MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 476 Recruitment order

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"Can the Undercity only call the nc guards of the dark attribute" Xiao Feng frowned, this is not a small problem, because Xiao Feng's occupation restricts him to be only able to bias towards the light attribute.

"Yes, the dark city itself belongs to the dark main city, and it is not possible to build a barracks of human races or other camps. The only unit to call the building is this abyss altar, and only the dark attributes can be summoned." Si Ye Jing's tone was very helpless.

"If it doesn't work, recruit human races in midsummer city, and then recruit them as guards of the Undercity. There are several good types of guards in the human race." Liu Qiangwei suggested.

As a southern hegemon, the union of the midsummer has naturally grown to the scale of the main city. Now Liu Qiangwei is also doing daily task upgrades, the purpose is also to summon nc guards.

"This is not a good way." Xiao Feng shook his head.

Although the nc guards of Midsummer City can be transferred to the Undercity under the condition of being an alliance, there is a limit to the troops that can be summoned by Midsummer City itself, and they are also linked to the level of the union. If the forces are dispersed to station the two main cities, and Not a wise move, it is easy to become a weakness.

"If you use your abilities, go to the nc forces and see if you can find a way to get their arms." Si Yejing suggested.

"You can try it, then I go to the Temple of Light to see, Xiaoling, you should go off the line and rest." Xiao Feng thought it was also a way, so he nodded, then turned back and said to Xiaoling.

"You don't need the online time of His Royal Highness to be 3 hours, you have to run out before you go offline. Finally, let the Fool's maid bring His Royal Highness to upgrade once. I don't want to leave His Royal Highness."

Xiao Lingliang's long blond hair flicked, and refused to think about it. After passing by Xiao Feng with a rocket-like upgrade speed, how could she let Xiao Feng away, she had to spend all the remaining online time today Used to upgrade, because I don't know when it will be carried by Xiao Feng next time.

Would rather be obedient to listen to Xiao Feng's words and be ready to go offline, but he didn't dare to speak up when he saw Xiao Ling's attitude. He shrank away behind Xiao Ling and looked at Xiao Feng secretly.

Xiao Feng shook his head helplessly, and could not get the small zero. He also wanted to take the small zero upgrade, but he had no other upgrade points except the Bone Mountain Range, and he could not find a place to take it.

"I'll go to the temple of light first."

Last resort, Xiao Feng had to leave this question behind, and went to the Temple of Light in the Dark City to ask about the situation.

Although the Temple of Light is also in the inner city, it is far from the original dark-style buildings in a dark city at the edge of the city, and it is built with functional buildings such as the Master Tower.

When Xiao Feng went, he just happened to meet Bishop Renault as he was going to go out to do business, and quickly called him.

"Bishop Renault, I have a question to ask you." Xiao Feng shouted.

"Oh, it's Archbishop, what's the problem?" Bishop Renault is not used to calling Xiao Feng the Lord of the City, just like Xiao Feng is not used to calling Reynolds as Archbishop Renault, he is still called Archbishop Xiao Feng.

"This is the case. I am going to recruit guards for the Undercity, but the Undercity is a dark main city, and I can only recruit guards of the dark attribute, so I want to ask if there is a way to recruit the guards of the Temple of Light." Xiao Feng said .

"Oh, that's the case. I remember that adventurers seem to be able to buy the guards of the temple, but they need the permission of Lord Goddess of Light. With the relationship between Archbishop you and Lord Goddess of Light, you can go directly to the Holy City to find Lord Goddess of Light." Bishop Renault Said.

"Don't talk nonsense, who has something to do with the goddess of light." Xiao Feng's face turned black, and his relationship with the goddess of light has always been very stiff, whether it was an offense to the **** at the beginning, or the Libo witch behind, if there was any Xiaobai's relationship is that Xiao Feng is estimated to have been killed by the tall goddess back to Xinshou Village.

"Spoken words, spoofed words." Bishop Renault also noticed that he had spoken improperly, looked around carefully, and said quickly.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Feng was too lazy to care about him, but he still asked, because Bishop Renault wanted to leave the temple.

"The old guy, Cather, sent me a letter to tell me about old times. I don't know if there were any circumstances. I have to go to his temple to see, because under normal circumstances he never asks me to tell old times." Bishop Renault said.

Xiao Feng nodded. Since he was going to the Dragon City, he would n’t care anymore. After all, it was also the site of the Midsummer Union.

"Xiao Feng"

Xiao Feng, who was about to go to the holy city, found Liu Qiangwei and Si Yejing still waiting outside when he came out of the temple. Not only that, but his face was slightly more serious.

"The recruitment order is coming." Si Yejing said with a serious tone.

"Recruitment Order What Recruitment Order" Xiao Feng was stunned.

"Did you not receive the master recruitment for the 45-level copy of the wasteland?" Si Yejing asked.

Xiao Feng heard that he opened his private chat message, but found that the message was already full. Since Xiao Feng ’s role name was made public, his friends directly popped up his message list, even if there was a personal reminder. Can't hear it.

Xiao Feng looked at the top of the latest news list, and found that there were indeed several articles that invited him to open the 45th copy of the wasteland. The messages sent were old and empty, and there were domineering pictures. In addition, there were major trade unions. people.

"When I came back, I seemed to have heard about the 45-level copy. How come I haven't had a first pass after so long?" Xiao Feng, who was too lazy to check out the message list, emptied the message list before raising his head and asking.

If you remember correctly, in the impression of Xiao Feng, it is indeed where I heard about the 45-level copy. In the past so long, he thought that the first pass has been taken long ago. After all, the game world does not lack masters, just take Huaxia District. The mobilization of the Arsenal Trade Union should have been won early, as well as other theaters, especially in the North American theater, and there is a Thor who has reached the level of a **** master.

If it is the 45-level copy just discovered, and Xiao Feng will have a lot of interest in the major theaters, but the 45-level copy has been discovered for so long, Xiao Feng naturally thinks that the first pass has been taken, so Didn't care too much.

"We found that the level 45 copy in China has been almost half a month ago, but until now there has not been a first pass, the same is true in other theaters. It has been a short time before the level 45 copy was found, but no one has successfully opened up the wasteland. The North American theater is no exception. "Si Yejing explained.

"I haven't been there for a long time, haven't you got a master?" Xiao Feng said strangely.

"Huanggu Trade Union only hung up a copy of all the staff half an hour ago. This recruitment made them there. In fact, it was issued jointly by the major trade unions. It temporarily abandoned private grievances and concentrated the top-level combat power in China. , And strive to succeed in opening wasteland "this time to Liu Qiangwei opening.

"Is it so difficult?"

Xiao Feng was a little surprised, and even the deserted ancients hung back, indicating that the difficulty of the copy is absolutely problematic.

"It should be said that it is amazing. The first 45-level copy triggered by each major war zone is a kind. It is a world-class copy. Not only the team has a maximum limit of 100 people, but the final boss is also a mythical boss.

Moreover, it has been a three-level 50-level mythical boss. "Si Yejing's tone is very solemn. It seems that she has also been to that copy." This recruitment order is also the largest in the history of Huaxia District. If the wasteland development fails again this time, Then only wait until the players in the first echelon have turned three times before going to the challenge. "

"Mythical boss of level 50" Xiao Feng's face became dignified when he heard these words. Even if he was hit by a boss of this level, it was a second kill. It was not a challenge to the player, let alone a team cap of 100 people. By the way, even if there are 1,000 people, and everyone has made three turnovers, it is difficult to succeed

"Speaking of this, the recruitment order is also related to you." Liu Qiangwei's beautiful eyes turned to Xiao Feng. "You are the first person in Huaxia District. Without you, even if you call all the experts in Huaxia District, your strength will be worse. A level was originally prepared to mobilize the recruitment order when you came back from the Korean theater. As a result, when you came back, you were not online for a few days. You could not be contacted at all. Finally, you waited for you to go online. The trouble of the union has not been available until now, so the recruitment order has not been delayed until now. "

"Just now Lao Xu found his cousin and confirmed that he was able to notify you before he contacted the major unions to issue a recruitment order together." Si Yejing explained.

"Also, go to the holy city anyway, you can slow down, then go to brush the copy first." Xiao Feng thought and nodded.

"Hum copy is a wasteland? How can such a fun thing be less Her Royal Highness" Xiao Ling was directly excited at the side.

"Little zero, don't allow nonsense, this is not to play, you can't go" but was rejected by Liu Qiangwei.

"What do you hateful woman actually oppose His Royal Highness's wishes" Xiao Lingyi heard, her long blond hair almost exploded.

"This is a forcible wasteland composed of all the top masters in the entire theater. Do you think you can play with your level, equipment, and strength?" Liu Qiangmei's beauty has no fluctuations, and it makes a small zero.

"You, you abominable woman, stinky cat, stinky fox, and the cow star who hates you, go to Zero Hall and die a hundred times." Xiao Ling's exquisite little face blushed directly.

"It's okay to let Xiaoling go together" Xiao Feng looked down a bit and said.

"No, you should be mentally prepared for the difficulty of world-class copies and mythical bosses. Even if you are okay, can you take care of a tow oil bottle?" Liu Qiangwei did not step backwards, his face flat.

"You're the one who dragged the oil bottle, and the smelly woman, Her Royal Highness, hates you." Xiao Ling's face was pale and her petite body was shaking.

"Xiao Ling, you should be sensible too. Xiao Feng will take care of you, but, are you willing to be his cumbersome? He has his own things to do, you want him to let go of his things, take care of them every moment Is it up to you? "Liu Qiangwei turned to Xiaoling, her voice was cold and she could not hear the fluctuation.

"Hum and stupid maid, we are off the line, we will not take us without us"

Xiao Lingyi stagnate, then yelled, and turned away with the trembling Ningke directly, and said no more willful words.

"Do you feel distressed?" Liu Qiangwei withdrew her gaze, looked at Xiao Feng with some frowns, and asked softly.

"Small zero is still small, when you are in willful way, are you too strict?" Xiao Feng asked.

"Because she is still young, she needs discipline. If you let her grow up with her temperament, can you take care of her for a lifetime?" Liu Qiangwei talked to Xiao Feng for the first time.

"I" said what Xiao Feng couldn't refute, because it made sense.