MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 374 Although there are thousands of people, I will go!

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  Chapter 374 Although there are thousands of people, I will go!

   Chen Nan's words surprised Yan Jiaheng somewhat.

  This kid... is so courageous?

  Something went wrong and you still want to invite Mr. Qin over?

   Isn't this too presumptuous?

  Could it be... Is this trying to recruit soldiers?

   Similarly, Qin Shiming also looked at Chen Nan with some doubts: "Oh?"

   "I heard that you opened the Crohn's Research Center in the Ward of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital."

   "Exactly, I still want to go and have a look."

   "I just have time today, so I'll drop by."

  When Yan Jiaheng heard this, he couldn't help feeling extremely sad.

   Sure enough!

   After all, it was a wrong payment.

  In the past, "Jiaheng" and "Jiaheng" were treated to others, but now they treat each other like President Yan.

  When you were talking just now, you said that you have limited time and you have to go to a meeting later.

   Now that Chen Nan invites you over, will this meeting be over?

  Slapping the face is not so timely, is it?

  Yan Jiaheng glanced at Qin Shiming with resentment in his eyes.

   And the other party turned a blind eye.


   "Let's go, hurry up, let's go and have a look together."

   "Is there something wrong with President Yan? You are an expert in this field, let's go and have a look together."

  Qin Shiming actually didn't want Chen Nan and Yan Jiaheng to fight too stiffly.

  After all, Yan Jiaheng is still very researched and accomplished in this field. Although Qin Shiming opposes the crazy development of academic forces leading to the monopoly of academic resources, as Liu Tingjin said, he does not want these developed academic organizations to be completely abandoned.

  The best way is to complement resources after disruption.

  Thinking of this, Qin Shiming looked at Yan Jiaheng and Chen Nan, and said:

   "Xiao Chen, President Yan has made achievements in the field of digestion all over the world."

   "Whether it is successful experience or academic level, it is very good!"

   "You should communicate and learn more from each other in private."

   “Don’t be biased.”

   "There is also Jiaheng. Although Chen Nan is young, he is a leader in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. The previous icariin has proved Chen Nan's achievements in the field of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and disease research. This is obvious to all."

   "You guys may have some prejudices, but...whether it is Crohn's disease or the development of medical science, they all contribute to the country and the people."

   "We must abandon some stereotypes, see each other's strengths, complement each other's resources, and learn from each other!"

  “The development of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine is for the health of the motherland’s medicine and the common people, and they all lead to the same goal!”

   "Let's go, let's go and have a look together."

  When Yan Jiaheng heard Qin Shiming's words, he acted calmly, but inside he was very arrogant!

  Hmph, just now he was called Chairman Yan, but now he is called "Jiaheng" again.

  However, having said that, Yan Jiaheng still had some expectations for what happened to Chen Nan.

   After all, Mitchell sent it over by himself.

  Mitchell’s condition belongs to the difficult type of Crohn’s disease. Over the years, Yan Jiaheng has researched on Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is like a tumor. It is also a cancer, but there are many types, with different severity.

  And Mitchell's is definitely not a mild disease.

  Yan Jiaheng did not believe that relying solely on Chen Nan and the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward would be able to cure Mitchell.

  The problem that even Oxford University can't solve, how can you be so powerful with a mere Chen Nan?


   There was nothing to say along the way, and the three of them had their own thoughts.

  Yan Jiaheng was thinking about how to add insult to injury quietly.

  What Qin Shiming thought about was why Chen Nan invited him.

   But Chen Nan is very simple, he only thinks about one thing, such to pretend?

   The distance was not far, and in less than half an hour, the three of them arrived at the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital.

  Qin Shiming's arrival still caught the attention of Dean Ge Yerong.

  After all, as the director of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, if he can’t recognize Mr. Qin Shiming’s car, he is really a fool.

  As soon as the car was parked here, Ge Yerong got up and took several vice presidents to the downstairs of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital to greet him.

   "Mr. Qin, welcome to our hospital to inspect the work."

  Qin Shiming waved his hand: "I am here this time to see how the Crohn's disease research center, Chen Nan, is doing."

   "Don't worry about me."

  At this time, Yan Jiaheng also came down and followed behind Qin Shiming.

  Yan Jiaheng is still well-known in the capital, and after greeting Ge Yerong and the others, he stopped talking.

   "Where's Chen Nan, Director Chen?" Ge Yerong was taken aback when he saw Yan Jiaheng coming over, and then he thought of something, and asked Luo Qiping quickly.

  Luo Qiping was taken aback, I don't know?

   Director Chen's work, I, Luo Qiping, can take care of it?

  Although I am the director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward, I am the deputy. In a precise sense, Chen Nan and I have a 50-50 date, okay?

  Qin Shiming waved his hand: "Chen Nan went to park the car."

   "Why is there no emergency parking space and special parking space for Chen Nan in your hospital?"

   "Running around every day, just parking for such a long time, it's a waste of time."

   "With this time, what can't you do?"

  Ge Yerong laughed quickly: "The leader criticized it!"

   "We really don't have enough special parking spaces, Director Chen has to make some arrangements."

   "I'll arrange it now."

  Yan Jiaheng was stunned when he saw this scene.

  Is this okay?

  Ge Yerong smiled affirmatively, what's wrong? There is true love in the world, and everything is possible.

  Originally, Ge Yerong was worried that it was Yan Jiaheng who brought Qin Shiming to settle accounts with Chen Nan this time.

after all…

   This time, there was a lot of trouble. Ge Yerong also heard about the cancellation of Yan Jiaheng's mouse, so... originally thought that Yan Jiaheng was looking for his parents to sue.

   Now it seems... not so.

   This parent is obviously pulling the fence!

   That's it.

   Anyway, Xiao Chen can't suffer.

  Here, Chen Nan came over: "Sorry, I'm late."

   "Dean Ge, Dean Su, hello."

   "Mr. Qin, Chairman Yan, this way please."

   While talking, the group quickly reached the 21st floor.

  After coming up, Zhao Jianyong and the head nurse got up quickly and began to lead the way.

  When Chen Nan stopped the car just now, he had already settled down.

  Chen Nan walked and said:

   "Mr. Qin, the time is tight and the task is heavy, so this is the only way to do it."

  Qin Shiming nodded: "The core of the hospital is not the external appearance, but the patient's feelings."

   "Exactly, let's go, didn't you say that the ward rounds haven't been done yet?"

   "We just happened to go and have a look."

  Chen Nan nodded: "Mr. Qin, aren't you in a hurry?"

   "Our ward rounds take a long time, I'm afraid of delaying you."

  Qin Shiming shook his head: "It doesn't matter, let's start."

   While speaking, Chen Nan led Zhao Jianyong and others to start the ward rounds.

  Qin Shiming suddenly said: "Chairman Yan is a professional, you can give me advice."

  Yan Jiaheng followed behind, and when he heard this, he immediately felt relieved.

   Is this considered to be criticizing with a sword of Shang Fang?

  He feels comfortable all over... Even being targeted by Qin Shiming in the morning is not so uncomfortable.

   "I will definitely not disappoint Mr. Qin's expectations."

   While speaking, his professional eyes instantly became tricky, looking for faults? I am a professional!

  As a member of the professional committee, I don't know how to deal with other levels, but there is absolutely no problem in finding faults.

  It's not...

   At this time, the nurses around were walking around pushing the nursing cart, and Yan Jiaheng frowned suddenly.

   "This is wrong, Director Chen, your basic nursing routine is not up to standard!"

  Chen Nan frowned suddenly, this guy...he is so wicked.

  Qin Shiming and Ge Yerong behind him couldn't help but frowned slightly, and turned to look at Yan Jiaheng.

  Qin Shiming couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

   Ge Yerong also squinted at each other.

  Yan Jiaheng turned a blind eye to Ge Yerong's eyes and said seriously:

   "Because the medicines for Crohn's patients are special, the bottles do not contain preservatives, so they should be used immediately after opening, and should not be used after continued storage, and the infusion should be started within 3 hours after preparation."

   "Modern guidelines require that the infusion time should not be less than 2 hours, so the infusion set should be equipped with a built-in, sterile, pyrogen-free, low protein binding filter membrane."

   "I don't see these things at all?"

   "Is this...a bit careless?"

  Xia Lianping on the side suddenly laughed: "President Yan, does the medicine to correct electrolyte balance also need to use a filter membrane? Our hospital is really not as luxurious as your hospital."

  Yan Jiaheng frowned: "Electrolyte balance? What about your biological agents?"

  Xia Lianping suddenly laughed: "Sorry, our patients don't use biological agents, let alone immunosuppressants, so...these problems you're thinking about don't exist at all!"

  Yan Jiaheng was dumbfounded.

  How do you treat diseases without using biological agents?

   Does this guarantee efficacy?

   Zhao Jianyong said in time: "At present, our hospital mainly uses traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and there are no drugs such as immunosuppressants and biological agents."

  Yan Jiaheng frowned suddenly: "Can this guarantee the curative effect?"

   Before the words fell, at this moment, the two patients walked forward with smiles.

  After seeing Chen Nan, he nodded with a smile: "Hello, Director Chen!"

   "Director Chen, it's ward rounds!"

   "Oh, I feel much better today, my abdominal pain has relieved a lot, Professor Chen, you are really amazing!"

   "Professor Chen, I didn't have blood in my stool yesterday! Much better..."


  What I'm most afraid of... the air is suddenly quiet...

  What I am most afraid of...the patient's sudden slap in the face...


  Yan Jiaheng didn't say a word.

  Chen Nan continued his rounds and walked into the ward.

   And here, Zhao Jianyong started the ward rounds as usual.

  The patient's condition has been relieved a lot.

  The unpretentious voices of these patients and their families are the best feedback.

  Yan Jiaheng blushed and felt ashamed.

  The more the ward rounds were made, the more uncomfortable he became.

  Suddenly, Yan Jiaheng noticed something, and said quickly:

   "I found a very serious problem!"

   "Don't you have a daily anxiety and depression test for Crohn's disease? I don't seem to have seen any psychological staff?"

   "The Crohn's disease ward is a must for psychological care. This type of patients is prone to tension, worry, worry, fear, and even extreme measures such as suicide."

"Therefore, give targeted counseling to help patients adapt to the actual health status; explain the characteristics of the disease, cooperate with treatment methods and precautions, try to improve the patient's cognitive and behavioral abilities, change the negative emotions of family members, and guide family members in treatment. Cooperate closely with nursing and care for patients.”

   "So, the modern Crohn's disease research center must provide standard psychological care."

   "Why didn't I see it?"

  Xia Lianping shook her head again and laughed: "President Yan is very professional!"

   "We really don't have this!"

  As soon as these words came out, Yan Jiaheng became complacent.


   What did I say?

  Professional people are different.

  One look is the problem!

  Qin Shiming also looked at Chen Nan curiously: "Why don't you do this?"

  Xia Lianping quickly said: "Mr. Qin, you misunderstood, it's not that we don't do it."

   "Rather... it's not necessary."

  As soon as these words came out, Yan Jiaheng immediately asked coldly: "It's not necessary? This is irresponsible to the patients!"

  Xia Lianping asked back: "President Yan, as the president of the Digestive Society...don't you know?"

   "According to the "2023 Crohn's Disease Anxiety and Depression Analysis Report", the main source of anxiety and depression in patients with Crohn's disease is the protracted disease, which is related to recurrent attacks."

   "Moreover, according to this report, when the Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Test is performed, only patients with a score below 50 need nursing care!"

   "Our department used to have a psychological nursing team, but... because of several measurements later, none of the patients in the whole department was lower than 70. The director of the psychological department adopted a regular inspection method and no longer provided daily care."

   "In the words of the director of the Department of Psychology, we have built up enough confidence in the patient, and with the improvement of the disease, the patient's own psychological adjustment and expectations have been achieved, so that anxiety has also been relieved."

   "So, we don't need to do it."

  Xia Lianping deserves to be a doctor of nursing. What she said was well-founded, and everyone at the scene couldn't help applauding.

   At this time, everyone passed by a leisure room.

  Xia Lianping said: "This used to be the psychological counseling room. It wasn't later... After the psychology department was withdrawn, Director Chen built a leisure room here in order to enrich the patients' spare time."

   "Patients can play chess and basic exercises here after rest."

   "Later, Director Wang of the Department of Psychology, based on the model of our department, wrote a paper called "On the Influence of Leisure Exercise in Alleviating Anxiety and Depression in Crohn's Patients"."

   "This article has been included in the journal "Asian Inflammatory Bowel Diseases", and Director Wang is planning to establish a clinical research."

   "Overall, the effect is remarkable!"

   "President Yan, do you think it is necessary for us to conduct this research?"

  At this time, everyone saw Chen Nan and others coming.

   A group of patients got up and said with a smile:

   "Professor Chen, come on, let's play a game of chess. I will let you have three pieces today!"

   "Don't listen to Lao Zhang, Director Chen, let's play a game of table tennis?"

   "Dr. Chen, when will I be discharged from the hospital? I feel much better..."

   "You actually want to leave the hospital? My God, is it not good to live here? I feel comfortable physically and mentally, hahaha..."


  Everyone laughed, a harmonious scene.



   "-10086! Crit!"

  That's right, Yan Jiaheng felt as if he had been hit by 10,000 points of crit by this group of people.

  This fucking...

  Qin Shiming became happier and happier.

   smiled and said: "Okay!"

   "Not bad, not bad!"

   "Chen Nan, you did a good job!"

   "By the way, what did you ask me to come over today?"

  Chen Nan said with a smile: "That's right, Director Qin, a reporter from "Medical Forum", Mitchell is hospitalized in our department."

   "During this period, he wrote an article. I am worried that after it is published, it will not have a good impact on us, so... I ask you to check it out."

  When Qin Shiming heard this, he asked worriedly, "What bad things did you write?"

  Yan Jiaheng finally found the core cool point at this moment.

   Suddenly excited.

  He said quickly: "Director Qin, this Mitchell is not ordinary!"

   "Medical Tribune is a large media company in the UK, and they have several academic journals with high impact factors."

   "Moreover, "Medical Tribune", as an international news medical newspaper, has a large audience of patients."

   "If the writing has a bad's really not suitable for publication."

   "After all, we have to consider many factors!"

  Yan Jiaheng's words made Qin Shiming even more worried.

  After all, if it has a bad influence, it will not be a good thing for everyone.

   "I'll read the article first."

   While speaking, a group of people arrived in Mitchell's ward.

   After Zhao Jianyong checked the house, he handed over the Chinese version of the article.

  Yan Jiaheng really wanted to grab it and take a closer look, but...obviously, he didn't have the guts.

   He could only look at Qin Shiming eagerly, hoping to see some wonderful changes in his expression.

   Sure enough, it didn't take long...Qin Shiming's eyebrows frowned, and then his eyes widened, and then...the muscles on his face twitched a little more...This...

  Yan Jiaheng suddenly became excited.

   Certainly not a good thing.

After Qin Shiming read the article, he was indeed a little surprised, because he was surprised by the curative effect of the other party, and as Mitchell said, the remarkable curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine, and the changes in his condition a few days after the treatment, he did not twitch the corner of his mouth, but happy to laugh...

  Because he saw that Mitchell actually recommended the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital.

   This is simply a good thing!

  Not right...

   Soon, he understood why Chen Nan showed him.

  Because Mitchell hopes that overseas patients can come to China for medical treatment, Chen Nan's research on Crohn's disease is very effective...

  Seeing this, Qin Shiming frowned suddenly.

  He thought a lot.

  The reason why Chen Nan showed it to himself was obviously because if many foreign patients came, would it be appropriate...

   After all, the China-Japan Friendship Hospital is dealing with most domestic patients. Although there are international patients, there are not many.

  And when there are more international patients, many disputes and ideas will conflict.

   Even worried about the bad influence on domestic patients.


   Only then did I invite myself over today.

  Yan Jiaheng saw that Qin Shiming's face became more serious, and he felt that he had guessed too much!

  Here, Qin Shiming suddenly asked: "President Yan, does the "Medical Forum" have a great influence?"

  Yan Jiaheng became excited when he heard this.


   "It has great influence. "Medical Forum" is published in 59 countries around the world, and the influence in Europe and the United States is also the largest."

   "According to statistics, "Medical Forum" has won the European Health News Award for five consecutive years, and it is said that the influence and number of people affected by this newspaper may have reached tens of millions!"

   "This is definitely a media with great influence, so... lead carefully!"

  As soon as these words came out, Qin Shiming couldn't help sighing.

   " have to be careful!"

   "Come on, President Yan, take a look and make suggestions."

  Yan Jiaheng's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he said excitedly: "Good!"


  The more Yan Jiaheng looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong...

This guy…

what happened?

  This is wrong!

  What about those who agreed to belittle Chen Nan?

  What about the promised treatment error?

we agreed…

  Damn it, why is the whole article full of praise?

  You are too dog-licking!

  This style of writing, bah!

  Mitchell, you are an international reporter who grew up in a free speech environment!


  Yan Jiaheng wants to cry but has no tears.

  This fucking...

   Any advice?

  After Yan Jiaheng finished reading it, there were ten thousand drafts in his heart, and he spittled wantonly on the grassland.

  Qin Shiming asked: "President Yan, what do you think?"

  Yan Jiaheng: Lying down and watching, cursing and that okay?


  Qin Shiming smiled a little more in his eyes, and looked at Chen Nan with satisfaction: "Well, this thing is done well!"

   "President Yan, you have to study hard with Director Chen."

   "Scientific research does not necessarily only require mice, there is a lot to do!"

   After finishing speaking, he looked at Chen Nan: "OK!"

   "This time, the matter is very thoughtful."

   "I'll go back and think about this issue and discuss it."

   "However, Dean Ge, you have to do a good job in supporting work. This ward is too small and needs to be enlarged!"

   "Well... at least two more floors, your hospital can negotiate and decide on its own."

   "Okay, I'm going back."



  Yan Jiaheng never imagined that stealing the chicken would cost him nothing, and the weasel paid the chicken New Year's greetings, but accidentally fed himself to the chicken.

  Damn it... I really lost my wife and lost my army.

what to do? !

  On the same day, Yan Jiaheng found the members of the professional committee.

  Tell this matter to several people.

  Zhang Wu and others originally had some complaints about not giving the mouse this time.

  I immediately decided to write a joint letter!

  Aren’t you Chen Nan awesome?

  We want to see, but if we don’t do it, can you do it by yourself?


   Soon, these people are ready to strike soon.

   Even, wrote an article about Chen Nan's false public service and handed it in.

   expressed their grievances, denounced Chen Nan's selfish behavior, and decided to temporarily give up research on Crohn's disease because of work problems.

  I hope that the leaders will pay attention to it.

  Peng Wanpo naturally saw these people's articles.

   also quickly knew what these people thought.

   It's nothing more than forcing the palace!

   One cry, two troubles and three strikes.

   This is just a few tricks back and forth.

  Peng Wanpo was also a little confused, and the leaders above knew about it.

   Even want to find him and Qin Shiming to understand the situation.

  After all, the judges represented by Yan Jiaheng are all experts from the Health Bureau, so it is most convenient to file a complaint.

  However, Peng Wanpo didn't take it seriously this time.

   decided to let them talk.

   Aren't you going to strike?


   I promise you.

  Therefore, Qin Shiming and Peng Wanpo held a meeting and quickly made a decision.

   "First, let go of the international market and let foreign patients come in for treatment!"

   "However, it is necessary to perfect all the work and demonstrate the prestige of our Chinese medicine."

   "Second, let Yan Jiaheng and others give up this research for the time being, and talk about it later, just to weaken their influence."



   On "Medical Tribune", Mitchell's article was quickly published.

   Naturally seen by countless patients.

   Europe and the United States are the peak areas of Crohn's disease outbreaks, and there are already many patients.

   Now seeing that China can treat the disease published in the "Medical Forum", many patients immediately contacted the person in charge of the "Medical Forum" to inquire about the correctness of this matter.

  For a while, more and more patients wanted to come to China for treatment.

   In contrast, Yan Jiaheng and others were still waiting to be comforted.


  The result was told that their application was approved!

   Passed? !

  Yan Jiaheng and others were dumbfounded.

   Didn’t it say that crying children have candy?

   Now is good!

   I don’t have to eat my fart.

  They looked at each other in a daze.

  No one expected that the application they submitted to stop studying Crohn's would be approved so quickly.

   A group of people are all at a loss.

   "Are we... careless?" Zhang Wu said helplessly.

  Another person frowned: "Can you go back on your word?"

  Yan Jiaheng's face was dark, and he was speechless for a long time.

  This fucking...

   Completely stupid.

  His negative comments on Chen Nan have completely climbed to a commanding height.

  The bastard!

   It's all his fault.


  What can I do now?

  Yan Jiaheng quickly said: "Don't worry, stay safe and don't be impatient!"

   "Think about it, if foreign patients come to China for medical treatment, who is the biggest loser?"

   "Foreign pharmaceutical companies!"

   "They obviously won't let this matter develop."

  That being said, Yan Jiaheng's hatred for Chen Nan has reached a terrifying level.

   I can't wait to kill him soon.

  The bastard...

   It may destroy all the foundations he has worked so hard in his life.

  If Chen Nan succeeds, Qin Shiming will definitely deal with their group of academic forces next.

  Thinking of this, Yan Jiaheng's face became even more ferocious.



【Ding! Congratulations, Yan Jiaheng's rating of your negative review has been raised to: Horror level! 】

   Chen Nan laughed when he heard the voice.

That's it?

  In the past few days, he has received many bad reviews.

  A mere Yan Jiaheng, what can you do to me? !

  Indeed, Chen Nan really didn't take Yan Jiaheng seriously.

  With the publication of "Medical Forum", more and more people began to pay attention to Chen Nan.

   Even including some foreign pharmaceutical companies.

   After all, the Crohn's market is so big, if you eat more, I have to eat less!

  Even if I can't finish it, I can't eat it, but... I can't let you eat it.

  Besides, Crohn's can't be cured, and foreign pharmaceutical companies are happy to hear about it.

   After all, it is the best thing for such a disease to be cured.

   If it is really cured, how will they make money?

   This long-term, stable disease is their favorite.

  Unfortunately, there is suddenly something that someone can treat in China.

   This made them bear it?

   Therefore, during this period of time, there were not a few people who came to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital for investigation.

   And Chen Nan, in the past few days, has also cooperated with the journal "Gene Health Research" to complete the photo shooting and interview work, and the paper will be published at the end of the month!

  During this time, Chen Nan received an invitation.

   Invited Chen Nan to participate in the International Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel Disease held in Tokyo, Asia.

   Facing such an invitation letter, Chen Nan couldn't help laughing.

   "Look, a lot of people can't help it!"

  Zhao Jianyong nodded: "This may be a Hongmen banquet!"

   "Professor Chen, why don't you go?"

  Chen Nan narrowed his eyes suddenly: "Aren't you going?"

"why are you not going!"

   "They will be very happy not to go."

   "Go, I must go."

   "And, not only to go, but also with momentum, causing excitement and attention."

   "Let the world see if we Chinese medicine can cure diseases!"

   "Who said guides have to be made by Westerners?"

  Chen Nan took a deep breath, his expression became more serious.

  Seeing this, Zhao Jianyong shook his head helplessly.

   "Many journals outside now accuse and criticize us, saying that we are not responsible for patients."

   "There are already more than a dozen journals denying our treatment process!"

   "Said that our treatment lacks safety analysis, and there is no scientific research on drugs..."

   "In a word, it is slander!"

   "This time, they want to criticize you."

  Chen Nan nodded and smiled.


   When the time comes, whoever criticizes whom may be uncertain.

  The more you attack and slander Chinese medicine, the more I will go!

  Chen Nan looked at the time, the meeting date was on the 1st of next month.

   And that day.

   It happened to be the day when Genetic Health Research was published.

   On that day, he wants to let the world see what we have researched in Chinese medicine, how about it?


   And at this time!

   Qin Shiming soon found out that Chen Nan was going to Tokyo to attend the meeting.

   And Li Muhai also learned about this.

  My teacher is going to Japan?

  Qin Shiming couldn't help but said: "Old Li, it may be dangerous for Xiao Chen to go this time!"

  Li Muhai nodded, frowning slightly.

   "You let him go?"

  Qin Shiming shook his head: "No!"

   "This time, it belongs to the exchange meeting of international academic organizations, and our Health and Medical Commission also has foreign exchange affairs."

   "Originally, my plan was to let Yan Jiaheng and the others go."

   "After all, Xiao Chen's research on Crohn's this time has reached a critical point."

   "It has achieved good results, and now many foreign patients are ready to see a doctor."

   "I mean, Xiao Chen don't go."


   "The kid insists on going."

  Li Muhai pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Well, I see, let me talk to him."

   While speaking, Li Muhai called Chen Nan.

   Chen Nan saw the caller ID and smiled: "Mr. Li, don't try to persuade me. This time, I really have to go."

  Li Muhai nodded: "I'm not here to persuade you."

   "Pay attention to safety, I will arrange for your entourage to do a good job of protection."

   "Just, I want to ask, why are you going?"

   "If it is to expand Crohn's influence, it is actually... unnecessary."

   "Don't worry about this matter."

  Chen Nan smiled: "It's not just this."

"There are other!"

   "I am a Chinese medicine doctor, and I want to rectify the name of Chinese medicine!"

   "Being slandered and slandered Chinese medicine by outsiders is not something we Chinese medicine practitioners can bear."

   "Besides, the medical forum has caused such a big stir, why don't I stand up."

   "What do those people think of me? What do you say about me? How do you evaluate me?"

   "Or how to evaluate our Chinese medicine!"

   "I have to go."

   Speaking of this, Chen Nan was silent for a moment, and finally said:

   "Although there are thousands of people, I will go!"

   "This is me."

   While speaking, Chen Nan hung up the phone.

  Stand in place, silent for a long time.

   And on the other end of the phone.

  Qin Shiming and Li Muhai were silent in place, staring at each other for a long time, then suddenly laughed.



   "Good sentence, although there are thousands of people, I will go!"

   "This is the pride and ambition that Chinese doctors should have!"



  ps: It’s the beginning of the month, and it’s a new month.

   Veteran during this period of time, I think the update is quite powerful.

  Everyone is comfortable and happy to watch.

   Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass for March.


  Thank you, brothers and sisters.


   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy