MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 353 I wish you Chen to implement it!

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  Chapter 353 I wish you Chen to implement it!

  When Chen Nan said the sentence "You are finished", he himself regretted it first!

  This fucking...

  This sentence really shouldn't be said, but now it's good, once I name of "Zhu Youchen", this time, it is very likely that I will definitely take it!

  The point is, this is not what Chen Nan wants to do.

   Really, this patient is disobedient.

  This drug, can you still take it indiscriminately?


   It wasn't just Chen Nan who regretted it.

  The bald man even thumped in his heart!

  I regret it to death!

  This fucking...

  Is this **** really going to kill someone?

  He saw Yan Chengyu and Shen Yuzhe once with his own eyes, and he can't forget the ending of these two people now, but he heard from those people that all of this was thanks to Chen Nan!


  Chen Nan has never used such a vicious "curse" before!

  Then Shen Yuzhe just got his tongue rotten, and Yan Chengyu just got into a car accident.

   But what about myself?

  The **** just said "you're done!"

  This... all of a sudden, the man was really scared.

  The man’s name is Sun Haifu, a jade merchant. He usually goes to Yunnan every now and then, but Sun Haifu also knows the risks of betting on stones. He usually belongs to the side of the buyer.

  Seeing that the water head is good with a knife, you will pay for it.


  Is this because Chinese New Year is approaching?

  There were too many people ordering, so he bought some more. He originally wanted to make a lot of money, but in the end...he lost money.

  After one cut, the stone looked fine, and when I came back and continued cutting, I either saw cracks or saw that the water was not good.


   Now, Sun Haifu didn't think about business any more, he stared at Chen Nan with wide eyes.


   "You shut up!"

   "Can you stop talking nonsense?"

   "You're talking nonsense, bah bah bah!"

   "What are you finished, I'm finished!?"

   "I... I just came to seek justice..."

   "Why are you so cruel?"

  Sun Haifu pointed at Chen Nan, backed away again and again, distanced himself from Chen Nan, held the sandalwood beads in his hands together, and kept chanting "Amitabha..."

  Sun Haifu is really scared!

   You know, those second generations will not joke about this.

   There are not a few powerful people who are superstitious.

  Sun Haifu is one of them.


  Everyone around saw Sun Haifu like this, and they understood it.

   "So... this is a psychopath?"

   "No, you're wrong. Neuropathy is a problem with the nervous system. It's called mental illness. It's like being insane. It's also called insanity!"

   "That's right, is there something wrong with this person? What did Dr. Chen say? He was afraid that this would happen!"

   "Did Director Chen say something just now: Are you finished? But... people say something, why is he afraid of becoming like this?"

   "Let's go, let's go, such a big man, very pitiful, you see this disease at a young age!"

   "This disease is not curable, yes... hey..."

   "That's right, let's go, this kid, what a pity! Looking at the big man in Tang suit, bald head, and beads in his hands, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance. I didn't expect... to get this disease."

   "Yeah, it's a's a pity about the plate of beads in his hand."



  After everyone around sighed, they left the scene.

   In an instant, the hall was empty.

  Lu Zhilin and other doctors were also a little surprised when they saw this scene.

   Just now, he was talking about it, this man looked like a fool, but Director Chen said that you are done, so he was so frightened?

   Several people looked at each other and looked at each other, all of them were stunned!

   And this time!

  Sun Haifu quickly looked at Chen Nan, and shouted loudly: " are trying to kill someone!"

   "Chen Nan!"

   "I'm a ghost and I won't let you go."

   "Honey, hurry up, call the police."

   "This Zhu Youchen must have put a curse on me."

  His wife was also a little embarrassed at this time, feeling a little ashamed.

  But...seeing her husband being scared into such a nervous state, he was a little at a loss.

  The key is, how do I call the police?

  How to tell the police?

  Will the police treat me as crazy?

   "Hurry up, Chen Nan, quickly take back your spells!"

   "Otherwise...or else...I really jumped off the building!"

   While speaking, he walked towards the window, scaring everyone to say quickly:

   "Calm down, calm down! Mr. Sun!"

   "Yes, you must calm down. Dr. Chen didn't say anything?"

  Lu Zhilin also nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, Mr. Sun, don't be impulsive. Director Chen just said that you can't take medicine indiscriminately!"

  Sun Haifu's wife also nodded quickly: "Yes, husband, what are you impulsive about!?"

  When Sun Haifu heard this, he immediately became excited: "Chen Nan, Zhu Youchen, okay? He said I'm done! Is this a trivial matter?"

  Lu Zhilin quickly pulled Chen Nan and said: "Director Chen... this patient has brain problems, don't provoke him!"

  Chen Nan was also speechless for a moment.

  How could he expect such a thing to happen?


   "I mean, not that you're going to die!"

   " least not now."

   "However, your illness is really serious."

   "How can you take medicine indiscriminately?"

   "Sun Haifu, calm down!"

  Sun Haifu suddenly aggrieved and cried: " are a devil!"

   "How can I be calm!"

   "You have killed so many people, the powerful and powerful, I am not one of them!"

  Chen Nan:…

   Everyone also glanced at Chen Nan: ...

   Things have developed to this point, what else can I say?

  Sun Haifu shouted loudly: " change your mouth!"

   "Otherwise, I'll jump off!"

  Chen Nan glanced at Lu Zhilin, and couldn't help but say, "This... is the glass tempered?"

  Lu Zhilin looked at Chen Nan in surprise, not knowing what to say.

   And Sun Haifu almost jumped excitedly.

your sister!

   At this time, say this!

   " you going to kill me?"

  Chen Nan quickly waved his hand: "No, I really didn't mean that!"

   "Come here, let me see if there is any cure for the disease!"

   "Your situation is dangerous now."

   "Don't get excited!"

  Sun Haifu raised his voice: "Change your words first!"

  Chen Nan nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, I'll change my mouth!"

   "You are not finished yet, you are almost finished!"

  Sun Haifu: "..."

   "Is there a difference?"

  Chen Nan was speechless: "You can't let me tell lies, can you?"

  Sun Haifu: "..."

your sister!

  Chen Nan couldn't help but shook his head and said: "This Taisu pulse, there is no way to diagnose your wealth and longevity."

   "Really, I'm not lying to you! I'm a doctor, why should I lie to you?"

   "Besides, don't even think about it. Is there any reason for me to harm you?"

   "Even if I will wish you, well, I don't deny it, I will indeed wish you Ke, but... Is it any good for me to hurt you?"

   "You were fooled by that master!"

   "Let me ask you, did you buy something from him?"

  Sun Haifu also slowly calmed down when he heard what Chen Nan said.

  Indeed, as Chen Nan said, Chen Nan has no reason to harm himself?


never mind!

  Sun Haifu decided to say something: "I bought it!"

   "However, this Jule master definitely didn't lie to me."

   "I donated a lot of things in the past, and this little thing is worthless at all, and Master Ju Le didn't ask me for money."

   "Besides, people treat me not to make money."

   "He personally made the talisman paper for me. After burning it, I drank it voluntarily!"

  After hearing this, Chen Nan became more and more serious.

   Talisman paper?

   Talisman papers are mysterious to others, but to Chen Nan, they are nothing more than tricks and tricks.

  The so-called talisman is actually special.

  A small piece of talisman paper, don't think it's just a piece of paper with some things drawn on it, it actually has a lot to say.

  "The Biography of the Female Doctor Ming Concubine" mentioned that the Taoist priest widely used the talisman paper for the villagers. First, the talisman paper was soaked in turmeric water, and the writing juice was made of tiger bone, pearl, musk, cinnabar and fine bezoar.

  In this way, it has the effects of calming the mind and clearing away heat, treating tumors and malignant sores, refreshing and rejuvenating.

  The daily needs of most patients with general headaches, brain fever, and traumatic sores can basically be met.

   What's more, the current talisman paper is even more extraordinary.

  With the development of modern science and technology, many folk Zhuyou or witches have even started to use modern equipment, such as antibiotics in water, and some hormones or caffeine on the paper, or the ingredients of painkillers.

   All in all, there are many tricks!


  Even so, if you can't find the medicine given by the other party, it's not easy for Chen Nan to do it.

  Thinking of this, Chen Nan suddenly asked:

   "Did you have a fever this afternoon?"

   "The fever didn't start to subside until after five o'clock in the evening!"

  When Sun Haifu heard this, his eyes widened immediately: "That's right!"

"how do you know?"

   "Master Jule said, this is to dispel the evil spirit in my body."

   "Only by dispelling can you live long and rich!"

   "Besides, I am indeed feeling better."

   "I used to have a lot of rashes on my body and it was very uncomfortable, but after drinking the talisman paper, it disappeared immediately."

   "The master Jule said that fever is a normal reaction!"

  After Chen Nan heard it, he suddenly murmured that it was terrible, and almost blurted out "You are finished!"

   "Calm down, come here, I will see you sick!"

   "Maybe, you still have a chance?"

   "By the way, the patient's family, right? Help me persuade him, Mr. Sun's current situation is not optimistic!"

   "The condition itself is a bit special. If the treatment is delayed or wrongly treated, there may be uncontrollable results!"

   "We are doctors, what bad thoughts can we have?"

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, his wife was also a little shaken.

  At first, I was a little bit guilty when I came here with my husband, but now... Seeing Chen Nan and hearing what the other said, I also feel that my husband is a little too aggressive.

  Chen Nan has no grievances with them, so is it necessary to harm others?

   "Old Sun, come here!"

"calm down!"

   "Dr. Chen is the director of such a big hospital after all, can he lie to you?"

  Sun Haifu was emotional at this time, and kept waving his hands: "Let me be poor, it is better to let me die!"

   "I don't trust him!"

  Sun Haifu used to be an apprentice in a jade shop. He worked there for seven or eight years and developed some skills. Later, by chance, he won a fortune by gambling on stones and opened a jade shop.

   Now he has many stores in the capital, and his reputation is also good.

  Sun Haifu is afraid of poverty.

   I don't want to go back at all.

   Moreover, Sun Haifu has 120% confidence in this kind of fortune-telling.

  Looking at Sun Haifu's appearance, everyone was a little helpless, considering whether to call the police.


   At this moment, Chen Nan suddenly thought of something!


   Very wrong!

   Where is the problem?

  I am a bit too optimistic.

   Even if Sun Haifu knew some news about his "Zhu Youchen", it was impossible for him to be so vigilant and sensitive to his own words.

   This is no longer a normal occurrence.

   It can even be said to be a pathological behavior.

  Before, I was really deceived by myself.

  I thought it was just a trivial matter, but now it seems that it is not the case.

  The patient's previous symptoms, Chen Nan remembered.

   belongs to a red and white rash.

   This disease is relatively rare.

  Even those experienced dermatologists are hard to come by.

  Because red rashes belong to blood and white rashes belong to gas.

  The patient has both red and white rashes, which belongs to the same disease of qi and blood, and two rashes concurrently.

  This kind of patient is in a serious condition.

  Chen Nan clearly remembered that he had settled down with the other party at the beginning, and told the other party that he must pay more attention during this time.

  Because of this disease, Qi and blood have reached.

  According to the febrile disease regulations, Wei Qi Ying Xue dialectics, the patient's condition has penetrated into the Ying Xue area, and the Qi points are affected to cause the disease.

  This shows a problem, the disease has reached a critical point.

  If it occurs, the disease should be cured!


  If you continue to deepen, or continue to teach later.

  The disease will only get worse.


   Now it seems that the patient has obviously developed the disease.

  Some time ago, the patient's symptoms were somewhat complicated.

   Both whitish and red rash.

  Besides, he felt drowsy, persistently low-grade fever, shortness of breath, reddened tongue, and gray and thin fur.

  His body was sweating, and his hands and feet began to feel a little cold.

  This shows that the patient's condition, according to the syndrome differentiation of the six meridians, has reached Jueyin.

  When you get here, you need to be cautious when treating diseases.

You can say that!

  Whether it is the syndrome differentiation of the eight principles, or the syndrome differentiation of febrile diseases, the doubt is Zhang Zhongjing's syndrome differentiation of the six meridians, and the patient's symptoms can be seen, which is a bit difficult.

   Right now!

  Chen Nanyue thought about it, the more serious his expression became. He raised his eyes to look at Sun Haifu, and suddenly found that the other party's lower lip even trembled, accompanied by a slight trembling of his hands.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Nan couldn't help shaking his head.

   It’s not that I don’t save myself!

   Rather... the patient may be really troubled this time.

   "Family, you... better be mentally prepared!"

   "He...maybe the situation is not very good."

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, the eyes of the people around them widened in shock.

   Lu Zhilin and the others looked at Chen Nan with some doubts.

   And Sun Haifu's wife stared at Chen Nan with a gloomy face: "Don't talk nonsense!"

  Chen Nan shook his head: "I'm not talking nonsense!"

   "His condition is a sign of aggravated condition!"

  "Don't think he's just out of fear, or nervous, or even angry."

   "These are just performances."

   "By the way, when is he going to see Master Jule?"

  The woman originally wanted to refute, but...seeing her husband's appearance and suspicious appearance, she also became a little scared: "Yesterday!"

   "I went to see you yesterday."

  Chen Nan took a deep breath: "Oh...yesterday!"

   "Then...he is at home today, does he just smile happily?"

  The woman was taken aback when she heard the sound, looked at Chen Nan in disbelief, and asked vigilantly, "You... how do you know?"

  Chen Nan couldn't help shaking his head: "I'm dying!"

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Lu Zhilin and the others around looked bewildered!


   Is it really Chinese medicine?

  Everyone graduated from a Chinese medicine school.

  Why is there such a big gap in learning?

   Can you guess this?



  Chen Nan's Chinese medicine diagnosis has far surpassed them.

  The pulse diagnosis just now gave Chen Nan a clear understanding of the patient's condition.

  Now, looking at the patient, looking at God, looking at color, looking at posture, looking at happiness and anger, looking at...

   can conduct an assessment of the patient.


   "You... you... this... what the **** is going on?"

   "My husband, it's not that exaggerated, is it?"

   "Are you kidding me?"

  Chen Nan looked at Sun Haifu's wife, but didn't answer his question directly.

   Instead, he said to Lu Zhilin who was on the side: "Contact our emergency department and let them prepare to come and pick you up."

  Lu Zhilin was taken aback: "Huh?"

   "This... how do you pick up people?"

   "The patient's mood is so unstable."

  Chen Nan didn't speak.

  Zhao Jianyong had already pulled Lu Zhilin and said, "Director Lu, please go and call."

   "Director Chen must have a reason for saying that!"

  Lu Zhilin glanced at Zhao Jianyong, was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded quickly: "Oh...Okay, okay, Director Chen, I'm going now!"

   At this time, Sun Haifu's wife looked at Chen Nan, seeing that he ignored her, she became even more anxious and frightened.

   "Director Chen, don't scare me!"

   "My's could it be..."

  Chen Nan shook his head: "Okay?"

"You see!"

   "Soon, it's going to be bad!"

   "Those who are confused will be angry, and after great joy, there will be more fear. This is the fear of kidney injury!"

   "Kidney qi is disordered, fear leads to qi disorder, and most of them urinate themselves."

   "He is terrified, not because he is afraid of me, but because... the disease has developed to this point!"

  Sun Haifu's wife looked at Chen Nan with a smile after hearing this, and said:



   "Director Chen, you must be joking."

   "How could this suddenly pee your pants?"

   "My husband is so old, how can he diaper his pants?"

  Although the woman said so, her eyes were full of fear and worry.

   Yes, she was scared!

  Chen Nan continued to ask: "Did he not drink water all day?"

   "Even, don't want to drink water at all?"

   "And, no cough!"

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, the woman's eyes were empty and full of panic.


   "He hasn't coughed all day today."

   "He also said that his condition is very good, and that Master Jule is really a great master!"

   "A piece of talisman paper has such a curative effect."

   "Usually he likes to drink tea very much. There are many good teas at home, but... today, he didn't drink any tea!"

   "This...what's going on?"

   "Director Chen...don't scare me!?"

  Chen Nan shook his head: "I'm dying!"

   "Originally coughing, but now it's quiet. Drink water and swallow it, and don't think about it."

   "This is... the reverse image!"

  Zhao Jianyong also looked puzzled at this time, looking at Chen Nan: "Director Chen, I don't understand, what's going on?"

   "I can only feel, is the patient in Jueyin?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Yes!"

   "I just said he was finished, not joking."

   "I made a pulse examination on him, and it was found that his right-inch pulse was slippery and rapid, the joints were soft, and his left hand was small and blurred when pressed."

   "This is the phenomenon of rebellion that the pulse clinic said!"

   "You can feel that the disease has entered Jueyin, it is not easy."

   "The patient's situation is actually not that complicated."

   "But... because of the delay, or because I believed too much in Tai Su Mai's Ju Le Master."

   "His illness is caused by wind evil and exogenous pathogenic factors, which cause volt evil and are blocked by damp phlegm, and are caused by both qi and blood injuries!"

   "My medicine is originally to strengthen the body and drive away evil spirits, and I used something that nourishes yin to guard it!"

   "Unfortunately, Master Jule is really harmful!"

   "His piece of talisman made my hard work come to naught.

   It also injured Sun Haifu's vitality, and the disease directly entered the Jueyin of the hands and feet.

  Nowadays, the patient is in critical condition, and every time he slips away leisurely, you see him, at this time, he is in a trance, sweating profusely, the evil comes out from the sweat, and the vitality comes out together with it. "

   "A few days ago, when the situation was at odds, medication became more difficult, and the law was resigned to the rule of weak and weak Qi, in order to hope that the evil would be exhausted without the vitality being exhausted.

  But... this piece of talisman paper turned the balance between good and evil into a deficiency of righteousness! "

   "It's a's difficult now!"

  The people around actually respect Director Chen very much.


  Hearing what he said today, I still feel that what he said was too exaggerated.

  How could this bodily function change so quickly?

Just at this time!

  Suddenly, a nurse on the side shouted excitedly:

   "Quick... look!"

   "Sun Haifu...he...he peed his pants!"

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the people around suddenly changed, and they all looked at Sun Haifu in unison.

  I saw that he seemed to be exhausted at this moment, standing there limply, with one hand standing against the wall, and the other hand was still trembling.

   And most importantly…

   There was a wet pattern on the pants between his legs.

   On the ground, there is actually sparse running water.

   Sure enough, he peed his pants.

  Sun Haifu's wife couldn't bear it anymore, looked at Chen Nan excitedly, and almost knelt down: "Director must save Lao Sun!"

   "He...he's not a bad guy!"

"really not!"

   "Save him!"

   "You adults don't remember villains."


  Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden plop.

  Sun Haifu fell to the ground directly.

  Seeing this, his wife rushed over immediately: "Old Sun, Haifu! Sun Haifu...what's wrong with you!"

   "Don't scare me please?"

   "Don't be afraid if you don't have money!"

   "If there is no money, let's make more money!"

   "Stop doing this..."

  Women don't dislike Sun Haifu who just diapered his pants. She was crying and hugging him, trying to make him stand up.

  The people around were completely quiet at this moment.

   Lu Zhilin and the others had blank minds.

  No one thought of...

   All of this came so suddenly.

  This really diapers!

   Isn’t this too powerful?

   Only Zhao Jianyong quickly took out his notebook and recorded it.

  He has seen a lot of Chen Nan's wonder.

  This kind of scene, although a bit bizarre, was within Zhao Jianyong's expectation.

   Director Chen has always been extraordinary in his work.

   And this moment!

  Lu Zhilin also suddenly understood why Chen Nan asked him to call the emergency department.

   Sun Haifu, who was emotional just now, would not cooperate with their diagnosis and treatment.


   Now, he sat limply on the ground, short of breath, the situation was obviously wrong.

  At this time, several people suddenly ran in.

   "The emergency department is here!"

   "Director Lu, the emergency department is here..."

   Lu Zhilin glanced at the time, and he was astonished in his heart.


   Was all of this within Chen Nan's expectations?

   This... if true, this is amazing!

  People from the emergency department greeted Lu Zhilin, and quickly carried the stretcher to Sun Haifu's side.

   "Doctor, save my husband!"


  Sun Haifu's wife was dumbfounded when she looked at her dying husband.

  The emergency doctor on duty is Wang Huajiang, the deputy chief physician, 42 years old this year.

   "What's going on with the patient?"

  Lu Zhilin shook his head: "I also...not very clear."

   "Ask Director Chen."

  Wang Huajiang just looked at Chen Nan, a little strange.

   After all, the hospital is too big, and the emergency department belongs to the Western medicine ward, and there is not much communication with their integrated Chinese and Western medicine ward.

   I don't know much about Chen Nan either.

   "Director Chen?"

   "Do you know the patient's situation?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "I knew it before, but now I don't know much about it."

   "After all, we are Chinese medicine practitioners."

   “Many times, some things don’t know how to explain.”

   "Thank you for your hard work."

   "Director Lu, please give the patient's medical records to Director Wang."

  Lu Zhilin nodded quickly.

   Wait until the group leaves.

  Zhao Jianyong and Chen Nan sat in the department for a while.

  That night, at 10 o'clock.

  Sun Haifu died!

  The specific reason is unknown.

  The cause of death was induced by atrial fibrillation, and the physiological and biochemical tests have not yet come out...

   All of this is too hasty.

  Even Chen Nan felt sorry.


  But there is no way.

  Heavenly sins are forgiven, but self-inflicted sins cannot live.

   It's really... Don't take medicine indiscriminately.

   Some feudal superstitions are really harmful.


  Chen Nan smiled wryly, he might really have to follow the title of "Zhu Youchen" for a long time.

  This fucking...

   Crow's mouth, you can't talk nonsense in the future.

  The news quickly spread in the oncology department.

  After hearing the news, Lu Zhilin and other medical staff who witnessed it with their own eyes only had Chen Nan's words "You are finished."

   This time, it's really over!

   At Sun Haifu's funeral, several people appeared.

  Shen Yuzhe, Yan Chengyu and others all went.

  After learning what had happened from Sun Haifu's wife, everyone trembled all over.

  This Chen Nan is really not easy to mess with!


  ps: This disease is not made up randomly.

  This is the real medical case of Mr. Cao Renbo.

   It was also because the patient took drugs indiscriminately and suddenly lost treatment.

   Come in a hurry, but also in a hurry.

  So, everyone, remember one sentence, talking nonsense will at least not kill people, but... taking medicine indiscriminately is very dangerous.

  Finally, ask for a monthly pass, please!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion