MTL - Doupo: Life Simulator-Chapter 20 simulation

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   Chapter 20 Simulation

That night.

The radiant silver plate hangs in the sky, the silver-white light shines on the trees in the courtyard, the evening wind blows the leaves, rhythmically, the sound of salsa is incessant, and the shadow on the closed white window is like a demon Usually twisted and danced.

   Xiao Ming, who was neatly dressed and sitting cross-legged on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes and murmured.

   "When the child is over, you can simulate life again."

   The sound of the simulator in my head really sounded.

  [ding, it is detected that the current number of simulations is one, whether to start the simulation life. ]

   "Simulator, start The Sims."

  [simulation start—]

[Day 1: There are still 5 hours before dawn, and you are immersed in your practice. Suddenly, you hear a subtle voice. You quit your practice state, quietly walk out of the door, and find that the fat man you saw yesterday was dragging from the room. With a person, after observation, you find that they are attacking the customers in the inn.

You think you should strike first, but after you make a move quietly, you are discovered. After a fierce battle, you were slightly injured. You killed everyone who besieged you in the inn, leaving only one person. Know where your goals are.

  You counted the spoils, and obtained the Xuanyin low-level exercises "Xuanyin Jue" and "Withered Wood Technique", and the yellow-level advanced exercises "Tuyan Jue"...

   After dawn, your injury returned to normal. You left the inn and headed for the target location, fluttering in the air, and hiding in ambush for a long time without seeing him. You found a place to rest and make other plans. ]

[Day 2: You finally got to the two fishermen, and swallowed the pills to be on the safe side. Before you were prepared, you first made a sneak attack and seriously injured one person. Low-level fighting skills "Thousand Corpse Green Poisonous Palm"...]

  [The third day: The injury is fully healed, you let the "spirit" absorb the greenstone profound water, the spirituality of the "spirit" is more abundant, and it has the corrosiveness of the greenstone profound water. The spirit that devoured the Green Rock Profound Water fed back some of its energy to you, you broke through to the two-star Great Fighter, and you left Green Rock Town. ]

  [Day 4: You wake up in the wild, on your way…]


  [Day 9: You find your grudge is more condensed...]


  [Day 16: You went to a secret outside, and after observing, you found that there were many people, and there were not a few strong ones. You frowned secretly. After the secret realm was opened, you entered this secret realm. ]

  [Day 17: In the secret realm, you and several people found a medicinal field. Unfortunately, there were too many people in your group. You only got ice spirit flame grass, poison essence grass, and dragon fruit. ]

  [Day 18: You were lucky enough to grab the Xuan-level intermediate fighting skill "Angry Lion and Wind Slash". You were coveted by a fighting spirit powerhouse and forced to run away. He was attracted by a streamer, and you managed to escape. ]

[Day 19: You were walking in the forest in the secret realm with a few big fighting masters you had just made acquaintance with, and you encountered a seriously injured fighting spirit powerhouse. You recognized him as the fighting spirit who shot you yesterday. The spiritual powerhouse died, and you discovered the Xuanjie intermediate-level exercise "Sanshui Ice Refinement" from the Tanna Ring...]

  [20th day: You found the fluctuations in the fight between the Douwang and the strong, and you noticed that it was not good. You started to rush back. During this period, you encountered several other groups and were in peace. Finally, you left the secret realm. ]

  [Day 21: You found out that you were being followed again, killed the fourth wave of robbers, and you continued on your way. ]

  [Day 22: You sold some unused exercises and bought some herbs. ]

  [The 23rd day: You spent 600,000 gold coins at the auction to auction off a sixth-order magical beast aquamarine ice glass python beast fire. For the sake of safety, you left the venue early. ]

  [Twenty-fourth day: You devoured the beast fire, devoured two Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pills, and broke through to the 5-star Great Fighter Master. In order to stabilize the vain fighting qi brought by continuous breakthroughs, you took the Yunqi Pill. ]

  [Twenty-fifth day: You count the time and find that the inner court trials are about to start, so you rush to the academy. ]

  [Day 26: In Peace Town, you returned to Canaan Academy in a griffin, and you visited teachers and classmates...]

  [Day 28: The inner court trials officially started, and you easily defeated your opponent. ]


  [Day 32: You beat the last opponent and successfully won the first place. ]

  [Thirty-eighth day: You and four other people were brought into the Canaan College Bookstore by Hugan. In the Bookstore, you obtained the secret magic of three fires, which can improve your strength in a short time. ]


  [Day 41: You and the other successfully promoted personnel went to the inner courtyard with the griffin beast. On the griffin beast, you watched the elders of the dean shoot and kill the demon beasts that attacked the convoy, and you became more and more respectful to the strong. ]

  [Day 42: You are avoiding the pursuit of Senior Fire Hunter...]


  [Sixtieth day: You entered the Sky Fen Qi Pagoda to practice, and the fire of the fallen heart flame appeared in your body, and your practice progressed very quickly. ]


  [Day 99: You are addicted to refining medicine, and you have refined the third-grade medicinal pill, the Bing Ling liquid. ]

  [100th day: You are addicted to refining medicine. ]

  [One hundred and one: You are addicted to refining medicine, and you have refined the third-grade medicine pill, the popular medicine. ]

  [Day 102: You left your residence, went to the trading place, and sold the medicinal pills you refined in exchange for fire energy. ]


  [Day 120: You made a few friends. ]

  [130th day: Someone asked you to challenge, you see that your strength is similar to yours, you agreed, and went to the arena one after another to compete. ]


  [One hundred and fifty-one: You go to the residence of the teacher, the elder fire, to receive teaching. ]


  [One hundred and fifty-seventh day: You go to the residence of the teacher, Elder Huo, and receive teaching. ]


  [Day 169: Prepare to refine fourth-grade medicinal herbs, you go to the medicinal material warehouse, you get cold spirit grass, fourth-grade ice attribute magic core...]


  [Three hundred and ninety-ninth day: You entered the Heavenly Burning Qi Tower and practiced for a whole day. ]

  [The 400th day: Someone is looking for you to refine the fourth-grade medicine pill. ]


  [Sixty-seventh day: You defeated a certain Dou Ling one-star powerhouse who wanted to challenge you when you were young. ]


  [Day 710: Entering the forest outside the inner courtyard, you killed several Tier 4 monsters and obtained a Tier 4 magic core. ]


[The 1295th day: You received a letter from the family, Xiao Yan, the genius only under you in the family, disappeared inexplicably. I hope you can think of a way. Actually, you know the reason, but you feel that you can’t control this matter. Write a letter perfunctory. ]


[Day 1460: You received another letter from Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family. He hoped that you could return to the family. He mentioned his son Xiao Yan and the family’s help to you. The teacher, Elder Huo, said goodbye and borrowed a flying beast from the flight institute. ]


[Day 1470: Sitting on the flying beast, you suddenly felt the momentum of the strong man, opened your eyes, a plump female high star Douhuang strong man appeared in front of you, she looked you up and down Afterwards, nod with great satisfaction, you are caught. ]

  [No. 1471: Your belongings have been stripped all over, and you are poorer than a beggar at this time. ]

  [The 1481st: Looking at the female Dou Huang next to you, the ninety-ninth time you stimulated the sealed fighting spirit in your body, you failed, and the female Dou Huang was awakened and educated you. ]


  [The 1998th day: The female Dou Huang’s enemy came to the door, and you, who had been sealed by Dou Qi, were shaken to death by the aftermath of Dou Qi. ]

  [Simulation ends—]

  [Extracting talent items—]

  [Currently available: 3rd grade medicinal pills, 600,000 gold coins, second-order wind magic core]

  [Please select one. ]

   Thanks to Mr. QB for the 500 point reward.

   The next chapter will write about what the protagonist has now.



   (end of this chapter)