MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 475 problem

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This is to say that Xiao Feng chose to accept it instantly. Immediately, the color of the golden dragon knight's blood bar became the friendly green, and Xiao Feng was able to view the attributes of the golden dragon knight.

"Dear sir, no, respectable lord of the city, please forgive me for leaving my grave for the time being, and I have something to ask for." But the Golden Dragon Knight continued.

"What?" Xiao Feng froze for a moment, and he had already become the guardian of the force. He would not stay in the Undercity, but still do what to do here.

"Because my partner is also sleeping here, but only the bones are left, its soul is enslaved by the dark legion, I want to ask the master of the city to rescue its soul and wake it up, I will become strong and powerful with it Loyal guardian. "The Golden Dragon Knight's tone with sorrow and request made Xiao Feng stunned again.

Partner of the Golden Dragon Knight? Isn't that the dragon that formed the White Bone Mountains?

"Are you talking about the golden dragon?" Xiao Feng asked immediately.

"Yes, only I can wake it up, so I want to wait for its soul to return here, and when it wakes up, I will go with it to Lord Lord your main city." The Golden Dragon Knight nodded, and Xiao Feng was also received Task reminder.

"Ding! Do you accept the hidden mission-the enslaved dragon soul? Tip: This mission is extremely difficult! The dragon soul is located in the city of the abyss, which is filled with a large number of powerful dark creatures! Extremely dangerous!"


Xiao Feng's surface is calm, but his heart has already blossomed, what is called surprise, this is called surprise! Buy one get one free! It is not enough to be a mythical golden dragon knight, and a giant dragon is actually presented!

But think about it right, the Golden Dragon Knight is originally a knight, with a mount is normal, although his mount is a giant dragon!

As for the difficulty of the mission, it was directly ignored by Xiao Feng. Even if the mission is even more difficult, for the strength of a dragon, it is worth going to Xiao Feng, not to mention only a dark main city. As long as it is a dark attribute, Xiao Feng will not Too worried!

Han Feng's excitement has also been revealed in his face. Although he could not hold back his voice, he still kept his eyes on Xiao Feng.

"I will bring the Dragon Soul back, but you can wait for the news in the Undercity, you don't need to wait here."

Xiao Feng continued to say to the Golden Dragon Knight that he wanted to get the Golden Dragon Knight back to the Undercity first, so that it was the most secure, because the Wild Wolf helped those players but had the task of the Golden Dragon Knight. Ersu and the Dark Legion are not dead, and they want to move the idea of ​​the Golden Dragon Knight. It is also dangerous to leave the Golden Dragon Knight alone, so in order to prevent mistakes, it is natural to first bring him back to the Undercity.

"Thank you Lord Lord for your kindness, but I want to accompany my partner here. I lost my jihad, and my partner was still dying, but fled with my corpse, built the tomb, and used the body Guarding my rest, turning my body into 6 guardian spirits and guarding my long sleep, so I want to witness its resurrection in the first time. "The tone of the Golden Dragon Knight is sad.

This also made Xiao Feng speechless. Dare to love the 6 underground guardians who were originally caused by the golden dragon. No wonder they would carry the artifact set, but they became the magic dragon set under the influence of the dark power.

In the system setting, the union guardian beast cannot leave the scope of the union's main city. I don't know whether it is because the golden dragon knight belongs to the guardian of the power, not the union guardian beast, or because his strength is too strong. Can stay outside the sphere of influence


As Xiao Feng turned his thoughts, thinking about what method to use to take the Golden Dragon Knight away, the little zero on the side was waiting impatiently.

"It's really a long-winded uncle, who is your partner who has not been resurrected now, what use are you waiting here, is it not the same when you come back here when you are resurrected!" Xiao Ling's tone was full of impatience, a little bit You're welcome.

"This ..." The tone of the Golden Dragon Knight immediately stammered.

Xiao Feng looked at the scene and hurried in front of it, hitting the railroad while it was hot, "My Excellency Dragon Knight, what my sister said also makes sense. Anyway, when I retrieve the Dragon Soul, I still have to deliver it to you. Then I will come back here to resurrect your partner. The same is true, not to mention that you also need to go to the Undercity to pick a place to stay in, right? "

"This ..." The Golden Dragon Knight hesitated, looked at Xiao Ling, and then looked at Xiao Feng, and then said, "Since that is the case, then I will obey the plan of the Lord of the City."

Xiao Feng finally let out a sigh of relief, and looked at Xiao Ling with the eyes of the award, but found that Xiao Ling also looked at him with the same kind of invitation, which made Xiao Feng shook his head. Obviously Xiao Ling was still very clever.

"Then let's go."

The process of returning to the Undercity is very smooth. The Golden Dragon Knight can use the backscroll of the Undercity and appear directly in the teleportation array of the Undercity with Xiao Feng and several others.

"It really is the main city of darkness. This is the existence that the Light Allied Forces cannot tolerate, and only the forces of adventurers can use it without hesitation, and it is so prosperous."

Appeared in the dark city, looking at the wall of the dark city, the pillars like fangs, the Golden Dragon Knight immediately sighed.

"There are still many vacant areas in the dark city, I will take you to find a place you like."

Nivu had already gone to the inner city, he was still not used to staying with the Golden Dragon Knight.

Han Feng also resigned to leave, his level has reached 40, and the players from the first echelon are not much different, the next thing needs to be done by himself.

Xiao Feng took the Golden Dragon Knight to the inner city to choose his residence. Rather, it would be better to have Xiao Xiao who was interested in missing him.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Xiao Feng also opened the management panel of the Undercity and found the attributes of the Golden Dragon Knight. He still cares about the fighting power of the Golden Dragon Knight after all.

Sure enough, the attributes of the Golden Dragon Knight can now be viewed, but the level has dropped to level 48, and the name has changed. The first two words in the name have changed from the dead to the immortal!

The Immortal-Golden Dragon Knight

Grade: 48

Quality: Mythical boss

Attribute: Undead

Life value: 960000/960000

Physical attack power: 8000-8800

Magic attack power: 7000-7800

Physical defense: 7500-8000

Magic defense: 9000-9500


Dragon Lance, Dragon Crash, Wrath, Black Prison Dragon, Dragon Roar, Dragon Cannon, Half Dragon, Rip Strike, Physical Enhancement, Angry Combo, Critical Strike, Dragon Resistance, Anti-Magic Shell, Shenwei, Dragon Prestige, dragon language, calling, human-dragon strike


The great human hero Golden Dragon Knight, whose body is reborn after death, turning into a powerful deceased


Guardian: The level changes according to the level of the power owner, rising or falling

Are consistent

Immortal: The immortal will not die again. If it is killed, it can be resurrected by the power owner at a certain cost

The property is undoubtedly powerful! A dense skill alone is worthy of the name of myth!

And what attracts Xiao Feng the most is that among the special attributes of the Golden Dragon Knight, there is one that will not die again, even if it is dead, it can be resurrected, which is too abnormal! It will definitely become one of the top combat powers of the Undercity!

After sighing about the powerful attributes of the Golden Dragon Knight, Xiao Feng also picked up the wand of the sage and looked at it, but before hearing the wand of the sage again awakened, Xiao Feng naturally wants to care about the attributes of the wand of the sage .

Bright Sage's Staff

Quality: Myth

Equipment type: two-handed staff

Equipment level: 20

Equipment requirements: priest, sacrifice


Cast distance 10%

Cast speed 10%

Strength 20

Constitution 20

Agility 20

Intellect 20

Spirit 20


Sage's Heart: All buff skills increase the duration by 20%

Sage's Hand: All healing skills, cooling time reduced by 20%


The battle of the great sage Anthony, damaged in the dark invasion a thousand years ago, has begun to repair itself

Sure enough, now the Sage's Staff has been awakened as a 20th-level artifact, but only a trivial point has been added to the attributes. Fortunately, Xiao Feng does not mind it, and it is still happy to put it away.

"What are you doing?"

Just placed the Golden Dragon Knight. When Xiao Feng was about to leave, he found a shadow over the abyss altar. When he walked over curiously, he found that Liu Qiangwei and Si Yejing were here, suddenly curious.

"We are studying the npc arms, you are almost 50, and it is time to prepare for the guard category at the time." Si Yejing first greeted Xiao Ling and Ning Ke before speaking to Xiao Feng.

"Is there any gain?" Xiao Feng nodded and remembered the matter. Originally he was also prepared to do it. He didn't expect to be one step ahead, so he asked.

"Although there are several powerful arms, such as a meat shield with resurrection skills, a skeleton gold armor, and a skeleton artillery with range output at a distance, etc., we have found several summoning formulas for powerful arms. But there is a big problem. "Si Yejing said, her gaming experience is much richer than Xiao Feng.

"What question?" Xiao Feng asked strangely.

"Undercity belongs to the main city of darkness, and the arms that can be summoned are all dark attributes or undead attributes, and our players belong to the light camp, which is not applicable at all." This time it was Liu Qiangwei, with a little helplessness in the beautiful voice, Said the abyss altar.

"This ... seems to be a problem."

Xiao Feng frowned. He also ignored this. This is not only a problem, but also a very serious problem, because the players belong to the light camp, not to mention that it is still in the Terran Empire. If you use dark arms, it is definitely not suitable.

And there is also one of the biggest impacts, that is, Xiao Feng ’s buff not only has no gain on the dark arms, but also has a benefit reduction effect, which directly makes the dark arms ’innate combat power lag more than a little bit.


Don't scold, the subject is broken, continue to update, don't hold on to the monthly ticket ...