MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 139 Poseidon Tang San

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  Chapter 139 Sea God Tang San

   This power of time and space was brought by Su Mo's time travel.

  The same is true for Bibi Dong, he and Bibi Dong's crossings were contaminated with some power of time and space.

   It wasn't until Su Mo broke through to the soul king that he awakened the power he should have had.

   What Bibi Dong was carrying on her body naturally woke up along with Su Mo's waking up.

  Because Bibi Dong belongs to Su Mo's Martial Soul, the power of time and space in Bibi Dong was directly absorbed by Su Mo and became Su Mo's own power.

  This power is neither attached to the Soul Hunting Gun nor Bibi Dong, but directly becomes Su Mo's own power. Su Mo can use it freely without summoning the Martial Soul.

   What Su Mo didn't expect was that while awakening this power, the souls of him, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue would be brought here.

   It was fine to bring him and Bibi Dong here, but unexpectedly brought Qian Renxue here too.

   "The power of time and space?"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were a little relieved, but also extremely shocked.

  None of them expected that Su Mo had awakened a new kind of power.

   "Brother Su Mo, are you awakening your third martial soul?"

   Qian Renxue looked at Su Mo in amazement.

   If so, wouldn't Su Mo become a soul master of the Three Lives Wuhun?

  That would be too scary, twin martial souls are so rare, and you end up with a triple martial soul.

   "No, it's just a kind of attribute power. There is no way to add a soul ring, so it's not a martial soul!" Su Mo shook his head and explained.

"That is not bad…"

   Qian Renxue breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Su Mo's answer.

   "That... I didn't mean that..." Immediately, Qian Renxue's pretty face flushed slightly, realizing that it was not a good answer for her.

   "Haha, I understand, Sister Xue is just too surprised!"

  Su Mo laughed, naturally he didn't care about this.

  Su Mo couldn't help but look at Qian Renxue's blushing pretty face, but immediately turned away.

  That's right, Qian Renxue, who appeared in the form of a soul, is no longer a disguised form, but her true face.

   "Su Mo, are we back to the future?"

   "The name of Wuhun City has been changed, it should have been changed after the Wuhun Empire and Wuhun Palace were destroyed!"

  At this time, Bibidong looked at the name of Wuhun City, and already guessed something, her tone was full of shock.

   If that's the case, it's incredible that she's back.

   "What? Is this the future?"

  Qian Renxue was stunned when she heard the words, and then looked around in surprise.

  After looking carefully, she realized that the gate of Wuhun City really seemed to have gone through a battle, and then it was just a simple repair, not as solemn as she had imagined.

   "Whether it is true or not, let's go in and take a look!"

  Su Mo was also a little surprised by this, and then suggested to go in and have a look.

   Naturally, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong have no objection to this. If this is really the future, they must be very interested in knowing the changes after the collapse of the Spirit Empire and the Spirit Hall.

   And Qian Renxue can also use this to further confirm Bibi Dong's identity.

   Afterwards, the three of Su Mo entered the former Wuhun City and now the Tianhun City.

  Because Su Mo and the others are in the state of souls, people here can't see them at all. Su Mo and the others can observe at will.

   After entering Wuhun City, Su Mo found that the Wuhun City here was completely different from what he saw when he participated in the Soul Master Competition.

  The original Wuhun City was very prosperous and lively, but now it is deserted and dilapidated.

  In the past, after entering Wuhun City, one could see the majestic and majestic Wuhun Hall from a distance, but now one can see nothing.

  From the conversations of some people here, Su Mo and the others knew that the Wuhun Temple had been completely overthrown, the entire building had been overthrown, and it no longer existed.

  When Bibidong and Qian Renxue came to the former site of the Wuhun Palace, they looked at the already collapsed Wuhun Palace, and they didn't look very good.

   "Thanks to Lord Seagod, if it wasn't for Lord Seagod, the mighty Spirit Hall would never have been defeated!"

   "Yes, thanks to Lord Seagod, we were saved from war. After the Spirit Empire was wiped out, the entire continent regained peace!"

   "Yes, this is also the credit of Lord Seagod. I heard that it was Lord Seagod who forbade the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire to fight again..."

   "Well, the legend is true!"

   "Anyway, before Seagod Dahai ascends to the God Realm, we don't have to worry about Zhan Luan anymore!"


  At this time, a group of merchants also came to the former site of the Wuhun Temple, looked at the collapsed Wuhun Temple, and began to praise Tang San, the **** of the sea.

  They were praising Sea God Tang San, but Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's expressions were extremely ugly upon hearing that.

   “Did we really do it wrong?”

  Especially Bibi Dong, looking at the smiles on those people's faces, Bibi Dong really suspected that she did something wrong back then.

  She admits that she has her own ambitions, but when she vowed to unify the mainland, she thought it was right and right to do so.

  But the various voices she heard now inevitably made her deny herself.

  In other words, from the moment she failed and died tragically, she denied herself, because she was wrong, which led to her final failure.

   "Is what Tang San did right?"

  Qian Renxue also let out a nana with some doubts.

   "Not really!"

   Seeing the appearance of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, Su Mo suddenly said with a smile.

   Bibidong and Qian Renxue looked at Su Mo quickly when they heard what Su Mo said.

   "Tang San did not allow the two empires to attack and fight again, so that the people could cultivate their lives and rest. But Tang San just stopped the two empires from fighting within ten years, and after ten years, he didn't care about it!"

   "It seems that there is no fight yet, so it should be less than ten years before the Wuhun Temple is destroyed!"

   "Tang San did this because he only cared about Xue Beng and Dai Mubai!"

"One is his disciple, and the other is the prince of the Star Luo Empire. If it wasn't because of this, Tang San would not have stopped the two empires at all, because these have nothing to do with him. He dealt with Spirit Hall just for revenge. That's all!"

   "And Tang San also knows that even if he is the sea god, he can't prevent the two empires from living in peace forever, so he just made a ten-year agreement!"

   "So there is nothing wrong with Wuhundian's act of unifying the mainland. Only by unifying the Douluo Continent can we truly bring more lasting peace to the Douluo Continent!"

  "There are two great empires at the same time, and they will only continue to attack each other as before, and the wars will continue!"

  Su Mo then told the truth.

  In the original book, Tang San really just asked the two empires not to fight again for ten years.

  Why is it only ten years? Tang San probably thinks that after ten years, he will be able to ascend to the God Realm, so don't worry about it.

  After hearing what Su Mo said, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue suddenly realized.

  It turns out that the appearance of peace today is only temporary.

   It was Tang San who used his powerful prestige to force the two empires not to fight again.

   Then, the three of Su Mo visited many places.

   Also one after another, from the conversations of other people, I know that the Wuhun Empire has been destroyed for 5 years!

  5 years... a time flow rate of three to one.

  Su Mo's heart skipped a beat.

  After the soul came here, Su Mo understood that what he crossed into was a parallel world in Douluo Continent.

   Or in other words, the parallel world created because of his intrusion.

   The world that Bibi Dong experienced before is still running, and both worlds exist.

   It's just the flow of time between the two worlds, which is a little different.


  After half a day, Su Mo felt an inexplicable vibration.

   "My time and space power is almost exhausted, we should go back, if we continue to stay here, we may not be able to go back!"

  After feeling it for a while, Su Mo quickly said to Bibidong and Qian Renxue's mother and daughter.

   "Well, let's go back quickly!"

  Bibi Dong heard what Su Mo said, and said hastily.

  Although she didn't know much about the situation, she was sure that this place was indeed her original future.

   "Well, let's go back!"

  Qian Renxue also spoke.

  After this experience, she believed Su Mo and Bibi Dong completely, without any doubt.


  Su Mo didn't delay any longer, the time and space energy on his body moved slightly, and then the three figures of Su Mo disappeared from this time and space.

  When Su Mo's consciousness returned, he found that he had returned to himself, to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  After returning to consciousness, Qian Renxue also went back soon.

  She was happy when she came, but when she went back, her mind was full of chaos.

  Mainly, the experience of her soul traveling into the future made her a little overwhelmed.

   This kind of experience made her completely believe in Su Mo and Bibi Dong, but it also made her full of complexity, so she felt that she needed to be quiet and digest it.

   "Su Mo, even if we change the present, it won't have any impact on the future, right?"

   "The future I experienced before is still running. Xiaoxue's godhead is still broken, and she will never be able to break through, right?"

   "What the **** is going on? Why can two worlds exist at the same time?"

   "Is Qian Renxue here still my daughter?"

  After Qian Renxue left, Bibi Dong also asked Su Mo with a complicated expression.

  Qian Renxue felt complicated, and she was even more so.

  At first, she thought that the future would be gone after she was reborn, but this experience made her understand that even if she came back, the world she was in would not change.

  So Bibi Dong couldn't help but think a little more, and even came up with the idea that Qian Renxue here is not her daughter, but the future Qian Renxue whose godhead has been shattered is her daughter.

  So for a while, Bibi Dong was filled with depression. Even if she changed the current world, she would not be able to change the original world.

  Then is there any meaning to everything she does?

  What is the significance of her existence?

   "Sister Luosha, of course Qian Renxue is your daughter!"

   "Whether it is the current Qian Renxue or the future Qian Renxue, they are all your daughters, but they are your daughters in different timelines!"

   "But no matter what, they are all your daughters, which is unmistakable!"

  Su Mo quickly comforted Bibi Dong.

  Su Mo couldn't answer Bibi Dong's question, which involved parallel worlds and timelines, and Su Mo couldn't explain it either.

   It would be no problem to say that Qian Renxue here is Bibi Dong's daughter.

   But if it is said that she is not actually Bibi Dong's daughter, that seems to be okay.

   Anyway, Su Mo couldn't explain it.

  But he can't make Bibi Dong depressed, so it must be, and Su Mo's explanation is completely fine.

   "You are right, they are all my daughters!"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dongmei's eyes were shocked, and she nodded.

   "But... Even if I can change the fate of Xiaoxue now, I can't save Xiaoxue in the future..."

   It was just too soon, Bibi Dong said with great distress.

   Bibi Dong still has her own judgment on this point, because the Soul Master Competition and Tang San's experience have all been changed by Su Mo.

  But there is still no change in the future, so she is very clear that the changes here will not affect the future changes.

  In the future, she will still die, and Qian Renxue will still have her godhead shattered.

  Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Su Mo couldn't help being silent for a while.

   Bibi Dong's question is really difficult for him to answer.

  Because Bibi Dong has witnessed with her own eyes the future time and space she was originally in, and there is no change.

   "No, Sister Luosha, it's not impossible for us to save the future Qian Renxue!"

  But soon, Su Mo's expression was startled, and then he spoke to Bibi Dong.

   "What? You have a way? What way?"

   Bibi Dong quickly looked at Su Mo.

   "Sister Luosha, you will not forget the power of time and space that I just awakened, right?"

   "Since it can lead our souls back to the past, in the future, when I become stronger and fully control this power, it is entirely possible for us to travel through the past with our real bodies!"

   "In that way, we can find a way to repair the damaged godhead for the future Qian Renxue and restore her to her godhead!"

  Su Mo said with a smile.

  Since the time and space that Bibi Dong was in cannot be changed, then there is no need to change it, as long as he has completely mastered the power of time and space and can travel through the past.

   Then, just help the future Qian Renxue restore her godhead and restore her godhead.

   Of course, all of this must be based on her being strong enough.

  Because in that case, he might have to face the future Seagod Tang San.

  So Su Mo definitely wouldn't dare to act recklessly before he was strong enough.

   As for the current Tang San, Su Mo can choose whatever he wants, but for the future Sea God Tang San, Su Mo can't.

   That was Tang San who had truly obtained the double **** position.


  (end of this chapter)