MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 37 solve! Acquire the Continuous Blood Purification skill

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Qian Qian looked at the place where the voice came from, and saw a bright, handsome little doctor.

After looking at the Qin corridor carefully, Qian Qian turned to President Zhong:

"President Zhong, he was also treated by your hospital? It's natural, I want his chief surgeon to fix it for me."

After all, almost every little nurse in Shuguang Beautiful Hospital was developed by Zhong Chengfa, and it is also his best publicity performance.

Therefore, Qianqian thinks that Qin Lang's perfect facial features are also straightened out.

"Qianqian, you misunderstood, Qin Lang's appearance was given by his parents, a natural handsome guy."

Zhong Chengfa explained that if he could really make a handsome guy of Qin Lang's level, so naturally, his price for the surgery would not be so low.

Customers have also entered the entertainment industry long ago.

"That's it."

Qian Qian swallowed her saliva, and then asked in a serious tone, "What do you mean by the plan you just said?"

Qin Lang explained:

"The current rhinoplasty includes injection rhinoplasty, prosthetic rhinoplasty, autologous tissue rhinoplasty, etc. You must have known it."

"Although injection rhinoplasty is simple to operate and less traumatic to patients, its level of persistence is relatively low, requiring regular and continuous injection rhinoplasty, so it is rarely recommended now."

"As for the use of autologous tissue transplantation, costal cartilage is often used as a scaffold material, with a relatively natural shape and no exposure of the implanted body, but the costal cartilage may be deformed and bent, resulting in poor cosmetic results, and the costal cartilage removal is more traumatic, surgery It is more complicated. The patient suffers a lot, and scars will be left in the donor site, which is not easy for the patient to accept.”

Hearing Qin Lang's analysis from the side, Qian Qian obviously kept nodding, and Qin Lang's good looks made her calm down.

Qin Lang stepped forward at the same time and said softly: "Can you take off the mask again, I'll show you again."

After a little light, the mask was gently pulled down.

Zhong Chengfa, who was beside him, licked his lips and looked at Qin Lang, who was talking eloquently. He was also very surprised:

"When did this little guy know so much about rhinoplasty. If he didn't know the details of Qin Lang, even I thought he was a senior expert in the field of rhinoplasty."

Qin Lang took a close look at his nose and continued to explain:

"Before you, it seemed that you used prosthetic rhinoplasty. For prosthetic rhinoplasty, the commonly used material is silicone, which is expanded. The solid silicone rubber material is not easy to deform, is more durable, cheaper, and makes the operation more difficult. It's convenient, simple. That's probably why you chose it."

When Qianqian heard Qin Lang's analysis, all of them were hit, so she nodded:

"Doctor handsome, you're right. That's what the expert in Magic Capital said before, so what's going on with my nose?"

Qin Lang gently pulled up the shallow mask:

"After the solid silicone nasal prosthesis is implanted, it cannot coordinate with the surrounding soft tissue, and the implant compresses the soft tissue, so the soft tissue gradually becomes thinner and ruptured, resulting in the exposure of the prosthesis. Because the tip of the nose is subjected to the greatest force, the soft tissue at the incision is the weakest. , is also the most common site of prosthesis exposure."

Zhong Chengfa, who was on the side, was a little impressed when he heard Qin Lang's clear analysis. This kid's basic skills are really solid.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Qin Lang suggested:

"Qianqian, why don't we go to President Zhong's office first and continue to talk in detail. You see so many people here, watching onlookers, also affects the normal work of the hospital."

Zhong Chengfa also added: "Yes, Qianqian, you have to believe in the strength of our hospital. Dr. Qin is a young and promising young talent in our hospital. The operation is very powerful. Moreover, the cost of this repair operation will be paid by our hospital. . Let's go up and talk."

Seeing that Qin Lang is so sincere and powerful, he thought about it lightly, and also borrowed the donkey:

"President Zhong, that's what you said. Doctor Qin, then you have to design a repair plan for me."

Hearing that this difficult goblin finally agreed to go upstairs to discuss in detail, Zhong Chengfa finally relaxed a little.

Soon, the three people came to Zhong Chengfa's office.

Qin Lang began to introduce his plan in detail:

"Qianqian, your previous surgery focused on the root of the nose and the dorsum of the nose, but ignored the shape of the nose tip. The tip of the nose is the last part of rhinoplasty, and it is also the finishing touch that reflects a perfect nose, which is agile and natural. So, this time , I will use your autologous tissue, ear cartilage to increase the length of the nose and highlight the role of the tip of the nose. Moreover, since it is autologous cartilage, it will be very natural and soft after completion."

Hearing Qin Lang's plan, Zhong Chengfa's eyes also lit up:

"Indeed, autologous cartilage is highly malleable, non-rejective, and perfect for sculpting the tip of the nose."

However, this sculptural nose tip is a technical job, and it requires a very high aesthetic.

Zhong Chengfa thought that the heat was not enough, and the doctors in his own hospital were obviously not enough to complete the operation.

Zhong Chengfa looked at Qin Lang, who saw through Zhong Chengfa's thoughts at a glance:

"President Zhong, although I am very familiar with and confident in this operation, I still hope that you can keep an eye on it. Let's work together for the shallow operation, how about it?"

After Qin Lang said this, Zhong Chengfa instantly relaxed, and nodded reluctantly:

"Originally, I did have other things. As for the level of Dr. Qin, of course, I am very convinced. But this time, in order to express my apology and importance to Qian Qian, I will personally assist in this repair operation."

"Qianqian, what do you think?"

She glanced at the handsome and confident Qin Lang, and then at the greasy Zhong Chengfa, and thought for a while: "Yes. Then Dr. Qin will take care of me. I trust Dr. Qin."


Zhong Chengfa quickly arranged the following nurses, prepared the consent form, and then started arranging the operation.

During the period, Zhong Chengfa confirmed with Qin Lang again, and after a detailed exchange of the surgical procedure and specific operations, the formal operation began.

Since the cartilage was to be removed from the auricle, general anesthesia was given to the superficial, local anesthesia to the inner surface of the auricle, block anesthesia at the base of the columella, and block anesthesia for the double infraorbital nerves.

After Zhong Chengfa assisted Qin Lang, after the preparations were done, the nasal cavity was cleaned, disinfected, and debridement, and then the formal repair operation began.

Qin Lang skillfully incised the skin, and gradually separated from the nasal alar cartilage downward, and after reaching the tip of the nose, it separated upward to the nasal bone.

The first thing to do is to remove the previous prosthesis.

With Qin Lang's perfect skill, it was naturally very easy to complete. After that, the nasal septum under the perichondrium was extensively peeled off to reveal the cartilage.

Qin Lang analyzed it and accurately cut out a small amount of cartilage for use.

Next, the auricular cartilage is prepared, the skin is incised, and the cartilage surface and skin are accurately peeled off. The appropriate size of ear cartilage is excised according to the amount of nasal tip filling.

Zhong Chengfa very obediently took the vessel containing the saline solution and took the cartilage cut by Qin Lang.

"How does this kid's surgery level feel? Compared with last week, it is a sudden blow."

Zhong Chengfa was overjoyed, this Qin Lang was really a baby bump.

Dawning Beauty Hospital is located in Hecheng City. In fact, it is only a plastic surgery hospital in the second echelon. Now that Qin Lang has joined, is it possible to enter the first echelon in the near future?

Zhong Chengfa's heart became hot. It seems that after the operation is completed today, his red envelope will be bigger.

Qin Lang, on the other hand, continued to make the removed septal cartilage. According to the superficial nose shape, he began to make the nasal septum extension graft and the support for the nasal columella.

The ear cartilage is then made into a delicate nose tip graft.

After this is done, the nasal dorsum mucosa and alar cartilage are extensively peeled off, and nose tip reshaping is performed.

Under the periosteum of the nose, a void is prepared, the reshaped prosthesis is implanted, and suturing begins.

"...6-0 nylon thread...tape...vaseline gauze..."

After Qin Lang completed the entire operation very quickly, the stitches could be removed after a week.

And that's when it's time to show the results!

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, solving Zhong Chengfa's predicament, and proposing the most appropriate repair surgery plan. Get the task reward: 1, 1 life simulation point. 2. Continuous blood purification, entry-level]