MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 205 Simulation, become the top leader in the field of appendectomy

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In the next few days, Qin Lang had already planned to reduce the number of microskin transplants, but the strange thing was that the number of patients sent to Director Cui's medical group increased instead of decreasing.

And Lu Yu will no longer admit new patients after the microskin transplantation that has been arranged.

For a while, the patients who came here were very dissatisfied. Many went to the provincial capital hospital, while some patients who were transferred from the brother hospital went to Qin Lang's subordinates.

Five days passed in a hurry, during which Lu Yu would surreptitiously go to the ward every day to see her uncle's healing.

"Lu Yu, how's it going? Doctor Qin said that he would arrange to stop the vsd this afternoon. After counting the time, he was not satisfied for even five days. Is it okay?"

Uncle asked worriedly.

Lu Yu did a good check. Based on her experience, she was naturally sure that her uncle's recovery was very good:

"It can't be better. Your condition can be cured in a month as long as you change the dressing normally. Moreover, Dr. Qin's operation this time has also recovered very well on the scar."


Hearing what Lu Yu said, both uncle and aunt were overjoyed.

Since the No. 1 Hospital of the City has recently treated many microskin transplants, I usually inquire about the conditions of other patients.

Moreover, my aunt has become a trend in recent years. I have added some patients with deep burns. There are also many patients in other hospitals, and even provincial hospitals. Naturally, they will inquire about each other in private.

Through the nurse and the little doctor, Aunt Lu Yu and her uncle knew very well that her uncle's condition was relatively serious.

However, in comparison, this recovery time is very astonishing. The one next door has more mild symptoms than him, and the operation completed at the same time will take at least two or three days to reach his level of recovery.

"The genius doctor." Uncle was completely convinced now, and looked at Lu Yu with some doubts, "Lu Yu, this little girl really came back from Jishuitan Hospital in the imperial capital? And the little doctor you brought with you, the one next door is What she did, tsk tsk, you can't do it. Besides, I don't feel as much pain as they describe.

After Lu Yu listened to it, her face turned pale, but she wanted to explain but couldn't explain it, she felt aggrieved.

Who knew there was such a monster in the first hospital of the city?

"Okay, just listen to Dr. Qin's doctor's orders. I'll go first."

Lu Yu was about to leave, but before he left the ward, his uncle's voice came: "Okay, don't come again in the future, it's enough to have Dr. Qin."

Lu Yu froze, and walked out of the ward with a livid face.

Soon after Lu Yu left, Qin Lang walked into the patient's ward.

This time, the uncle and the couple saw Qin Lang's expression completely different: "Doctor Qin, I will stop the vsd in the afternoon and change the medicine regularly, will it be completely cured?"

Qin Lang nodded and said confidently: "Yes, after the vsd is stopped today, you can be discharged from the hospital in 21 days. After you are discharged from the hospital, you can come back for regular check-ups and observe the scars."

"Twenty-one days?

Uncle Lu Yu's face was bright and bright, and he silently complained in his heart: "Lu Yu, this stinky girl, even said that it would take a month, but Doctor Qin is still very good."

Lu Yu's aunt was also in a good mood, with a beaming expression on her face. She looked at Qin Lang carefully, and simply admired the appearance of Qin Lang. In comparison, Lu Yu really couldn't handle it, and there were not many ugly people. Read more to learn:

"Doctor Qin, you are really young and promising.

After talking with Uncle Lu Yu and his wife, Qin Lang left the ward.

In the next few days, Qian Liang has basically mastered this technique. With the addition of Director Cui and Wu Youtu, he has been able to independently carry out this modified microskin transplantation combined with carbon fiber dressing.

Now it is only necessary for Qian Liang and others to increase the amount of surgery, and when certain statistical data is reached, the writing of the thesis can be concluded, and the proposal of the "Clinical Operation Standard" that Director Wei is looking forward to.

Therefore, Lu Yu continued to return to the emergency department and accumulated his rotation time again.

For Lu Yu's return, the surgeons in the surgical team are of course very welcome, especially Shi Guidong, who has experienced working with Lu Yu's partner and is now on duty alone, which is really not used.

The next day, Shi Guidong received a call early in the morning. After listening, he answered with a serious expression and hung up the phone.

Shi Guidong got up directly and walked towards Lu Yu:

"Shi Gui, Director Pang called me just now. Half an hour later, there was a small consultation in the office. There was a patient with acute appendicitis who needed preoperative discussion. Director Pang generally agreed with typical appendicitis, but he felt a little strange. , but I couldn't find it. So I'm going to take a look at it together. I just called me, but you are here, so let's take a look together. "

"You, me, Director Pang, and Dr. Li, who is on rotation in the general surgery department, will also come along. This is the patient's medical record. You can take a look first."


Shi Gui came over and took the medical records.

Department consultations used to be exchanges between the attending doctors. Since the appendicitis operation was relatively small, Dr. Qin and Lu Yu, as residents, also had the opportunity to participate in the discussion.

"Doctor Liu, I want to go to the ward first and prepare for the next consultation."

Lu Yu looked at the information carefully, and only from the symptoms and color Doppler ultrasounds, it was indeed very similar to typical appendicitis symptoms, but since Director Pang's intuition could smell nothing unusual, it was worth seeing the patient in person.

"Then I'll go take a look with you, just to delay understanding the patient's condition."

Physician Qin also got up when he picked up the medical records. After several previous incidents, Liu Peichun is now following behind Lu Yu, a bit like a lower-level doctor following his teacher.

Soon the two of them arrived at the ward.

The patient is a 48-year-old middle-aged woman, accompanied by the patient's daughter.


Seeing Shi Gui and the others coming, the patient's daughter Hu Jingjing stood up, said hello, looked at Lu Yu, and was slightly surprised.

At first glance, of course, he is so handsome.

The second is that this doctor is very young, looks similar to himself, and even has an assistant.

The third is the blushing. After all, Lu Yu is so handsome, and with the bonus of the white coat, it is natural that she can't move her eyes.

After regaining her composure, Hu Jingjing stepped aside: "Director Pang came to see him just now. The initial diagnosis was appendicitis, and he said that he would decide whether to operate under discussion. Are you here to check on my mother's condition?"

Because Director Pang has done a good job of reassuring before, the mentality of the patients and their families is relatively stable, and appendicitis is only a minor operation in the hearts of special people.

Lu Yu didn't speak and walked directly to the patient.

Physician Qin originally wanted to speak, but seeing that Lu Yu had already stepped up, he did not deliberately try to steal the limelight, and he also checked Lu Yu's level of diagnosis of appendicitis.

When Lu Yu walked in front of the patient, he directly ended the simulation. Although his appendectomy has reached the master level, he still lacks experience in some rare diseases.

[Consume 1 life simulation point to start simulation:]

[You returned to the emergency department for a six-month rotation, and Liu Peichun invited you to participate in the consultation of a patient with suspected typical appendicitis. You came to the ward, relying on price and Dr. Qin's experience, you did not see any clues, but it was confirmed that it was typical appendicitis. ]

[Afterwards, during the consultation, you discussed together that the patient had tenderness, rebound tenderness, mild muscle relaxation, no shifting dullness on percussion, and abnormal bowel sounds in the right lower quadrant of the patient’s right lower quadrant. After further examination, the decision was made to operate. ]

[In the operation, it was found that the patient had a history of surgery, stomach disease, and the lumen formed by adhesions after surgery, which was mistaken for the blind end of the appendix by the sonographer. In addition, the exudate after appendix gangrene flows to the right lower quadrant through the paracolic sulcus, causing typical symptoms of appendicitis such as right lower quadrant tenderness and rebound tenderness. ]

[Due to the misdiagnosis in the early stage, it is fortunate that Director Pang has rich experience during the operation. After the routine laparotomy, the ectopic appendix was found after the wound was enlarged twice during the operation. However, due to the expansion of the wound, which led to the risk of infection, and the excessively long postoperative scars, the patients and their families were not satisfied, causing some disputes. ]

[Postoperative review, the best way for this operation is to use laparoscopic appendectomy, but the requirements for the surgeon are very high, and basically only Director Zhuang can complete it. ]

[Next, you continued to rotate in the emergency department and participated in many appendicitis operations. You ended up specializing in laparoscopic appendectomy, while trying various topics on modified appendectomy)

(In the burn treatment center, Cui Jianguo group can continue their own research because of your subject. Qin Lang has started a new subject. With the full support of Director Wei, Qin Lang has accumulated a lot and gradually gained recognition. also made some achievements.]

[There are three fires when the new official takes office, but because of your excellent performance in the past, Shi Gui still respects you very much. The treatment center simply introduced some talents to cooperate with Lu Yu's subject. ]

[Six months later, your subject, perfected the nationwide "Clinical Operational Specification for Improved Microskin Transplantation". With the efforts of Director Wei, at the annual meeting of the Burn Surgery Branch of the Huaguo Medical Association, a day was devoted to the discussion, and it was finally passed perfectly. It has become the clinical practice standard of national expert consensus. ]

[In the same year, with the help of your aunt, you established Qin's Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. and ended the production of related equipment. ][Because of this achievement, both the city's first hospital treatment center and you are famous. You also successfully entered the Burn Surgery Branch of the Huaguo Medical Association and became a member. ]

[Due to your efforts, Wu Youtu has his own time and energy to conduct his own research. However, his subject is very difficult and requires long-term accumulation, and his ability and potential are limited, so there will be no results for a long time in the future. ]

[You have completed the rotation of the emergency department, and under the care of Director Zhuang, you have participated in many first aids, especially the appendicectomy and cholecystectomy have improved rapidly. You became the backbone of the emergency department. ]

[After the rotation period expires, you still have expectations for the topic of modified appendicectomy, that is, you continue to stay in the emergency department. For this, Wei Guoqiang also expressed his support. And the several topics you have carried out before have all published papers, and the development of the technique has also entered a mature stage. You are promoted to Chief Physician. ]

[In the same year, your Qin Fa project and Qin's allogeneic tendon vitrification preservation project were all shortlisted for the first prize of Hecheng Natural Science. After you returned to the treatment center, Shi Gui was very measured. ]

[You continue to rotate in the emergency department, and at the same time study the subject of modified appendectomy, and achieve great results. ]

[Three years later, Shi Gui was promoted to chief physician. In the same year, Qin Lang joined the Burn Professional Committee of the Huaguo Medical Association. )

[Due to the lack of your assistance, it took Qin Lang seven years to complete several major projects of his own: 1. Xenogeneic (pig acellular dermal matrix repair technique for deep burn wounds, 2. Platelet-rich plasma (prp) deep burn wounds) Treatment techniques, 3. Skin grafting combined with npwt technique for deep burn wounds in children.]

[In the same year, Shi Gui became famous and went to the imperial capital again. Thirty years old, you and Tang Yue are married. Under Wei Guoqiang's arrangement, you ended up in charge of several research groups left by Qin Lang. ]

[At the age of thirty-five, you were promoted to chief physician, and Wei Guoqiang served as the executive vice president of the First City Hospital due to his outstanding contribution to the treatment center. And you, in addition to the field of burns, have also become an expert in acute abdomen. ]

[Forty years old, your younger brother Huang Ping has made continuous progress over the years and has become the actual head of the treatment center. Cheng Yunfeng became the No. 3 figure. And you are the meritorious director, and the two respect you respectfully. But you spent the rest of your life on improving appendectomy, and you did a lot. ]

(At the age of 50, your medical device company is also growing bigger and stronger. Therefore, you basically do not have a good rest and work hard all year round.]

(At fifty-six, you have some problems with your body and you have to delay retirement.]

[You end your career as a doctor]

[simulation start, doctor career evaluation, chief physician 63/80)

[You may retain one of the following abilities

[1. Fifty-six-year-old doctor skills]

[2. The clinical experience of fifty-six years old]

[3. The wisdom of practicing medicine at the age of fifty-six]

Of course, Lu Yu is very satisfied with this simulation. He has achieved the top level directly in appendectomy. Unfortunately, my health is a bit poor, and I retired at the age of fifty-six.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the clinical experience of fifty-six years old]

[Host: Lu Yu

professional skills

Grade: Chief Physician 63/80

professional skills:

Basic surgical operations (incision, suturing, exposure, etc.): perfect

Burn plastic technology can: .. (omitted)

Long Bear Technique: Master Level (Multiple Improvement Skills)

Neck dissection: master class (creating an improved procedure)

Negative Pressure Drainage (vsd) Technique: Master Class

Appendectomy: Perfect Class (Modified Polynomial)

Cholecystectomy: The Master Class

meek micro skin graft combined with carbon fiber dressing treatment technology: advanced

Xenogeneic (porcine) acellular dermal matrix repair technique for deep burn wounds: entry-level platelet-rich plasma (prp) technique for deep burn wounds: entry-level

Common Skills:

Vision: +1

Smell: +1


Looking at the patient Lu Yu is also a little surprised. This patient's condition is too coincidental. Who would have thought that the shadow on the color Doppler ultrasound is not the blind end of the appendix, but the adhesion formed after the operation. lumen.

In addition, the patient has a congenital mutation of the colon. The appendix grows under the liver, and the exudate flows into the right lower abdomen.

Lu Yu checked the patient's lower body again: "I already know the cause, let's go back and prepare for a consultation.

Lu Yu didn't want to waste time and turned around.

Before Liu Peichun could react, Lu Yu had finished the physical examination, and he was not too suspicious:

"What does this show?"
