MTL - Doomsday Home is the Most Stable-Chapter 661 Zombies protect the law on the left and right, and they are slaughtered! (Down)

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   Chapter 661 Zombies protect the law on the left and right, slaying! (Down)

  Sun Can didn't move, but the flame barrier automatically opened a small opening and let people outside come in.

   14 Tier 4 junior Transcendents, all injured but excited, they have already won the middle-level battle.

   And the allied army of 30 million superhumans on the earth will be victorious against the zombies of the zombie army.

   There are only 2 zombie guardians left!

   The scale of victory has tilted in the direction of human beings, how can people not be happy?

  Yang Ao and the other 14 fellows of **** creatures, 4 were killed and 10 remained, all of them were injured a lot, and they had no fighting power in a short period of time.

   They came to the flame enchantment, found a place to catch up, absorbed the fire aura from the **** world to repair themselves, and the recovery speed was much faster here than outside.

Behind   , a black dragon hovered outside the flame barrier, and its body was too large to fly in.

  Liu Dalang is currently the best preserved.

  Although he charged forward in the battle just now and took a lot of damage, he didn't feel bad at all, because it was a zombie who was injured and died, so it had nothing to do with him as a human being!

  This thing. If you die, you will die. If you die, you will move again.

After   Liu Dalang hovered in the air for a while, his body began to change.

  The dragon scales on the dragon's body faded, revealing the injured place, squeezing all the zombies inside together, black energy surged, the black dragon's body shrunk in half, and then all the injuries were repaired.

   A strand of black light flows from the dragon body to the dragon head composed of Liu Dalang. He wants to absorb the power of these zombie crystal cores to help himself recover to the best state.


   With a dragon roar, Liu Dalang took his fusion black dragon into the flame barrier, hovering in the air, with one black eye and one green eye, hovering in the air with a terrifying aura.

  He is very strong!

  Have the twin lights of human beings and zombies, devoured the crystal cores of many zombie tyrants, absorbed the energy of their crystal cores, and helped his strength rise steadily.

   He took out a fourth-order intermediate crystal core that shone with the light of the mind, and swallowed it again.


   On the black dragon, black arrogance rolled, and Liu Dalang's black spiritual light flourished!

   Then, the colored light of the mind devoured part of it, and he grew a lot, and finally it was about the same size as the light of the black mind.

   The characteristics of humans and zombies are maintained just right in Liu Dalang's body.

   Jiang Ziya glanced at him with a thoughtful look.

  In the gossip array, Li Moxiao and Shen Jin, their fusion of the light of the soul, joined forces, and their power was greatly increased!

   Both of them are now at the advanced level of half-step fourth-order, and they have been able to tie with the right guard of the zombies.

  The situation is getting better.

The 14 Tier 4 primary Transcendents are temporarily resting in the flame barrier. Their abilities are still unable to intervene in this battle. It is better to take advantage of the fact that they have just defeated the zombie tyrant, take the potion that Shen Jin has prepared for them, and hit the Tier 4 intermediate again. .

   After you turn on the light of your own heart, you are only eligible to join this battle.

  Liu Dalang's huge fusion body entered the Bagua array.

   "Boom boom boom!"

In the    formation, a huge energy rushed over, and it was also at the advanced level of half-step fourth-order!

   The two zombie guardians were overjoyed. This familiar power is definitely possessed by the zombie tyrant!

   They understood immediately.

   The battle outside, the zombies won!

   is now estimated to have rushed into the homes of these people and began to slaughter.

   At this time, it must be to assist the two of them to break the game.


   The zombie's right guardian hasn't been happy for a second, when the familiar zombie's spiritual light attacked from behind and was knocked out. The body was greatly impacted, and a layer of corrosive black light enveloped its whole body.

   Black Dragon Claw followed.

  The space was torn apart by the dragon claws, and it was infinitely close to the power of the fourth-order advanced.


   The zombie left guard threw out a sea of ​​blood, sent the black tornado flying, and saved the right guard.

   In the sky, the stars are shining brightly, and the fire is soaring.

   At this moment, the flame of belief in the Eight Trigrams Formation got in and ignited its body directly.


   The Zombie Protector propped up the light of his heart regardless of the loss, and forced the flames, Shen Jin, Li Moxiao, and Liu Dalang to retreat.

  The two zombies took the opportunity to merge together, and the arrogance on their bodies resisted the attack in the formation.

  3 half-step fourth-order advanced +5 great advisors, facing each other, two genuine fourth-order advanced zombie guardians.

   "The advantage is mine! Hold them and win!"

  Sun Can's body is getting more and more blazing, his body is covered by the power of purple rules, and he is about to break through.

   All counselors: "Attack!"

   For a time, everyone's attacks became more violent.

  The light of human faith hovers in the air.

   It is full of wisdom, bravery, justice, benevolence, integrity, and many other human virtues.

   These are the most powerful weapons of mankind, the essence of the power of faith.

   In the apocalypse, the will of human beings is the first-order weapon against this catastrophe.

   The Zombie Guardian has felt the crisis approaching.

  The human beings in this world are far less easy to conquer than they imagined. This vast power of belief has been saved from ancient times to the present.

  Even in the end of the law, human beings have never lost their faith.

   Do not believe in ghosts and gods, believe in yourself!

  These phantoms of advisors are shining brightly, and they are also absorbing the beliefs of human beings and constantly consolidating themselves, doing their best to eliminate these two alien races!

   The time passed a little bit.

   The zombies failed to break out of the siege, so they could only freeze with Shen Jin and the others. The two sides were competing for endurance to see who could hold on first.

   Is it a strategist, or Li Moxiao sinking into Liu Dalang, or a zombie protector?

   Obviously, Shen Jin and the others couldn't take down these two zombies.

   But they didn't panic.

the other side.

   The purple lotus flower under Sun Can's feet has been fully formed, and strands of purple light have risen.

   In the sky, a gate was fully opened.

   Inside is the scenery of the **** world, full of fire and aura.

  Two worlds are officially connected!

   Without the need for the obsidian gate that sinks in as an aid, Sun Can can summon the **** world independently.

  Sun Can flickered and appeared in front of the gate of hell.

  The fire spirit body dissipated, revealing his true body, and his hair was dyed red.

   "I am the flame monarch!"


   The **** world seemed to celebrate the arrival of its monarch, and the magma erupted, forming an extremely splendid picture behind Sun Can.

   And Sun Can's momentum also reached its peak at this moment.

   A purple lotus flower flew up under his feet, turned into a crown, and put it on his head.

  Earth space began to vibrate, and between the rules, it seemed that something new was integrated.

  Sun Can, fourth-order senior, done!

   He integrated the light of his soul into the **** world, gained the recognition of the world, achieved his own throne, and carried the power of a world between shots!

   The world rules on Earth also recognize Sun Can, and he is not like the zombie lord, who will be excluded by the rules.

  Two zombie guardians can't exert 100% of their power on Earth.

   If they were in the zombie world, they couldn't last for such a long time.

   A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Sun Can's mouth: "Now, it's my turn."

   His body swayed, with a long red-purple halo on both sides of his body, which crossed a perfect curve in the air and came directly to the zombie's right guardian.

   "Mind Fire!"


   The body of the zombie right protector ignited spontaneously! Without the slightest sign, the whole body began to burn from the inside out, its soul trembled in the flames, and the light of the soul began to fluctuate violently.

  Sun Can put a hand on the top of its head: "Little alien, dare to come to my human territory to spread the wild?"

   The left guardian of the zombie struggled frantically, and his body emitted strong energy fluctuations.

   But Sun Can firmly grasped its head, unable to move.

   "Invading other people's worlds requires the awareness of death."

   The purple flames in Sun Can's hands flourished. Behind him, the gate of **** opened, and countless flames merged into his body.

   It's like fighting with a world behind your back!

   The body of the zombie's right guardian was instantly pressed down, and the black light of the heart was drowned by the purple flames. There was absolutely no powerhouse who had just shaken the earth by himself, as if he was going to be directly pinched to death by Sun Can.


   The left guardian of the zombies broke through the restrictions of the formation and wanted to rescue his partner.

   But the next second, Sun Can shouted: "You kneel down for me too!"


   A golden rule appeared on the top of the zombie's left guardian. There seemed to be a trillion-pound object in it. It was directly pressed to the ground, and a huge pit that was a thousand meters deep was smashed.

   And the body of the right guardian has been swallowed by purple flames, howling in pain.

   Shen Jin is overjoyed!

   "Breakthrough! You really did it, the whole **** world was absorbed by you!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Sun Can's mouth: "Yes, the cultivators have told us long ago that these two worlds are the best things left to us, even beyond the existence of the system artifacts, the power of the system can only allow us to reach Fourth-order intermediate, and the world hides the secret of rising to fourth-order advanced or even fifth-order."

   "Wait until I've eliminated them, then we'll chatter!"

Sun Can exerted strength with both hands, the gate of **** behind him opened, and countless powers emerged, and the power of rules on the earth was also mobilized. Qi Qi helped him capture the zombie guardian, and then sent out a thick flame, smashing the two. Only the Zombie Guardian is roasted on the outside and tender on the inside.

   They fought against everyone on Earth, and they have consumed a lot. Sun Can, who is in his prime now, has the blessing of the power of the **** world and the intimacy of the rules of the earth. There is no problem in suppressing the two of them.

  Li Moxiao, Shen Jin, and Liu Dalang took the opportunity to beat the two zombie guardians.

   screamed out from the mouth of the zombie protector, but it was useless!

   "It's useless for you to break your throat. There is nothing on earth that can save you. The whole world is our backup. What are you going to fight us with?"

  Shen Jin knew that the earth is the home field of human beings, and they are also high-level fourth-order, strong people who integrate the light of the mind into the rules. Zombies cannot compete with humans, because the rules of the earth have will and know that humans are the masters of this world.


   The struggle of the zombie guardians became smaller and smaller, and the purple flames in Sun Can's hands had already burned through their armors.

  Everyone looked at Sun Can with great power.

   Burn the flesh and bones of the zombie guardians to ashes.

   There are only two **** left, one black and one red.

   After a moment of silence, there was a burst of cheers!

   "Ow! Oo!"

   "We are victorious!"

   "Sun Can is awesome! Boss Shen is awesome! Humans are awesome!"

   "I finally fulfilled my childhood dream, Mom, I didn't lie to you, I really maintained the peace of the earth. Rest in peace in heaven."

  The flame enchantment dissipated, and peace was restored between heaven and earth.

  The zombies on the ground, after all, did not resist the blow of the large-scale human electric weapons, the energy of the crystal nucleus was exhausted, and they became corpses all over the place.

  The zombies that were moving all over the world suddenly stopped, as if they had lost their leader and lost their goals. After a moment of stunned, they wandered on the spot.

   A group of extraordinary people descended from the sky.

  The leaders of the Human Transcendent Alliance gathered together with excited expressions on their faces. They came to participate in this battle, and they had no intention of going back alive.

   Today, humans have killed hundreds of millions of zombies at a very small price, creating a miracle!

   Moreover, human beings have their own fourth-order advanced superhumans, and their high-end strength has reached a new level!

   Sun Can, the highest patron saint of the earth!

   All over the world, the news of the frontline victory was received at the first time.

   They all laughed when they saw the six statues in the underground shelter. Among them, the statue of Sun Can grew up silently, and it looked more mysterious, which was obviously different from the other five statues.

   Shen Jin saw that there were complicated contents in the two **** in Sun Can's hand, and took a look.

   There are two zombie bodies sitting cross-legged inside, lifelike.

   Shen Jin asked suspiciously: "They...are not dead?"

Sun Can nodded: "There is no real death, they are fourth-order advanced, and the light of mind is integrated into the zombie world. In theory, if we can't kill them in the zombie world, then their light of mind may be able to help them. resurrection"

   "Hi~ Fourth-order advanced supernatural beings, can they also be resurrected?"

"Yes, by entrusting your own soul in the rules, you already have the ability to resurrect, unless the other party can find the natal world and completely smash the light of the natal soul. For example, you can find my soul in the rules of the **** world. light, and then destroyed, I cannot be resurrected."

   But Sun Can shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it will take a long time for them to revive, maybe a few years, maybe a few decades, enough for us to gain the power to follow."

  Shen Jin nodded, and gave him another year to be promoted to the fourth-level senior with confidence.

   "Win, finally win. Earth humans can come out of the underground shelter and have a good rest."

   Shen Jin just finished speaking.

  Day, it was suddenly dark!

   A huge vortex formed over the earth.

   A place of immortality.

   A man and a woman are still playing.

   "I didn't expect that they would be able to stop this invasion by themselves, human beings. Even if it is imperfect, it still has such great potential. It is enough to deal with that incomplete race. We are indeed the masters of all races."

   "Then our plan will be easier to implement, there is no flaw at all, everything is just right."

   "Look, it can't bear it anymore, it's coming to our plane."

   "We're ready to shoot. As long as it enters completely, the zombie plane will be ours."

   "Wait a minute, I want to see again. How far can the descendants of these cultivators be able to do, maybe they can cause some damage to the zombie lords?"

   "Don't be kidding, there are two different life forms between the fourth and fifth orders, and they have already crossed dimensions. No matter how powerful an ant is, how can it overturn an elephant?"

   "Anyway, their reproductive ability is so strong, it doesn't matter if they die."

"That's true"

  In another palace in a fairyland.

   A beautiful woman asked: "The plan is about to start, hasn't he returned from the mortal world?"

   "Bennüwa, Lord Fuxi said that he will not come back until he finds a real way to escape."

   "Well then we will continue to execute according to the plan."

   (To be continued. If you want to know what happens next, please listen to the breakdown next month)

   (end of this chapter)