MTL - Doomsday Home is the Most Stable-Chapter 614 good news and bad news

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   Chapter 614 Good News and Bad News

   Home No. 1,

Between    Hulu District and Q District, there is a large fully automated farm,

   was sunk into and transformed into an Ark-1 rescue site.

   As the name suggests, it is a location representing the "Ark Project", as well as rescue sites 2, 3, and 4.

   Distributed in the sparsely populated areas of the No. 1 home base,

   These were all made a few months ago by Shen Jin and Wallfacers 9 and 10,

   is to prevent this from happening,

   If necessary, Shen Jin can even bring all the survivors of the entire China to the No. 1 homestead,

  In that way, he really became a large Noah's Ark,

  The Last Garden of Eden in China.

   Now, it’s not that far.

   When Shen Jin and the others returned to the base,

  The survivors on Zhengzhou's side are still being teleported to the Ark-1 area.

   The space cracks were torn open on the [transport machines], and rows of survivors were drilled out of them, and then they were taken to the living area by the logistics team.

  40 minutes,

  Zhengzhou's 500,000 survivors have all been teleported,

  The supernatural beings from the Zhengzhou branch of Tianluodiwang also sent over,

   Perfect retreat!

   Yang Ao stayed behind and put more than 100 [transport machines] into his backpack,

   took a look at the already empty Tianluodiwang Zhengzhou sub-base,

   "The zombie tyrant is about to be **** off and say goodbye!"

   Started the portable [Space Locator] and returned to Home No. 1.

  Shang Qian is arranging large and small affairs here. There are many survivors of 500,000. The area of ​​No. 1 Homestead is only 810,000.

   This directly adds 2/3,

  This area of ​​Ark No. 1 was originally only available for 200,000 people. Now there are suddenly so many people, it is really difficult to accommodate.

   But these people are not residents of the No. 1 hometown, and they don’t necessarily plan to live here for a long time. Maybe after the crisis is over, they will go back with the people from Tianluodiwang. After all, that is their hometown.

   Moreover, in order to facilitate management, so many people who do not understand the rules of the No. 1 home can not be allowed to wander around, and a large number of public security incidents can easily occur.

  Shang Qian called Long Tao's house from the construction team,

   "Old Dragon, let your people expand Ark-1 on the spot, and then create a dormitory that is enough for 300,000 people, with public toilets, drinking water areas, garbage collection areas, etc."

   "Good business manager!"

  Long Tao's family took orders, and with his construction team of 10,000 people, began intensive construction,

   For a while, tens of thousands of people wearing gloves rushed over with [Electric Jetpack] on their backs,

  Like the rocket pilots in Red Alert,

very impressive,

   They took out building blocks one by one from their backpacks, flicked their fingers, and quickly covered the matchbox,

   Extremely fast!

  The survivors from Zhengzhou were dumbfounded.

   Right under their noses, dormitory buildings suddenly appeared in an open space.

   "Honey, am I dazzled? How did I see the mirage?"

   "No, your eyes aren't dazzling, it's the world that's not normal, I'm sure I didn't wake up"

   "You all don't know anything, you don't have any knowledge! I heard this trick from someone from Tianluodiwang. It is a unique skill of No. 1 home base. It is called 'blocking ability', and it is very fast to build defense facilities and houses."

   "Good guy, I thought I'd be able to live on the open space outside for one night today. Looking at the speed, we'll be able to move into the new dormitory in a while, outrageous!"

   "What's so good about this broken dormitory, I still want to live in the residential building of our Zhengzhou base"

   "I don't think so. Only a safe place can be called home. If you run around and run away every day, you won't have to stay there! I've moved 4 times in the past year, it's really numb!"

   "+1, hemp in hemp!"

   A group of people pointed at the rapid construction team and discussed,

   After being rescued, he is no longer afraid, but has a great interest in new things.

   In summary: I love to watch the fun.

  Shang Qian called Wang Defa again,

"Pharaoh, go to the Ministry of Resources and get a batch of cots, put them in these newly built dormitories, and arrange for people to come and cook tomorrow morning, don't starve them, and if you have any other reasonable needs, let the logistics staff People try their best to be satisfied, Shen Jin just said that these people may live for a while, and they may go back when the crisis over there is eliminated."

   "Okay, Mr. Shang, I will definitely do a good job in logistical support and management of the survivors here during this time, so that they won't cause trouble for our base, and send them away smoothly."

  Shang Qian shook her head: "Pharaoh, you don't understand what I mean"

  Shang Qian helped her black-rimmed glasses and pointed at the ignorant Zhengzhou survivors,

   "Since you're here, why don't you invite them to take a good look at our base, in case they fall in love with it and voluntarily stay here and don't plan to leave?"

   Old Wang patted his forehead,

   "Oh, got it! I will inform the administrative department and prepare to check in the new residents. Don't worry, these days, I will definitely let most of them stay voluntarily"

   "Well, that's right, I don't worry about you doing things, Old Wang."

  Shang Qian left with satisfaction. After these things are arranged, she doesn't need to worry about it,

  Although Pharaoh likes to carry the burden for others, he is very reliable.

  Shen Jin and the others are communicating with the boss of the Zhengzhou Tianluodiwang branch. They don't know that Shang Qian has already set their sights on these people.

   "Thank you! Thank you very much for the help of No. 1 Homeland, otherwise we will suffer heavy losses in this retreat"

   "You're welcome, this was originally an agreement between me and Wallfacers No. 9 and 10 in advance. Besides, with so many compatriots, we are all Chinese, and it is impossible to let them kill zombies."

   "During this time, we may have to disturb your base. We need to borrow some food to maintain the life of the military and civilians. When Zhengzhou is safe, we will take it out from the granary and return it to you."

"No problem, you don't have to worry about food, water, and accommodation. My people will make arrangements for you. You can stay here with peace of mind during this time. You can go to our Q area when you have time. The urban area here is still very lively”

   said, Shen Jin naturally took out a card,

   "This is for you. There should be a lot of money in it. If you see something you like, you can buy some for yourself."

   "Well, then thank you, Colonel Shen."

  Zhengzhou Tianluodiwang boss Yang Zheng took over this bank card-like thing with some doubts. Although he didn't know how to use it, he still smiled politely.

   After all, the man in front of them saved them.

   After speaking here,

Wallfacer No. 9 pulled Shen Jin and said, "Recently, you have to be mentally prepared. The habits of zombie tyrants are completely different from Z zombies. We can't figure it out for the time being. It is very likely that other areas will also be attacked by large corpses. Once that happens. We'll have to let them retreat to your side again."

  No. 10: "Only you can stop the zombie tyrant"

Shen Jin nodded: "I understand, we agreed before that if this kind of disaster happens, the No. 1 homeland will definitely be the home of all Chinese people, I think we should now consider how to deal with the impact of the zombie tyrant led by the zombie tide. ”

  Those corpses in City B will enter H Province tomorrow,

  If they seek and destroy human settlements, they must have a fight with Homestead One.

  Wallfacer 9 sighed,

"Well, what we are most worried about has happened. The zombies are not waiting to die, and so many fourth-order zombie tyrants are teleported directly from space. Next, we have to consider not only how to defend the zombie tyrants, but also how to eliminate them, otherwise they will lead With a large tide of corpses scurrying across the country, it will ruin the results of our long-term efforts!"

  The place where the corpse tide passes is a mess,

   Now, the major cities in China have managed to gain a firm foothold and restore order and production.

   Homestead No. 1 has just established a large number of power generation facilities and charging stations in various places.

  If the corpse tide is rampant, their efforts will all be in vain.

   Shen Jin scratched his head a little,

   "But. We can't beat the zombie tyrant head-on. Maybe relying on the city defense of No. 1 homeland, it is possible to kill it, but that thing of yours will be useless after leaving the No. 1 homeland. We are helpless."

  No. 10 suddenly said: "Unless there are a few more Tier 4 Transcendents"

   "Yeah. Only the fourth-order extraordinary person can shake the zombie tyrant in the corpse tide."

  Sun Can said nothing, turned his head and went back to his place to practice.

  The rest are also a little helpless, they are farther from the fourth order,

"Let's wait first, wait for Hu Shou to regain his strength, and wait for the research situation of the white ape man, whether the ability user can be promoted to the fourth rank. If there is an accident, Sun Can and I may be difficult for humans to deal with. Tier 4 Abilities"

  If the two of them were swallowed up by the genes of alien races when they were promoted to the fourth rank, then the joy of mankind would be great.

   The quick action of the zombie tyrant,

   cast a shadow on everyone's heart.

   Two days later.

  The No. 1 Homeland has activated the Ark No. 2 base, which accommodates the survivors of Chengdu City,

   Chengdu City is also a big city,

   There are many survivors, there are a full 800,000 survivors,

   The construction team, logistics team, and resource department have been busy for a while, and I haven't had a rest these days.

   Fortunately, the No. 1 Homestead has abundant storage of various materials,

   After all, he is an old hoarder who has scavenged all the resources of 6 cities and some resources of two provinces.

  The wealth is rich,

   Supplying the new 1.3 million survivors is no problem.

This time, when Yang Ao went to Chengdu City to help them evacuate, he also moved their granary here. Anyway, if it is stored there, the food will be gradually damaged. It is better to put it in the box of the No. 1 home warehouse. Time is still inside, and the food can be kept fresh forever.

   By the way, Yang Ao also took the time to take someone back to Zhengzhou City secretly and cleaned up the granary there.

   Zombies don't eat food, but they're afraid they'll be hooted when they pass by,

   When the time comes, if you get infected with the zombie virus in the warehouse, you can't eat it.

   These grains, No. 1 Homeland kept them for the two bases, and provided them with free grains at the same time.

   In exchange for the sincere thanks of the two base people.

   "Thank you~"

   In general, these rescue methods have been rehearsed in advance, and there were no problems in the middle.

   But it was unexpected to see so many people at one time,

  Shang Qian also asked the construction team to hurry up to expand several other Ark bases, ready to meet the next city that was attacked by the zombie tyrant.

   Today, Hu Shou has fully recovered,

   He came to Homestead No. 1 with the genetic analysis report of the white ape.

   "You did a good job, I saw you right"

  Shen Jin smiled: "With a little effort, you can't watch your compatriots die outside, right?"

  Hu Shou patted him on the shoulder, his momentum was heavy,

   "No matter who you are, we are the same kind of people"

  Shen Jin flashed a trace of doubt: "Who am I? Why do you suddenly say that?"

  Hu Shou smiled: "It's nothing, this is the latest lab report, it should be of some help to you guys"

  Shen Jin brought a thick report and saw a lot of data and pictures,

   The process and results of various tests are written in it, which is very complicated!

  Shen Jin frowned as he watched,

Next to   , Sun Can grinned directly,

   "Director Hu, you'd better tell us the conclusion directly. It's too embarrassing for us to understand this."

  Hu Shou's mouth twitched slightly: "Well, actually I don't understand it either, it was told to me by someone in the lab"

   Shen Jin, Sun Can: "???"

  You can't read it, bring it here and let us see it!

  Disgusting people!

   But Shen Jin, who saw the smile on Hu Shou's mouth, suddenly understood, this is Hu Shou's bad taste!

   "There is good news and bad news, which one should you listen to first"

  Shen Jin: "Bad News"

  Sun Can: "Good News"

   The two of them looked at each other: "It's fine, just look at it and talk"

   From the subconscious answer, it can be seen that the two have different ideas.

   Shen Jin needs to know the disadvantage first, Sun Can needs to know the advantage.

   This may be the difference between Gou Sheng and Mangfu.

Hu Shou didn't sell off: "The good news is that there is no essential difference between the genes of the superhumans and the structure of our gene-lock superhumans, that is to say, no matter which promotion method we choose, if we want to advance to the fourth rank, we have to face the The impact on the alien bloodline"

   Shen Jin and Sun Can felt relieved, everyone can do the same,

  Since Hu Shou can make it through, they can also find a way to make it through.

   "What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that the ancient superhumans are right about one thing. Gene-lock superhumans are easier to cross the threshold of Tier 4 than supernormal powers, because we have much stronger control over genes than supernormal powers, and we can block them. Drop the genes of some alien races and prevent them from opening, so the inner demons you face will also be weaker, and the inner demons you have to face are very powerful, equivalent to a fourth-order alien spiritual body. This process You have to face it yourself, no one else can help you"

"The Crocodile Country just failed to withstand the impact of his inner demon, completely lost himself, and forgot who he was. In the past two days, we tried to wake him up, but... all failed, his consciousness has been completely occupied by aliens, The genes in the body preside over the rapid transformation of the body and brain, and after a while, he will completely become an ancient alien."

   "Hey! A gene fragment can cause such a big impact. Can these alien races really be resurrected after hundreds of thousands of years?"

   "The Curse of the Alien This is terrible!"

  The news brought by Hu Shou gave Shen Jin and Sun Can a bottom line.

  Theoretically, they can be promoted to Tier 4, but it is very difficult.

   Shen Jin had some guesses and suddenly asked:

   "Inner Demon. Is it a spiritual attack?"

   (end of this chapter)