MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 184 tie it up!

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After reluctantly letting Ah Da take her over the giant dragon that was as huge as a mountain, what Xiaoya saw was the mercenaries who had completely forgotten their purpose and only knew how to kill. And... rivers of blood and valleys of corpses piled up like hills. As for the two heads and deputy heads of the "No. 1" mercenary group who regard Xiaoya and Ada as summoned beasts, and most of the mercenaries of the "No. 1" mercenary group, blood has already flowed here. disappeared in the valley.

Xiaoya, who was already very upset when he couldn't see most of the mercenaries in the "No. 1" mercenary group and the two chief and deputy heads of the "No. 1" mercenary group, were treated as summoned beasts, could not help but maliciously guess: It wouldn't be that when Ah Da took him over the dragon, those guys from the "No. 1" mercenary group couldn't hold on any longer, and then they were killed by other people in the short moment when Ah Da brought him over. To wiped out?

Of course, the dream is full, but the reality is full of various skinny tragedies.

Just when Xiaoya was happily obsessed with daring to treat him and Ada as the "first" mercenary group of summoned beasts, he planned to let Ada take him back to the dragon's claw and continue to study the At the time of the fossil egg, the two heads and deputy heads of the "first" mercenary group that should be "dead" finally appeared, and they hid on the other side of the dragon and shook Xiaoya in the blood. A very conspicuous little white flag in a valley where rivers flow and corpses pile up.

There is a touch of white in a piece of blood, even if the whiteness is only the size of two palms, it is enough to attract attention. If you really can't see it, you must be colorblind or blind. And Xiaoya and Ada are not blind or color-blind, on the contrary, their eyes are very good, so good that they have noticed the moment the little white flag appeared, and at the same time they clearly saw that the guy who raised the white flag was exactly The two of them are the head and deputy head of the summoned beast!

Seeing that, the two chiefs and deputy captains who said they were as embarrassed as they were, and as useless as they were, suddenly changed their direction and pointed at Although the two faces were embarrassed, they clearly saw the fawning head and deputy head, Xiaoya raised her eyebrows and signaled Ah Da to take her there.

Normally speaking, Ada doesn't like Xiaoya to focus on these things, and he is too lazy to run around in the battle field with Xiaoya in his arms. Over the years, he has become accustomed to watching with Xiaoya Ah Da in the play is really dissatisfied with this situation. However, compared with this kind of dissatisfaction with the giant dragon, especially the fossil egg that represents a huge trouble, Ah Da is very happy to watch Xiaoya divert his attention from the fossil egg, because Ah Da who hates trouble This time, he didn't even complain anymore, he just jumped and appeared in front of the two chiefs and deputy heads with Xiaoya in his arms.

With Ada's strong cooperation, Xiaoya stood in front of the two chief and deputy heads in the blink of an eye. However, when Xiaoya looked at the two chief and deputy heads, Xiaoya was obviously caught by the two The group of mercenaries of the "first" mercenary regiment who were standing, sitting, or lying behind the head and deputy head were frightened.

To be honest, in Xiaoya's imagination, when he heard the call of the two chief and deputy heads, and saw that most of the mercenaries of the "first" mercenary group had disappeared in the blood-flowing valley, Xiaoya has already subconsciously determined that the mercenaries of the "first" mercenary regiment have died at the hands of other mercenaries, and they have also become the pile of corpses at the bottom of the corpse mountain, contributing to the river of blood in this valley. Out of their blood. Therefore, when Xiaoya saw those mercenaries who should have contributed to the blood river appear in front of her eyes, Xiaoya was really taken aback by no preparations, and even more so for a moment. It is to doubt whether there are necromancers who have reached the **** level in the "first" mercenary group.

Because judging from Xiaoya's current strength, unless he is a necromancer who has reached the **** level, it is generally impossible to hide his identity from Xiaoya, a bright magician. But fortunately, after the astonishment, Xiaoya took a closer look, and found that all the mercenaries were breathing, and some of them were still wounded and bloody.

Looking at the mercenaries whose faces were exhausted, injured, or tearful, Xiaoya was surprised and carefully looked at this "No. 1" mercenary group that surprised him once again.

Aren't you red-eyed because of the giant dragon? Why are all of them still jumping around here? Why don't you go and kill those guys to the death? Don't you all want to get the dragon? Are you not ready to complete your mission? You guys... out of curiosity about the "No. 1" mercenary group being here now, Xiaoya looked at the "No. 1" mercenary group for a while, then ignored the two chief and deputy heads who looked anxiously, and raised a sign He asked a series of questions, and the mercenaries of the "first" mercenary regiment were stunned by the question marks.

It really can't be blamed on Xiaoya's inability to calm down, but the facts in front of her are too astonishing!

However, to be honest, Xiaoya is not the only one who is shocked and stunned here. The mercenaries of the "first" mercenary regiment were actually more surprised than Xiaoya, especially when they found that Xiaoya and Ada didn't know when When they had already gone to the other side of the dragon, the shock in their hearts was even more indescribable. It's not because the strength of Ada and Xiaoya is too amazing, but because Ada and Xiaoya can still be indifferent to the dragon's corpse under the premise of having strong strength to occupy the dragon. It was beyond their expectations!

It would be a lie to say that you are not interested in the priceless dragon corpse, but the reason why their "first" mercenary group appeared here was not to participate in the battle for the ownership of the dragon corpse Inside, it is entirely because they have no strength or ability to own and keep the dragon's corpse as their own. It can be said that the reason why the "first" mercenary group will withdraw from this battle is entirely because they are very self-aware and have to I chose to give up. So when they saw Ah Da and Xiao Ya appearing on the body of the giant dragon, the shock in their hearts was definitely more shocking than when they saw the body of the dragon, because if they were able to have this kind of body in so many With the strength to reach the other side of the dragon silently in front of the people, they had already left this place with the dragon's body and flew away when everyone was red-eyed!

The benefits of the dragon's corpse are so powerful that even the powerful existence of the dragon itself can't resist. I didn't expect that Ada and Xiaoya, who are human beings, would... Could it be said that they have become gods? Unique? When the members of the "No. 1" mercenary group looked at Xiaoya and Adana's expressions of wanting nothing, they couldn't help but wonder in their hearts.

However, no amount of shock disappeared under Xiaoya's series of question marks, especially for the two head and deputy heads who had been thoroughly gossiped by Xiaoya, seeing the gossip on Xiaoya's face After the look, the heart that was almost on the verge of stopping due to shock started beating again, and it was beating faster and faster, as if it was going to jump out of the chest. If this is the case, let alone shock or not That's right, it's already a question of whether the two chiefs and deputy heads can regain their normal heartbeat.

Fortunately, after all, the psychological endurance of the two head and deputy head is extraordinary, so after adapting to the nervous heartbeat, the head of the "first" mercenary group finally said to Xiaoya without changing his face: " ...Uh...that, that...Xiao, Mr. Xiaoya, can you, you and Mr. Ada control those mercenaries who are red-eyed? If we let them fight like this, we will have It's very troublesome. After solving the problems in front of me, I promise in the name of the head of the 'first' mercenary regiment: I will definitely explain the reason for all this to you!"

Although he didn't want to violate the mercenary's rules—not to sell the content of the mission, but in order to survive, even if the opponent had a big mouth, it was necessary.


Thinking of the content of the mission, the head of the "No. 1" mercenary group believed that Xiaoya would not speak out so bluntly. You must know that the mission is against the entire Dragon Kingdom, and once you say it, although It will be appreciated by the Dragon Kingdom, but it will also offend the War God Kingdom because of it, but it is a task that is not pleasing to both sides!

For such a task, the head of the group did not believe that Xiaoya would say it. This is not something a normal person would do.

Of course, if the head of the group knew that Xiaoya and Ada were not normal people, he probably wouldn't have made such a promise to Xiaoya and Ada with confidence.

However, the leader doesn't know, so...

Looking at the leader who made a promise to himself that he would explain clearly to him afterwards, Xiaoya seemed to see through the mind of the leader, and his golden eyes flashed a strange light the moment he turned around.

Xiaoya is such a person, the more you don't let him do something, the more he likes to do it, and he will do it with special vigor!

Ah Da, go and knock those people unconscious... Hmm... Commander, aren't those your mercenaries? Are they knocking too? Looking at those mercenaries who belonged to the "No. 1" mercenary group, Xiaoya looked at the head of the group in bewilderment. He really didn't understand why this group seemed to be very good to the members of the group. My lord, why didn't I bring those regiment members back.

Regarding Xiaoya's question, it seems that he has decided to explain everything to Xiaoya clearly, so at this time, the head of the group has reversed the way he avoided talking about the task before, and talked to Xiaoya openly. Ya clarified the identities of those mercenaries: "Those 'mercenaries' are not mercenaries from our 'first' mercenary regiment, they are either from the God of War Kingdom or the Dragon Kingdom. He came in through the back door, and definitely not one of our mercenaries."

Although I haven't heard the explanation from the head of the group, Xiaoya seems to understand what the "first" mercenary group has to shoulder in this mission just after hearing what the head of the group said.

The golden eyes glanced at the mercenaries who were knocked unconscious by Ah Da in an instant, Xiaoya thought for a while and raised a sign with a smile that made everyone in the "No. 1" mercenary group tremble: Captain, you Go and tie up those people, and after you have **** those people, tie them up yourself.

Hearing this, all the members of the "No. 1" mercenary group were stunned. Looking at the chilling smile on Xiaoya's face, everyone couldn't help but think: What is Mr. Xiaoya thinking?

Although they didn't get along for a long time, they already knew how bad and terrifying Xiaoya's temper was just by hearing the rumors! However, since Xiaoya and Ada were their only lifelines at this time, after hesitating for a while, everyone followed Xiaoya's wishes.

On the contrary, the head of the group seems to have thought of something, a little grateful, a little unbelievable, and a little bit surprised, but more is looking at Xiaoya and... in a short moment, everyone in the fight has been knocked out. Dazed Ada, I really don't believe it and I can't believe that Xiaoya and Ada really dare to shout against the Kingdom of God of War and the Kingdom of Dragons!

That is the second of the few powerful countries in the world!

Moreover, the head of the group did not believe that Xiaoya and Ah Dahui would do such a thing for them. The head of the group always felt that the result of this matter would be a big mess!

Sensing the incomparably complicated and insightful eyes of the head of the group, Xiaoya smiled and held up the sign to praise: the head of the group is indeed the head, and he is smart enough.

Looking at the words on Xiaoya's sign, the head of the group took a deep breath. It seems that Xiaoya really planned to...

Just when the head of the group was thinking about whether to persuade Xiaoya not to be so crazy, the deputy head who had **** all the mercenaries of the "first" mercenary group walked up to the head with a rope , looked at the leader like a **** and said: "Head, you tie me up!"

The corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the deputy head who was righteous but the content of his words was... Only then did the head find out that only he, the deputy head, and Ah Da and Xiao Ya were not tied up! Looking at the scene that seemed to be yelling to himself that the overall situation is settled, the head of the group really wanted to touch his forehead and roar: Your sister! I didn't see you move so quickly when I asked you to do things before, but this time the speed of kidnapping is so fast that I don't even have a chance to appeal! Depend on!

The deputy head didn't notice the roars in the head's heart at all, and looked at the rope that tied him up in an instant with a satisfied face and sighed: "The head is really the head, even the one who tied people The technique is also so fast, ruthless, and accurate!"

The leader who didn't know when he tied people up was stunned and shocked, because he didn't realize when he tied people up at all!

Xiaoya, who watched the group leader's face change from side to side, touched her chin, nodded and winked at Ada: "Ada, do you think the leader's nerves are thicker than Kaifei's?"