pavilion.

  Chen Nan needs to formulate three checkpoints for the opponent to pass through.

  This time, Yan Leshan began to contact some acupuncture and analgesic experts, hoping to learn some analgesic skills.

  He felt that Chen Nan must choose acupuncture for pain relief.

  Chen Nan is not stupid either.

  If I can't grasp this advantage, I will obviously be at a disadvantage.

  Compared with pulse diagnosis, Chen Nan thought that he might be slightly inferior, after all, the other party is a master in this field.

   Tao Xunyi called Chen Nan at this time!

   "Xiao Chen, you may not know this Yan Leshan very well!"

   "Although his pulse diagnosis is subtle, it is not comprehensive. Your pulse diagnosis is no worse than his!"

   "Yan Leshan is not good at controlling power. He has found a different way, and the subtle realm he found is not the same as others."

   "I think you can start from this aspect!"

  After Chen Nan heard the news, he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

  In addition to acupuncture and pulse diagnosis, Chen Nan is best at pharmacy.


   This time, Chen Nan plans to start from the three directions of acupuncture, medicine, and pulse, and set up a pattern of these three levels!


  Time, it's already the 20th of the twelfth lunar month!

   It seems that Chinese New Year is coming soon.

  Xinglin Garden has given enough publicity resources for this selection.

  When Chen Nan's three levels were announced, everyone was excited.

first round!

  Acupuncture pain relief!

  The second level!

  Diagnosing and treating patients.

  The third level!

  Find a treatment plan with the limited drugs available on site.

  The selection of drugs is done by drawing lots.

  Chen Nan and Yan Leshan each have 20 chances to draw, and they have to choose a prescription suitable for the patient from these 20 types of medicines!

It can be said!

  Every level is difficult.

  There are hundreds of common Chinese medicines, and it is obviously very difficult to choose a suitable Chinese medicine from twenty kinds.


   Isn't this the real test?

  When the three levels were announced, it immediately caused an uproar.

  Many people began to get excited.

  Waiting for the selection of halls to start three days later.

   Time passed day by day.

  The twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month came quietly.

   And in the capital!

  In a traditional Chinese medicine hall.

  The selection of the venue this time is about to begin.

   This time, the venue was selected with high standards.

   Two vice presidents, four directors, and some staff members came to Xinglin Garden.

   Among them is Meng Zhier.

   And those on both sides who came to watch and sit in the township, even more masters appeared frequently!

  Chen Nan's side, ten teachers sat safely on the chairs, their faces were stern, and they didn't say a word.

   Opposite, Yan Leshan also put on airs.

   The tenth place in Xinglinyuan Master List was You Dingzhong who came to visit!

   You Dingzhong is 91 years old this year, and he is the only remaining card master in Xinglinyuan.

   In addition, there are several masters of traditional Chinese medicine.

   and Gilead executive Geoffrey.

  NMPC's China President Morton.

  Balsha of the World Cancer Society!

  They are all witnesses to this selection.

  However, the most grand appearance was a Japanese Yoshimoto Higashino.

  The opponent is Yoshimoto Higashino, the seventh-ranked master on the Xinglin master list.

  It was also the opponent Lu Pingren defeated back then.

   After Yoshimoto Higashino came in, he smiled at Lu Pingren and said, "Mr. Lu, don't come here without any problems!"

  Lu Pingren's face changed, and he said, "Don't come here without any problems."

  Yoshimoto Higashino said with a smile: "I expect your students to lose."

   "In this way, you can challenge me!"

   "I'm looking forward to the competition with Mr. Lu!"

   "In the previous match, I was not convinced."

  Lu Pingren smiled: "You may not have such an opportunity."

   "Because, my disciple, I won't lose this time!"

  Yoshimoto Higashino smiled slightly: "We'll wait and see!"

   "However, I look forward to a competition between us!"

   Right now!

  The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze.

  The competition has not yet started, but the smoke is still there.

   And at this time!

  The live broadcast is about to start.


  (end of this chapter)

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