MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 19 Empty Gloves Everything (Part 1)

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  Chapter 19 Empty Gloves (Part 1)

   Out of fear of unknown creatures, the most important thing is the snake demon priest made up by the brain, the war lizard finally chose to detour.

   They don't know, in the shadow of the jungle in front, two pairs of eyes are already staring at them, if they really go straight...

   "It's these stinky, dirty, lowly poor lizards again."

  Altana snorted in no mood, and crawled back again.

   Not afraid of smell, not afraid of dirty, humble is better, but these lizards are too poor, there is no shining thing, she travels thousands of miles every day and night, and she has to be highly sensitive when sleeping during the day, so she is too lazy to move.

  Isaac's eyes have been following these lizards.

  Iron ore?

   There were some thoughts in his eyes. Thinking of some habits of the war lizards, he suddenly moved in his heart and turned around and said, "Altana, I think we may already have a chance to achieve one of our previous plans."

   What was the plan?

  Related to the War Saurus?

  Long Jie raised her head, a little puzzled.

Isaac nodded: "These war lizards should be carrying iron ore, but they don't have the ability to mine. Those who will mine in the foggy swamp or the black foggy forest are probably only dwarves and goblins. , and the kobolds are the most likely. However, they will be attacked by the war lizards and grab the iron ore, and the dwarves can be ruled out first. I guess there should be a goblin mine or a kobold mine in the surrounding area. Hole."

   In Isaac's speculation, Long Jie's eyes lit up.

   According to their plan, once the lair is established, the first thing to do is to recruit "warriors", and the ambitious she will start to rectify the elite soldiers.

   If you want to have elite soldiers, how can there be no iron ore!

   Occupy the Mine, which is at the same time as the first step!

   Unexpectedly, just as they approached the Black Mist Forest, this opportunity was presented to them voluntarily.

   "Start now?" Thinking that her ambition was about to unfold, she was still languid and sleepy just a moment ago. At this moment, Long Jie immediately regained her energy and wanted to "recover" the "Dragon's Mine" immediately.

"My dear sister, don't worry, we will come step by step. We will continue to go out at night and day and spend a few days to understand the surrounding situation. If we are sure, we will start directly. If there is a problem, I can also recruit. A group of 'warriors'!" As Isaac said, he also slumped back.

"What kind of warrior? Also, don't try to attack my treasure. If you want to recruit warriors, use yours first." Long Jie's eyes immediately showed alertness, and she covered all the treasures under her body, not at all. exposed.

   "Don't worry, I won't need your baby." Isaac rolled his eyes angrily. He still remembered what Long Jie said about Long Ma at that time. It was really her turn, and she didn't look much better. Of course, it would be equally impossible for him to spend his own collection.

   Hearing that she didn't need to spend her "money", Altana was relieved, and she was a little curious: "Tell me, who do you want to recruit? How to recruit?"

"Battle lizards." Isaac didn't deliberately betray him. He and Long Jie are still in the run-in period, and working together to open up wasteland is the key. "The lizards are fond of steel, if we can find that mine, the future will belong to us. Their poor little brains must be very happy to recruit them. Not only the mines, but if our future lair is now occupied, they must also be willing to charge for the great green dragon.”

  Whether the jungle or the swamp, it has always been a strict food chain law.

   For two young dragons to gain a foothold in the Black Mist Forest, they will inevitably offend some creatures at the top of the food chain.

   Not surprisingly, places that are eligible to be chosen as their nests should also be occupied by powerful creatures in most cases.

   If fighting those creatures directly is dangerous, why not "recruit" the last batch of "heroic" and "cheap" warriors?

  Long Jie had been in command of wars. After turning her head around a few times, she couldn't help but be amazed at her brother's cunning. Before, she only thought about his laziness and weakness, but he didn't expect him to have strengths.

   "Isaac, I think the current me is completely optimistic that you can become an excellent green dragon!" Eltana did not hesitate to praise Dragon Brother's performance.

"This is to keep up with you, sister. You have to train and fight again. If I don't do anything, won't I be holding you back? But I can't fight for power with you. Of course, it's true. No matter how hard you fight, you will never be able to compete with you. Whether you are fighting or training troops, you are the best at it. Strength and war are born to you. Get out of the way of planning. Sister, although you are smarter than dragons, most of your energy has been spent on wars. I will spend more time thinking and assisting you in checking and filling vacancies. With this cooperation, I think our relationship must be more stable..."

  Isaac took the opportunity to sell Long Jie his concept of "Dragon Set Position" again.

  The physical work, of course, is done by my sister.

   Brain work, he can think more when he "sleeps".

   Holding up your thighs like this will not be discriminated against too much.

  Then...he will have plenty of time to do scientific research!

   Wait until his scientific research comes to fruition...

   My sister who is no longer stupid, the one who has the last laugh is the most successful green dragon!

  Isaac's sincerity.

  Altana is skeptical, but... if Long Di really does this, she will have all the military power under her control, and her power will be stronger. She has no reason not to accept it!

Immediately, Long Jie nodded her head pretendingly, "Isaac, if you can think so, I think if we can maintain this tacit understanding, we may never be separated. In my empire, you will always be one and the same. Under the dragon."

   "Dear sister, just look at my performance." Isaac, who had studied Long Ma's "bluffing" seriously, responded without changing his face.

   Of course, he will use his actions to prove that he is indeed not a material for manual labor.

   After the two dragons performed a fake performance, they started to sleep again.

  I slept until the night before finally getting ready to start work.

   Facts have proved that Long Jie's patience has been significantly improved after the baptism of war.

After entering the Black Mist Jungle, she and Isaac separated from each other, and a dragon was in charge of one side. They just lurked and investigated for three whole nights, even if they knew the location of the goblin mine and the "ruler" of the nearby area. Clan, she just held back and did not take any action.

  Three days later, she reunited with her younger brother at the agreed place. Long Jie's treasure that never left her body disappeared, but judging from her unchanging expression, it should have been hidden by herself.

   "In the north, I found the location of the goblin tribe, and the mine is near the tribe. In the east, I smelled the scent of the beast, it should be the beast, the group is not small..."

   "I have a kobold tribe on my side, but I haven't found any signs of mines. The kobold tribe continued to go south, and near a big river, I smelled a dangerous smell of some kind of snake..."

   The two young dragons exchanged information about each other's reconnaissance, and soon, they began to determine the target.

   I've been busy with some things, it's a bit late today, and there is another chapter in the evening.

   Ask for collection recommendation


   (end of this chapter)