MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 224 Skillfully taking parasites, textbooks dare not write it like this! (2 in…

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In order to ensure the success rate of the operation, a nurse has been arranged before the operation to prepare the bowel with 1500mL warm water for 3 cleaning enemas, and antibiotics are given intravenously 30 minutes before the operation.

After everything was ready, anesthesia was performed first. Due to the child's reasons, Qin Lang naturally adopted a new method of anesthesia: general anesthesia and endotracheal intubation.

According to Qin Lang's request, Chen Wenhao quickly completed the anesthesia for the child.

After everything was done, he stepped aside and handed the operating table to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang's first step was naturally very skilled. He directly used the transparent cap of the endoscope to push open the Glacher's valve. Before the experts could react, the opening of the appendix had already been exposed.

"So easy?"

In the observation room, all the elders were a little surprised. From Qin Lang's actions, many things were reflected. First, he was very familiar with the anatomy of the appendix, and second, his finger pulp and wrist. For the control of the endoscope, the strength and angle have been perfected.

"Without hundreds of operations, there would be no such instinctive operation at all."

Physician Huang has the most research on ERAT. Looking at Qin Lang's neatness and cleanliness, he is a little envious!

"Could it be that these operations were really done by Qin Lang alone?"

The results also gave birth to a ridiculous idea, but he still insisted that it is impossible for one person to complete so many operations in five days. The only possibility is that Zhuang Tong was preparing early, and these surgical case materials have been prepared for a long time. .

In the observation room, when the mind is different.

Qin Lang said another sentence, which surprised everyone: "LoopTip with loop guide wire..."

Since Qin Lang's understanding of ERAT is already at a perfect level, he can make adjustments and modifications immediately for specific cases.

In the previous ERATs, he used zebra guide wire, but this case is a bit special. The patient is younger, the appendix has a thin wall, and the opening is large. If a zebra guide wire is used, a relatively stiffer straight head guide is used. It is easy to penetrate the tender mucous membrane of the internal appendix of the child and enter the false lumen.

The second reason is naturally that the patient's appendix is ​​caused by parasites. If the ordinary straight guide wire encounters the parasites and eggs in the appendix cavity, the tip may tear the parasites and smash the eggs. , will cause secondary infection and unpredictable pollution.

The use of LoopTip guide wire has good fracture resistance, and it is easy to achieve deep intubation through the gap in the obstructed part of the appendix cavity.

In the observation room, several experts naturally only knew one thing and the other, but it was amazing enough!

"I can imagine that the straight end of the zebra guide wire may penetrate the soft mucosa of the appendix of the patient. Qin Lang really worked **** ERAT."

"If I remember correctly, the LoopTip guide wire has not appeared in all the previous case data, which means that this time it was Qin Lang's decision on the spot."

Han Hu narrowed his eyes, unable to see through the young man. The ability to respond on the spot in the operating room is really too mature.

After listening to Director Han's remarks, the rest of the experts remained silent, but there was already a hint of admiration in their eyes.

"Even if Qin Lang really exaggerated the amount of surgery, it is still worth cultivating for his talent for surgery and on-the-spot reaction. This kid has a bright future."

Physician Huang, completely born with the heart of cherishing talents, set up the steps ahead of time.

"Medical skills are important, but medical ethics cannot be neglected either."

The result was a little dissatisfied and whispered, and he was naturally unhappy about Physician Huang's defection.

"Catheter placement..."

In the operating room, Qin Lang's hands did not stop, and proceeded directly to the next step. After the catheter was inserted, the purulent secretions had already begun to flow out.

"Appendix cavity flushing..."

Qin Lang's next order continued to be issued, and Liu Peichun was familiar with it after dozens of cooperation.

Moreover, this time, for some unknown reason, in addition to being an assistant, Liu Peichun also has a deeper understanding of the operation of Qin Lang as the main knife.

When he thought that he might be able to complete an ERAT by himself, Liu Peichun became more and more motivated. He used to feel that he was so experienced that he would lose points to Qin Lang, but now he can only find a cheap cocoon.

Sure enough, licking the dog, licking the dog, licking to the end has everything!

"Contrast agent, plastic stent ready..."

Qin Lang's next order was issued non-stop. Just as Liu Peichun was about to lose his mind, he immediately dispelled his thoughts and continued to focus on cooperation.

He naturally understands the contrast agent, but the plastic stent has never been used before.

Liu Peichun was slightly puzzled and looked up at Qin Lang, who explained it casually:

"For patients with a lot of pus in the appendix cavity or with stenosis of the appendix cavity visible on angiography, under the monitoring of X-ray and endoscopy, a plastic stent is placed along the guide wire, and the stent drains the pus and supports the stenosis of the lumen. Continue to reduce the pressure in the appendix cavity."

Of course, what Qin Lang didn't say was that in order to be able to use the stone extraction net to take out the parasites and eggs in the next step, there should be enough room for operation.

"F8.5 plastic bracket, straight with side wings, length 5cm."

Qin Lang added another sentence.

The equipment nurse on the side nodded immediately.

Physician Qin is caring and can always understand the audience. When he is the first assistant, he can think of being in front of the main knife. When he is the main knife, he can take into account the emotions and reactions of all assistants.

Soon, Qin Lang prepared the plastic stent and contrast agent.

As for Qin Lang's foreshadowing, the elders in the observation room naturally did not fully understand it. Of course, they were embarrassed to say it, and they all kept silent, waiting for the first person who couldn't hold back.

"Get the stone net ready..."

Under another unexpected command from Qin Lang, everyone finally couldn't help it.

"What is he doing? Get a bezoar, so complicated?"

In the observation room, when the experts were puzzled.

In the operating room, Qin Lang had already held the disposable stone basket in his hand.

The stone basket is composed of a nickel-titanium alloy wire basket and sheath, and a control handle. The stone basket is generally used for large particles of bezoar.

And this patient, under the X-ray, clearly did not have large particles of bezoar, so everyone did not understand.

Under the endoscope, I saw Qin Lang controlling the handle of the stone basket, using his fingertips to rotate the basket slightly.

"Hey, what is that?"

In the observation room, everyone was attracted by the pictures under the endoscope. The stone mesh basket was slightly rotated in the appendix cavity, stirring up the effusion, and then they saw a few silk-like things, which came away and hung on. on the wire of the basket.

Qin Lang controlled the strength and rotated clockwise, the linear objects slowly wrapped around the metal wire of the basket, the tighter the wrapping.

Under the endoscope, you can still feel that the silk-like objects are squirming, and the experts will naturally understand when they see this.

Everyone's scalp is numb!

"It's a worm-like worm!"

Han Hu directly shouted that the adult pinworm parasites in the ileocecal part of the human body, and is most common in the cecum, appendix, colon, **** and lower ileum.

When a person sleeps and the **** sphincter relaxes, some females crawl out of the **** and lay eggs on the nearby skin.

After laying eggs, the female worms mostly die due to drying up, and a few female worms can migrate back to the intestinal cavity by peristalsis of the anus. Obviously, the female worm returned to the abdominal cavity and entered the appendix cavity, resulting in ectopic parasitism and abscess obstruction, which in turn caused acute appendicitis.

Parasitic appendicitis also accounts for a large proportion of appendicitis in children.

However, no one expected that Qin Lang would be so daring to use the ERAT catheter to **** out the eggs, and then wrap the adult worms with the metal wire of the stone basket and pull them out of the body.

In order to have enough space, the stone basket was agitated, the adults were entangled, and plastic brackets were placed in advance...

Thinking back to Qin Lang's entire operation process at this moment, the preparations for the operation, all the experts are full of aftertastes.

"This is another variant of ERAT, right?"

Rao was a well-informed doctor Huang, and was stunned by Qin Lang's unrestrained creativity.

Under normal circumstances, appendicitis caused by intestinal worms is usually performed by laparoscopy to directly remove all the appendix parasitized by the worm.

Just like in the film and television drama, after being bitten by a poisonous snake, the bitten arm is immediately cut off, thereby cutting off the virus transmission path.

After using three disposable stone baskets, six adult worms 1-2 cm long were placed on a plate and were still wriggling.

The equipment nurse on the side didn't dare to take a second glance, and the whole person's hair exploded.

Even Liu Peichun didn't dare to look at that plate, thinking that if there were such a pile of worms in his abdominal cavity, Liu Peichun felt nauseated.

"Secondary flushing with saline..."

After confirming that the adult worms were entangled with the stone basket, Qin Lang continued the next step, without any emotional fluctuations due to such an amazing move.

The equipment nurse frowned, some did not dare to approach, and carefully handed the equipment to Qin Lang.

In order to thoroughly rinse the remaining insect eggs, Qin Lang naturally rinsed it carefully and repeatedly several times.

"Prepare for metronidazole and amoxicillin antibiotics...At the same time pay attention to postoperative prevention..."

Qin Lang instructed Liu Peichun, who was in charge of follow-up and ward rounds, to pay attention to antibiotic prevention.


Liu Peichun nodded, but he couldn't calm down for a long time.

In ERAT, a stone basket is used to stir the pus through rhythmic rotation, so that the adult worms are wound around the wire, and then lifted out of the body. How did you come up with this!

Ordinary parasites are either excreted by taking medicines, or excising the affected area once and for all. How can there be a pure physical method like Qin Lang to remove the parasites without trauma.

Textbooks dare not write like this!

At this stage, the entire ERAT has been completed, the pus has been sucked out, and the parasites have been caught. As long as the patient's anesthesia subsides, he can walk directly on the ground.


In the observation room, the experts also suffered a mental shock, and it was another surgical performance that broke through the routine.

The whole person has been silent. Even if he doesn't like Qin Lang, he has to admire this creative thinking.

For this eucalyptus case, it is entirely possible to publish a special paper, and the effect is even thought of the title of the paper: In the treatment of enteric appendicitis in children, through ERAT operation, the stone basket is non-invasively removed worms.

Zhuang Tong and Director Pang were naturally a little surprised, but on the surface they still collapsed very tightly. Zhuang Tong took a sip of coffee and said in a sullen manner: "The experts are laughing, this stinky boy just doesn't worry. Routine operations, routine operations. ."

Listening to Zhuang Tong's seemingly humble answer, but in fact his tail is raised to the sky, the result is less than a mouthful of old blood!

Director Pang took the kettle, filled the cup with the bottom of the pot, and smiled at him.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Director Cheng hurriedly took a sip of hot tea.

An old face flushed red, resisting the heat, swallowed it, and moved towards Director Pang, with two thick lips slightly raised to the sides as a gesture of gratitude.

Laughing is worse than crying.



There was not much pause, just left for the preparation time for the next operation, Qin Lang appeared in the operating room again.

Soon a third patient appeared on the operating table.

The patient's case information was sent to the hands of various experts.

Patient: Liu Fengjuan, female, 23 years old

Brief medical history: due to "metastatic right lower abdominal pain for more than 2 days", he was admitted to hospital with "abdominal pain cause to be investigated (acute appendicitis?.

He denied any special medical history in the past; he had pain around the umbilicus without obvious incentive more than 2 days ago, which was persistent dull pain, paroxysmal aggravation, no radiating pain, and the pain was transferred and fixed to the right lower abdomen after a few hours, nausea, no vomiting, No diarrhea, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, gross hematuria, cough and other symptoms.

Physical examination: T: 36.0℃, P: 84 times/min, R: 21 times/min, BP: 120/90mmHg;

Abdominal fat type and full, no abdominal wall varicose veins, gastrointestinal type and its peristaltic wave; right lower abdomen McBurby's point tenderness, rebound tenderness and muscle tension.

There is no mass, liver and spleen are not reached under the ribs, Murphy's sign is negative; abdominal percussion is tympanic, no percussion pain in liver and spleen, no percussion pain in both kidneys, negative moving dullness, bowel sounds 3 times/min, no sound of gas passing through water was heard.

Auxiliary examination: abdominal CT showed that there was a tubular soft tissue density shadow about 0.8cm in diameter in the ileocecal area, with bezoar shadow in it, exudative lesions around it, increased adjacent fat density, and thickening of the right retroperitoneum.


Obviously it is typical acute appendicitis. Because the patient is too young and especially likes to wear umbilical clothing, he was still wondering whether to go to the provincial hospital.

Hearing that the city's first hospital can do non-invasive ERAT, he naturally chose to perform this technique in his own city for the first time.

Soon Chen Wenhao gave the patient anesthesia, and after that, Qin Lang stood in the position of the chief surgeon.

Under the physical strength potion, Qin Lang was naturally not affected at all. After the two difficult operations, he felt like an athlete having warmed up, and his whole body was in high spirits.

The first step is still the most difficult intubation among the steps of ERAT. After all, the position of the appendix varies a lot, and the internal opening of the appendix is ​​not necessarily in the position facing the endoscope.

Sure enough, Qin Lang, who had been smooth sailing before, also encountered trouble with this patient's intubation.

After pushing several times and failing to find the patient's Grahe's valve, Qin Lang frowned and paused slightly.

In the observation room, seeing Qin Lang stop to think for the first time, the experts were a little interested, and finally Qin Lang was stumped.

But this idea itself makes these experts a little depressed...

"This patient should be due to the fat and plump abdomen, and the appendix is ​​directly wrapped by the intestinal fat. If a routine laparotomy is performed, it is necessary to dissect the fat to see the appendix."

Dr. Huang carefully looked at the film on the case and the endoscope on the screen, and put forward his own ideas.

For the situation that the angiography catheter cannot be close to the internal opening of the appendix, it is impossible to enter by intubation alone. The experienced Physician Huang has naturally encountered it before and knows how to deal with it, but this method requires another surgical operation. tools to solve.

Therefore, it is a test of the operator's divergent thinking and familiarity with various surgical instruments in the operating room.

Physician Huang straightened his chest, ready to see Qin Lang's reaction, but if he couldn't solve it, he would use the microphone to remind him.

It's just that before Dr. Huang can save the scene, Qin Lang has already issued the next command:

"I'm going to change the surgical plan, the ERCP incision is ready."

When Qin Lang's voice fell, Dr. Huang's eyes widened slightly, a little unbelievable. Qin Lang's method was naturally exactly what he thought.

ERAT is inspired by ERCP. Senior physicians like Dr. Huang have mastered ERCP first, and then learned the new ERAT. Naturally, it is easy to think of ERCP's incision to solve the problem of inaccessible appendix. question.

But a young man like Qin Lang basically started with ERAT, and has never been exposed to the more difficult ERCP, so the idea of ​​using ERCP's incision knife naturally surprised Dr. Huang.

The colonoscope used by ERAT does not have a forceps lifter, and the direction of the catheter cannot be adjusted with the forceps lifter after the catheter extends out of the end of the inner lens during intubation.

Therefore, to deal with ectopic appendix internal, it is necessary to use a curved ERCP knife to approach the appendix internal opening. By adjusting the size of the colonoscope and rotating the mirror body, the appendix internal opening can be adjusted to the most Convenient location.

However, after trying it for a while, he was still unable to enter, not reaching the operating position and angle that Qin Lang was satisfied with. Qin Lang calmly looked at Liu Peichun again:

"Assist me to fine-tune the patient's position, turn him slightly to the left... OK, stop..."

With the tacit cooperation of Qin Lang and Liu Peichun, the most difficult intubation was quickly completed.

In the observation room, Dr. Huang licked his lips and couldn't help applauding: "Even if I do this operation, I can't do it better than him."


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