MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 352 You are done!

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  Chapter 352 You are finished!

  The patient's words immediately quieted down the scene!

  Everyone looked at Chen Nan in unison, with disbelief written all over their faces.

   "Really... relieved?"

  The fat aunt couldn't help but ask the manager.

  Seeing the fat manager lying on the ground, he breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with relief: " doesn't hurt that much anymore!"

   "It feels bearable now."

  Chen Nan warned: "Don't move around, lie here with peace of mind, don't think wildly, remember."

   "Be calm and don't get excited."

   "Acupuncture and moxibustion can only stimulate your body in a short period of time, speed up blood flow, strengthen the delivery of coronary arteries, and relieve pain slightly."

   "However, for your disease, you need to undergo thrombolysis or stent as soon as possible."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Nan greeted the big guys around him, and said, "Everyone step aside a bit to let the air circulate."

   "Don't gather here anymore."

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Gong Jinlin, director of the Cardiology Department of Dongzhimen Hospital, was a little surprised and put his hand on the patient's wrist, thinking about it carefully.

  Gong Jinlin is also a director of the Association of Chinese Medicine Physicians, and naturally understands cardiovascular diseases very well. Now there is no pure Chinese medicine hospital, and they are also doing thrombolysis and stents.


  Gong Jinlin has encountered so many patients, but he really never thought that acupuncture can have such a significant effect.

  Gong Jinlin also performed acupuncture first aid.

   After all, myocardial infarction is a very critical illness, and a little carelessness can be life-threatening.

  Golden four-minute rescue has also become popular in recent years.

  However, the golden four-minute rescue is CPR rescue after cardiac arrest.

  But for patients with acute myocardial infarction, there has not been a very effective method.

  This morning, when Gong Jinlin heard about Malorne's research on acupoints, he already thought of the idea of ​​acupuncture rescue.

   Even prepared to talk to Malorne about this after the end of the day.


What now?

  At this moment, Malorne stood where he was, like a clown, making people laugh at him.

  Malone couldn't imagine that the use of his own research results just now had no positive effect on the patient, but instead aggravated the condition? !

   This is something he could never have imagined.

   And what about Chen Nan?

  It takes less than a minute for people to move the needle up and down.

  Patient's pain was relieved immediately.

  This sharp contrast directly makes the comparison between the two people a judgment call!

  Even Dai Zuwen looked at Chen Nan in disbelief, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

  Just talking about the kung fu just now, it has already surpassed most famous masters.

  How old is Chen Nan?

   unexpectedly has such strength!

  Dai Zuwen suddenly felt an unbelievable feeling.

   This is the disciple of his brother Lu Pingren?

  Is it so powerful?

   Dai Zuwen looked at Chen Nan's eyes, and there was a little more hatred that he saw Lu Pingren in the same way!

   This time, he came to the capital to attend this meeting just to make them look ugly.

  But... I was slapped in the face before it even started!

   Malorne's face was extremely ugly.

   Chen Nan's words kept echoing in his mind.

   "Our traditional Chinese medicine is to save people."

   "Your Chinese medicine doctor kills people!"

is it wrong?

  Are you wrong?

   At this moment, Malorne's mind was like a muddle, and he couldn't figure it out at all.

  Why would I be wrong?

  He couldn't help muttering to himself:


   "I can't be wrong!"

   “We use state-of-the-art technology.”

   “Also the most advanced equipment in use.”

   "Relying on the international leading electrophysiological capture technology..."


   "It must be performed by you guys!"

   Malorne simply could not accept the fact before him.

   If it is said that his clinical level is inferior to that of Chen Nan, he admits it!


  If it is said that his research on the modernization of Chinese medicine, his theoretical achievements, and his subjects are not as good as Chen Nan, he is absolutely unwilling to admit it!

  However, the facts are in front of him, and there is no room for him to refute.

  He could only keep negating, calm himself down.

  Before, when Chen Nan picked a house with him, he really gave up. After all, Chen Nan was on the black list of Xinglin Garden, and he also defeated Yan Leshan, who was ranked fifty.

   There is nothing to say about this.

  However, Malone believes that he is definitely ahead of Chen Nan in the field of modernization of Chinese medicine research!

   This is his pride.

   Chen Nan heard the sound and said to the crowd:

  “The modernization of Chinese medicine depends on the study of Chinese medicine with modern methods.”

   "However, the study of Chinese medicine needs to be studied in combination with the techniques of Chinese medicine and the regulations of Chinese medicine!"

   "It's not a point like you, a study of acupoints."

   "It is simply not feasible to simply understand an acupuncture point regardless of the patient."

  "Modern methods have great limitations."

   "Moreover, the adjustment of acupuncture points is a two-way adjustment mechanism. Only when you use it correctly can you have a chance to exert the curative effect that Chinese medicine should have!"

  "From a microscopic perspective, it is impossible to explore the mystery and greatness of Chinese medicine."

   "What I want to say is that you started on the wrong path!"

   After finishing speaking, Chen Nan turned around and left directly!

  Leaving everyone standing there, their minds were overwhelmed with shock.

  Because everyone suddenly thought of something...

  A terrible thing that makes everyone a little unbelievable.

  How much does Chen Nan know about acupuncture and the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine?

  This question makes everyone can't help but go to a deeper and higher level to guess!

   Malorne can get so much research.

   I have such a deep understanding of acupuncture points!

   And what about Chen Nan?

  People can point out your mistakes, point out your shortcomings, and even tell you directly with real cases that you are wrong!

  What level is the family?

  Everyone originally thought that everyone was on the second floor and Malorne was on the third floor!

  But now he suddenly discovered, which floor is Chen Nan on?

  How could Malorne be better at this time?

   In his mind, he was also thinking about this question!

  Gong Jinlin looked at Chen Nan's back and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Hey..."

   "It's really... the younger generation is awesome!"

   "Professor Chen Nan, you are really amazing!"

  He even blushed a little guilty!

  He originally wanted to discuss and discuss collaborative research with Malone and his teacher, Dai Zuwen.

Now it seems…

   It's really far away!

   Yu Han, Dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was shocked and deeply moved.

  Because Yu Han is full of confidence in the "neuro-endocrine-immune network" he proposed this time.

  However, Malorne's article made her faintly aware of her own shortcomings.

  But what happened today made Yu Han suddenly clear in his heart.

  Maybe...I should have a chat with Professor Chen and cooperate!

  Yu Han suddenly rejoiced that he had made a good relationship with Feng Tu and the others when they went to the source city to find Chen Nan for inspection.



   Soon, everyone returned to the venue.

  Waiting for the next meeting to proceed.

  However, after everyone sat down, they were all discussing what happened in the corridor just now.

  Originally, everyone was full of expectations for Malone brought by Dai Zuwen and the Overseas Physician Association behind it, and they were shocked by their strength.

   But now?

   Not anymore.

   After what happened just now, Chen Nan completely gave everyone a sense of self-confidence!

  When Zhao Jianyong and Chen Nan walked in, everyone around looked sideways.

   In the eyes, there is a kind of respectful look!

  Zhao Jianyong followed behind Chen Nan, and suddenly felt an unprecedented honor.

   After the two sat down.

  Yang Hongnian felt like beeping a dog.

  I knew I wouldn't chat with the female professor just now, but now it's better...

  In the pretentious story, I, Yang, will never exist.

   What a sad thing this is.

   "Why didn't you ask me to go to the toilet together?"

  Yang Hongnian looked at Zhao Jianyong with righteous indignation, he didn't dare to have a bb with Chen Nan, he had no choice but to bully the weak and fear the strong.

  Zhao Jianyong rolled his eyes: "You said it, your kidney is good!"

   "What can I do!"

  Yang Hongnian was at a loss for words!

  This fucking...

   That’s all, that’s all.

  He decided to give in, and pulled Zhao Jianyong's clothes in a low voice: "Shall we discuss something?"

  Zhao Jianyong looked at each other curiously: "What's the matter?"

  Yang Hongnian coughed and coughed: "Look... can you meet such a good thing in the future and ask me to go with you?!"

   "I want to be the background too!"


  Hearing Yang Hongnian's words, Zhao Jianyong couldn't help but chuckle.

   While the meeting, continue.

  At this moment, experts continue to go up to give academic reports.

  And some of the people brought by Dai Zuwen also intertwined with each other.


  At this moment, compared with the applause Malorne received for the first time, the Chinese medicine representatives from all over the country began to question.

   "Sorry, excuse me, I think there is a little problem with your plan, that is, the meridian patrol study, have you considered the problem, should the pure meridian and the whole body meridian be studied together? This is an independent system.

   Just like the study of the cardiovascular system, one cannot be used alone to provide one-sided results!

  So, I suggest that you can improve your research and then bring it out! "


"I think your research on TCM syndrome differentiation is a bit one-sided. Although Professor Chen Nan proposed to treat it from the liver, he discovered chronic atrophic gastritis, and discovered the impact of bile reflux on the disease in the precancerous state, but... You are incompatible with your heart and kidneys, and it is very inappropriate to use it!"

"I think…"


  Chen Nan didn't think of it himself!

  In the following case analysis, it seems that everyone's self-confidence has improved.

   From the perspective of many research topics, everyone can raise some shortcomings.

  Dare to question!

   Dare to speak!

   Dare to ask questions!

   This is a good thing that Chen Nan didn't even think of.

at this time…

  Suddenly, a system prompt sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations, your behavior has enhanced everyone's self-confidence and improved everyone's understanding of Chinese medicine. At the same time, you have received a lot of praise, so you will be rewarded with praise! 】

  【Comprehensive calculation is completed, the praise you have received, the grade is: special grade! 】

  【Reward: An expert-level skill burning book. 】

  Looking at the system rewards, Chen Nan was stunned for a moment.

What does it mean?

  【Expert-level skill burning book: After use, you can use your ability to generate an expert-level skill book, which can be used by people with a friendliness of 100. 】

  【Reminder: After using the skill book, it will be transformed into a notebook of your experience. People with high sympathy will learn quickly, and ordinary people will also have good results after using it. 】

  Looking at the system rewards, Chen Nan was stunned for a moment.


Skill Book…

  This is a bit powerful.

   But, friendliness reaches 100?

  And, most importantly... this skill book will be transformed into a book, and the higher the favorability, the faster the learning level. When the favorability reaches 100, it can reach the expert level, and ordinary people can also have very good results.

   This made Chen Nan very satisfied.

  However, compared to the system rewards, Chen Nan was really surprised by the effect of today's annual meeting.

  On stage!

  Qin Shiming and Gao Ruizhen are also full of curiosity.

So what happened?

  You know, originally everyone was still worried about this annual meeting, which would be a blow to everyone.

   After all, the overseas side does use a lot of modern research methods ahead of them.

  Mallorne's research, they were discussing this just now.

  Shen Yuyuan was actually a little worried that everyone would have emotions.

  More worried, these people were swept away.

  But... now it seems that everyone's fighting spirit is high!

So what happened?

  Qin Shiming and Gao Ruizhen were both a little confused.

  However, this is not important anymore, the important thing is... This result is very good!


   The day is coming to an end soon!

  When Dai Zuwen left, his expression was a little ugly!

   Today's report is over.

  But...they haven't decided the winner for a long time, and they are frequently questioned by experts.

   You must know that many of their papers have won awards overseas.

   This made Dai Zuwen feel ashamed.

End of the meeting!

  There is a dinner party in the evening.

  But Dai Zuwen did not participate, and left with everyone.

  However, this dinner became a feast for everyone in the domestic association.

   It’s not about how rich the appetizers are.

   But want to talk, too much!

   "Hehe, foreign researchers are just like that!"

"Who says it's not? Just as what our Professor Chen and Director Chen said makes sense, Chinese medicine is a discipline that cures diseases and saves lives, not murder. If you want to study Chinese medicine, you need not only use modern equipment, but also need The understanding of Chinese medicine!"

   "That's right, you don't have a good understanding of Chinese medicine, how do you study Chinese medicine? What a joke!"

"Come on, let's have a drink. I'm in a good mood today, but it's not just about this matter. I found that what Dai Zuwen and the others are researching has given me a lot of inspiration. I may do a research project next time. Everyone can cooperate!"

   "Huh? Professor Zhang also has this idea? I happen to have it too!"

   "It's easy to talk, easy to talk, let's have a good chat!"


  Today's dinner is not just a wine and meat bureau, but also an academic exchange.

  From 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

  Generally speaking, the cleaning and cleaning of the restaurant starts at 9 o'clock in the evening.

  The captain in charge of cleaning looked at the deputy manager: "Leader... this... isn't it cleaned yet?"


  The deputy manager saw this scene and quickly stopped it.

"What do you know?"

   "Clean, clean, and you'll get off work early all day long!"

   "Listen, what are they talking about? They are talking about the future of medicine!"

   "Besides, you also saw Manager Pang today!"

   "If it wasn't for my help, I would have almost died. When I was sent to the hospital, I was checked and found that the blood vessels were severely stenotic."

   "Didn't you listen to what the doctor said?"

   "Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for this kind of patient to go to the hospital alive!"

   "Look? This is amazing!"

   "Hey... It's okay, it's okay, everyone work hard today, I will report to the leader and give everyone overtime pay, okay?"



   After the meeting that day, Chen Nan originally wanted to attend the dinner with everyone.

  But received a call from Lu Zhilin.

   "Director Chen, have you finished the meeting now?"

   "Hurry up and come to the department!"

   "There are patients... making trouble!"

   "I said that I saw a doctor before. Doesn't this follow how many times you have taken traditional Chinese medicine?"

   "As a result... After I came to the hospital today, I made a fuss and insisted on seeing you!"

   "You said you lied, and you said you broke his body's feng shui..."

   "Isn't this nonsense!"

   "What body feng shui?"

   "However, now the patient says that he insists on seeing you and asks you to pay compensation, or else...he won't leave!"

   “Even threatened us to jump off a building!”

  After Chen Nan heard it, his eyes widened: "What's going on?"

   "Stop it quickly!"

   "Don't let anything happen to you."

   "I'll be there right away!"

  Lu Zhilin was also a little anxious: "It's stopped, it's stopped!"

   "But... the patient's mood is very unstable now."

   "Said we cured him!"

   "Now, crying and making noise here."

  After Chen Nan heard it, Lima pulled Zhao Jianyong and said, "Let's go, follow me back to the hospital!"

   Zhao Jianyong got up without saying a word, took Chen Nan and rushed towards the China-Japan Friendship Hospital.

  Chen Nan continued to talk to the phone: "Director Lu, please comfort the patient, can send me the case, the patient's before and after examination results, and the complete medical record."

  Lu Zhilin nodded quickly: "Okay!"

   "I'll send it to you right now."

   Not long after hanging up the phone, Chen Nan received a report on the patient's condition on his mobile phone.

   Just… after watching it.

  Chen Nan frowned.

  Because...the patient took three sets of Chinese medicine, how could it be bad?


  What Lu Zhilin said just now made him a little curious.

  What does it mean to break someone else's Feng Shui?

   Am I not just a doctor?

   Is there such a level?

  Chen Nan couldn't help frowning.

  The reason why the patient came to him was because of a red and white rash on his body. He went to the hospital for a long time, but instead of looking good, it worsened.

   Only then did I find myself.

  But... three medicines, what can be the result?

  Chen Nan suddenly thought of a possibility, could it cause trouble on purpose?

   This was the first time Chen Nan encountered such a situation after coming to Capital Hospital.

  Actually, it is not uncommon for Chinese medicine to be misrepresented.

   Apart from the fact that some cases were indeed caused by doctors, there were many cases of blackmail in the past few years.

  However, now that medical troubles are severely cracked down, such things are much less.

   This kind of thing happened to me.

  Not long!

  The car arrived at the downstairs of the hospital.

  As soon as Chen Nan arrived at the oncology department, he saw a bald man in a Tang suit and holding a sandalwood bead bracelet sitting on a chair in the lobby with a fierce expression on his face.

   "Hasn't Chen Nan come yet?"

   "I'd like to inquire carefully. I have no grievances or enmities with him. I seek him for medical treatment because I believe in him."

   "But... why did you do this to me?"

   "I was originally in the jade business, and during this time, I have been losing money!"

   "It was he who broke my body's feng shui!"

  Chen Nan stood there, hearing these words, even felt an inexplicable joy.

  Lu Zhilin saw Chen Nan coming, and quickly greeted him: "Director Chen, you are here."

  The man also saw Chen Nan, stood up, pointed at Chen Nan fiercely and said, "Okay!"

   "You are finally here, Chen Nan!"

   "I want to ask you a serious question in front of you, why do you want to harm me!"

   At this time, the family members around the man also looked at Chen Nan arrogantly.

   "That's right, do you know how much we lost recently?"

   "You are really mean!"

  Chen Nan couldn't help but smile bitterly:

   "Everyone be quiet first, if you have anything to say, can you go to the office and talk about it?"

   "This is the hall, don't affect the treatment and rest of other patients."

   "Sir, did we have some misunderstanding!"

"this way please."

  The man was extremely arrogant. He pushed Chen Nan's hand away, raised his hand and pointed at Chen Nan, and said:


   "You pretend!"

   "You still pretend!"

   "You must have done it on purpose!"

   "Shen Yuzhe, do you know each other?"

   "Yan Chengyu, do you know him?"

   "How long are you going to pretend? Doctor Chen, no, should I call you Master Chen!"

   "Do you think everyone doesn't understand?"

   "I heard that you, Chen Nan, know some crooked methods!"

   "People call you Zhu Youchen!"

   "But I tell you, I'm not afraid of you!"

  Chen Nan was immediately stunned by what the man said.

  Shenma his "Master Chen", "Zhu Youchen"...

  What the **** is this?

   At this moment, the patients around were all looking at Chen Nan with a little more curiosity in their eyes.

  The man's wife pointed to Chen Nan and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it here!"

   "Let everyone see your true face!"

  Chen Nan suddenly didn't know what to say, he said to Lu Zhilin: "Call the security, forget it...just call the police!"

   This is obviously to make trouble.

  He doesn't need to be used to this group of people.

  Hearing that Chen Nan wanted to call the police, the bald man immediately got excited: "I'll tell you!"

   "Chen Nan!"

   "Call the police, right?"

   "If you call the police, I'll jump straight from here!"

   "I want the world to see what kind of face you are!"

  Lu Zhilin was also in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

  Chen Nan thought for a while, and walked over directly: "Okay, I'm here, tell me!"

   "Why did I break your Feng Shui!"

  The bald man suddenly sat on the ground and cried bitterly:

"It's all you!"

   "It's all your fault, you know?"

   "I owe millions of foreign debts now!"

   "I'm in the jade business. It turned out to be fine, but after seeing you for medical treatment, I lost a few big deals!"

   "I also borrowed a lot of money!"

   "Today, I met a master, and they said that my Feng Shui veins have been destroyed."

   "I haven't done anything in the past few days. I just came to see you for medical treatment and medicine..."

   "My feng shui has been destroyed, isn't it your fault?"

  Chen Nan was even more confused now.

  Not only him, but the doctors and patients around him also had their eyes wide open, full of innocence and curiosity.

  Is this person insane?

  Lu Zhilin couldn't help but whispered to Chen Nan: "Director Chen, we've recorded the whole process, don't worry!"

   "He just wants to threaten you!"

   But Chen Nan suddenly thought of something.

  He looked at the man and asked:


   "Then tell me about how you broke Feng Shui!"

  As soon as the man said this, he suddenly became excited. He looked at the people around him and said:

   "I know you don't believe it!"

   "But... I'm not here to mess around."

   "The person who told me this is a master, a master of music."

  After hearing Master Ju Le, two people in the crowd suddenly widened their eyes.

   "This Jule master is no ordinary person!"

   "I lived in seclusion in Kunlun Mountains for forty years before, and came back after attaining Taoism. There is a gymnasium on the side of Xiangshan Mountain."

   "On weekdays, there are great scholars talking and laughing, and there are no white people in communication. Many big bosses look for others when they come in and out."

   "It is said that he is good at Taisu Qimai, and can diagnose people's life, death and wealth."

   "There are often big bosses who go to see others. It is said that this Jule master diagnoses the pulse, does not diagnose diseases, but knows that his master is rich, when he will be admitted to the imperial examination, when he will be promoted, when he will be rich, and when he will have a child..."

   "But it's amazing!"

   "Our family wanted to go last year, but we just didn't see anyone."


   For a moment, everyone around was surprised.

  When Chen Nan heard this, he also narrowed his eyes.

  He figured it out!

  Tai Su Mai!

I see…

   Chen Nan looked at the man with a smile, and asked, "Oh? What did he say?"

  The bald man saw Chen Nan questioning, and said directly: "A week ago, I just found Master Jule!"

   "People say that my right hand pulse is clear and gentle, and I must be rich and peaceful, while my left hand is clear and smooth, and I am rich and kind..."

   "Also said that I am rich and peaceful, with a long life!"

   "But... In the past few days, I suffered heavy losses one after another, so I went to find Master Jule again."

"As a result, people told me that if there is a small string in the pulse condition and emotional deficiency, the person must be mechanically carved, and every inch is clear, but the ruler is astringent, or it is too small or too big, which means that the evening scene will not be rich. And difficult sons."

   "This is obviously because you messed up my body feng shui!"

   "What do you have to argue about!"

   "The kind of villainous harm that Master Ju Le said."

  After listening to Chen Nan, he finally figured it out.

   "Oh? Then why don't you ask me to take your pulse?"

  The bald man seemed vicious, this moment, he was suddenly scared!


   "You must be trying to kill me!"

  Chen Nan couldn't laugh or cry: "So many people are watching, how can I hurt you?"

  Actually, he already understood what was going on with this Master Jule!

  The so-called Taisu pulse is a kind of alchemy that predicts people's status, good or bad, and good fortune through changes in the pulse of the human body. Because it achieves this purpose through the method of pulse diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine, it is regarded as a special kind of physiognomy.

  Taisu pulse is a kind of ancient numerology pulse method. Through pulse diagnosis, one can know a person's fortune, good or bad,


  This kind of thing is just for entertainment.

  Don't take it seriously.

   Moreover, since Tai Sumai is a divination technique used by warlocks carrying lakes, most doctors take an unreasonable attitude towards it.

  However, in recent years, because of the research on Tai Sumai, because it discusses people's constitution and character, in some respects, there are also references to the diagnosis method.

  However, still can't take it seriously!

Zhang Jingyue once said: "Looking at his book, although the name is Taisu, there is not a single word in it that contradicts Taisu's meaning. The songs he wrote contain many slang words, which are completely unreasonable. This is regarded as a medium for meager profit, and later generations did not notice it, so they passed it on from generation to generation, and there is no one who can distinguish it from wrong."

  Wu Kun, a famous physician in the Ming Dynasty, also said in his "pulse language":

   "Physicians take Qihuang as their ancestors, and what they discuss about the pulse is only to measure the disease to determine life and death, there is no so-called Tai Su."

  The gods of Bian Que and Cang Gong, and the saints of Uncle Zhong Jing and Harmony, don’t care too much about Tai Su.

In later generations, there is a so-called Tai Su who not only measures people's illnesses, but also takes advantage of people's poor knowledge, not only decides people's life and death, but also knows people's misfortunes and blessings. Is his technique better than that of the sages? The teaching ear! "

  Chen Nan happened to have seen Tai Sumai, and now he understands what is going on with the patient.

  The pulse condition of the patient was lighter before.

  According to the so-called "four camps" in Taisu veins, it is wealth and honor!

  Tai Su Mai Jue says: "Those of the four camps are light and heavy, clear and turbid. Those who are light and clear are yang. Those who are heavy and turbid are yin. If you want to know whether people are high or low, rich or poor, they must look for them in the four camps.

  Light ones, like touching jade with fingers, pure and gentle, with sharp knowledge and sensitivity, rich and powerful.



   At this time, the man also took courage and said to Chen Nan: "Come here!"

   "I still don't believe it!"

  Chen Nan smiled, walked to the side of the patient, and began to diagnose and treat.

   With this diagnosis, his complexion changed drastically.

   "What medicine did you take?!"

  The man snorted coldly, looked at Chen Nan with a smile and said, "Hahahaha!"


   "I just said he has a problem!"

   "How do you know I'm taking medicine!"

   "I just didn't tell you!"

   "This medicine will bring me back to normal."

  Hearing this, Chen Nan shook his head immediately, looked at the other party solemnly and said:

   "You're done!"

  (end of this chapter)