MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 778 Xiang Pa has also come

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The sky is bursting, and countless energies are surging. In the mad fight, the flames burn the whole world, spreading the power into an infinitely vast space, beyond the earth, into the vast universe.

Outside the universe, a slight wave of swaying quietly opened the seventh universe.

Two unexpected figures are flying in the universe, flying fast. That is like Papa and Bardos!

Xiang Pa entered the seventh universe, quietly, without a shot. They came here very low-key and did not inform any gods, as if they were not looking for someone.

"Badus, is the wishing pearl really here? I can't wait."

"Be patient, like the Pa Da Ren, in order to fulfill the wish, you must collect seven wishing beads." Bardos comforted the elephant, just like a child.

Like Papa’s mouth, “Why can you scatter in the sixth and seventh universes? It’s really troublesome! I don’t know what Dragon God thinks.”

"This is for the balance of the universe, such a powerful wishing force, if placed in a universe, will cause the sixth universe to be overwhelmed." Bathos explained, "I don't complain about the elephants, I want to marry Birus. I haven't found the collection before, otherwise things will become troublesome."

"I am better than Ruth! It's not because there is earth in his universe!"

Like a slap in the air, a look is unhappy.

The purpose of his visit this time is to collect the Dragon Ball and rebuild the Earth in the Sixth Universe, so that he can eat the food of the Earth's human beings in the future. To be honest, after tasted the food brought by Latiz, let him eat the things in his own universe, only two words to evaluate "difficult to eat."

Ixiang, who dreamed of the night, finally made this decision under the reminder of Bardos.

Although he said that he was not afraid of Bis, but this is in the universe of Birus, his heart is still not very bottomless, just let go of the madness, and immediately a little embarrassed: "Hey, Bardos, Biru Didn't you find us?"

"Oh, not yet, he and Weiss are not destroying the realm of the gods, but the earth."

"Earth? Where are they going?"

"Not only have them, Latiz is also there." Bardos smiled.

"This guy must have gone to eat delicious food again." Xiangpa yelled, "just let me ask him not to pay attention to the wishing beads."

The gorgeous light traverses the space of the universe, and is entangled in a star in the stars.

on the earth……

The meandering rocks are undulating, the sand is flying, the sea is no longer on the high ground, the thunder bursts into the clouds and the sea, and the airflow is rolling. If it wasn't for Weiss to protect the Earth with divine power, this fragile planet would have been destroyed for many times.

Sun Wukong and the gold Fliesa from the melee to the Qigong bombing, from the sky to the ground, played countless rounds, the two gradually forced out the full force, the battle is getting more and more fierce. The murder of Sen Han and the burning arrogance of the enthusiasm, carrying the screams of everyone spiraled up.

The two people's realm level is similar, the energy persistence is similar, to fight back and forth, the two were injured, the clothes were damaged, and the blood was deep. However, there is still no win or loss.

boom! boom--

Fliesa and Sun Wukong retreated a distance, and the swirling vortex in the air condensed their phantoms, and the illusion was still in the confrontation, and the intense sound was heard.

"I didn't expect you to have such strength, it really made me unexpected." Fliesa gritted his teeth, his face was laughing, but the whole face was taut. His **** scorpion reflected the cold killing, purple lips slightly tilted, and outlined a sinister arc.

Saiyan, his eternal obstacles.

Since the beginning of the Super Saiyan legend, he has been guarding and utilizing the Saiyan people, and finally destroyed the Vegeta star by himself, but these once existed weak potentials are so huge that they gradually grow to unimaginable levels. Even if he had cultivated himself for many years, he still could not defeat the Saiyan in front of him.

Flat, for Fliesa is to lose.

"" Sun Wukong was sweating and responding to a strong enemy like Fliesa. The consumption was not that big. "Frisa, you are also very strong, I have not encountered an opponent like you for a long time."

"Oh, you don't need to praise!" Fliesa coldly stunned, and in front of him, his knees jerked up.

Sun Wukong used a block and immediately counterattacked a punch. The huge impact made Fliesa have to defend. At the same time, Fliesa slammed his tail and beat it like a steel whip.

The two fight again together, punching the flesh and attacking each other, to see who can stick to the end.

"Can they fight again? Such a powerful energy, actually..." The people watching the battle were even more embarrassed than Wukong, and the gray-faced face was swaying, even if it was a Super Saiyan level, and the sweat was soaked. They are like a leaf in the waves of the ocean, full of fear.

"What happened to Carcarot, he still didn't beat him!"

Vegeta tapped his arm and was waiting impatiently.

"Gold Flissa's strength is similar to that of Super Blue. It is very difficult for Wukong to win. It is the most likely result of both losses." Latiz said, "Of course, your results are the same."

At this moment, the gold Fliesa is more powerful than the impression of Latitude, because Fliesa has been practicing in Tova for a long time, and like Wukong and Vegeta, he is already familiar with the golden state. On the order of magnitude, the two are similar.

"how about you?"

"Speak quietly, I have learned something new in the three months of your cultivation," Latiz said with a smile.

Vegeta groaned and snorted.

Latiz didn't talk anymore, he did have a new understanding, and now it is easy to deal with Fliesa.

"Ha----" Bilus couldn't help but yawn. "It's too tempered. The boy of Sun Wukong is similar in strength to Fliesa. How long does it take to get the winner?"

"Biros is a little bit stunned and there are new situations." Weiss suddenly felt alert, "A powerful energy is coming to Earth."


Birus screamed At the same time, Latiz, who is the king of the king, also felt the horrible energy, which is the existence that only God can detect - Bardot and Elephant !

"They are here!" Latiz and Birus said at the same time.

The voices of the two men just fell, a rainbow of light, and silent, but the momentum is overwhelming, and suddenly the Sun Wukong and Fliesa are fighting.

The battle was interrupted and all the vibrations came to an abrupt end.

"Who is this again!" Fliesa was furious.

It is clear that he is raiding the earth, how to make it known to all, the characters coming one after another, have also intervened in their plans. Even the battle with Sun Wukong was interrupted. How can he think that revenge is so difficult!

Fliesa just finished, a purple ball of light flew to him, it was the energy bomb that destroyed God, and the majestic energy made him unable to resist it!

What the **** is this! Fliesa wanted to swear, but his mouth was blocked by energy bombs and the whole person flew out.


The voice of Xiang Pa was passed to Flissa a half second later, and the golden body had been blasted out and exploded in the air. Fortunately, Fliesa was strong enough to be killed by a single stroke, leaving a little breath and lingering.

Fliesa couldn’t think of it, he was actually destroying God. Latiz mourned for it, and Frenta was really a bitter. Playing well, I was able to catch a tie and the result was defeated by Xiang Pa.

"This is...?" When everyone saw the elephant, they were shocked.

"The sixth universe destroys God, like Pa!"


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