MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 373 proceed if you can!

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  Chapter 373 You can do it, come on!

  Abstinence system.

   This is a health preservation method that has been circulated among the people since ancient times.

   And especially with the development of life, plus the blessing of some special thoughts.

  Abstinence seems to be a concept that is respected by many people.

  There have been many discussions on "abstinence" on the Internet, saying that Chinese medicine believes that abstinence is a good thing, which can preserve essence and restore vitality, while Western medicine believes that proper sexual **** is a good thing.

  In fact, this is an illogical sophistry made by people with no level.

  Chinese medicine has never advocated abstinence, and some even oppose it.

   It is recorded at the beginning of "Huangdi Neijing", that Yin and Yang are the way of heaven and earth.

  And a reasonable married life is also the embodiment of yin and yang.

  Yin and Yang are not just the qi of yin and yang, but a kind of thinking about the overall concept of health.

  What Chen Nan considered was whether Mr. Liu Tingjin had been abstinent for decades!

  This has a crucial inference and role in the development of the disease.

  Thinking of this, Chen Nan suddenly asked:

   "Old Liu, I have a more private question to ask you."

   "I also hope that everyone will avoid it first."

  Liu Tingjin is a rather stubborn person, otherwise he wouldn't be stuck in Qin Shiming's original position.

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Liu Tingjin immediately said indifferently: "I am a patient, and all the people here are doctors. There are no outsiders, and there is no need to avoid it."

   "Doctor Chen, if you have anything to say, just say it."

  Chen Nan was a little confused when he heard the sound.

  Because of his next question, it would be a bit embarrassing if he asked it in front of everyone.

  Qin Shiming wanted to persuade him, but seeing Liu Tingjin like this, he sighed helplessly, and nodded to Chen Nan, signaling to continue.

  When Chen Nan saw this, he didn't have any troubles. After all, as a doctor, he needed to be reminded, but since the other party said so, he didn't care.

  Yan Jiaheng and Yan Deshan also glanced at Chen Nan curiously, guessing the question Chen Nan wanted to ask.

  Chen Nan said simply: "Mr. Liu, my question may be rather sharp. If there is something offensive, please don't take offense."

  Liu Tingjin chuckled: "This is what I said, if I get angry, I will appear immodest."

   "You are a doctor, you don't need to think about these things."

"Just ask!"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Did Mr. Liu get married after the old woman passed away?"

  Liu Tingjin shook his head: "No, in my life, I have only one wife, Mrs. Zhang."

  Chen Nan continued: "Is there any history of metallurgy?"

   No matter how thick-skinned Lao Liu is, how big the structure is, and how well-prepared he is, he never expected Chen Nan to ask such a question!

   Behind them, Yan Jiaheng, Yan Deshan, Qin Shiming and others were all stunned!

  This question...that's an awesome question!

  To be honest, if something comes out of this random question, it will involve a lot of problems that should not be said.

  Qin Shiming couldn't help coughing: "Cough cough...cough cough..."

  He hastily winked at Chen Nan, wanting to remind him.

  However, Chen Nan turned a deaf ear and pretended not to see it.

  Yan Jiaheng on the side almost laughed out loud.

  This **** Chen Nan... is absolutely perfect!

   Asking such a question to a retired veteran is really awesome.

  Even though he has been a health care doctor for so many years, he never dared to mention such a problem.

  Liu Tingjin's face was flushed with suffocation, he couldn't help turning his head away, and said in a muffled voice: "No!"

   "Absolutely not!"

  Chen Nan continued to ask at this time: "Well, have you been too forceful these years, and have never had a married life, right?!"

  When this question was asked, Yan Jiaheng said in his heart that he was awesome!

  Would he lose to such an opponent?


  Does this kind of person need to deal with it by himself? Are you sure you won't kill yourself?

  Qin Shiming also stared wide-eyed, breathed rapidly, and looked at Lao Liu with some uneasiness in his heart, fearing that the old leader would be angry.

  Yan Deshan watched his nose with his eyes, his nose with his heart, and his heart...I was looking forward to it.

   Damn it, is it me, Yan Deshan, who can listen to the problem without spending money?

  This Chen Nan is also really powerful, no wonder he dares to attack Xinglinyuan directly, what is a mere Xinglinyuan? Even Liu Tingjin dares to ask such a question, what is your Xinglin Garden?

  Liu Tingjin was almost blown out by his haste.

  This question...can you ask it face to face?

  My old Liu is upright... Don't you want to lose face?

  Liu Tingjin really regretted it. If he knew this was the case, why did he have to pretend to be that meaningless pen?


   is really careless.

   If there is a chance next time, Liu Tingjin will never give Chen Nan such a chance.

  However, after all the words have been spoken, it is not appropriate for me not to answer myself!

  Liu Tingjin breathed heavily and whispered a few words: "Hmm..."

  Chen Nan: "Huh? Sorry, Mr. Liu... I didn't hear you clearly, please be more specific."

  Yan Jiaheng:! !

  Qin Shiming: …

  Yan Deshan: ~~~

  Liu Tingjin's mentality exploded: "Well! I said yes! No!"

   After finishing speaking, Lao Liu turned his head away without saying a word, but that bluish-purple face somewhat hindered Chen Nan's pulse diagnosis.

  Chen Nan nodded quickly: "Oh...well, I understand, don't be angry."

  Liu Tingjin: "..."

   Is it useful to be angry?

  Qin Shiming couldn't help but want to laugh, this old Liu, this stubborn old man, has finally been cleaned up once...

  However, on this occasion, the professionally trained Mr. Qin naturally wouldn't laugh...make a sound.

  After Chen Nan heard this, he nodded immediately and had an idea in his heart.

  Actually, don't be too shy or taboo about the word "Xiaosheng". This is the relationship between heaven, earth and human beings, and normal human physiology is the same as breathing, heartbeat, digestion, and excretion.

  The so-called absolute abstinence is actually not advisable.

  Normal life of this kind is the natural and physiological needs of human beings, and it is also indispensable for the taste of life.

   Absolute abstinence is not only against the laws of nature, but also against the laws of human nature and physiology.

   Therefore, if this type of function is not properly inhibited, it will cause certain pathological changes and bring about many diseases.

   "Su Nv Jing" said: "Heaven and earth have opening and closing, yin and yang have transformation, human law yin and yang, follow the four seasons, today's desires are not handed over, spirits are not announced, yin and yang are closed, how can we replenish ourselves?"

   This is not the key, the key lies in the last sentence.

  "If Yin and Yang do not interact, diseases of pain and blood stasis will arise, so seclusion, leisure, resentment, and openness will cause many diseases and lead to longevity."

As one of the authorities, "Thousands of Gold Prescriptions" also said: "Men cannot live without women, and women cannot live without men. If there is no woman, the mind will move, and the mind will work, and the work will lose life. It is great to have a long life, but there is nothing in it, if it is strong and idle, it is difficult to hold and easy to lose, it will make people leak **** and urinate turbidity, and even suffer from the disease of ghosts, loss of one is worth a hundred."

   "Baopuzi" also said: "Yin and Yang don't hurt each other".

  "Sanyuan Yanshou Counselor's Letter" pointed out: "If there is no yin in the solitary yang, and there is no yang in the yin alone, and the desire is blazing but not fulfilled, the yin and yang will compete with each other, and it will be hot and cold, and it will be laborious for a long time."

  These views are against absolute abstinence.

   Similarly, cases like Mr. Liu Tingjin are by no means rare in China.

  According to Mr. Liu’s narrative, his wife passed away in her forties. At that time, Mr. Liu was only in her thirties, and now she is in her eighties.

   Leaving aside the post-60s, more than 30 years before that...

   To be honest, Chen Nan had to admire Mr. Liu for his character and endurance.

  After all, Mr. Liu is in a high position, and being able to lead by example is something that ordinary people can hardly match.

  However, on the other hand, this is actually the cause of the disease.

   At this time, Liu Tingjin came back to his senses and looked at Chen Nan and said, "You boy...ask me such a question, but tell me, what is going on with me?"

  Seeing this, Yan Deshan quickly gave up his seat and made a gesture of invitation to Chen Nan.

  After Chen Nan nodded, he calmly walked up to Liu Tingjin and sat down.

   "How about the specifics, we still need to make a detailed diagnosis and treatment, Mr. Liu, please be safe and don't be impatient!"

   "But don't worry, if I can't diagnose you, I will punish you at will."

  Liu Tingjin suddenly laughed when he heard the sound, and shook his head: "Okay, as a doctor, you can't talk big."

   "As a doctor, you still need your courage and courage. No matter what the patient is, you should ask clearly."

   "We'll talk about it if we can diagnose it."

   While speaking, Liu Tingjin sat upright, put his wrist on the table, and his face returned to calm.

  For a person like him, although it is difficult to control his feelings for a while, after he calms down, he doesn't care.

  I’ve said it all, and it’s not something outrageous, so what’s there to be ashamed of?

   This magnanimity is enough to make most people respect.

  After Chen Nan sat down, he put his hand on the Cunguan ruler, and he felt like he was pointing.

  Especially the chi pulse in the left hand is dominant!

  You must know that the chi pulse is the return pulse.

What does that mean…

   Don't think that a large chi pulse is not a deficiency syndrome.

   Quite the opposite!

  The left chi is only large, the kidney fluid is not filled, the kidney yang is disturbed in its position, and the chi pulse is too large to be empty.

  With this first feeling, Chen Nan couldn't help but look serious.

   It's not a good sign that the chi pulse is dominant.

  Although people nowadays often have kidney deficiency, kidney yang deficiency is even more obvious.


   Insufficient kidney yin to the point where the kidney yang is uneasy, means that the kidney yin is exhausted.

   This is definitely not an optimistic thing.

  Chen Nan changed hands for diagnosis.

   This time it was the right hand.

  Right hand triad!

   This is also not a good thing.

  Chen Nan now realizes that the situation of the old man cannot be controlled by the general disharmony of yin and yang.

   It's not even a choking syndrome caused by the internal qi being unsatisfactory.

  The so-called choking syndrome is difficulty in swallowing.

   Accompanied by it, there are a series of complications.

  The three pulses of the right hand all showed a state of tension like the strings of a piano.

  This means...the one with the yang knot on the top is also.

   Put the left and right together and think the same.

   Actually, it is not far from the truth.

  It is nothing more than: those who have yin decline and affect yang knot, or those who have yang knot and involve yin decline.

  Seeing Chen Nan couldn't help sighing, Liu Tingjin burst into a cold sweat, and said to Chen Nan:

   "You boy...what are you sighing for?"

   "I'm in good health!"

   "Except for this dysphagia, there are really not many physical problems."

   "This Yan Jiaheng is my health care doctor, if you don't believe me ask him!"

  Yan Jiaheng also nodded: "That's right!"

   "Mr. Liu, this is an old problem. It may be esophageal nerve dysphagia, but it will not affect the body. I have been Mr. Liu's health care doctor for these years!"

   "Every index has two physical examinations every day, and all aspects are normal."

   Chen Nan shook his head upon hearing the sound: "That's not what I said."

   "The laboratory indicators are only the superficial understanding of diseases in modern medicine, and cannot cover all the health conditions of the human body."

   "Old Liu, health is not just about physical health, but physical and mental health."

   "Let's put aside this body first, and just talk about your heart, haven't you found that your temper is becoming more and more difficult to control over the years?"

   "If something goes wrong, you will get angry."

   "This is called health?"

  "Traditional Chinese medicine says that if the wood fire is too strong, its yin must be deficient. Similarly, you are also suffering from kidney yin depletion, unable to nourish liver yin, resulting in hyperactivity of liver yang."

   "This bad temper is just a manifestation."

   "Besides, don't you find that your blood pressure control is not stable these years?"

   "Is this called health?"

Yan Jiaheng retorted: "Old Liu's high blood pressure can be controlled for so many years, it can't be compared with young people, but... long-term control of blood vessels, there will also be vasodilation and aging of blood vessel walls. Modern medicine believes that this No health impact."

   Chen Nan shook his head upon hearing the sound: "Modern medicine thinks so, isn't it because modern medicine can't control it?"

   "If one day, modern medicine can control blood pressure to the normal range, why not drop it to the normal range?"

  Chen Nan's words immediately made Yan Jiaheng speechless for a long time!

  He looked at Chen Nan angrily, and couldn't help saying: "You are sophistry!"

   "There is no theoretical basis!"

  Chen Nan shook his head and chuckled: "Oh, indeed, Western doctors like you like to think that our Chinese medicine's words are sophistry, lacking theoretical basis."

   "It's nothing more than because the theory is made by Western medicine!"

   "If one day, Chinese medicine can specify the standard, what you call it is not bullshit!"

  Yan Jiaheng was a little annoyed by Chen Nan.

   "Chen Nan, now is not the time or place to quarrel."

   "You have to pay attention to the occasion!"

  “Moreover, this is not the time to discuss Chinese and Western medicine.”

   "Your current behavior is completely refuting my article denying you!"

   "Your behavior is very naive!"

   "Let me tell you, even if you deduct all my mice, it will not affect my rejection of your papers and projects!"

  "What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong!"

  The more Yan Jiaheng said, the more righteous his face became. He seemed to be a vulnerable group.

   Facing Chen Nan's abuse of power for personal gain, he never flinched.

  At this time, Liu Tingjin and Qin Shiming were not angry, but just sat there, watching the scene quietly.

  At this time, Yan Jiaheng stood up and said to Liu Tingjin and Qin Shiming:

   "It's just right, Mr. Qin and Mr. Liu are here today, so I've made it clear."

   "I also ask everyone to comment on me!"

   "Old Liu, you have noticed me all these years."

   "I don't say how much I have contributed to the country and the medical cause over the years, but I am also conscientious and cautious in my position."

   "However, this time, for Crohn's disease research, I feel very passive!"

   "As the president of the Society of Gastroenterology, I feel this kind of pressure. I want to lead our team to make achievements. Is there anything wrong with that?"

   "But what?"

   "Chen Nan, what did you do?"

   "Am I wrong about your paper? It lacks theoretical basis, lacks specific corrections from experiments, and lacks strict control of indicators for adverse drug reactions..."

   "Which one of these did I say wrong?"

   "Didn't I just ask you to go back and improve it?"

   "You are fine, this time... I applied for rats to be used for animal experiments, what did you do?"

   "We all know that you have cooperated with Mr. Kong Xu from Huaran Enterprise."

   "However, your behavior has already threatened the development of our country's medical industry!"

   "I, Yan Jiaheng, am not talented, but I am also accomplished in the field of digestion. As the president of the National Gastroenterology Association, I have a heavy burden on me. Do you know how many people your actions will affect?"

   "Chen Nan, this is definitely an irresponsible act of using power for personal gain!"

  Chen Nan saw Yan Jiaheng talking more and more energetically, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

  Suddenly stepped aside, and said lightly:


"You you on the line?"

  As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately fell silent...

  No one thought that Chen Nan would say such a sentence.

You you on the line?

  Yan Jiaheng was dumbfounded.

  You don't play your cards right.

  You engage in sneak attack, you can't afford it...

   What the **** did I say about you using power for personal gain, now you say what you want to do?

  If I can do it, why do I bring so many rescuers?

  He was about to speak, at this moment, Qin Shiming couldn't help but glance at Yan Jiaheng: "Okay!"

   "How decent!"

   "Yan Jiaheng, pay attention to the occasion. Today I came to see Mr. Liu, not to listen to you talking about these things."

  Qin Shiming's words made Yan Jiaheng almost vomit blood in anger.

This sentence…

   Wasn't he the one who reprimanded Chen Nan just now?

   Now it's better...

   was directly used by Qin Shiming to talk about himself...

   It seems that you are not sensible?

  Yan Jiaheng looked at Chen Nan, wanting to die of anger.

   But Chen Nan looked at him with a smile, with a cheap look on his face, hurry up after killing him...

"you you…"

  Chen Nan continued to ask: "If President Yan can cure the disease, you go first, I'm not in a hurry!"

  Yan Jiaheng was so angry that he was speechless for a long time.

  He glanced at Mystin.

  The other party shook his head: "Now there is a lack of systematic testing and no symptomatic treatment."

   glanced at Yan Deshan again: "Mr. Yan, can you help me take a look?"

  Yan Deshan shook his head directly: "Ms. Yan is not talented, this disease is complicated and a bit difficult!"

   "I can't figure it out for a while."

  Looking at both of them saying that...

  Yan Jiaheng was so embarrassed at this moment that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

【Ding! Congratulations, Yan Jiaheng has upgraded your negative rating to: serious level! 】

  When Chen Nan heard the sound, Mimi smiled.

   "This... President Yan, if you can't do it, please let me go."

   "By the way, if you have anything to say, I'll talk about it later. I'm going to see a doctor here. Don't bother me."

   "Of course, if you think you can do it, go ahead and let me get out of the way. Don't say that I, Chen Nan, don't know how to respect the elderly, so I will take credit from you."

  Yan Jiaheng snorted coldly, turned around not to look at the bastard.

  He was afraid that he would die of anger.

  Chen Nan just sat down and said to Mr. Liu: "Please prepare a piece of paper and pen, Mr. Liu, I will prescribe medicine for you."

   Liu Tingjin was a little more curious about Chen Nan telling the truth at this time.

   This little guy...


  He called the nanny to bring a pen and paper, and then asked Chen Nan: "Doctor Chen, tell me, what is going on with me?"

  Chen Nan then said: "Mr. Liu, since you said so, then I will open up and say it."

   "Actually, you are still in good health, but... it is because of your good health that this happened."

   "This matter between men and women, in the view of our Chinese medicine practitioners, absolute abstinence is not a good thing."

   "Yin and Yang are the way of heaven and earth."

   "A man cannot be without a woman, and a woman cannot be without a man. Without a woman, the mind will move, the mind will work, and the work will lose life.

  If yang is isolated and yin is eliminated, yin alone has no yang, and desires are blazing but not fulfilled, then yin and yang will compete with each other, and it will be hot and cold for a long time. "

   "You have been abstinent for a long time, which caused this to happen."

   "Actually, this is by no means a coincidence. There are also records in ancient times. Old monks and widows, too much coercion, the essence and energy will form bones, and the pylorus will easily lead to choking."

   "As for your situation, this is the example. Although your complexion is pale and red, but your kidney yin is deficient.

   "If I'm not wrong, your hair, just over fifty years old, might be all white?"

  As soon as these words came out, both Qin Shiming and Liu Tingjin looked at Chen Nan in surprise.


  "That's true. I just turned fifty, and my hair is all white. It was pretty good before!"

   "Hey... what's going on here?"

  Chen Nan then explained: "The yin liquid is depleted, and the yang qi is too high, so it is easy to contain the fire!"

   "Besides, you usually put too much effort into it, seriously injuring his yin, and there is no doubt that you will put yourself on fire."

   "Those who prefer yin decay and yang knot, the emphasis is on yin decay, and there is absolutely no trace of fragrance and dryness."

   "So, these years, you can't eat any spicy and irritating things, especially if you are thin, your body is too dry!"

   "And the reason for this choking situation is here!"

   "Excessive damage to the yin, internal condensation of the fire, horizontal pylorus, resulting in choking syndrome!"

   "This disease is difficult to say, because it is easy to bring other diseases, because Mr. Liu has been careful all these years, so it is not a serious problem. If it is given to others, it will easily lead to dangerous situations!"

   "Easy to say, but not difficult!"

   While speaking, Chen Nan wrote two words on the paper.

   "Goose blood!"

   "This medicine can cure your dysphagia."

  As soon as these words came out, Liu Tingjin's eyes widened: "Are you sure?"

   "Just this one medicine?"

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "A doctor's medicine is like sending troops to dispatch generals. The enemy cannot be defeated by a large number of people!"

   "This goose blood is a rare weapon, and it has miraculous effects."

   "This goose blood, although it seems simple, is a rare medicine."

   "Its taste is salty; its nature is flat, and it belongs to the heart; the liver; the stomach meridian, can detoxify; disperse blood; eliminate firmness."

   "Using this single medicine can relieve the congealing fire of the pylorus in the horizontal area, stop choking, diaphragm and nausea; the effect of drug poisoning."

   "You have to take a hot raw drink, 100-200ml, twice a day, and it will be relieved in two days!"

""Ben Jing Feng Yuan" records: goose blood can spit out blood stasis in the stomach, open the blood diaphragm and vomit, can't eat, drink it while it's hot, and you can vomit the root of the disease. Those who have been shot with poison drink it and apply it The body will be released immediately, because it can eat this insect."

   "However, goose blood must be used, because goose blood can cure choking, diaphragm and nausea; white goose blood can spit out the blood of insects in the chest and abdomen."

  Hearing what Chen Nan said, Liu Tingjin nodded quickly: "OK!"

   "Thank you, Dr. Chen!"

  Chen Nan then continued:

   "However, this goose blood can only treat your difficulty in swallowing. For the imbalance of yin and yang in the body, you need soup and medicine to treat it."

   Yan Deshan on the side heard the sound, and his eyes widened immediately: "Jade Girl Fried?!"

  Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Not bad!"

   "It's Jade Girl Fried."

   "However, a slight increase or decrease is required."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Nan started to write slowly.

"Zhendashudi (six qian) gypsum (eight qian) Achyranthes bidentata (three qian) roasted licorice (three qian) Ophiopogon japonicus (six qian) white japonica rice (a pinch) Anemarrhena (two qian) Xuanfuhua (three qian, New crimson yarn package

   Old Liu Tingjin blushed and asked with a smile, "Why is it called Jade Girl Fried?"

  This woman, combined with Mr. Liu's illness, to be's really very appropriate.

  Chen Nan felt that the names of ancient doctors were wonderful.

  Hearing what Liu Tingjin said, Chen Nan explained:

   "Mr. Liu, don't misunderstand, it's not what you think."

   "Actually, there are three versions of this Jade Maiden Fried Rice:

  One refers to the ancient Taoists called the kidney "Jade Girl", this recipe can nourish the kidney water, hence the name "Jade Girl Decoction".

Another method is: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has a "golden boy" on the left, holding a clean bottle, and a jade **** the right, holding a willow branch. Avalokitesvara uses the willow branch to soak the water in the clean bottle, and it is cool and moist when sprinkled on the earth. merit.

  However, I think the last statement is more appropriate. It refers to the gypsum, which is white and flawless, and has a cold sex, which symbolizes "Jade Girl".

This prescription is mainly made of gypsum shaped like a "Jade Girl", which not only nourishes the deficiency of kidney water, but also relieves excess fire in the stomach, just like the water that Guanyin sprinkled on the earth with willow branches and a clean bottle, so as to make the symptoms of yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity It subsided quickly, so it was named "Jade Girl Fried". "

  Liu Tingjin heard the sound and smiled: "Hehe, it's a good name!"


  Chen Nan smiled and nodded.

   "Okay, the problem is not very big, just treat it like this."

  Yan Deshan on the side smiled with emotion: "Dr. Chen is really famous, it's better to meet him!"

   "This diagnosis and treatment work is really good!"

   "Yan has been taught."

  Seeing this, Chen Nan nodded and smiled: "You're welcome, Mr. Yan."

  Here, Yan Jiaheng stared blankly at the two of them "flirting and cursing each other, bragging about each other's business" and was immediately stunned.

  The person I f***ing painstakingly invited to have a crush on you?

   Is this appropriate?

  He felt as if he felt betrayed.

  At this time, Liu Tingjin on the side smiled and said, "Please take a trip, everyone, thank you very much."

   "Since we have a plan, let's go back and work on it."

   "I won't disturb everyone."

  Hearing Liu Tingjin's words, Yan Jiaheng said quickly: "Old Liu... this..."

   "Why don't you make two preparations?"

   "This Mr. Mistin is very powerful, and he is very good in the international digestion circle. Let me be both right?"

  Liu Tingjin waved his hand directly: "No need!"

   "I believe in Dr. Chen, and I also believe in our Chinese medicine."

  Yan Jiaheng was speechless again...

  I'm **** busy... just forget it?



   All his mother loves the new and dislikes the old.

  Yan Jiaheng felt let down.


  Since they came this time, they all came, and in front of Qin Shiming and Liu Tingjin.

   Chen Nan happened to be here too.

  Yan Jiaheng plans to talk about the mouse incident this time:

   "Mr. Qin, I have something to say."

  Qin Shiming frowned slightly, glanced at Yan Jiaheng, then at his watch: "Well, I have a meeting soon."

   "Hurry up."

"what's the matter?"

  Yan Jiaheng said here:

   "Mr. Qin, I didn't mean to target Chen Nan, but...follow our procedure."

   "Besides, the professional committee, I am not the only one who has the final say."

  Qin Shiming nodded: "Well, this time not only your share has been delayed, but the other four have also been delayed."

  Yan Jiaheng: …

  I fucking...

   What should I say?

  Could it be more open and above board to use public services for personal gain?


  Yan Jiaheng gritted his teeth and continued:

   "Mr. Qin, I still hope to put the overall situation first!"

   "Hua Ran, I can't say that he is not good, but... As a member of the Digestive Field Professional Committee, we bear important responsibilities in the national digestive field!"

   "Besides, in other words, Chen Nan's behavior, if it is true, is a false public benefit!"

   "He is already openly provoking the authority of our professional committee by taking advantage of his relationship with Hua Ran."

   "If it is said that we sit and wait to die, if it affects us today, will it affect more people tomorrow?"

   "This kind of thing is a bad start!"

   "Besides, I, Zhang Wu, they have always been the leaders of our Huaxia Gastroenterology Association, and we have made many outstanding achievements over the years."

   "Our industry influence, industry credibility, and capabilities in this area are all excellent, ahead of other organizations and institutions."

   "Isn't it appropriate if we're a lot behind schedule?"

   "You know, Hua Ran's mice are also sold overseas, and those capital companies are not short of money at all!"

   "They have started animal experiments a long time ago, and if they are late, they are one step behind!"

   "Are we really going to let each other develop, but we stagnate instead?"

   "This is an irresponsible thing for the people of our country and the medical system of our country!"

  Yan Jiaheng's righteous words almost brought tears to his eyes.

  Qin Shiming frowned when he heard the sound.

   This Yan Jiaheng seemed to be reasoning with himself, even talking to himself from the perspective of righteousness.


  There is something in these words.

  This is threatening yourself!

   It is saying that without them, we would have to lag behind. To put it bluntly, it is still because of the existence and influence of academic forces.

  In the past, Liu Tingjin had to choose this form in order to pursue efficiency.


   Times have changed.

  Historical experience and lessons tell him that these academic forces cannot be allowed to develop wildly and barbarously, which will eventually lead to the occurrence of academic monopoly.

   This is an extremely dangerous thing for a country and for the future.

   At this time, Liu Tingjin naturally heard the implication of Yan Jiaheng's words.

   I feel a little more helpless in my heart!

   This kind of thing is really imminent.

  He didn't expect that his original choice would cause such a big trouble now.


  This is actually a product of the times.

  The development of anyone and any country cannot be avoided.

  Our country does not allow this to happen.

  Yan Jiaheng saw the scene quiet down, and saw Qin Shiming and Liu Tingjin thinking.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, he knew... there was still a chance.


  He underestimated Qin Shiming's determination and courage, and overestimated his own presence and influence!

  I saw Qin Shiming waved his hand and said seriously: "Okay!"

   "This matter, so be it."

   "If there is anything, please let me know later."

   "As the president of the Society of Gastroenterology, you just have to do what you should do."

  Yan Jiaheng was stunned for a moment.

  He didn't expect that Qin Shiming would directly refute it.

   For a moment, Yan Jiaheng became a little more angry.


   "Professor Chen, I hope you will succeed!"

   "Mr. Qin, I won't disturb you."

  Yan Jiaheng has made up his mind, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

   When the time comes, if something goes wrong, don't blame me!

  He didn't believe it at all. With Chen Nan alone, could it be possible to turn the world upside down? !

   And this time...

  Chen Nan's cell phone rang suddenly.

  He picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Zhao Jianyong.

   "Professor Chen, good news!"

   "With the help of Mitchell, my article "On the Effect of XIAP-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein Gene Mutations on Recurrent Crohn's Disease" was included in "Gene Health Research"!"

   “They would like to discuss a specific publication date with you, and…”

   “They want to come over and shoot you a cover, and they want to put your cover on the cover of a journal for publication.”

"You can see it?"

   "By the way, and Mitchell's article to be published in the "Medical Tribune" has been written. Come back and check it out. He plans to publish it soon."

  Chen Nan suddenly became happy.

   This is indeed good news!

   At this time, Qin Shiming suddenly said: "Xiao Chen, by the way, how is your research on Crohn's disease going? Is it going well?"

  Yan Jiaheng snorted coldly, slandering inwardly.

   "Successful? Hehe... It's no wonder there are no problems!"

   "That Mitchell, but I sent it myself."

   "Just waiting for you to have a problem!"

  Chen Nan said anxiously: "Mr. Qin, I just received a message from here."

   "I recently took in a patient who is a reporter for the Medical Tribune."

   "He published my treatment of him in the latest issue of "Medical Forum."

   "I have to go back and see."

  Yan Jiaheng was pleasantly surprised.



  What did I say?

  Chen Nan, you are finished.

   And the next words...

  Chen Nan said to Qin Shiming: "Mr. Qin, how go back with me to have a look?"


  (end of this chapter)