MTL - Doomsday Home is the Most Stable-Chapter 576 Yang Ao's interpretation of the fourth painting (seeking double moon

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   Chapter 576 Yang Ao's interpretation of the fourth painting (please double the monthly ticket!)

   In addition to the Wallfacers No. 4 and No. 5, the headquarters of is doing things.

  The 6th, 7th, and 8th Wallfacers also have their own unique research, which can add a speed booster to the great project of Tianluodiwang's clean-up of zombies across the country.

   At the same time, their research will also have a greater impact on the human pattern after cleaning up the zombies.

   These people are different from Wallfacers 2 and 3,

   These two are engaged in theoretical research, providing theoretical support for the future supernatural power, the evolution of zombies, and even world puzzles.

  Whether it is "Rule Coverage Theory", or "Schrödinger's Zombie", or "Quantum Entanglement of Zombie Virus",

   is the basis for Tianluodiwang to better understand the world and what moves will be made in the future.

   It was Liu Shicai and Wallfacers 4~10 who really brought the actual effect.

   The 8 of them are all holding the highest technology of Tianluodiwang!

   The first year of the end of the world, July 10.

   10 days after the zombie second stage time lock is unlocked, Tianluodiwang has completed preliminary data collection and tactical arrangements.

   Developed a set of combat skills suitable for the current situation, and practiced it initially,

   Now, the extraordinary army of the whole country has completed the preparation, and it is time for them to set foot on the battlefield again!

   The headquarters issued an order: "All the Tianluodiwang. Attack!"

  Tianluodiwang branches all over China,

   The extraordinary warriors set off from the major bases to the zombie colony!

   On the map of the headquarters command room,

   Countless green light spots poured out from the marked green safety zone bases, entangled with the red dots,

   Liu Shicai also witnessed this moment and sighed,

   "The Chinese people will never be completely beaten down at any time. Every time they are oppressed, they are just to accumulate strength until they regain our land again. This time... is no exception!"

   A large number of extraordinary warriors set off, and the total number of zombies on the map is dropping rapidly!

   This is the strength of the whole country,

  Even if it is the No. 1 homeland. In the face of such a speed, it can only bow down.

  The state machine is running, it is very terrifying!

  The flesh and blood of zombies was involved in the huge state machinery and gradually wiped out!

  The No. 1 home is peaceful.

  Shen Jin also received an order from Tianluodiwang to attack, but he just went to City B to do a big job, and the more than 2,000 people under his command have to rest for at least one day and cannot go out.

  But. He also has more than 1,000 superhuman teams and more than 2,000 death squads, adding up to 3,500 people,

   has been cleaning up zombies and never stops!

   His people are more powerful, equipped with stronger equipment, and have more auxiliary means, which will definitely not be synchronized with the plan of Tianluodiwang headquarters.

   "It doesn't matter if it's a black cat or a white cat, the cat that can catch the mouse is a good cat. We can do it well, just follow our own pace."

   Shen Jin told the captains so that they should not be affected by the strategy of Tianluodiwang headquarters, what should they do.

  Yang Ao didn't go with him during his trip to City B. He stayed at the base to preside over the overall situation, leading the extraordinary team and the death squad to clean up the zombies scattered in Yingkou City.

   Among them, the survivors of the multiple bases of No. 1 Homeland played a huge role and became the backbone of this Yingkou City cleanup.

Yang Aohui reported: "Brother Jin, during the three days you've been gone, we have cleaned up the zombies in the urban area of ​​Yingkou City, and the zombies in the surrounding counties are slowly advancing. This is a long-term job. Extraordinary people can clean up slowly.

In this attack, a total of about 800,000 zombies were eliminated, of which the first-order zombies accounted for 790,000, and there were about 8,000 second-order zombies. Most of them were killed by our corpse killing team and death squad. It seems that the rank zombies only appeared after the time lock was turned on. We didn't find them when we cleaned up the corpse tide in Yingkou City before, and our team members used fusion techniques to kill them.

The cleanup went well. Only one person died in the corpse killing team and the death squad. Because they were attacked by Tier 3 zombies after leaving the team, they were too far away from their teammates and could not be rescued. His family members had already arranged to enjoy it in the sanatorium at the No. 1 home headquarters. the rest of my life. "

Shen Jin frowned slightly: "Well, follow the rules and let the city defense army go to the sanatorium. Although they are protected by us, most of them are ordinary people, or pseudo-supernatural beings, and their own strength is not enough. , there may be some bullying, we must protect the family of our deceased brother. Also, in the future, this kind of thing should not happen, strictly observe military discipline, act in small groups, watch and help each other, and do not act as individual heroism!"

"Yeah! I know, Liu Jin is very concerned about protecting the family members of his brothers. Those who dare to offend have been severely punished, and the brothers of the corpse killing team will consciously help the family members of their deceased teammates. They are here, and no one dares to do so in the No. 1 home. I will hold a mobilization meeting for everyone tonight, just as you are back, let everyone have a buffet, hold a small party, and let everyone relax.”

Shen Jin nodded with satisfaction: "Well, this kind of team building needs to be done once a week. People are not machines, so it's impossible to keep working hard. Although we don't talk about Saturdays and Sundays, we still need to relax occasionally. , Mental health problems cannot be ignored. Remember those soldiers who entered Iraq from the US before the end of the world? They fought for several years, leaving a lot of psychological problems for the retired soldiers, and many people committed suicide. Learn from it."

"Understood! Don't worry, Brother Jin, I have always attached great importance to mental health. Do you remember the first time we met? Boss Zhao threatened Mo Xiao and said he would feed her to zombies. I express strong opposition to this. This kind of behavior not only has endless troubles, but also brings great harm to the psychology, which is not conducive to maintaining a sunny state of mind.

  Under the end of the world. Spiritual will is the first-order weapon for mankind to resist zombies. Without the will to win, there is no human being. Hope! "

   Shen Jin gave Yang Ao a surprised look: "Yeah? Why did you suddenly become emotional today, do you have any new insights?"

  Yang Ao nodded, then shook his head with a wry smile: "Brother Jin, I said that I felt it from a few paintings brought out from the ancient ruins of Tianluodiwang, do you believe it?"

   "Huh? I believe it! You are actually the person with the highest fighting talent in our No. 1 homestead"

   If it is said that in the entire base, who has the most hope of reaching the fourth-order transcendence, Shen Jin must say that it is Yang Ao,

  He is one step at a time, relying on his extremely strong comprehension and combat power and the spiritual will to win, step by step to reach the third-order gene lock extraordinary person.

   basically did not receive any help from Shen Jin,

  Because most of the medicines produced by the system have a direct effect on the supernatural beings, the effect on the supernatural beings with genetic locks is limited.

   Yang Ao's strength is basically all relying on himself, and he firmly follows Shen Jin, who is a coward, and does not let go.

   Today, the system does not have a potion for promotion to Tier 4, and Shen Jin does not know when he will be able to reach Tier 4.

   And, he has no understanding of the fourth order.

   Not sure, one day Yang Ao suddenly broke out, and it is also possible to enter the level of fourth-order superhuman before him.

Yang Ao scratched his head and said, "Brother Jin, don't compliment me. In the entire base, you are the strongest and the fastest in progress. You are the person with the highest talent, and your supernatural ability is extremely high, too comprehensive. .

   Besides, there is also Mo Xiao, she is the most perverted one, she is promoted while playing games and eating! Yesterday. When I met her in the cafeteria, I found that Mo Xiao was already a third-order senior, and she didn't even realize it! terrible"

  Sink Jin took a look,

   I almost forgot my little niece, she is a monster!

   "Harm! Don't talk about her, she is the daughter of destiny. If you can't compare it, you can't continue to talk about your insights. Which painting did you get your insights from?"

"Fourth picture! In the sky, the picture of two villains, one black and one white, looking at each other, I don't know what happened. When I first saw this picture, I felt the purity of the white villain on the right! And the black one The villain is not darkness, but his obsession, some obsession that is very important to him! I was thinking, maybe these two villains are the same person and represent different mental states. The avatar he's purposely separated for his mental health!"


  Sinking in and inhaling the sweet air of No. 1 home full of freedom,

   "Your comprehension ability is really unusual. Is this a genius?"

   When Shen Jin saw that picture, he didn't see anything!

"Cough cough." Yang Ao coughed: "Brother Jin, people are different. I once killed a black bear in the wild with a sliding shovel when I was extremely angry. Of course, this is just mine. Not necessarily right.”

  Shen Jin: "Sliding shovel???"

   Next, Shen Jin asked another question about the fourth painting, but Yang Ao didn't say why,

   That was just his first feeling.

  Shen Jin took note of it, maybe it will be useful in the future,

   and then arranged: "Okay, you have nothing to do recently, practice more meridian methods, and train yourself to the peak of the third-order as soon as possible, and the first task of the No. 1 homeland to be promoted to the fourth-order extraordinary will be handed over to you!"

Yang Ao shook his head: "No, our gene lock superhumans and the meridian method are actually not very suitable. I feel that this set of exercises was created by the ancestors of the supernormal people. It is different from our gene lock system. We pursue The point is to constantly break through our own limits and develop our own genes, energy is only auxiliary, not ourselves, my ability, we must improve from endless battles, and then... break through in life and death!"

   Yang Ao's face is firm, which is the confidence of the road ahead.

  Shen Jin probably understood why Yang Tianyao didn't meet Yang Ao. At this time, Yang Ao was an invincible fighter who would constantly break through his own limits and climb one peak after another, because he had nothing to worry about!

   Yang Ao doesn't even have a family!

To tell the truth, the extraordinary status of the No. 1 Homeland Corpse Killing Team is very high. If they are placed in No. 1 Homeland, they are civil servants in the end of the world. Women are rushing to post them, and they will not worry about women at all, and No. 1 Homeland does not require it. Monogamy (Shen Jin snickers),

   Therefore, it is not uncommon for a powerful official superhuman to raise several women. As long as the family is harmonious, no one cares.

   And what about Yang Ao?

   As the head of the official superhuman, he doesn't have any family!

   Except for the occasional date, there is no one who confirms the relationship between men and women, just don’t be fettered!

  When there is someone at home waiting for you to come back every day, it is difficult to put life and death aside.

"Okay, go on your own path. I don't have much research on gene locks. In the entire base, except for you and Mo Xiao, there are no powerful gene lock experts. Focus more on improving your strength, chores. It will be easier if you learn to let go of power.”

  Yang Ao: "???Er. But Brother Jin, you arranged everything for me."

   "Ah this."

   Shen Jin was at a loss for words, he did get happiness by delegating power, but his affairs were arranged for Yang Ao.

   Then, he became angry: "You won't arrange it for the people below!"

   "Well, I'll try my best"

   Yang Ao usually likes to do it himself, and now he has to try to arrange things and improve his strength with all his strength.

   Originally, he could progress faster.

   After Yang Ao left,

   Shen Jin murmured: "Family. Fetters unknowingly, I already have too many fetters, it is impossible to have the courage to give up everything"

   Then, Shen Jin thought for a moment, patted his thigh,

   "Wait! I said that I dared to go out without any fetters. I slipped and said fetters. I haven't seen Liu Key for a few days.

  Shen Jin is now full of Naiko's brains.

   After arriving at Liu Key's villa,

   As soon as Shen Jin knocked on the door, it opened inside,

   stretched out a pair of slender hands, and the two big Pikachus whose jackets were held up,

   "Come in you!"

  After 3 hours,

   Shen Jin walked out of Liu Key's villa,

   has a look of happiness, enjoyment and coolness intertwined on his face.

   "Ah~~ so comfortable!"

   completely released the pressure of sinking into these days,

   After all, hiding in a closed bunker every day, facing hundreds of thousands of zombies, that kind of feeling will never feel good.

"Suddenly I understand why Jiaofangsi and Goulan were set up in ancient times, especially in the war years, other industries may not work, but this kind of industry will almost be more prosperous, because people's pressure needs to be released, generals go to Jiaofangsi, soldiers go to Goulan , both consumption and release”

   "Hey, I heard that playing the piano can also effectively relieve stress. I don't know which one is better than this one?"

  Shen Jin arranged another activity for Yang Ao - watching two comedy films at night, finding a counselor to give a lecture, and opening several permanent counseling rooms in several bases.

   "Well, this will be better for the warriors. Both material and spiritual are hard to grasp. I really am a good boss who cares about my subordinates."

  Shen Jin was taken aback for a moment, and before he knew it, he had completely regarded himself as a leader.

   It turned out that he was getting farther and farther from the otaku he used to be.

   For a long time, I took a deep breath,

   "The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard! Get Xiaobai over and let me touch it!"

   Shen Jin greeted Sun Li and asked him to wash Xiaobai and send it to his studio.

   "I've saved so much [World Coins], it's time to spend it"

  PS: 29~31st is a double monthly pass,

   It starts after 0:00!

   Ask for a monthly pass!

   As long as the total is 1000, there is still 340 left. Divide by two is 170 cards, just cast and vote!

  Thank you all!

   Bang Bang Bang - (kowtow)

   (end of this chapter)