MTL - Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare-Chapter 9 The world is waking up

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Lin Mo has regarded this nightmare world as a horror game that is infinitely close to reality.

And it's still the 'expert' level that can't read files after death.

However, the reason why Lin Mo can be called 'Lin Shen' by gamers like Maomao and the others is that he plays any horror survival game, and it is a quick pass.

In terms of analytical ability, Lin Mo has his own uniqueness.

The number 404 is nothing in and of itself, but it can represent so much more.

Passwords, addresses, or the name of a person or item, these are all possible.

The nightmare happened in two communities, and the most important thing in the community was the house, so Lin Mo initially thought it was a room number.

The clues given by the pen fairy must be very important and should be explored.

As for why don't you hide and live and have to die? Lin Mo can find at least a dozen reasons for this matter. The most important reason is that he knows very well that any horror game, if you just stay in a safe area to survive, you will never want to be free from this horror. come out.

Although the pen fairy stopped moving, Lin Mo felt that an evil spirit was unlikely to be killed so easily.

It is not even ruled out that the other party was 'acting' before.

So the pencil, Lin Mo plans to take it with him.

Where to go, where to take.

In addition, Lin Mo began to rummage in this room.

There are many books in the room, which look normal on the outside, but when they are opened, the words inside are all chaotic, the words don't express their meaning, or they are empty white papers that look very scary.

Lin Mo had no restrictions. He put the books intact, and then opened the drawer.

In the end, Lin Mo found two valuable things.

A blood-stained diary, and a cartoon pencil sharpener.

The pencil sharpener comes in handy right away, shove the nib into the cartoon bear's mouth and shake the little rocker on the back to sharpen the pencil.

After sharpening, Lin Mo put away the pencil.

Then Lin Mo opened the blood-stained diary.

The moment he opened it, Lin Mo felt the pale ghost behind him take a step back.

"It's actually afraid of this?"

This discovery surprised Lin Mo.

He couldn't look back, Lin Mo couldn't see the expression of the pale ghost, but Lin Mo guessed that the pale ghost's face must be full of fear at the moment.

Before, the evil spirits of the pen fairy were suppressed by the pale ghost, and the human-faced spider also did not provoke it. Among the nightmare monsters, Lin Mo thought that the pale ghost was not low.

To make the pale ghosts take a step back in fear, this diary is definitely not easy.

Lin Mo suddenly paid attention to the diary in his hand.

Open it carefully.

A line of words on the first page of the diary caught Lin Mo's attention.

"This is my secret!"

The handwriting was not written by a pen fairy, Lin Mo guessed, it was written by the girl he discovered earlier.

The one who strangled himself.

Is this her diary?

There shouldn't be anything special about it, so why make Pale Ghost Shadow jealous?

Lin Mo impatiently opened the second page, and what caught his eye was a large paragraph of text.

Next, Lin Mo began to read carefully.

The first half of the diary is fairly normal, telling the ordinary daily life of an ordinary girl. The girl's name is Hu Lingling, her family is average, but she has a friend from a very good family.

In the diary, the full name of her friend was not written, but the word 'Chu' was used instead.

It should be a girl surnamed Chu.

Even if it's just some side descriptions, Lin Mo can see that Hu Lingling's friend, Chu, is the kind of gentle and kind girl.

But between the lines, Hu Lingling was very jealous of this friend.

She is jealous of the beauty and kindness of the other party, of the versatility of the other party, of the family background of the other party is better than her own.

Even in the diary, Hu Lingling started cursing her good friend 'Chu' with vicious words because of jealousy.

What's interesting is that between the lines, Hu Lingling shows his own fear all the time, she is afraid that in the future 'Chu' will not be friends with a girl from an ordinary family like her, she is afraid, 'Chu' will take her away everything around you.

"This woman is too jealous?"

Lin Mo shook his head.

Turning to the next page, Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

The things recorded on this page are more important.

Hu Lingling heard that the pen fairy is very fun, so she took 'Chu' to play together, and according to the contents of the diary, this was the beginning of a tragedy.

'Chu' is very timid, but he can't beat a good friend, so he can only play with her.

This kind and simple girl never imagined that this so-called game was a carefully planned game by her 'good friend', the purpose of which was to scare her.

Hu Lingling has a boy she likes at school, but the **** thing is, the other guy likes 'Chu'.

So Hu Lingling wanted to show the boy how embarrassed and lost his temper after 'Chu' was frightened.

No one expected an accident. 'Chu' was really frightened. I don't know what happened during the process. She finally slipped and fell down the stairs and died.

A flower withers before it really blooms.

When the diary was written here, Lin Mo was surprised to find that there was no guilt in the words.

"Since that day, I have been dreaming of her every night, and she is so haunted..."

"Am I wrong? No, I'm not wrong, it wasn't me who pushed her down the stairs, she was careless, what's my business?"

Hu Lingling's ruthlessness and the evil in human nature are vividly displayed at this moment.

Even Lin Mo frowned.

And the real excitement is just beginning.

The text on the back is obviously not Hu Lingling's handwriting, but has been replaced with a completely different font, a bright red font that looks like it was written with blood.

Lin Ming knew that this was the handwriting of the pen fairy.

"I wandered in pain and fear without end..."

What follows is a diary-like record that tells about the experience after death.

In many places, the reading is not smooth, as if the person who wrote it was in some kind of frenzy and confusion at the time, and in some places, 'hate' was written continuously, and every word was filled with great resentment.

Some entire pages are filled with the word "dead" in different sizes. UU reading

It seems that every word is a curse, and those who see these words will immediately suffer misfortune, or be turned into a complete lunatic by the fear and madness contained in them.

Lin Mo could not feel 'fear', but the resentment above made Lin Mo instantly feel a strong discomfort.

Immediately closed the diary and closed his eyes, and waited for a while to relax.

"No wonder, even the pale ghosts are afraid of this thing, and it is thanks to me that I can't feel fear. Otherwise, under the impact of fear and hatred, I may immediately become a lunatic, or become a walking dead."

Don't blame the pen fairy, she was tricked by her best friend, and she saw this diary after she died, and it was normal to have hatred and murder in her heart.

No wonder they kill when they meet.

Too much resentment.

Lin Mo opened it and carefully crossed the pages with the words "hate" and "death" written on it.

In the last place where the words were written, Lin Mo saw such a line of words.

"I feel real... the world is waking up."

"I felt the smell of fear, sweet and opened the door for me..."

"I can take revenge..."

There is no writing in the back of the diary, only about half of it is used.

But through the above content, Lin Mo saw a lot of things.

Not surprisingly, the pen fairy evil spirit that I encountered before was 'Chu'.

The girl who was strangled on the ground was Hu Lingling.

Lin Mo sighed, this Hu Lingling is self-inflicted.

Instead of paying attention to her, Lin Mo returned his attention to the diary. The focus here was on the last sentence "I feel the truth" and "The world is awakening".