MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 20 Empty Gloves Everything (Medium)

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  Chapter 20 Empty Gloves Everything (middle)

   As a completely non-productive race, the life of the war lizards is either in the robbery, or on the way to the robbery.

  Drogon, the new hero of the Black Hive tribe.

Taking advantage of the war between the goblin tribe and the kobold tribe, he took his brothers to complete the attack on the goblin ore cave and successfully plundered a batch of precious iron concentrate, which made him more respected, with More brothers were willing to rob with him.

   With this concentrate, he got some spears and mace, and some new brothers became his followers.

   Bringing the larger-scale war saurman squad, Drogon once again embarked on the "journey".

   It should be said that they also claim to be "Dragon Branches", and the "face value" of the War Lizards is to be higher than that of the Kobolds.

   When they were walking straight, they were generally around five feet tall. In this one alone, they were solidly better than all kobolds. The average height of kobolds was only about four feet.

The war lizards look like straight lizards, their eyes are like crocodiles, showing ruthlessness and ferocity, their teeth are sharp and dense, and there are folds like a crown of thorns on their heads. From the green dragon's point of view, this is how The value of the kobold is indeed higher than that of the kobold.

The upper limbs of the    war lizards look a little thin, but the muscles are very strong, and they will not give people the feeling of thinness. On the contrary, they have an agile and fierce temperament.

   Their lower limbs are somewhat similar to crocodiles, strong and strong, and their feet are very broad, which is very suitable for swamp walking.

   also drags a crocodile-like tail, only more slender.

The weapons of the    war saurians are generally spears and mace... at least that's what they call it!

  The so-called spear is a slender and tough wooden pole, and an irregular pointed iron piece is fastened on it.

  The so-called mace is a stick with a pointed iron block attached to it.

   In terms of this weapon, the short blade of the kobold is undoubtedly much more refined than them. After all, the kobold has his own mining talent, and he can also make simple weapons by himself.

   There were nearly 20 people in the group. When Drogon's team walked through the swamp jungle, they were also very imposing. Some predators would take the initiative to avoid them from a distance when they saw them.

   Seeing that they were about to leave the swamp, suddenly, as the boss, Drogon, who was walking in the front, bowed slightly and stopped.

   He saw that weird mutant mosquito again!

   "Brother Drogon, what should I do?" The old member of the team, the War Lizard who had seen Dragonfly last time, asked in a low voice.

   "Pass slowly. Try not to disturb them."

   This time, Drogon did not choose to take a far detour.

   On the one hand, without iron ore concentrate on his back, his burden was lighter and he was more courageous.

   One more thing, anyway, there are new brothers following him. If a few mutant flies frighten him, the respect of the new brothers for him will probably be reduced a lot.

   Moreover, he also thought of a question. The swamp snake demon rarely walks out of the center of the foggy swamp, so it shouldn't stay nearby for several days. Even if the mosquitoes and flies came from them, maybe they escaped?

   waved his hand lightly, motioning to move on, Drogon pressed his footsteps lighter and staggered some directions from the dragonfly.'s useless!

   No matter whether he staggers the direction or not, whether he detours or not, if he is destined to hit, he will definitely be "actively" hit.

   Before they could walk into the Black Mist Forest, starting from Drogon, one by one, a whole team of war lizards suddenly froze.

   Within sight, under the dark shade of trees, on the left and the right, the scales are dark green, like a monitor lizard, but with wings on its back, a more mighty and mysterious monster slowly raised its head.

   In the eyes of the monster, the brilliance of magic is so oppressive, as if it was born to be high above.

   In fact, it is indeed high above.


Green Dragon!

   Still two green dragons!

"Weak and humble little lizards, do you want to attack the great green dragon? Your courage really impresses me. In order to express my praise to you, I allow you to choose a death method yourself." The script, began to blush.

   She walked out slowly, step by step. Although she was a young dragon, her body, which was far stronger than an ordinary green dragon, exuded an extraordinary oppressive force.

   This kind of oppression is especially effective for the war lizards who claim to be "dragon families".

Drogon was about to kneel, and he was trembling, how could he have the courage to slay dragons: "The great green dragon, your hiding is so perfect. We, the humble, just want to go through here and attack the humbler goblins. We It's just that I didn't notice your existence, and I offended you..."

   "So, you mean, it's all our fault?" There was a dangerous aura in Altana's vertical pupils.

"No, no, how dare we..." Drogon was a bit incoherent, the war lizards are a low-IQ race, and they can be solved by robbery, definitely not by nonsense, so he knows the meaning of the words, but for a moment, Can't figure out how to express it clearly.

   "Wait, you said you were going to attack the goblins?" At this time, Isaac also came out.

   Although he was a whole size smaller than Long Jie, he was still a huge monster for the Battle Lizard, and his pressure was still enormous.

   "Yes, yes, yes, we are going to attack the goblins and **** iron ore, and we will never offend the great dragon family." Drogon and his brothers nodded neatly.

"Grab the iron ore? Don't you know that the goblin mine was originally the dragon's mine, and the despicable goblins only occupied it while we were away?" Altana is clearly bullying the IQ of the war lizards .

   Presumably these war lizards can't figure out how many years the goblins have occupied the mine, and how old are the two young dragons.

   Of course, it doesn’t matter if you count it!

"Altana, I have come up with a way to punish them." Before Drogon could continue begging for mercy, Isaac seemed to have thought of something and said to Long Jie, "Though those goblins are weak, they The ability to dig holes is not small, I have no interest in digging into the intricate mines and hunting them down one by one. Why not punish these little lizards, let them catch the goblins, and save them from capital punishment? "

  Long Jie looked down at the War Lizard Man a few times after hearing this, snorted, and let out a breath of chlorine gas, as if the offended anger still hadn't subsided.

   But she would be fine if she didn't object.

The    war lizard team had been raising their hearts tightly, and finally let go.

"Listen, lowly war lizard, your offense has made Altana, who is in charge of power and war, very angry, but she has a big heart and is still willing to give you a chance to live, and even give you one, for the sake of A chance to play for the great green dragon."

Isaac began to use the "bluffing technique" that he had obtained from the true inheritance of Longma: "Now, return to your lair to recruit more warriors, and tell them that those who are willing to fight for the Green Dragon Princess will receive precious iron. Ore as a reward. And you, the more warriors you can recruit, the less punishment. If the number of warriors exceeds 100, not only will you not be punished, you will also get more iron ore than others. As a reward for serious service to the Green Dragon Princess..."

   (Thanks: Xiaotang246 brother for the reward, please recommend and collect)



   (end of this chapter)