MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 372 special disease

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  Chapter 372 Special diseases

  Yan Jiaheng's mentality is very stable.

  Sitting in the office, patiently explain various experimental details to the people below.

   This time, the 3,000 spontaneous rat models they applied for will come soon.

   "President Yan, I guess, this time, you will win this progress award in all likelihood."

   "When the time comes, it's not just a dream for academicians of both disciplines!"

Yan Jiaheng is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. If he successfully undertakes the construction of this project this time, receives high national special funds, and establishes related engineering research, then...if he really achieves results and wins a National Science and Technology Progress Award, it is really possible to be awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award. Elected as an academician of the Academy of Engineering.

  The title of Academician of the Double Academy is by no means a dream.

   "President Yan is fine. After all, in this field, who has the right to speak compared to President Yan?"

   "Yes, this time, I heard that the number of spontaneous animal models is not much, and President Yan's 3,000 definitely occupy a large share, and others can only reduce it."

"I've heard that the spontaneous mouse model itself is very difficult. This time, the country managed to cultivate more than 10,000 mice. President Yan is really amazing, and there are 3,000 mice at once. "

   "It is said that Professor Hao Minhao has only applied for more than 1,000. President Yan, this time, we are all focused on following President Yan. You have to help everyone."

   "Yes, President Yan, as long as you give us direction, we will definitely live up to your expectations."


  Listening to the flattery of the people below, Yan Jiaheng smiled lightly, picked up the teacup, blew on it gently, then took a sip of water, and did not speak.

   The following group of people are all experts who have cooperated with him many times. Anyone who goes out is the target of competition from major medical schools and scientific research institutions, but this group of people is now tightly surrounded by him.

   This is Yan Jiaheng's scientific research force.

  In this society, the comparison is not only about personal ability. As the leader of the academic school and the president of the Society of Digestive Medicine, Yan Jiaheng has cultivated many of his own direct influence over the years.

   This is also the academic monopoly organization that Qin Shiming and the others call it.

to be honest!

  Want to fight, but can't do it directly. After all, these people have real talents. When they gather together, they can also increase the level of scientific research.

  But... what looks good now, but in the long run, it will kill the future of national scientific research and national innovation.

The country's scientific research resources are limited, and these organizations, relying on their own power and ability, firmly hold these resources in their hands. The ordinary hospitals below, and even most scientific research institutions, have no chance .

  So, for this Crohn’s research, what Qin Shiming and Peng Wanpo have to do is to support most hospitals and institutions and give everyone a chance.

  However, people like Yan Jiaheng can't attack them openly. After all, although Keda bullying stores can't be called, it is easy to cause a lot of dissatisfaction, and such a force cannot be wasted or ignored.

  Why didn't Yan Jiaheng know what Qin Shiming and the others meant?

  However, he was not too anxious.

   After all, besides him, in the field of intestinal inflammatory diseases, who else has more opportunities than Yan Jiaheng?

  Yan Jiaheng’s rise was also related to the measures of Qin Shiming’s previous term. At that time, in order to encourage faster achievements, to encourage giants to form groups, resources were diverted.

  Now, Qin Shiming has to reverse this direction in time.

  Yan Jiaheng's confidence lies in his strength!

  As long as they achieve results and achieve results, even Qin Shiming or Peng Wanpo will have no excuses.

  I have made contributions to the country, and I have indeed made achievements. Do you have anything to say?

  In any era, everyone pays attention to the result after all.

   As for the process...Hu Keer?

  Yan Jiaheng smiled at everyone: "Okay, everyone be quiet."

   "The number of mice is determined by the higher authorities, but... don't think that the number is too large, it means that I, Yan Jiaheng, are very good, and we are a team."

   “These rats are a national recognition of our past achievements, and this time…is no exception.”

  "We need to seize the time, take advantage of the next advantage, and strive to make some achievements. This is the key."

   At this time, Yan Jiaheng glanced at the time and felt that it was almost time, and the staff should be ready to go through the formalities.

  But... at this moment, his phone rang.

  Yan Jiaheng picked up the phone, saw the caller ID, and said with a smile: "Director Gu, I'm sorry to trouble you, is the mouse settled?"

  Yan Jiaheng said with a smile to Director Gu of the Experimental Center.

  The other party smiled awkwardly: "This... President Yan."

   "It's like this. You need 3,000 mice. The above approved it. That's right."

   "However... after considering the above, we feel that the first batch of ours is not much in total. You need 3,000 at once, and the pressure is relatively high."

   "So, we plan to distribute the first batch of quantity to other hospitals and laboratories. You may have to wait for the next batch of 3,000. If there are more, you will arrive soon."

   "Well, I'm still busy here, so that's it."

  Yan Jiaheng was dumbfounded.

  He said quickly: "No, Director Gu, just wait a moment."

"I do not understand what you mean."

   "We need more quantity, so we give priority to other units?"

   "Isn't that appropriate?"

"What's more, we didn't ask for 3,000 lions on purpose. It's an objective need. The scientific research capabilities of our organization are obvious to all, and the higher-ups also recognize it. What's more... you said yesterday, have the leaders approved it? ?”

   "Why did this suddenly change?"

   "If your side changes, I can't explain it to our team. You know... Now that everyone has done the preliminary work, they will start research after the arrival of the mouse."

   "Isn't this... a joke?"

  The other party was silent for a moment, and said seriously: "President Yan, this is not up to me to decide. If you are dissatisfied, you can find the leader."

   "I can't be the master of this."

   After speaking, the other party hung up the phone, and Yan Jiaheng sat there with a serious expression and said nothing.

   Why are there no mice all of a sudden?

  Yan Jiaheng obviously realized that the problem was wrong.


  At this time, Yan Jiaheng suddenly realized one thing, can he give less for what he wants?

   And, when is the second batch?

  What if the second batch also "happens" to be insufficient?

  He quickly picked up the phone to ask what happened, but the other party didn't answer the phone.

  For a while, Yan Jiaheng couldn't help but take a deep breath, closed his eyes, and couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

  The noisy and lively scene in the room just disappeared, and everyone couldn't help but stare at Yan Jiaheng with wide eyes.

   Zhang Wu could not help but ask at this time:

   "Old Yan? This is... what's going on?"

  Yan Jiaheng frowned, and said slowly: "The mouse is gone."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone around suddenly panicked.

"what's the situation?"

   "That's right? Why did it disappear all of a sudden?"

   "The experiment failed? No, I heard it succeeded?"

   "Could it be that the quantity is not enough?"

   "Less is fine..."


  Facing the discussion among the crowd, Zhang Wu hurriedly said: "Everyone, be quiet and don't talk."

   "Old Yan, what's going on? What did Director Gu say?"

  Yan Jiaheng sighed: "The other party said that because we need too much, the first batch will be given priority to others."

   "Wait for the second batch..."

  Zhang Wu and the others were smart enough to guess it all at once. This is obviously an excuse.

   "Who is targeting us?"

   "Could it be Mr. Qin or...Peng Wanpo?"

  Yan Jiaheng shook his head: "Probably not, if it was, I wouldn't agree to it before!"

   "Mr. Qin and Mr. Peng are not such people."

  At this moment, Yan Jiaheng didn't even know who the mouse was.

   For a while, he was extremely angry.



   At this time, Chen Nan's research has been on the right track.

   Mitchell was completely dumbfounded when he learned that he had a mutation in the XIAP gene.

   Moreover, he called friends in different departments of his company that day and asked him to investigate the XIAP gene mutation.

   "Mitchell, how did you start paying attention to the XIAP gene mutation?"

   "You don't think that your condition is related to cascading inhibitor of apoptosis, do you? Hehe..." The editor of another journal of the British Kames company, Mosent, was speaking.

  The two are both graduates of Oxford University, but Mosent works in another journal called "Gene Health Research".

Compared with "Medical Forum", the academic depth of "Gene Health Research" is very different. "Medical Forum" focuses on news, while "Gene Health Research" is a professional genetic engineering with an impact factor of 21 and 33. periodicals.

  Mosent is an associate editor.

  Mitchell didn't tell the other party about his own situation first when he heard the news. Firstly, it was because of his professional ethics as a reporter. He couldn't tell the other party about Chen Nan's unpublished research. Secondly, he was worried that it was just a wrong report.

   "No, I just have a patient here, and this gene is involved. Let me see what's going on with XIAP."

  Mocent smiled: "Okay, I will send you the relevant information about XIAP now, please accept it."

  After hanging up the phone, Mitchell quickly started to check.

   "Gene Health Research" is definitely among the top three impact factors in the field of medical genetic engineering. Although there is still a gap compared with professional genetic engineering, it is undeniable that the professional level of this journal is absolutely sufficient.

  After this inquiry, Mitchell felt more and more that his condition should be a mutation of the XIAP gene.

  Because multiple studies have shown that the XIAP-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein gene is inextricably linked to patients with X-linked lymphoproliferative disease type 2 (XLP-2) and primary immunodeficiency diseases.

   This gene plays a vital role in human hemophagocytic syndrome and the immune system.

   And his current main symptoms should be caused by the XIAP gene mutation.

the most important is…

  Currently, in their "Gene Health Research" database, there is no specific information about the XIAP gene mutation!

   All of a sudden...

   Mitchell was stunned.

  He suddenly realized a terrible thing, that is...Professor Chen Nanchen...may be making history!

   It is even said to open up a new era in the field of Crohn's disease!


   Really unbelievable...

  As the editor of "Medical Forum", Mitchell has interviewed too many experts and professors, and met too many bigwigs, even the Nobel Prize winners.

  But... He never expected that a great discovery would come from such an insignificant or even somewhat ordinary environment.

   And the discoverer...

   is a Chinese medicine doctor!

  The world's top medical institutions did not find it!

  Those Crohn's and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Institute Didn't Find!

  And now, in a little-known research center, he discovered...

  Mitchel suddenly became excited.

  As a professional reporter, Mitchell realized that this was a terrifying and shocking news, or it could be said to be a bomb in the field of Crohn's disease.

   Once launched, it is bound to cause a sensation in the entire circle.

   Mitchell hadn’t thought of…

  One day, I will get such a sensational news because of my cursed body.

  Thinking of Chen Nan's words during the day, Mitchell was immediately full of confidence, and at the same time, he was also full of a sense of responsibility in his heart.


  He had to report his own situation and let Crohn's disease patients all over the world see the news.

  However, there is still a problem, that is, my condition is so serious, Director Chen Nan, can he cure himself?

   This night, Mitchell suffered from insomnia.

  Time, slowly passing by.

  The next day, Mitchell didn't wake up slowly until the rounds.

  After waking up, facing Zhao Jianyong's question, he suddenly froze. hiccups seem to be getting better? !


  Recently, I would even wake up with hiccups every night after falling asleep, but last night...seemed to sleep well?

  Mitchell quickly said: "I slept well last night, and I feel that my hiccups are better...I didn't have an attack last night."

  Zhao Jianyong nodded, and then continued: "Well, these days, I strictly pay attention to various indicators."

   After everyone left, Mitchell quickly began to record his symptoms carefully.

   Time, passing day by day.

  Zhao Jianyong's paper on the XIAP-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein gene mutation has been written and handed over to Chen Nan for revision.

  And Sun Jinxiao has been very motivated these days, and most importantly... he found that his research is meaningful.

  When more and more XIAP gene mutations in patients were discovered, Sun Jinxiao called his own team in the department, and after signing the relevant confidentiality agreement, he immediately invested in the research.

  Xu Maoxuan is definitely a go-getter. From the beginning to the end, the scientific research process is rigorous and serious, and the efficiency is very high.

  Looking at this team, Chen Nan was suddenly envious.

  When will I be able to cultivate such an efficient and excellent team.

  However, with the addition of Sun Jinxiao and the others, everything is moving in a good direction.

   Mitchell, on the other hand, is also waiting five days later to check the result report by himself.

  As soon as the result comes out, he will immediately start writing the treatment process according to his own situation.

  Time is spent in such a busy and tense way.

   However, every day, we all have new discoveries and progress.


  Every night, Mitchell excitedly recorded his illness with a pen and paper.

   "Unbelievable, I didn't use any antipyretics and hormones, antibiotics at all..."

   "But my high fever caused by repeated infections suddenly returned to 37.3 degrees Celsius. God, this is a miracle. Professor Chen is simply a genius!"

   "On the third day, I seem to find that the amount of blood in my stool has decreased a lot. This toilet must be very grateful... But what happened?"

"On the fourth day, God bless me, I finally had a good night's sleep. I never thought that I would sleep so soundly one day, appetite improved a lot. I didn't feel nauseous or vomiting when I woke up this morning. I even ate two bowls of millet porridge in one go, I have to say, millet porridge YYDS..."

  "Tonight, the nurse suddenly told me to have an examination. I was a little nervous, and I was worried that my condition would get worse."

   "At night, I touched my armpit lightly. It seems that... the lymph nodes are not as swollen as before. This should be good news. Maybe tomorrow's examination will not be like a trial..."

   "Ooooooh! God! Incredible day...

  The doctor told me that the coagulation function is normal? This is amazing, how is it possible? Also, liver function seems to be in remission…

  But the most miraculous thing is not these, but under the endoscope, my intestinal inflammatory ulcer is recovering, which is simply shocking news...

  God, Professor Chen is amazing. I didn’t take any immunosuppressants, let alone other biological agents. I just cooperated with traditional Chinese medicine, but I felt that my disease was getting better...

   To be honest, I believe that Professor Chen will definitely become a great person..."



   And Mitchell's curative effect improved, which made everyone excited.

  In the office, the medical staff, who had been busy for six days, reveled in excitement for the first time.

  Patients are equally happy!

  Because this time, after many people were hospitalized, the blood in the stool improved and the abdominal pain lessened. The relief of these symptoms brought people's trust.

  The excitement on the 21st floor surprised the encephalopathy department on the 20th floor.

   "Director, our patient ran to the 21st floor?"

  Director Du Xiujuan couldn't help but cast a blank glance at her student Li Yue, but she was also a little curious.

   Director Chen is at the Crohn's Disease Research Center, what happened?


  Chen Nan excitedly said to the head nurse, Xia Lianping: "Head nurse, please go and make arrangements. Let's have a good get-together tonight!"

   "Don't give me distressed money, I will pay!"

   "Everyone has worked hard these few days."

  Xia Lianping couldn't help but smiled: "Got it, Director Chen, I promise you will lose everything, hahaha..."

  Sun Jinxiao and Xu Maoxuan couldn't help laughing too.

  Xia Lianping also personally came to help this time.

  Even though Xia Lianping is the head nurse, she is a serious doctor of nursing. She has a high level of academic research. Her joining has played a very important role in the work of the nursing team.

   Here, when Chen Nan was about to speak, he received a call.

  The caller ID is Wang Ke.

  Chen Nan was stunned for a moment. This Wang Ke is a staff member of the Health Bureau. He called...Is there a mission?

  Chen Nan returned to the office and answered the phone: "Hi, I'm Chen Nan."

  Wang Ke: "Mr. Chen, hello, sorry to bother you."

   "It's like this. Old Mr. Liu Tingjin is not feeling well right now. He wants to recuperate. He has recently become more and more difficult to swallow."

   "Is it convenient for you to come over now?"

  Chen Nan glanced at the time, and at 8:20 in the morning, he immediately agreed: "You send me the address, I will go there now."

   After seeing the address, Chen Nan was taken aback for a moment?

   This is not an ordinary place. Although it is not as good as places like Ziyuan Garden, they are also big bosses.

   It seems that Liu Tingjin is not an ordinary person.

  Curiously, he went online to Baidu and was stunned.

  Is this Mr. Qin's predecessor?

   No wonder...

   But this old man has been down for several years.

  Chen Nan shook his head and decided to go there in person.

  Zhao Jianyong still has work to do here, but...he has difficulty swallowing, what's going on?


   And at this time.

  In a high-end community.

  Liu Tingjin was sitting on a chair smoking a cigarette, facing Qin Shiming.

   "Old leader, you should pay more attention and stop smoking."

  Liu Tingjin smiled slightly: "I have been used to it for decades, how can I change it all at once?"

   "Besides, I'm already eighty years old, and it's not easy to change my living habits."

   "I really want to quit smoking all at once, my body is not used to it yet, hahaha..."

   Liu Tingjin smiled, and Qin Shiming also smiled helplessly.

  A moment later, Liu Tingjin suddenly said to Qin Shiming:

   "Shiming, I recommended you at the beginning, but now it did a good job."

  Qin Shiming quickly waved his hands: "This is all taught by the old leader."

  Although Liu Tingjin has retired long ago, Qin Shiming still respects him very much.

  He followed Liu Tingjin in the early years and learned a lot.

  However, Liu Tingjin suddenly changed the subject: "By the way, these few days, after knowing that I'm not feeling well, Yan Jiaheng has often come to see me."

  Qin Shiming immediately understood what the old leader was going to say, smiled and didn't answer.

  Liu Tingjin continued: "This Yan Jiaheng, just thinking that I can talk to you, so he came to show his hospitality."


   "But don't worry, you just do it and don't care about it."

   "However, there is something I still have to say."

  Qin Shiming nodded quickly: "Leader, tell me."

  Liu Tingjin nodded slightly: "The existence of academic forces is a product of the times, and it was also needed at that time."

   "It is to combat, but also to encourage the development of civil and other academic talents."

   "However, we can't act too hastily."

   "After all, their existence also has their reasons. The academic forces dominated by Yan Jiaheng have also made a lot of achievements. Now that the research on Crohn's disease is coming soon, they also have their advantages. They can't do it across the board..."

   “Take your time and downplay their influence, that’s the key.”

   "I heard from Yan Jiaheng that the 4,000 rats who applied this time were rejected?"

  Qin Shiming smiled and shook his head: "Well, I signed it."

   Liu Tingjin smiled curiously: "Oh? Why? Isn't this your style?"

  Qin Shiming also said helplessly: "I didn't make the decision. It was Hua Ran's Kong Xu who called me and asked me to refuse."

  After Liu Tingjin heard it, he frowned immediately: "This Hua Ran... still wants to interfere with our decision?"

  Qin Shiming shook his head: "No, Hua Ran has investigated a lot, and Kong Xu has done the same. He won't interfere in our affairs, otherwise...he won't help us establish an animal experiment center."

   "He helped us so much, for such a small matter, just help."

   "Old leader, don't worry about this matter, I know it well."

   "Besides, when I thought about it, I happened to hit Yan Jiaheng. It wasn't a bad thing."

   "Other studies did not influence."

  Liu Tingjin nodded: " just have to know it in your heart."

   "However, why did Kong Xu only refuse to Yan Jiaheng?"

  Qin Shiming smiled: "I have investigated this matter specifically, and I guess... it has something to do with Chen Nan."

   "This Kong Xu is very mysterious, and he doesn't sell anyone's face, but he has a deep relationship with Chen Nan."

   "After my investigation, I found that Chen Nan's funding of Hua Ran to Kong Xu can be regarded as a minority shareholder of Hua Ran."

   "Otherwise, our mice have not been bred yet, and Hua Ran directly distributed thousands of them to Chen Nan for animal experiments."

   "Actually, Chen Nan is going to do it."

   "The specific reason should be that after Chen Nan submitted the project, Yan Jiaheng, the person in charge of the professional committee, directly rejected it to Chen Nan."

   "The reason for the veto has something to do with Chinese medicine, not the subject."

   "Chen Nan couldn't get angry, so he gave up."

   "We still have to give Chen Nan a face, or Hua Ran."

  Liu Tingjin smiled: "Hehe, Xiao Chen, I've heard you say it many times, and now I'm a little curious."

  Qin Shiming said: "He should be coming soon, this Chen Nan is quite capable."

   "Let him take care of you."

  Liu Tingjin nodded and smiled: "Okay, I also meet this legendary figure."

   not long...

  The phone rang, Liu Tingjin answered the phone, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Well, okay, let them come."

   After finishing speaking, he smiled at Qin Shiming: "This Chen Nan didn't come, but Yan Jiaheng did."

   "I also brought me a foreign expert, as well as a master from Xinglinyuan."


   "This person is really...interesting!"

   While speaking, Liu Tingjin smiled meaningfully.

  Qin Shiming also chuckled: "These crooked means can be used."

   Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

   Then Yan Jiaheng walked in, and there were two people behind him.

  Yan Jiaheng quickly introduced: "Old Liu, I'm here to see you."

   "Let me introduce you to these two."

   "First of all, Mr. Mistin from Mayo, who is also a director of the World Digestive Association, has a lot of research on dysphagia."

   "There is also this one, who is a master of Xinglinyuan. He studied under Li Gao and Li Dongyuan. He is the most representative in the field of soil repairing in China. He is also a master of Xinglinyuan's master list. His name is Yan Deshan."

  At this time, Yan Jiaheng also noticed Qin Shiming, and quickly smiled and nodded in greeting.

   "Mr. are here too!"

  Qin Shiming smiled slightly: "Well, I have a heart."

  Yan Jiaheng sighed: "Hey... Mr. Liu has been kind to me, and I have been doing health care for so many years. To be honest... this disease, I am also stretched. I can only find some foreign aid to help."

   "Mr. Liu's illness, to be honest, I'm just as worried about my parents' illness!"

   "It was hard for me to get in touch."

  Qin Shiming nodded but did not speak.

   And Liu Tingjin said lightly: "Yan Jiaheng, although I have retired, but... I have made some mistakes, and I can't make them."

   "I don't reject the health care that should be there, but... if you are like this in the future, I won't let you in my door."

  During the speech, Liu Tingjin's eyes became a little more serious.

  He's not kidding.

  Yan Jiaheng also nodded quickly: "I understand!"

   "It's just... Mr. Liu, I'm really worried about you, but the opportunity is just right, so I invited you here."

   And at this moment, the phone rang again.

  Liu Tingjin smiled slightly at Qin Shiming, who immediately understood: Chen Nan is here.

   Sure enough, not long!

  Chen Nan walked in.

  After seeing Chen Nan, Yan Jiaheng narrowed his eyes.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a negative review from Yan Jiaheng, and the rating of the negative review is: Advanced! 】

  Chen Nan was stunned for a moment, and gave a bad review to the senior just after meeting?

   Are you so enthusiastic?

  Actually, after some inquiries, Yan Jiaheng also found out that his incident had something to do with Chen Nan.

  Although it is not exact, but... it should be more or less the same.

  He didn't expect to meet so soon.

  Chen Nan ignored Yan Jiaheng and walked in.

   "Mr. Qin, hello."

  Qin Shiming nodded: "Well, this way please."

   "Everyone come in."

  Liu Tingjin's wife has already left. There is a nanny at home to take care of daily life, and he usually lives alone.

  The room is relatively large and can accommodate so many people.

  Yan Jiaheng saw that Chen Nan ignored him and went straight in, his expression turned ugly.

  The bastard!

   It can be said that the hatred between Yan Jiaheng and Chen Nan is deeply rooted over time!

  From Yan Chengyu's car accident, to the bankruptcy of the company, to the failure of his father Yan Leshan's selection of a restaurant, his reputation has been ruined.

   And now, Chen Nan and himself are also standing on the opposite side.

  Yan Jiaheng knew clearly that Chen Nan established the Crohn's Research Center at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital.

  Yan Jiaheng took a deep breath, walked over first, and helped Liu Tingjin up: "Old Liu, if you do this, we will check the specific situation for you."

   "By the way, I brought all the inspections I took you to do yesterday."

   While speaking, Yan Jiaheng took out a stack of inspection documents from his bag.

   Preconceptions start to intervene.

   It seems to be declaring sovereignty over Chen Nan.

  Seeing this, Chen Nan couldn't help laughing.

This guy…

   Is it possible that it is true that things like seeing a doctor should be done on a first-come, first-served basis?

   Or, he naively thought that he would be able to see the disease early?

  Yan Jiaheng's behavior is really a bit naive.

  However, Chen Nan was not in a hurry.

   Waited patiently, and took advantage of this opportunity to observe the old man carefully, and listen to the specifics by the way.

  Here, Liu Tingjin couldn't help but said:

   "Hey, I have difficulty swallowing. I feel it for twenty or thirty years, but... I can't find out the reason!"

   "No cerebrovascular disease, no muscle weakness, no fatigue weakness, no Parkinson's!"

   "There is no tumor, and organic lesions such as blood vessels are really rare!"

   "Every time, I have difficulty swallowing like this. Sometimes I cough, and my nasal voice is very heavy. When I's easy to choke myself..."

   "By the way, the mouth smells like there is a peculiar smell in the mouth. I can't even brush my teeth clean. Bad breath..."

  At this time, Mistin on the side said:

   "If these diseases are excluded, we should first consider esophageal dysphagia."

   "Our Mayo According to this disease, there are three etiologies."

   "The first is mucosal disease. I just noticed that the old man has a history of smoking. The inflammation, fibrosis or neoplasia that may be considered may narrow the cavity."

   "Of course, there is also the neuromuscular aspect, which affects the esophageal smooth muscle and its innervation, resulting in decreased esophageal peristalsis and/or lower esophageal sphincter function."

   "I also saw the situation of the old gentleman just now..."

   "I think it should be completed now, maybe there is an abnormality in the mediastinum."

  After reading it, Mistin shared his various considerations and methods.

  Yan Jiaheng stood aside, accompanying him like a family member.

   At this time, another Chinese medicine doctor also stood up, and the other person was Yan Deshan.

  Yan Deshan glanced at Chen Nan, and there was something strange in his eyes.


  Chen Nan was a little curious, because the other party's eyes didn't seem to be malicious!

   This surprised Chen Nan a little.

  Could it be... Yan Jiaheng invited our undercover agent?

  At this time, the other party also began to diagnose.

  Chen Nan also returned to his symptoms, looked at Liu Tingjin, and frowned slightly as he thought about it.

  Although there is no pulse diagnosis.


  Chen Nan noticed the appearance of the other party's tongue and external features.

  Suddenly Chen Nan thought of something, and asked, "Old man, may I ask, when did your lover leave?"

  Everyone at the scene was attracted by Chen Nan's words.

  Yan Jiaheng wanted to laugh even more, this Chen Nan... really doesn't understand at all!

  Do you dare to ask any questions?

  In fact, it is not the case. Chen Nan did not see the elderly photo of him and his wife in the old gentleman's room.

   This is a bit rare.

  Qin Shiming was also taken aback for a moment at this time, and quickly said:

   "Xiao Chen!"


  Liu Tingjin waved his hand: "No problem!"

   "It's not a secret either."

   "My wife has been gone for forty years. When I was forty years old, he left."


  When Chen Nan heard this, he immediately understood.

  He thought of a possibility...


  ps: Hey, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month, everyone is mighty and domineering!

  (end of this chapter)

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