MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 233 Hanging and Beating Poison Douluo

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  Chapter 233 Hanging and Beating Poison Douluo

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "Sixth soul skill Ten Thousand Snake Formation!"

  After a strong shock, Poison Douluo also knew the power of Muge. With just three hundred thousand year soul rings, Muge's soul power would definitely not be weaker than him.

  So after being shocked, Poison Douluo immediately chose to do it.

  Because he is afraid that if he loses the upper hand, he may really not be the opponent of Pastoral.

  Although he appreciates pastoral songs, Poison Douluo doesn't want to be defeated by a newly promoted titled Douluo. It would be too embarrassing to be defeated by the opponent with his own martial soul.

   Whoosh whoosh—

After Poison Douluo unleashed his spirit avatar, the more than 30-meter-long Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor opened his mouth behind him and spit out a message, surrounded by a burst of poisonous mist, and then countless small snakes attacked Muge together with the poisonous mist up.

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "Sixth soul skill Ten Thousand Snake Formation!"

  However, in the face of Poison Douluo's attack, Mu Ge took his time and displayed the same soul skills as Poison Douluo.


  I saw the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor behind Muge also spit out a long letter, the poisonous mist filled the air, and countless small snakes met the attack of Poison Douluo along with the poisonous mist.

   "Can you even simulate soul skills?"

  Poison Douluo saw that Mu Ge's soul skills were exactly the same as his, and the corners of his eyes kept twitching.

   Can you still have fun with this?

  Everyone has the same martial soul and soul skills, but the quality of your soul ring is seriously inconsistent!


  However, Poison Douluo is not timid, thinking that although Muge can imitate his martial arts and soul skills, his familiarity and control of soul skills must be inferior to his original version.

  Pirates are only pirates after all!

  Let this old man teach you how to use the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor martial spirit!

  With this mentality, Poison Douluo attacked Mu Ge with his own soul skills.


  Two streams of poisonous mist and two seas of snakes collided quickly.

  The poisonous mist instantly became chaotic, and the little snakes condensed from both sides also began to fight in the poisonous mist.

   "It's started, it's started, it's finally started!"

   "Even the soul skills are the same, this simulator martial soul under the crown of Wanxiang is really too strong!"

   "Yeah, it would be great if my martial soul could imitate other people's martial soul..."


  Seeing that Poison Douluo and Muge finally started fighting, the audience cheered up and watched intently.

  While watching, he is also constantly sending messages on the world channel, chatting with others, and guessing who is more powerful.

  The soul skills of the two sides competed, and soon there was a result. The soul skills of the two sides canceled each other out.

   "Even the use of soul skills is so powerful!"

  Poison Douluo was startled again when he saw this, and immediately stopped using soul skills, but directly used Wuhun avatar to rush towards Muge.


   Seeing this, Muge just snorted lightly, and then manipulated the martial soul avatar behind him to meet Poison Douluo.

  Muge just manipulated the spirit avatar to attack, but the deity didn't integrate into the avatar of the spirit.

  Poison Douluo is different, he is the true deity and has also merged into the martial soul avatar, turning into the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor!


  Two 30-meter-long Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperors quickly fought in the poisonous fog.

  Poison Douluo originally thought that he was more proficient in using the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor than Muge, not to mention that Muge's deity has not integrated into the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, and has not achieved the unity of human soul with Wuhun, so he is definitely not as good as him.

  But after fighting, Poison Douluo realized his mistake. Muge's use of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor was not weaker than him at all.

   " must be because he has three hundred thousand year soul rings, so his soul power is stronger than mine..."

  But Poison Douluo definitely didn't admit it in his heart, thinking that Mu Ge relied on the blessing of three hundred thousand year soul rings to act as if he was stronger than him.

   "Ninth Soul Skill Biphosphor Divine Light!"

  At this moment, Poison Douluo no longer hides his clumsiness, and displays the strongest ninth soul skill, spewing out a green divine light from the mouth of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, and blasting it directly at the pastoral deity.

   "Ninth Soul Skill Biphosphor Divine Light!"

   It's just that the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor under the control of Muge also displayed the ninth soul ability immediately, and directly used the same soul ability to annihilate Poison Douluo's attack.

Then it may be because Muge's ninth soul ability is blessed by a hundred thousand year soul ring, so the destructive power displayed is even stronger. After destroying the attack of Poison Douluo, there is still room to continue attacking Poison Douluo go up.

   "Damn it!"

   "I knew it was because of the hundred thousand year spirit ring!"

   Poison Douluo immediately cursed in his heart when he saw this.

   "The fourth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Tiangang Shield!"

   In desperation, Poison Douluo could only use a defensive soul skill to block Muge's attack.


   Immediately afterwards, the figures of Muge and Poison Douluo also temporarily separated after a round of battle.

  From the fight just now, it is not difficult to see that Poison Douluo is not Muge's opponent, and was crushed throughout the process.

  Poison Douluo, who gave up for the time being, looked at Mu Ge with a relaxed expression, his face turned blue and white at times.

  It is too embarrassing for someone to use pirated martial arts and soul skills to defeat the genuine version of myself.


   "Using other people's martial arts to defeat the opponent, isn't that too cool?"

   "I feel ashamed for Poison Douluo!"

   "Didn't you see Poison Douluo's face now? He thinks so too..."

   "Haha, it really is..."

   "However, this martial soul under the crown of Wanxiang is still too incredible. It is fine to imitate other people's martial souls, but it can even simulate soul skills..."

   "Yeah, it's scary..."


   At the moment of the pause, the soul masters on the world channel also expressed their opinions in a hurry. Without exception, they all lamented the power of the pastoral simulator martial soul.

   "Boy, I admit that you are very powerful!"

   "But if you want to use my martial soul to defeat me, that's impossible!"

   "Eighth Soul Skill Freeze Time!"

  Poison Douluo looked at Muge coldly, and after uttering a harsh word, he immediately attacked Muge again.

  The eighth soul ability is also a very powerful soul ability of Poison Douluo, which can freeze time.

  Of course, it's just talking, even Poison Time Douluo can't really freeze it.

  It's just a kind of soul skill that has the same effect as Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's martial soul fusion skills, and the effect is definitely not as good as that of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo's martial soul fusion skills.

   After all, the opponent is the martial soul fusion skill of two super douluo.

  But Poison Douluo's time is frozen, it is only an eighth soul ring, and it is only the eighth soul ability brought by a ten thousand year soul ring.

  An invisible ripple came from the mouth of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor behind Poison Douluo, and then quickly enveloped Mu Ge.

   "Sorry, I will do the same trick!"

   "Eighth Soul Skill Freeze Time!"

  Facing Poison Douluo's attack, Mu Ge still displayed the same soul skill very easily and freely. hum—

  The collision of the two soul skills did not cancel each other out, but strengthened the effect of freezing time, and both of them were imprisoned at the same time.

   "Haha, you're fooled!"

  Poison Douluo saw that the soul skills of the two collided and achieved the effect he wanted, he suddenly laughed, as if his plot had succeeded.

   This is indeed Poison Douluo's calculation.

  He has encountered a soul beast that can do this trick before, and after the two sides used it together in battle, the soul skills of both sides were strengthened together, and then no one could control it.

  Poison Douluo just discovered that Muge's martial soul and soul skills are exactly the same as his, and Mu Ge seems to have been using the same soul skills as him in order to prove the strength of his simulator martial soul.

  So Poison Douluo had this calculation.

   "Soul Bone Soul Ability Medusa's Gaze!"

  Afterwards, Poison Douluo used his ultimate move.

  Since everyone is trapped in the prison of frozen time and cannot move, but he can still use his soul bone soul ability, which is also his most powerful soul ability.

  Poison Douluo didn't believe it, Mu Ge could even imitate his soul bone and soul skills.

  He has a soul bone, but Muge doesn't.

   "The pastoral miscalculation!"

   "It's actually a soul bone soul skill, and it's Medusa's gaze, this time Idyll is about to lose!"

   "Sure enough, you can't underestimate any opponent. Mu Ge is too careless. He thinks that he can imitate others' martial arts and soul skills, plus his own soul ring advantage, and he has nothing to fear!"

   After seeing this scene, many experts applauded Poison Douluo.

   "Isn't it?"

   "It looks like His Majesty Wanxiang is about to lose?"

   "I was tricked by Poison Douluo..."

   "Sure enough, the **** is still old and spicy!"


  Ordinary audiences can also see at this time that Muge seems to be in danger.

   "Fire eyes!"

  Just when everyone thought that Muge was about to fail due to Poison Douluo's plan, Muge's eyes burst out with two golden lights, meeting the gaze of Poison Douluo's Medusa.

   Although Pastoral cannot imitate Medusa's gaze for the time being, Pastoral is not without its own soul skills.

   It's just that she couldn't fully use the opponent's soul skills to defeat the opponent, which made Muge somewhat regretful.

   But there is no other way, Poison Douluo's trick is indeed beyond his expectation.

   The soul-calling technique of freezing time, unexpectedly has this effect after the collision.

   It's funny, it's so much fun.

  Although she was calculated, Muge felt the joy of fighting instead.


   Soon, the golden eyes bursting out from Muge's eyes collided with Medusa's gaze in the air.

   Chi Chi Chi Chi—

  A total of four light beams collided in the air, making harsh energy friction sounds.

   Immediately afterwards, I saw Muge's fiery eyes and divine light, which began to petrify, and continued to be petrified.

   It can only be said that it is worthy of the gaze of Medusa, even energy can be petrified.

   "Very good, very powerful, this trick will be mine later!"

   Seeing this, Pastoral was overjoyed.

  Poison Douluo's move, Medusa's Gaze, is indeed very powerful in his opinion, and it is worth imitating.


  While thinking in his heart, Muge increased the transmission of soul power to the golden-eyed divine light. It doesn't matter if he can't resist Medusa's gaze and be petrified, as long as he keeps emitting divine light and blocks the trend of petrification from spreading.

   "Damn it, this kid actually has such a soul skill!"

   "Petrochemical for me!"

  Poison Douluo saw that Mu Ge actually used a similar soul skill to block his attack, which made his calculation not fully implemented, and he was very angry.

  Poison Douluo knew that this was his last chance, so he sent all his soul power to the soul bone, just to put all his eggs in one basket and get rid of the pastoral song.

  Speaking of it, I should also be grateful to the thief who stole his medicinal herbs. It was the other party who told him the solution to his own poisoning.

So these years, Poison Douluo has condensed his own toxins on the Medusa skull, the soul bone of his head. This method has also allowed his Medusa skull to evolve, and his soul skills have naturally become stronger .

   Chi Chi Chi Chi—

  I saw that under the increased transmission of Poison Douluo's soul power, the gaze of Medusa emitted from the skull became stronger.

  Facing Poison Douluo's all-in-one bet, Muge didn't panic at all, and used his fiery eyes and golden eyes to resist when he was still strong.

  Although she couldn't completely resist, Medusa's gaze was still pushed back along his fiery eyes and golden eyes, and Idyll still didn't panic.

   If he really can't resist it, he can just use other soul skills.

  Not much else, he just has a lot of soul skills.

   Moreover, the competition consumes soul power, and the pastoral song is not afraid of anyone at all.

   Not to mention that the first soul skill has three hundred thousand year soul rings, which brought massive soul power to Muge.

  Muge's second martial soul, Xiao Wu, also has four hundred thousand year soul rings.

  The two sides are in a constant stalemate.

  The audience didn't know what the result would be for a while.

  However, from the expressions of both parties, they could see that Poison Douluo's expression became more and more dignified and uglier, while Mu Ge's expression remained the same, as calm as water, as if everything was under his control.

  Seeing that the gaze of Medusa launched by Poison Douluo was about to petrify in front of him, Mu Ge still looked like Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, and his face remained unchanged, extremely calm.

   This scene also made many viewers exclaim.

  Especially some female soul masters, after seeing Mu Ge's performance, while worrying for Mu Ge, they also showed love in their eyes, and were captured by Mu Ge's bearing.

  Of course, the main reason is that the chief pastoral is handsome, strong and young.

  I believe that after today, many female soul masters will regard Mu Ge as the lover of their dreams!

   "Damn, or not?"

   "It's just a little bit..."


  Finally, Poison Douluo unwillingly watched Medusa's gaze stop at less than ten centimeters from Mu Ge's eyes, and finally Medusa's gaze collapsed automatically due to exhaustion of soul power.

   "As expected of a senior, if you use the same martial arts and soul skills as your senior, this junior really has no way to defeat your senior!"

   "But I am the one who wins in the end!"

   "Let me use this trick to send senior down!"

   After Muge glanced at Poison Douluo appreciatively, he stretched out his hand and a wave of strong lightning began to condense in Muge's palm.

   "Thunder funeral!"


  I saw Muge pressed the thunderbolt in his hand to the ground, countless thunderbolts poured in, and then erupted on the entire ring, countless thunderbolts broke out from the ground, instantly submerging Poison Douluo's figure.

  【The winner of this challenge is Vientiane Douluo Muge, Muge replaced the eighth place on the top list, and Biphosphorous Douluo Dugu Bo automatically retreated one place, becoming ninth place on the top list! 】

   When the thunder dissipated, Poison Douluo had long since disappeared from the ring.

  In front of everyone's screen, the result of this Tianbang challenge was also displayed.


  ps: The third change, 4,000 words, will be completed every day. By the way, ask for a monthly pass!

   It is inevitable that there will be a little water when there are too many updates, so don't worry about it anymore! !

  (end of this chapter)