MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 206 Qin Lang is going to dress up in the emergency department again.

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"Doctor Qin, do you really see the cause of the patient? Is the patient appendicitis?"

Liu Peichun followed behind and was very curious. Anyway, he didn't see anything at all. The lower abdomen was rebound tenderness, tenderness, and the shadow of the color Doppler ultrasound. Based on his experience, this is not the most typical appendicitis. It's not good to be open.

Qin Lang walked quickly: "It's appendicitis, not appendicitis."


Liu Peichun was completely stunned.

After returning to the office, I checked the time and it was less than 20 minutes before the consultation.

"Qin Lang, you help me set up the venue together, prepare for the projection, and pour out the tea."

Liu Peichun suppressed the puzzlement in his heart, but he should do the preparations first.

It's just that Qin Lang studied the medical records without any distractions. After all, he wanted to deduce his conclusions reasonably after a consultation, so he was collecting evidence and formulating his own treatment plan.

Seeing this, Liu Peichun didn't bother Qin Lang any longer, and he was looking forward to the consultation for a while.

Qin Lang almost finalized his own countermeasures, and then got up and helped Liu Peichun set up the conference room together. The efficiency of the two of them was naturally much faster.

After everything was ready, Deputy Director Pang and the second-line general surgeon on duty, senior attending physician Li Ming also came to the office.

Li Ming looked at the prepared four positions and four cups of tea, and was a little puzzled: "Director Pang, this appendicitis operation, Director Zhuang will come too?"

"No, just you and me in a while, Liu Peichun... Hey, Qin Lang?"

When Director Pang saw Qin Lang who had completed the preparations and helped Liu Peichun with the preparations, he was obviously a little surprised that he actually participated in this consultation.

"Director Pang, Dr. Li, and Dr. Qin were invited by me. Dr. Qin has some attainments in the field of acute abdomen."

Liu Peichun still admires Qin Lang very much.

For this, Director Pang acquiesced, and he was happy to see Qin Lang come.

Director Pang sat in the chair and turned on the computer. Liu Peichun had already prepared the materials.

"Qin Lang?"

Li Ming, a general surgeon, frowned. Naturally, he had heard Qin Lang's name a little, but he was a resident physician who had just been converted. He was so young, and he was in the field of burns. Even if he had some abilities, This is the field of acute abdomen, and Li Ming is a little puzzled instinctively.

"In this consultation, even Liu Peichun is just listening in and coming up with some small ideas. It's not right for Qin Lang."

Li Ming said softly to Director Pang, after all, he is a senior attending doctor. Liu Peichun said that as a resident doctor with some qualifications, he still has some experience in appendicitis surgery. Shallow, a little inappropriate.

This is not common sense.

"Qin Lang still has some research on appendicitis. Of course, the main thing is to participate and participate in the audit. Dr. Li, let's start."

Director Pang himself only had some small questions about this case. He basically communicated with Li Ming. Qin Lang came to participate in this consultation, and he agreed.

After all, this Qin Lang is a young man whom Director Zhuang values ​​and takes care of.

At the same time, let Qin Lang participate more in the consultation of the department, and also want to make Qin Lang and the emergency department team more intimate.

Of course, it would be best if Qin Lang could come up with some valuable ideas and suggestions, but he didn't expect too much.

Li Ming nodded slightly, but he didn't take it seriously. After all, it was a fantasy to make a senior attending physician believe that a pink and tender newcomer could make constructive comments in the department consultation.

In his medical team, even for the simplest cases of appendicitis surgery, at least senior resident doctors are qualified to attend the meeting. As for the novice, it is enough to be able to pour tea and water on the side.

"Then let's start."

Li Ming and Director Pang naturally sat close to the projection screen, each on one side.

Liu Peichun took a look at the signs, and took a blank notebook and shrunk in an empty space behind Director Pang.

Li Ming, who was on the side, naturally saw it from the corner of his eyes, and smiled slightly, but he didn't hide it.

Just as Li Ming was about to look at the projection screen, Qin Lang took a document and sat down under Director Pang, in front of Liu Peichun.

Moreover, on the notebook, there is a paragraph of handwriting neatly written, and the whole person has a posture that is eager to speak.

Li Ming picked up his cup, took a sip of tea, and couldn't understand it.

Could it be that this Qin Gallery is really ready to make an opinion?

In this kind of consultation between the deputy director and the attending physician, the resident physicians and junior physicians are the salted fish shouting 666, and always observe that the cup of the dry mouth is about to dry up. In the past, you could just follow up quickly and obediently.

"Dr. Li, the symptoms and color Doppler ultrasound in this case are very clear and show typical symptoms of appendicitis, but when I gave the patient a physical examination and communicated before the operation, I didn't know why, but I had a feeling that something wasn't quite right. Right. But I can't think of a reason."

As Director Pang said, he slid the picture onto the color Doppler ultrasound:

"Doctor Li, look, the patient has a finger-shaped echo with a diameter of 8.5mm in the right lower abdomen, and there is an anechoic dark band around it. Appendicitis is considered."

Then Director Pang slid the picture to the chest X-ray and electrocardiogram:

"The chest X-ray and electrocardiogram were normal. Combined with the patient's right lower quadrant tenderness and rebound tenderness during the physical examination, the initial diagnosis was acute appendicitis. I made a surgical plan, and a McFarland incision was made in the right lower abdomen, and a 5cm incision was set."

Li Ming looked at the information that Liu Peichun had organized, and then looked at the color Doppler ultrasound and pictures on the projection.

"Because I didn't go to the physical examination in person, according to the existing information, I agree with Director Pang's initial diagnosis, which is also a very typical symptom of appendicitis. In fact, I am curious, why does Director Pang feel that something is not right? "

As a senior attending physician, Li Ming has naturally experienced too much appendicitis surgery:

"The symptoms of the patients so far are actually clear and specific enough. Compared with some inexplicable causes of acute abdomen, or suspected acute appendicitis, it has become much clearer. Moreover, as appendicitis surgery, a McNair incision is performed, and the traditional laparotomy is performed. Even if it is a small situation, with Director Pang's experience and coping, and further investigation during the operation, I think it is the best plan."

Regarding Li Ming's judgment, Director Pang naturally also thought about it. If he came to the surgery, there would be no problem, and there was no need to struggle. However, in this case, he was the surgery for Liu Peichun, so he needed to be more cautious in the early stage.

After all, the training of young people in the department is also very important, especially this most common and basic appendicitis surgery.

Director Pang looked at Liu Peichun and thought about it:

"If the incision is made, it is not impossible to wait for further exploration during the operation. However, I am not the main surgeon for this operation, but I still hope that we can brainstorm before the operation. First, I will explain why I feel something is not right. That's the path and timing of the patient's self-reported metastatic pain, which is kind of weird."

Director Pang stood up, and then recalled the pain location and the path and time point of the pain transfer change when the patient was examined before.

After moving his fingers a few times, Director Pang sat down and looked at Li Ming:

"Is there something slightly wrong? But if it is based on the path described by the patient, it is actually somewhat contradictory to the shadow of the right lower abdomen displayed by the color Doppler ultrasound. However, the final location of the color Doppler ultrasound and the pain are consistent."

Li Ming has rich experience. Naturally, when Director Pang described the trajectory, he also frowned. According to this trajectory, it does not seem to be appendix disease. It seems that something slowly flows from the upper abdomen to the lower abdomen, but it is obvious The appendix does not move freely in the abdominal cavity like this.

The metastatic abdominal pain of appendicitis is not due to the movement of the appendix itself, but because the pain at the initial stage of the onset is caused by the appendix in order to remove the bezoar or foreign body and relieve the obstruction of the lumen.

Therefore, the splanchnic nerve cannot accurately identify the exact location of pain at the first time.

When the inflammation spreads to the serosa of the appendix and its mesentery, the right lower abdominal wall peritoneum innervated by the receptors is stimulated, and the location of the pain is determined, thus producing the classic illusion of pain transfer in appendicitis.

However, the range of this kind of metastatic pain is not as long-distance "fluidity" as described by the patients recalled by Director Pang.

Li Ming took a sip of tea, and Liu Peichun, who was beside him, quickly got up and came over to continue.

Li Ming touched his chin and suddenly thought of a possibility, and suddenly he was enlightened:

"Director Pang, the preoperative physical examination is naturally important, but don't ignore the deviations in the description of the patients themselves. After all, they are not professional, and many times the patients' first statement deviates from the truth. It is still necessary to use color Doppler ultrasound, rebound tenderness and Our experience comprehensively diagnoses."

Director Pang took a deep breath and looked at the color Doppler ultrasound and other materials. What Li Ming said was indeed justified. Many times, patients' self-reports would indeed mislead doctors.

"I suggest doing a McNair's incision for laparotomy. In case there is really a small problem, even an ectopic appendix. Our experience is enough to deal with it. Continuing investigation will delay the operation time. The patient's surgical indications are clear, Director Pang Don't hesitate."

"And I suggest that this operation should not be performed by a lower-level doctor, just in case Director Pang will perform the operation himself."

Li Ming simply deprived the lower-level doctors of the right to be the chief surgeon.

Director Pang nodded: "Doctor Li is right, maybe I'm sensitive, so I'll decide on Mai's incision. Liu Peichun, do you have any other opinions?"

Li Ming was already ready to get up and leave. After all, Director Pang said that asking Liu Peichun and Qin Lang to raise their opinions was nothing more than a casual conversation. After all, the two elders had come to a conclusion. How dare these two small residents dare to raise objections? That would be too unruly.

Sure enough, Liu Peichun shook his head: "No opinion, no opinion, I agree with Director Pang's point of view. My judgment is typical of acute appendicitis. There is no controversy."

"Qin Gallery?" Director Pang naturally wanted to finish the and Li Ming had already stood up and was about to leave, when he heard an objection:

"I think this patient should have a laparoscopic appendectomy!"

Qin Lang's voice was loud, and he was very sure!

Li Ming and Director Pang looked at Qin Lang in surprise.

Liu Peichun blinked, this Qin Lang was going to do something again.

PS: Thanks for the reward of 300 coins from the dangerous boss of the tunnel machine, I am happy and happy, thank you for your support~


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