MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 225 Zhuang Tong seeks justice for Qin Lang, and Director Cheng Da bows his head and apologizes! (Eight…

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Hearing Dr. Huang's praise, the other experts were also thoughtful. Indeed, Qin Lang's accomplishments in EART are already at the level of senior experts.

So they no longer doubt that Qin Lang has the ability to complete the fifty cases.

In the observation room, the only thing that still persists is the result, and the reason why he is still questioning is whether Qin Lang can complete so many operations in five days, and how quickly healing rate.

But even if it turns out that it was prepared a few days in advance by the First City Hospital, it doesn't hurt.

At least, so far, it has been proved that Li Shi No. 1 Hospital has the ability to carry out the ERAT technique, and Qin Lang is not just superficial.

Director Han Hu was naturally determined, drank the coffee brewed by Zhuang Tong, and continued to watch the rest of the operation.

In the next time, under Qin Lang's control, washing, taking out stones, placing brackets, the whole process went smoothly.

This ERAT was completed soon after.

Even if the intubation method was changed on the way, the total time was only 40 minutes.

"So fast!"

Physician Huang is naturally very sensitive to the operation time of ERAT. Looking at Qin Lang's completion time, he is more and more convinced that Qin Lang can complete sixteen operations in one day.

After all, there are always some people in this world whose strength and energy are beyond ordinary.

Of course, Qin Lang has proven that he is top-notch in terms of surgical talent and on-the-spot responsiveness.

The three operations plus the preparations in the middle took almost three and a half hours, and the time came to 12:30.

In the observation room, several elders were already empty, and looked at Zhuang Tong meaningfully.

Even if you don't go to the restaurant box, you can get some fast food.

However, Zhuang Tong did not receive any hint, nor did he intend to stop Qin Lang.

The fourth operation was ready in less than ten minutes.

Another young patient, a 31-year-old female patient.

For this patient, Qin Lang used the LoopTip guide wire again. After a previous patient's test, Qin Lang accidentally found that this guide wire is more convenient than the Zebra guide wire, and the intubation time is much faster. .

In the observation room, several experts also did not expect that because of the temporary change of the guide wire for the previous enteric appendicitis, Qin Lang inadvertently took another step forward with the ERAT operation.

Medicine is like this, in constant practice, whether it is due to accidents or the practitioner's own understanding, it is constantly improved and improved.

[Ding, the host has achieved the achievement of leaning and saving essence. It improves and optimizes the surgical method during the operation, and has extensive promotion value and is recognized by peers. Get a reward: 1.1 life simulation points. 】

Qin Lang's eyes lit up, and the next operation was naturally extremely skilled, and the patient's physical condition was not at all special.

Thirty minutes later, Qin Lang completed the fourth ERAT operation.

"My God, this is too fast."

Qin Lang's original proficiency was already amazing, and the use of the LoopTip guide wire further reduced the intubation time, so it was time for Qin Lang to step off the operating table.

In the observation room, several experts did not respond.

The time came to a little after one o'clock in the afternoon.

Between operations, the faces of several experts were already a little ugly.

However, Qin Lang did not stop as the main swordsman. As observers, they were naturally embarrassed to ask for a meal.

After all, Zhuang Tong and Director Pang were also with him.

"Director Zhuang, I think your coffee is really good. Bring me a cup too."

Physician Huang is preparing to save the country through a curve, but if he doesn't have a meal, he can always drink some coffee: "And I can't eat too hard, Director Zhuang, add more sugar to me."

Everyone is a doctor and naturally knows what sugar means.

"It's really shameless."

Another expert rolled his eyes, but under his cooing stomach, he immediately looked at Zhuang Tong with a smile:

"Director Zhuang, I also like coffee. It's a coincidence that I also like sweets. It would be better if I could add some milk."

Zhuang Tong: "..."

Sure enough, these old goods, there is no good thing.

Zhuang Tong returned to the office to make coffee for these old guys, while nibbling on the beef jerky, he complained angrily.

Too thick skinned, these experts!

As for, Director Pang is naturally monitoring various experts in the observation room, and he will come out to "make coffee" in the next interval.

When the hot and sweet coffee was delivered to the observation room, several experts rushed to grab it.

Zhuang Tong deliberately left a white cup and handed it to Ma Shuya, and blinked.

Ma Shuya took it in confusion, and took a sip: Oh, warm cereal!

Silently, Ma Shuya drank it cleanly.

At this time, in the operating room, Qin Lang's next operation was ready.

The patient's information is also distributed to the hands of various experts:

Patient, Xie Fei, male, 25 years old

He was admitted to the hospital because of "epigastric pain with fever for 5 days and aggravation for 8 hours". 5 days ago, there was no incentive for middle and upper abdominal pain, suspected stomach disease, and did not seek medical treatment; 8 hours ago, the pain was aggravated with fever (39.3 ℃), and the pain spread to the whole abdomen.

Physical examination: body temperature 38.8°C, pulse 93 beats/min, blood pressure 126/80mmHg (1mmHg=0.133kPa), whole abdominal tenderness, severe right abdominal tenderness, mild rebound tenderness and muscle tension.

Computed tomography (CT) examination showed that the appendix was located under the liver, with obvious congestion and edema, and a little effusion in the right paracolic sulcus, suggesting the possibility of appendicitis.


After reading the information, various experts naturally forgot to be hungry. Obviously, this is a rare case of ectopic appendicitis.

For ectopic appendicitis, the difficulty of performing ERAT can be imagined.

Rao is because they have seen various scenes like this, and they will also be a little worried about the ectopic appendix. Looking at the operating room, Qin Lang is still calm.

This kind of heart is really admirable!

For ectopic appendix, pathologically, it is due to the abnormal development of the patient in the embryonic stage, abnormal rotation of the colon or insufficient descending after rotation, which can form an ectopic appendix.

Common ectopic appendixes include extraperitoneal appendix, subhepatic appendix, intramural appendix, left appendix and pelvic appendix. Some physicians have also encountered appendix that gradually shrinks and degenerates during development, resulting in congenital absence of appendix.

The case of this patient belongs to the typical subhepatic appendix.

If the subhepatic appendix is ​​searched with a conventional McFarland incision, it is difficult to find the lesion due to the limitation of the exposure range of the incision.

This time, Qin Lang went through the ERAT, followed the colon directly from the inside, and used an endoscope to enter the appendix cavity, instead of avoiding the dilemma of finding the appendix.

This is like a piece of intestines, mixed in a pile of intestines, it is difficult for you to tell which section is the end of this intestine.

But when you insert a tube directly into this piece of intestine, no matter how curved the intestine is, as long as you push the tube along the wall to the end, you will definitely be able to touch the end of the intestine.

ERAT is exactly the same, but compared with the conventional appendix, the path of the ectopic appendix is ​​more tortuous, and it is more difficult to enter the appendix cavity.

In the observation room, everyone was also curious as to how Qin Lang would complete such a difficult catheter insertion.

I saw that Qin Lang was controlling the LoopTip guide wire with one hand, and the other hand was on the patient's abdomen, calculating the path.

"He is this?"

In the observation room, everyone obviously did not expect that Qin Lang would insert the guide wire in this way, completely relying on the direction of the subhepatic appendix to predict the insertion angle and strength of the guide wire.

I saw Qin Lang's hand with a thin transparent glove in the patient's right iliac fossa and right paracolic sulcus, and began to move toward the retroperitoneum.

The tip of the index finger and the first phalanx of the thumb, on the patient's abdomen, move slightly and gesture.

In the observation room, the elders also kept their eyes fixed.

"Smart! The ascending colon of the cecum in normal people is located in the right iliac fossa and the right paracolic sulcus, so in ordinary appendectomy, this is the mark. Now the patient has a subhepatic ectopic appendix, as long as it is along the right iliac fossa. The fossa and the right paracolic sulcus are positioned upward, protruding objects, where the patient's cecum is located."

Physician Huang explained on the side, looking more and more pleasing to Qin Lang's eyes, it is really a pity for this young man to be in the First Hospital of Hecheng City.

Sure enough, in the operating room, Qin Lang determined the direction of the ectopic appendix by positioning the index finger and thumb knuckle on the body surface.

The other hand controls the guide wire, which quickly passes through the cecum, and its flap covers the appendix cavity.

With the guidance of the guide wire, the catheter at the back naturally enters very smoothly.

This is followed by routine aspiration of pus, followed by iohexol injection, followed by endoscopic retrograde appendicography (endrade, ERA).

"Under the X-ray, the shape of the appendix cavity of the patient was shown, and there was a bezoar. It was confirmed that there was no perforation and no gangrene in the appendix. Acute appendicitis was diagnosed, and the bezoar was removed and the appendix cavity was rinsed."

Qin Lang directly communicated the results with Liu Peichun and others, and determined that ERAT could be continued, perforation and gangrene were ruled out, and traditional laparoscopic resection was avoided.

In the observation room, Director Han looked at Qin Lang's operation process and this very typical case of ectopic appendicitis that was easily misdiagnosed, and said excitedly:

"This is what I said before, why should we promote ERAT, similar to this kind of ectopic appendix, if we use conventional diagnosis, it is very easy to be misdiagnosed as cholecystitis, even if we use B-ultrasound, CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other imaging methods Inspection methods. The diagnostic accuracy of CT for atypical appendicitis is 85%, and the B-ultrasound is 82%. There is a very large possibility of misdiagnosis.”

"And every misdiagnosis, especially for the elderly and children, if the inflammation cannot be diagnosed within 36 to 48 hours, the incidence of perforation will exceed 65%, so early diagnosis is very important."

"So, if we promote ERAT, the purpose is not to perform ERAT in all, but to make a diagnosis first through endoscopic retrograde appendicography ERA. If it is just simple acute appendicitis, then directly perform ERAT, as Qin Lang now encounters If the diagnosis is perforation or gangrene, the traditional laparoscopic appendectomy is immediately transferred. Misdiagnosis can almost be avoided.”

"That's why I think endoscopic retrograde appendicography ERA will become the gold standard for appendicitis diagnosis."

With Qin Lang's perfect example in front, Han Hu's remarks are naturally a great increase in credibility.

Several experts present nodded frequently, and it was indeed Qin Lang's clean diagnosis of a very difficult case of ectopic appendix, which left a deep impression on them.

Naturally, the next step is to remove the bezoar very smoothly and rinse, and finally place the plastic bracket.

Another case of ERAT was completed, and the time came to 2:00 noon.

In the next time, Qin Lang was naturally non-stop, except for the preparation time between the two operations, all of which were airtight operations and orders.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Qin Lang finally completed the last one, the sixteenth ERAT.

Among the 16 patients, 14 patients had purulent coating or pus at the appendix fossa, mucosal hyperemia and edema, 2 patients only saw purulent secretions flow out during the intubation process, and 2 patients only had bezoars removed but not seen. pus.

In all cases, the appendix cavity was successfully intubated with an angiographic catheter and guide wire. Angiography found that 9 cases had filling defects (including massive and sediment-like filling defects), which were successfully removed with a stone balloon, followed by normal saline or metronidazole. The injection was flushed out of the appendix cavity until the fluid was clean, and after re-imaging with no filling defect, the remaining cases were routinely implanted with plastic stents.


Seeing a pile of data compiled by the interns synchronously, all the experts were shocked.

Qin Lang really successfully completed 16 ERAT cases and a hanging type under their noses.

Also, there are very rare cases such as enteric appendicitis and ectopic appendix.

In the observation room, Zhuang Tong got up lazily and stretched his waist:

"Fortunately not to be disgraced, everyone, is the development of our hospital on ERAT okay?"

The expert group, drinking a belly of bitter coffee at this moment, really has a mouth and can't say it.

The effect has lowered his head. He really couldn't understand why such a young doctor can have such a strong surgical ability. Moreover, after so long after the operation, he is still in good spirits.

When the results fell into autism, Director Han Hu stood up first, glanced around in the observation room, and faced Qin Lang on the screen.

"Clap clap clap!"

Listening to Director Han Hu's applause, the rest of the experts also reacted and stood up to applaud together.

Director of Effectiveness dragged his numb feet, stood up tremblingly, and patted a few times.

"Director Zhuang, our inspection trip this time has been very successful. Your hospital has shown us enough strength, and it has also confirmed that your hospital is capable of carrying out the ERAT procedure. At the same time, I also think that the emergency department of your hospital is fully capable. Build a provincial-level acute abdomen discipline point."

Director Han Hu looked at the effectiveness, squinted his eyes, and said sharply, "Director Cheng, what do you think?"

The results frowned slightly, a little ugly, an old face flushed red, and looked at Han Hu for a few seconds.

"I admit, I was wrong. Doctor Qin Lang from the First Hospital of the City has reached the level of a top expert in the field of ERAT surgery. At the same time, I also underestimated the medical level of the First City Hospital, with young doctors like Qin Lang as the main surgeon. Carrying out the ERAT procedure does not take up too much medical resources."

The result reluctantly said: "I agree with Director Han's point of view that the emergency department of the First Hospital of Hecheng City can be used as a prefecture-level city promotion experiment site for the ERAT procedure of the Provincial Medical Association."

Zhuang Tong and Director Pang's eyes lit up. With the support of Director Han and Director Cheng, this matter is basically a done deal.

Han Hu smiled, and this time he won a big victory in the inspection trip to the First Hospital of Hecheng City.

Looking at Han Hu's smug expression, the effect continued: "Director Han, don't be too happy. I just admit that the First Hospital of Hecheng City has the ability to carry out ERAT. It does not mean that other prefecture-level city hospitals also have Qinlang. An average young doctor can carry out ERAT. After all, Dr. Qin is only an example, and I just agree that the city's first hospital has the ability to carry out ERAT."

"As for the establishment of a provincial-level acute abdomen discipline in the city's first hospital, it is far from enough. It is far from enough to develop some new surgical procedures in the field of appendicitis and accumulate a certain amount of surgery."

The results are very objective and grim reminder.

Han Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the results, and pondered for a few seconds: "Director Cheng's words are very true, the construction of provincial-level acute abdomen disciplines is naturally not so easy, but at least the general surgery department of the city's first hospital has proved them. It's off to a good start."

Han Hu looked at Zhuang Tong again, full of expectations: "Director Zhuang, you heard what Director Cheng said. It seems that in other fields, it needs to be carried out as soon as possible. For example, cholecystectomy, hepatobiliary surgery, Small intestine, duodenum, etc. There is not much time left for you."

Zhuang Tong nodded, knowing that he had taken the lead in the field of appendicitis because the operation of appendicitis was relatively simple. Facts have also proved that it is very wise to start with appendicitis, and it is also the fastest to produce results.

Moreover, due to the emergence of Qin Lang, their preparation period was greatly shortened.

"Looks like it's time to develop spells in other fields."

Zhuang Tongxin basically already had a rough arrangement in his heart. With Qin Lang's perfect beginning, he was full of confidence in the overall goal.

"Director Cheng is right. Our department will definitely make persistent efforts and actively develop new surgical procedures in other fields, and strive to complete the construction of provincial acute abdomen disciplines as soon as possible."

Listening to Zhuang Tong's words, the effect nodded slightly, his face was arrogant, and he gave a light hum.

"Okay, since the surgery is over, let's go to the hospital cafeteria for dinner. I've asked someone to arrange a box."

Zhuang Tong took the lead and heard that dinner was about to start.

Several experts were so excited that they were about to burst into tears. It had been a whole day, and it was time to eat.

Touching the suffocating stomach, the saliva of several experts came down immediately.

"After Qin Lang finishes cleaning up, let him come over quickly. The young man is very good, and the old guys of us should have a good communication with him."

Han Hu added.

"Yes, Doctor Qin must come together."

Physician Huang also made a request. If it weren't for his affection, he would have wanted to directly dig this outstanding young man into their provincial hospital and train him well. It is impossible to say that he is another Liu Bingrong-level character.

"Director Pang, then go and call Qin Lang. The experts must be a little hungry. Come with me."

There was also a hint of beef jerky in Zhuang Tong's tone, and he said it with full air.

Several experts, swaying a belly of coffee, rolled their eyes.

Listen to this is human words? What is a little hungry.

One of the experts was naturally embarrassed to protest, and could only deliberately fight for Ma Shuya who was on the side, full of righteous indignation:

"Director Zhuang, look, we old fellows just need to accompany us to endure hunger. Such a weak little girl is so hungry that you almost lose her appearance. It's really bearable. Xiaoma, I'll have it in a while. Prosecute and accuse Director Zhuang!"

Experts are very much looking forward to waiting for Ma Shuya's blood and tears to complain.

Ma Shuya's cheeks were slightly red, her stomach was still warm, and her mouth still had the aftertaste of this oatmeal: "It's okay, I'm not hungry or hungry, I was going to lose weight, hiccup~"


Experts directly petrochemical on the spot, and today's young people are so resistant to manufacturing?

But I clearly remember that the interns in my medical team, after an operation, were all hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry...

The youngest Ma Shuya said so, and the rest of the experts naturally could only hold back their words.

In particular, after just drinking the tea for a day, my legs were shaking a little.

Soon, several people came to the canteen box of the city's first hospital.

A table of steaming dishes has been placed on the table.

Then, a few experts look at me, I look at you, even Han Hu, has the urge to slap his own mouth.

What is it called Qin Lang? It's all right now, so I can only wait for him to come over.

One minute, three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes...

The whole box atmosphere fell into a strange one.

"Xiao Ma, go and see, what's going on, why haven't Qin Lang and Director Pang come over yet?"

Han Hu finally couldn't bear it anymore. After all, Qin Lang and Director Pang were not here, so they were too embarrassed to start.

As the owner, Zhuang Tong is as stable as an old dog, and he has no consciousness to start eating.

"Could it be that the first hospital in the city are all iron men who don't need to eat and drink?"

Several experts are slandering in their hearts, of course, except for the old guy Zhuang Tong, Director Han, they also wrote down a note in their notebooks.

Only Physician Huang could only smile bitterly. After all, he also said a lot, waiting for Qin Lang to come over and have dinner together.

Another three minutes, five minutes passed.

"Come, come, drink tea first, drink tea, Director Han, Director Cheng, this is the Pu'er tea I brought back from XSBN in Yunnan, the tea soup is orange and yellow, the aroma is high and lasting, and the taste is rich and mellow..."

The result was immediately darkened, and now when he heard the tea, his whole body reacted, which directly prevented Zhuang Tong's hospitality.

Several other experts who were full of water also pressed their hands on the teacups in protest.

"Zhuang Tong, it's almost done."

Han Hu naturally understood that this was Zhuang Tong's deliberate questioning and contempt for their department before hitting back at the expert group.

Zhuang Tong smiled and took back the hand that poured the tea.

At this time, Director Pang, Qin Lang, and Ma Shuya also returned to the box.

"I'm sorry, experts, some things have been delayed. Originally, after Qin Lang's surgery and cleaning, he should have rushed over. Experts, do you remember that Qin Lang was late this morning?"

The experts were naturally fresh in their memory, and they were still questioning at first, whether Qin Lang was running away, afraid of being exposed as just an embroidered pillow.

"It's like this, today Qin Lang saw a patient who was diagnosed with sepsis. He was going to leave the hospital because he didn't have money to treat the disease. Then Qin Lang was afraid that if he didn't get treatment today, he might have septic shock, so he advanced money to him. I went to get treatment, but in order to prepare for this meeting, I only sent it to the toll office. After finishing the meeting, Qin Lang went to check the patient's treatment record, who knew that the patient really left without treatment. "

"Then Qin Lang had to follow the patient's information directly to his home. He left some money without seeing the patient. Unexpectedly, just after the operation, the patient came to the hospital, thanked Qin Lang, and then chatted. After a while. I am very fortunate that now the patient has been successfully treated and the condition is stable and under control..."

After Director Pang finished speaking, Qin Lang also bowed embarrassedly to the experts: "I'm really sorry, I was late twice today."

Inside the box, several experts were still full of resentment, but after listening to it, their faces burned. The young man in front of him had undergone a day's operation, and he didn't even feel hungry or tired.

Moreover, for the safety of a patient, to be able to put down such an important meeting, it is even possible to miss the opportunity to prove himself in surgery...

Han Hu was already familiar with Qin Lang, but this time, he still got to know this young man again.

Han Hu was the first to stand up, and the rest of the experts also looked at Qin Lang in awe, even if they were successful.

"Qin Lang, if there are more doctors like you, it would be a blessing for our industry. Our visit this time was indeed a worthwhile trip. We were able to meet such outstanding young people who have the original aspirations of doctors."

All the experts also sighed and praised Qin Lang.

All of a sudden, it seemed that the atmosphere in the box was extremely harmonious, and Qin Lang was also embarrassed to be praised: "I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be, I still have a long way to go, and I still have a lot to learn from your seniors."

We chatted again.

"Come here, Qin Lang, sit here. Then we will eat and chat. Everyone is very hungry, so let's start? Don't let this table of delicious dishes prepared by Director Zhuang be let down."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Han Hu finally went straight to the point. He really couldn't take it anymore!

The other experts also nodded and said yes, sat down immediately, and grabbed towards Kuaizi.

But at this time, Zhuang Tong did not choose to reveal it because of the ease of the atmosphere. Looking at Qin Lang, who made him very proud and satisfied, the more he felt distressed.

Zhuang Tong is going to do something unpleasant.

"Everyone wait a minute, I have something to say."

Zhuang Tong's face was very serious, solemn and serious.

Experts, Qin Lang, Director Pang, all of them looked at Zhuang Tong who was a little strange.

I saw that Zhuang Tong looked at Qin Lang, smiled slightly, and then looked at the effect:

"Director Cheng, first of all, I am very grateful to all the experts for their presence and guidance. I am very sorry for the poor reception today. However, to be honest, I did it on purpose. The doubts and contempt of my department by the experts are not for Zhuang. It can be said that he will only fight back with practical actions. In business, I, Zhuang Tong, will never hold grudges, nor will I be careful. I will only walk on thin ice to improve the ability of my department, and I will thank the experts for their strict requirements. But There is one thing, please, Zhuang still can't forgive him."

In the box, everyone smelled an unusual smell, and the sharp-minded people immediately thought of something.

Sure enough, Zhuang Tong's next sentence was shocking:

"Director Cheng, I prepared everything for you today. As a junior, Qin Lang can't be disrespectful to you, nor is he embarrassed to say so. But as his leader, as his elder, watching him desperately Our hospital has established a substantial and huge ERAT database. I am very moved and grateful. Therefore, I do not allow anyone to easily draw conclusions without investigation, denying and seriously injured him is just a packaged little fresh meat. A liar, a joke."

"Today, even if I offend everyone present, I, Zhuang Tong, will decide for him. I hope that Director Cheng can immediately delete the Weibo that questioned and slandered him. At the same time, I will explain to the public and apologize like Qin Lang. !"

Qin Lang held Kuaizi's hand and paused slightly, his eyes were a little red.

In the entire box, no one thought that Zhuang Tong would be so pointed at Maimang for Qin Lang.

Han Hu was also a little surprised, obviously Zhuang Tong was here for real, as if Director Cheng would not compromise and would not give up.

The air was quiet and needles could be heard.

The effect was still holding Kuaizi in one hand, looking at the serious Zhuang Tong, it was the first time that he saw Zhuang Tong dare to speak to him like this.

After all, as an expert in the field of acute abdomen in Zhejiang Province and the vice president of the Provincial Medical Association, the results are extremely influential in the medical community in Zhejiang Province, and there are many disciples and grandchildren.

Director Pang on the side was also a little excited. He was not only thankful for the director of the emergency department of Hecheng First Hospital to have such a short-term care, but also a little worried for Zhuang Tong.

Zhuang Tong has already expressed his position, and the words have been spoken, and naturally he will not take them back.

The next step is to see what the outcome is.

Director Cheng pinched Kuaizi, there was no change in his face, looked at Zhuang Tong, and smiled dumbly.

He put one hand on the table, turned a few times, then picked out a pastry and sandwiched it.

The rest of the people did not speak and watched silently.

Effectiveness As a Taishan Beidou in the medical field of Jiangxia Province, he naturally has his own aura and is not afraid of everyone's eyes.

As an opponent for so many years, Director Han naturally felt deeply. He was stubborn and conceited. He also had strong mental strength. Otherwise, he would not have been able to climb to such a high position in the Zijingang Second Hospital and the Provincial Medical Association.

Director Cheng took a slow sip from the teacup until he ate a whole piece of pastry.

Slowly, he picked up the wet towel and wiped the pastry crumbs from the corner of his mouth.

After doing all this, he looked up at Zhuang Tong and the quiet and low-key Qin Lang:

"This person has never been right to the wrong person. Even if I were to see Dr. Qin's Weibo once again, I still wouldn't believe it if I completed 50 ERATs in five days. I still doubt it. I have always disliked and hated my professional ethics. Medical falsification. Doctor, you must be down-to-earth and take it one step at a time. Don't try to be opportunistic, a young boy under 30, tell me Can you outperform a deputy chief physician?"

Hearing such a sincere statement of effectiveness, everyone is also thoughtful. Every industry has such old stubborn stubbornness, which may stifle the emerging power, but it is also sticking to the bottom line of the industry.

"Until now, I still don't agree with what Director Han said about the general promotion of ERAT in prefecture-level cities. From my understanding, this type of surgery does not conform to economic laws in prefecture-level city hospitals and is a waste of medical resources. "

"Of course, after this day's inspection trip to Hecheng, I also admit that there are indeed people outside. Qin Lang refreshed my knowledge of a young doctor's ability and experience. I am surprised and ashamed at this point. Appreciate it."

"Qin Lang, you can choose to be late for such an important meeting for the safety of a patient, and may even be absent. This, to be honest, I admire very much. I see in you the original intention and integrity of a doctor. very good."

Having said this, the effect stood up directly from the position.

"Director Cheng..."

Han Hu also didn't expect the results to be so is a little overwhelmed, what is he going to do?

Zhuang Tong's expression changed slightly, he didn't expect Director Cheng to react like this.

"Qin Lang, I formally apologize to you. Before, I was too subjective and made inappropriate comments on Weibo. I will delete Weibo and explain the reason for this. At the same time, I also look forward to you in the future. growth. Director Zhuang, your city's first hospital has produced an amazing talent."

Director Cheng bowed slightly to Qin Lang.

PS: Thanks for the 100+100+100 coins in the past 20 years, happy~


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