MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 342 In danger, break through!

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  Chapter 342 In danger, breakthrough!

  The live broadcast room begins!

  When everyone saw so many masters in the room, the audience was dumbfounded for a while!

   "Damn it! This is... a gathering of experts!"

   "Yes, look, behind Chen Nan... the row of old people are all masters of traditional Chinese medicine, masters of Chinese medicine! Lu Pingren, Yu Mei...Huang Yiping...God!"

   "Yes, Chen Nan has many teachers. It's really amazing that these ten masters of traditional Chinese medicine are teachers!"

   "No wonder people look down on Xinglinyuan. If I have so many masters of traditional Chinese medicine as teachers, I will look down on me too!"

   The live broadcast of Xinglin Garden this time is not only played in Xinglin Garden, but also on a Chinese medicine forum outside Xinglin Garden.

   This time, there was a lot of trouble in choosing a pavilion, so that Xinglin Garden also had an extra thought to let everyone see the situation in Xinglin Garden.

  After all, Xinglin Garden has always been a bit high and cold.

  The appearance of Chen Nan made them suddenly realize that they should not be too ungrounded.

   And this live broadcast happened to be an opportunity!

  The people watching the live broadcast are all people in the field of Chinese medicine. It just so happens that they can use this opportunity to increase the height and mystery of Xinglinyuan in the eyes of ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners.

as expected!

  After everyone saw the selection of the museum this time, they saw so many masters of traditional Chinese medicine at the beginning of the show. For a while, everyone couldn't help but get excited.


  At this time, a person in Xinglin Garden could not help but say:

   "You guys, you really don't understand the market!"

   "Although the master of Chinese medicine is powerful, there are many masters in Xinglin Garden. Many people are even better than the master of Chinese medicine."

   "You must know that the real masters of Chinese medicine are still among the people!"

   "Look, that old man is You Dingzhong, this is a real master, the tenth strongman in Xinglin master list."

   "Although Mr. You is not a master of traditional Chinese medicine, but you go and ask, how many masters of traditional Chinese medicine have met, you have to call you old man!"

   "There is also that person...Look, that Japanese man is called Yoshimoto Higashino, this is the 7th master in Xinglin master list!"

   "The selection of the venue this time is really a luxurious lineup!"

   "In the past ten years, I have never seen such a big battle!"

   This person was originally a person who had participated in knocking on the door of Xinglinyuan, and he was very familiar with the affairs of Xinglinyuan.

  He naturally acted as the commentator in the comment area.


   At this moment, a man suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

   "In view of the fact that this live broadcast is a live broadcast of the strength level of Xinglin master list, in order to facilitate everyone's viewing experience and better learning."

   "This live broadcast, I will explain it to everyone."

   "Let me introduce myself, myself, You Dingzhong."

   As soon as the voice fell, the room suddenly became excited.

  Although everyone doesn't know who You Dingzhong is, but... the person just said that You Dingzhong is the tenth master in the Xinglin master list in Xinglin Garden!

  He actually came to explain this assessment in person? !

   This card is really not small!

   And at this time, someone suddenly asked: "May I ask you a question? The master of Chinese medicine... on the Xinglin master list, where is it ranked?"

  This question is actually a question of many wild viewers.

  Everyone doesn't know much about Xinglinyuan, they only know the mystery, but...the strength, they don't know.

  So, after this question was raised.

   has also been echoed by many people.

   After all, this is the first live event held by Xinglinyuan.

   It did let many people know about the existence of the positive organization.

   And the person who just helped to introduce stood up again:

   "Hehe, master of traditional Chinese medicine?"

   "Let's put it this way, in Xinglin Garden, there are only 100 people on the list of Xinglin masters, but how many people are there in the master of traditional Chinese medicine?"

   "And, to put it bluntly, the evaluation of the master of traditional Chinese medicine is comprehensive strength, not just medical technology."

   "However, the Xinglin master list is a real battlefield. Anyone who wants to enter this list must defeat the people on the ranking to have a chance to replace them!"

   "So, in a sense, the Xinglin Master List is the ranking of the strength of Chinese medicine."

   "Of course, many masters, although very strong, have not joined this ranking, but... this cannot deny the gold content of this ranking."

   "Generally speaking, the old masters of traditional Chinese medicine, and they are very powerful, can enter the top fifty."

   "You should know Yan Leshan very well, right? He should be regarded as a very powerful master of traditional Chinese medicine. Now he is the director of the domestic Pulse Diagnosis Research Institute, and his strength is worthy of entering the top 50."

"Although old Mr. Lu Pingren has not taken the written test, but... Thirty years ago, when Mr. Lu first entered Xinglin Garden, Yoshimoto Higashino was full of vigor and vigor, winning more than ten games in a row in a month, and at that time, fifty The many-year-old Mr. Lu stood up and took down the opponent in one fell swoop!"

   "Thirty years ago, Yoshimoto Higashino had the strength of around 50, but Lu Lao, who is in his 50s, has the strength to crush!"

   "As for Mr. Yu Mei, he is the second one on the right, and he has been on the Xinglin Sacred Hand List for about twenty names."


  The man gave a very detailed introduction, and everyone naturally listened with great interest.

   After all, the story of Xinglinyuan is a legend to most ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners!

   That's a notoriously mysterious realm.

   Everyone naturally wants to see the true face.

   Today, everyone finally has this opportunity!



   At this time, Meng Zhier stood up.

   "Today, Yan Leshan, choose the hall, Chen Nan!"

   "Today, I, Meng Zhier, will be the judge for this selection competition!"

   "First, let me announce the rules of the written test!"

   "Both parties have signed relevant documents."

   "This assessment is a feast for academic exchanges in traditional Chinese medicine."


  After Meng Zhi'er finished speaking, he began to invite portraits of the medical sage and medicine king, and then began to burn incense!

   “Are the parties ready?”

  Chen Nan stood up with a calm expression, even though the other party was a long-established master of traditional Chinese medicine, but...there was not much fluctuation in his heart.



   After all, the opponent is a veteran master.


   Scared, but not worthy.

   Moreover, Chen Nan hopes to break through himself in such an assessment!

  This kind of pressure must be there.

  Compared to Chen Nan, Yan Leshan has a lot more confidence at this time.

   This time, many people from Xinglin Garden came to cheer him up.

   This made Yan Leshan not feel ashamed when he looked at the row of old monsters behind Chen Nan.

   **** it!

  To be honest, Yan Leshan was really panicked when he first received so many applications for museum selection.


  At this time, he didn't feel nervous at all. He was standing there in a white exercise uniform, his body was full of momentum, just like a master.

  For Chen Nan, Yan Leshan still has enough confidence.

   Moreover, this assessment also includes a pulse diagnosis!

   And pulse diagnosis is a real kung fu, even if Chen Nan has enough talent, it is not realistic to want to surpass himself.

  To be honest, he really did not expect that Chen Nan would add a pulse diagnosis.

   This was beyond his expectation!

   Meng Zhier saw that the two parties were ready, and immediately announced that the selection ceremony of the museum had officially begun!

   "Please offer incense!"

   "Doctors have a journey to protect the common people. They need to uphold medical ethics, understand medical training, understand medical principles, and inherit medical training!"

  Chen Nan and Yan Leshan held incense in both hands, worshiped the elephant one by one, and then offered incense.

  You Dingzhong saw this scene and said to everyone:

   "The selection ceremony of Xinglin Garden has been inherited for more than a hundred years. It is an important way to communicate medical skills!"

   "Need to uphold the principle of mutual consent!"

   "Doctors choose clinics. It has been a common practice throughout the ages. After the establishment of Xinglin Garden, it can be regarded as a relatively reasonable environment."


   After seeing the news, the audience in the live broadcast room became nervous.

   You Dingzhong continued:

   "The selection of the hall is divided into three levels. The challenged person needs to prepare the challenge content of the three levels. It can be regarded as giving the challenged person a chance!"


   "In the past, there was a rule that to challenge Fan Xinglin Garden Master List, you need to have one item each from diagnosis, treatment, and medicine."

   "As for today's selection, although Chen Nan is not from Xinglin Garden, his strength is extraordinary, and Yan Leshan is before the top 50 in Xinglin Garden's master list, so we must follow this rule."

   "The three levels Chen Nan chose are: pulse, acupuncture, and medicine!"

   "This challenge, there is only one patient."

   "Both parties need to start from the pulse diagnosis and determine the patient's condition based on one pulse alone."

   "Subsequent treatment with needles."

   "Finally, use medicine to achieve its effect."

   "Because there is only one patient, this competition focuses on a word of speed."

   "The quickest is the priority, and whoever diagnoses the patient first and then treats them will have a better advantage!"

  After hearing You Dingzhong's explanation, everyone at the scene naturally understood.

I see!

  You Dingzhong is a neutral person, whether it is for Yan Leshan of Xinglinyuan or Chen Nan, he is very fair.

   You Dingzhong and Lu Pingren are still close friends, and have had a deep friendship over the years.

  However, they are also high-level officials in Xinglin Garden.

   This time, Xinglin Court mediated, and You Dingzhong also played an indispensable role.

  You Dingzhong started to introduce the two parties.


  The patient came out.

   This is a thin-looking old man, about seventy years old, not tall, but his face is full of pain.

  At this time, Meng Zhier announced: "Now start to check the pulse!"

   "For this pulse diagnosis, each takes a hand!"

   "The challenged person, Chen Nan, can give priority to left and right hands!"

  Hearing the sound, Chen Nan couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he saw the old man's appearance.

to be honest!

  Although there were only three levels, this meeting was a test.

  Pulse diagnosis is only one person, but there is a saying that the heart, liver and kidney are in the left hand, and the lung and spleen are in the right hand.

   At present, he doesn't know the patient's condition at all, how to choose, he needs to judge from this pair of eyes!

  Chen Nan looked at the other party, his eyes began to scan like MCT.

   It is necessary to judge its body, skin color, eyes, demeanor, face...expression and so on!

   It is also necessary to break the spirit and distinguish yin and yang, exterior and interior, cold and heat, deficiency and excess.

It can be said!

   From the beginning, it has already been tested.

  Chen Nan was watching, and Yan Leshan was also watching.

  The two sides have already fallen into a fierce battle from the very beginning.

   In the live broadcast room, it also became lively:

   "Oh my god, can you check the pulse with one hand? And... don't know the other person's condition? How to diagnose?"

   "Who said no, would this be accurate?"

   "This... Chen Nan has the priority, which is a good thing!"

   "Yeah... If the choice is right, the natural advantage will come out."


  You Dingzhong glanced at both sides, then at the patient, and then said to the audience in the live broadcast room:

   "Actually, the assessment has already started, although Chen Nan took the initiative."

   "But if you can't see the patient's condition clearly from a pair of eyes, it's very difficult."

   "Inspection, the key is to look at the tongue, but it is difficult to look at the spirit. The so-called knowing people, knowing the face, but not the heart, it is difficult to observe the spirit when observing people and phenomena!"

   "This level is very difficult!"

   At this time, Meng Zhier glanced at the time and said to Chen Nan: "You can choose?"

  Chen Nan heard the sound and smiled slightly: "I choose the left hand!"

  Meng Ji'er was stunned when he heard the sound, this Chen good is he!

   When Yan Leshan saw this, he shook his head in disappointment.

  In the room, after seeing Chen Nan's choice, everyone couldn't help but get complicated.

  Lu Pingren heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at Chen Nan, and couldn't help feeling relieved.

  This kid... has some skills!

  Yoshimoto Higashino on the side couldn't help shaking his head, a little disappointed.

   In the live broadcast room, it was already boiling.

"what happened?"

   "Did Chen Nan choose the right one?"

   "Yeah... how do I choose between the left and right? I have also seen patients, but there is no sign of it at all!"

   "That's right, is there any boss who can see it?"

   "Whether Chen Nan chose the right one or the wrong one, I'm so anxious!"

   "What I want to ask is... can this really be chosen? Isn't it by luck?"


  Listening to everyone's words, You Dingzhong beside him said something slowly.

   ""Su Wen·Yin and Yang Yingxiang Dalun" says: "The left and right are the way of yin and yang. "

   "The ups and downs of yin and yang in the four seasons have a certain time and regularity, and the changes in the pulse condition of the human body are also adapted to it. Therefore, the left and right hands must adapt to the ups and downs of yin and yang in the four seasons."

   "It is true that the patient can't see the clues on the surface, but this is a test of one's skill in observing God!"

   "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this person lacks energy, shortness of breath, haggard face, and occasional pain... After all, it all belongs to Shaoshen!"

   "As the heart governs the gods, the best choice is the left hand!"

   "Chen Nan is pretty good!"

   "And, let's go deeper, that's all, the assessment has started, I'll talk about it later!"

  Hearing You Dingzhong's words, everyone in the live broadcast room immediately calmed down.

  After careful analysis, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

   Seems to be the truth!

   But... this is too amazing, right?

   And at this moment.

  Under Meng Zhier's arrangement, Chen Nan and Yan Leshan sat down one after another.

  Yan Leshan glanced at Chen Nan with a sneer on his face.

  Although Chen Nan has the priority, but... all this has just begun.

  Yan Leshan has been proficient in pulse diagnosis for a long time.

  Even, he had a lot of tricks to shoot the left and right bows at the same time, making it impossible for Chen Nan to check out even if he had the upper hand.

  Although it is a weak side, but... this will not affect too much.

  Although the patient may be insane, but... everything is still unknown.

   What's more, the left and right hands have something in common, and pulse diagnosis, at a high level, does not need to stick to the idea of ​​left and right viscera differentiation, but needs to carefully ponder the qi of yin and yang.

  Yan Leshan will not let himself into trouble because of this difference.

   And at this time!

  Everyone stared at Chen Nan and Yan Leshan.

  The competition really started.

   And here, Chen Nan put his hands carefully on the patient's three parts.

  Close your eyes and feel it quietly.

  The pulse condition is thin!

   This was Chen Nan's first feeling.

  However...but there is a faint sense of tension.

  This is... the evil of Yin and Cold?


  Why didn't you feel any special pathological changes in Cunguanchi Sanbu?

  Generally speaking, the first experience of pulse condition is the feeling that should be referred to.

   should refer to the feeling of fullness of the pulse condition.

  Since there is a sense of referring, there must be special changes.

  The left hand points to the son of fire, forty-five moves and nothing else. Thirty-one movements suddenly sank, and the meal came and went again.

  The middle fingers of the left hand are connected to the wood, and the pulse must come back for a breath. Twenty-six movements came and went, the liver was windy and extremely hot.

  The kidney pulse of the left hand refers to the third, and the forty-five movement has no fault. When the strings are moved rapidly under the fingers, it is the pulse of hot wind.

  Heart, liver and kidney, if there is Yin and cold.

  The left hand is the heart pulse, which should refer to power.

  But now I don't feel it clearly.

  Could it be... the evil of yin and cold hurts the heart and yang?

  Chen Nan pondered carefully, while Yan Leshan on the opposite side did the same.

  The patient could not speak, and could only rely on three fingers for his full name.

  The scene was completely silent, no one spoke, even breathing was very quiet.

  Live room, even more so!

   And at this moment, Yan Leshan suddenly raised his eyebrows, and he thought of a special pulse diagnosis.

  He said to the patient: "Put your foot up for me!"

  As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the scene suddenly became complicated.

   Meng Zhier did not intervene, and the patient quickly took off his shoes and socks, exposing the soles of his feet.

  I saw Yan Leshan put his hand on the opponent's foot, and put his hand on it.

  Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

  The live broadcast room was also boiling.

   "This...what is it for?"

   "That's right...Is this for feeling the pulse of your feet?"

   "You are too low, what do you mean by feeling the pulse with your feet? This is... the Taixi pulse?"

  You Dingzhong couldn't help but speak at this time.

  “A person’s two hands are the place to see the veins, but they don’t know that the two feet are the roots of the veins.

   This is Chongyang Taichong Taixi Meridian!

   The Chongyang artery is in the five-inch depression above the foot, which belongs to the Yangming Stomach Meridian!

   Taichong artery is in the three-inch depression behind the big finger of the foot, which belongs to Jueyin liver meridian!

   Taixi Artery is between the heel bone of the ankle and belongs to the Shaoyin Kidney Meridian! "

   "This Yan Leshan is indeed a master. This move of Chongyang Tai Chong Taixi Meridian directly broke the rules and found an alternative method!"

   "This is definitely a good idea!"

   "However, Chongyang Taichong Taixi Meridian requires professional research to achieve something, and everyone must not imitate it!"

  As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

   And not long!

  Yan Leshan actually stood up directly.

   "I have a plan in mind, and I can start acupuncture treatment!"

   Yan Leshan's words were confident, and he glanced at Chen Nan, who was still frowning, as if he had a winning ticket.

   Very proud!

  He did have an idea.

  Patient's pulse condition is thin and delicate, which means tight, but observing its changes and following its root cause is the difficulty.


  Yan Leshan has already found it.

   While speaking, he was about to prepare acupuncture needles.

  Meng Zhi'er said: "Give the answer before you can give the needle!"

  Speaking of which, the assistant at the side prepared paper and pen, and asked Yan Leshan to write it out.

   This is one of the contents of the assessment!

   And at this time!

  In the eyes of everyone, Chen Nan seems to have fallen behind.

   seems to pale in comparison.

  Chen Nan also became nervous.

  Master Lu once told him that the pulse diagnosis competition in Xinglinyuan is very difficult, but it is also an opportunity.

  Xinglin Garden has taken in too many special patients, and their pulse conditions are peculiar. Only those who challenge the pulse diagnosis will have the opportunity to see them.

   This is also the reason why Chen Nan set up a pulse diagnosis competition.

have to say!

  Xinglinyuan's assessment is really difficult.

  Patients can't speak, can't look at their tongues, but they need to be diagnosed with just one hand.

  This difficulty is too high!

  Chen Nan couldn't help becoming nervous at this time.

  His hands were hesitant to give an answer.

  How to dialectically?

  Chen Nan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

   At this time, Yan Leshan has already started to write the answer.

  In the room, many people couldn't help being surprised when they saw this scene.

  Na Balsha was even more joyful, looking at Geoffrey and Morton beside him, a little excited.

  Isn't that true of Joffrey?

   If he succeeds this time, he will get 20% of the shares of Chen Nan An Nan Pharmaceutical.

   This is very important to them.

   Moreover, he and Balsha agreed that they will focus on the research work of acupuncture analgesia.

  This is also an opportunity!

  Thinking of this, Joffrey couldn't help getting excited.

  Morton on the side widened his eyes nervously, without saying a word.

  In the live broadcast room!

  Everyone even cheered for Yan Leshan.

  Compared to the little-known Chen Nan, Yan Leshan is the idol of many people!

  Yan Leshan, nicknamed Three Finger Mountain, relies on three fingers to determine the universe.

   "Damn it, Mrs. Yan is awesome! This pulse diagnosis is really understood by others!"

   "Who says it's not, hey...the gap is too big!"

   "Well, this old Yan's pulse diagnosis has long been not limited to the left and right, but the whole body is treated!"

   "Difficult! Too difficult!"


   And Lu Pingren and others behind Chen Nan were also worried.

  They knew that the longer the time dragged on, the greater the pressure on Chen Nan.

   Moreover, if Yan Leshan starts to use acupuncture, it will be even more difficult.

  You Dingzhong said to the live broadcast room: "At this time, Chen Nan has fallen into a passive situation!"

   "If he still has no results, after Yan Leshan gets the needle, he will definitely lose!"

   "Because acupuncture has the effect of dredging the meridians, it also regulates the qi of the viscera!"

   "When the time comes, the pulse condition will really be inaccurate!"

   "The time left for Chen Nan is running out!"

  Youlao's words made the live broadcast room immediately boil.

  At this time, Chen Nan was under more pressure.

  He did feel the danger.

  With Yan Leshan's behavior, he will definitely interfere with his own diagnosis.

   We must hurry up.

   For a while, beads of sweat on Chen Nan's temples began to slip down, and his breathing became a little short.

  However, under such a situation, Chen Nan calmed down instead. He had a calm mind, didn't say a word, and closed his eyes to think.

   This is his chance!

  The image that pulsation should refer to is called pulse condition, which includes four aspects: frequency, rhythm, shape, and filling degree.

  However, Chinese medicine believes that it includes four aspects: position, number, shape, and potential.

  This is the basic element of the pulse condition, and also the basic points of observing the pulse condition.

The identification of the pulse condition is mainly based on the feeling under the fingers. It is necessary to practice the finger feeling repeatedly and observe carefully, especially the position, number, shape, and potential of the pulse condition. A complete pulse condition can correctly distinguish various pulses.

  The so-called "position" refers to the location and length of the pulse beating.

  The so-called "number" refers to the number and rhythm of pulse beating.

  The so-called "shape" refers to the shape such as the width of the pulse beat.

  The so-called "potential" refers to the strength and smoothness of the pulse.


  Jin Wang Shu and "Mai Jing" are subdivided into twenty-four pulses!

  Ming Li Shizhen's "Binhu Pulse Study" increased to 27 veins!

  Ming Li Zhongzi's "Diagnostic Home Zhengyan" increased to twenty-eight pulses.

  Chen Nan's mind was running wildly. No matter how many pulse conditions there were, they were all speculations about Qi, blood, yin and yang.

  However, everything is inseparable from its program.

  Chen Nan suddenly opened his eyes, he suddenly thought of it!

  The reason why it is difficult to grasp is because the patient's disease location is not all in the viscera, but in the meridians.

  Pulse conditions, if you want to be subtle, you must go through the meridians.

  The meridians are not only the twelve meridians, but also the eight extraordinary meridians.

  His finger slid slightly, and he swiped towards the back of his hand.

  Everyone at the scene, no one noticed Chen Nan at all.

Just at this time!

  Chen Nan found the key.

  The patient's illness is not in the usual place at all. Although it seems to be in the heart, it is not. The root is in the network.

   And in two dimensions!

  The so-called two-dimensional, Yang dimension, Yin dimension!

  The two-dimensional maintenance network is in the body, and the overflow and storage cannot circulate, and it is also the one who irrigates the scriptures.

   This is a kind of meridian that surrounds the body.

  Yang Wei starts from the meeting of the suns!

  Yin dimension starts at the intersection of all yin.

  Yang is based on Yang, and Yin is based on Yin. If Yin and Yang cannot support each other, they will lose their ambitions, and Rong Rong will not be able to support themselves.

   It also said: Yang Wei is suffering from cold and heat, and Yin Wei is suffering from illness.

  The heartache here is not a simple heartache.

  And if yin and yang cannot maintain each other, there will be a situation where yin and yang do not interact.

  In an instant, along with Chen Nan's various perceptions, there seemed to be a feeling of blessing to the soul.



  Chen Nan knew that he had broken through this bottleneck.

  He could already feel the subtlety of getting started.

  Although it is just an introduction, it is enough to make Chen Nan feel a kind of progress!

   Next, is treatment.

   And at this time...

  Yan Leshan looked at Chen Nan and said with a smile: "Are you finished yet?"

   "I'm going to start acupuncture treatment!"

   Chen Nan smiled slightly when he saw the other party take out more than a dozen needles.


   While speaking, Chen Nan stood up straight.

  Because he knew that the opponent lost!

  You Dingzhong, Lu Pingren, and Yoshimoto Dongye suddenly noticed that Chen Nan's fingers were in a strange position, and immediately looked at Chen Nan with wide eyes.

  They seemed to... all sensed something was wrong.

   And Yu Mei looked at Chen Nan with wide eyes, and then patted Lu Pingren: "Look...that's..."

  Lu Pingren suddenly became short of breath.

  He looked at Yu Mei and whispered, "Xiao Chen...may have touched it!"

  Yu Mei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound, but... still a little unbelievable.


  Lu Pingren shook his head: "I'm not sure either, I just read a medical record, which said... Those who know the details, don't stick to the three... Wherever the meridian goes, there is a pulse!"

   "Xiao seems to be two-dimensional Yin and Yang?"


  ps: Guys, it’s the end of the month, do you have tickets?

   Ask for a monthly pass! ~

  (end of this chapter)

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