MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 430 Shout, you won't break your throat even if you shout...

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The main material plane, the metal world.

Under the metal curtain covering the sky, countless mechanical bases are running non-stop, and the sound of humming machines can be heard endlessly. The entire surface of the world is almost covered by metal and steel, and there is no living creature. .

Above the surface, under the sky.

The fine silver light spots gathered and condensed into a silver dragon.

Garen appeared in the metal world, looked at the familiar environment here, and finally focused his eyes on a giant mechanical pillar that towers up to the sky, reaches up to the metal canopy, and descends to the core of the ground.

In this metal world, the silver dragon who arrived here suddenly seemed out of place.

However, the countless mechanical creations responsible for patrolling and guarding all over the surface and sky seem to turn a blind eye to it, and only patrol and guard mechanically according to procedures.

"My lord, you are welcome."

The armor on the surface of the giant mechanical pillar was opened, and the heart of the strange tool was separated from the silk tubes that glowed like liquid. The tiny cubic units on the surface fluctuated with life-like rhythms, and flew towards the silver dragon.

"A demon lord with weaker divine power is still a living creature."

"I'll leave it to you now, I want to see a mechanical army with a larger scale and stronger combat power."

Garen looked at the Heart of the Miraculous Machine, which was the carrier of the Mechanical Heavenly Venerable, and said in a deep voice.

The Mechanical Heavenly Venerable immediately replied: "A living weak divine power is far more valuable for research than a dead one."

"Please rest assured that with the existence of this experimental product, the existing technical bottleneck will soon be broken through. In a few days, the reborn mechanical legion will serve you again."

at the same time.

The Heart of the Artifact shoots blue light, scanning towards the Lord of the Shadow Shoals, who is sealed in the amber of time.

It's just that when the light touches the time amber, it is blocked outside, unable to touch the Lord of the Shadow Shoals who is sealed inside.

"My lord, I cannot break through your time amber."

"You can release this demon lord."

Garen looked down at the Lord of the Shadow Shoal.

Right in the palm of his own dragon claw, the Lord of the Shadow Shoals, who was sealed in the amber of time, looked terrified and fearful. His body was frozen in a moment of struggling and resisting, and the elegant posture that belonged to the vampire lord was gone.

With a thought in Garen's mind, the time amber melted.

The Lord of the Shadow Shoals regained his ability to move, but his mind was still stuck at the moment when Garen caught him from the bottomless abyss.

Under the indifferent gaze of the silver dragon, the Lord of the Shadow Shoal trembled in his heart, and shouted, "Master, the ancient **** of the deep sea, save me, save your humble servant."

It is calling for help from the ancient **** of the deep sea.

At this time, the vampire maintains an extremely embarrassing human form, and against the backdrop of the mountain-like dragon, it looks as small as an insect and ant, and its size is not as big as an eye of the dragon.

Garen looked down at the insect in his palm, and said indifferently, "Master of the Shadow Shoal, Russell."

"Let's see where you are first, stop shouting, even if you shout out your throat, you won't be saved from my palm."

A loyalist at the level of a demon lord like the Lord of the Shadow Shoals must have a special connection with the ancient **** of the deep sea. When it encounters danger, the ancient **** of the deep sea will most likely be able to know it immediately.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Garen didn't know much about the ancient gods of the deep sea.

The only thing that is relatively clear is that this demon lord is very wise and has never been involved in troubled waters, so he still has a place in the abyss today.

As for the status of the Lord of the Shadow Shoal in the eyes of the ancient **** of the deep sea, Gallon didn't know.

According to his guess, it will definitely not be too high.

After all, the origin of the Lord of the Shadow Shoals is just an experiment of the ancient **** of the deep sea when he was bored.

In addition, now Garen has left the Abyss with the Lord of the Shadow Shallows.

Even if the ancient **** of the deep sea valued this loyalist, he had already missed the most suitable opportunity.

The ancient **** of the deep sea dared to come to the main material world, and Garen dared to touch this mysterious and unpredictable demon lord.

If he accurately arrived at the metal world under the control of the mechanical **** at this time, with the help of the endless mechanical creations in the metal world, Garen even dared to give it a go and leave the ancient **** of the deep sea in the main material world forever.

at the same time.

After hearing the silver dragon's words, the Lord of the Shadow Shoal came back to his senses, looked at the surrounding environment, his face froze, his already pale face was completely pale, without any trace of blood.

No matter how you look at it, this place is no longer the Wanyuan Plain.

The Lord of the Shadow Shoal still doesn't know when he was taken away from the Ten Thousand Abyss Plain.

Just looking at the mechanical creations all over the world, it knew that it had fallen into the realm controlled by Garon, and at this moment it understood that the mechanical legion in the Wanyuan Plain was really related to this dragon of eternity and time.

The Lord of the Shadow Shoal regrets his past.

If it had known earlier, it would never have left the Sea of ​​Shadows.

Allowing the Shadow Blood Fortress to fall is nothing more than losing a demon fortress. It is not impossible to rebuild it in the future, but now he has put himself in it.

"Honorable Lord of the Dragon Court, I was just blinded by the bewitchment after the chaos."

"Please forgive my offense, I will offer my treasure in exchange for your forgiveness."

The Lord of the Shadow Shoal forced a smile, looked up at the oppressive dragon, and said in a low voice.

Garen chuckled and said, "You, the demon lord, are the most valuable thing."

No longer talking nonsense with the Lord of the Shadow Shoal, Garen said to the Mechanical Celestial Venerable, "Keep this experimental product of yours safe."

The metal cube fluctuated like breathing, as if responding to Garen's words.

Next, mechanical tentacles protruded from the core of the whole metal giant pillar, stretched out, and rolled towards the Lord of the Shadow Shoal.

Looking at the gleaming probe on the tip of the mechanical tentacles, the Lord of Shadow Shoals complexion changed drastically.


Most of the blood in the body evaporated instantly.

A cloud of blood burst out, and at the same time, the Lord of the Shadow Shoals turned into a blood-colored bat. With a wave of the bat's wings, a blood-colored light and shadow appeared, trying to escape with his last strength.


With a thought in Garen's mind, the power of time enveloped the Lord of the Shadow Shoal.

The hazy blood mist froze in the air, and the wrapped blood-colored bat was also as motionless and lifelike as a sculpture, except for a pair of small eyes with a look of despair.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Garen's control over Time Stop now far exceeds that at the beginning.

Under his precise control, the Lord of the Shadow Shoals is only physically stagnant, but his mind can still function, so he feels even more fear and despair.

"You still want to escape in front of me?"

The dragon sneered.

At this time, the mechanical tentacles controlled by Mechanical Tianzun rolled over.

Chi Chi Chi!

While the mechanical tentacles entangled layer by layer, the extremely sharp metal probes pierced the body of the Lord of Shadow Shoals, and then injected tens of billions of billions of nano-scale metal particles into the body of the Lord of Shadow Shoals.


A lightning-like blazing light danced on the Lord of the Shadow Shoal.

Garen lifted the time stop, and the Lord of the Shadow Shoal twitched violently and turned back into a human form. Metal probes were inserted into all parts of his body, and mechanical tentacles were tightly entangled.

"Before it became a demon lord, it was an experiment of the ancient gods of the deep sea."

"Now it's time to go back to the old business."

"However, when you are experimenting with it, if you can do it, try your best to keep its will sober and let it taste the pain of the experiment."

Garen said calmly to the Mechanical Heavenly Venerable.

While speaking, Garen erased the name of the Lord of the Shadow Shoal in the small notebook of vengeance in his heart, which meant that he had succeeded in revenge.

Hearing this, the Lord of the Shadow Shoals constricted his pupils, wanting to beg for mercy, but under the control of the Mechanical Heavenly Venerable, he had already lost his ability to speak.

It is not difficult for Mechanic Tianzun to suppress an ordinary demon lord who has been severely injured in his own realm.

"As you wish."

The mechanical Tianzun replied.

call out!

In the desperate eyes of the Lord of Shadow Shoals, the mechanical tentacles pulled it back to the central metal pillar, and then the opened armor closed again, and the seams were tightly closed, and the figure of the Lord of Shadow Shoals could no longer be seen. The outer armor closed and came to an abrupt stop.

The texture veins full of mechanical and magical beauty are lit up.

Inside the giant metal pillar, a place that cannot be seen.

Experiments with the Lord of the Shadow Shoals have begun.

"Before the development of strange mechanical creations with such weak divine powers, the mechanical legion of the bottomless abyss can first suspend the expansion and shrink the main force back to the devil's front."

"Then focus on the analysis and research on the ecology of demons and the abyss, similar to creations such as demon communication blockers and abyss heavy artillery, you can create more."

"Otherwise, no matter how many large bases are built, they are just targets for the demon lord to destroy. This is just a waste of resources."

Garen explained to the mechanical Tianzun.

The metal cube floated up and down, as if nodding, and responded: "I understand."

After communicating with the mechanical legion in the bottomless abyss for a while, Garen thought about it, and asked the mechanical Tianzun: "How is the development of the sub-base in Jiaoyan Hell?"

Garen did not forget to search for the Darkest Axe.

Through the information from the Queen of Wind Elements, he learned that the Darkest Ax is likely to be located in the Jiaoyan Hell, so he ordered the mechanical Tianzun to allocate part of his troops to the **** battle zone of the Jiaoyan Hell.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Under the cover of participating in the **** battle in Jiaoyan Hell, secretly searched for the whereabouts of the Dark Axe.

According to the Queen of Wind Elements, the Darkest Ax is most likely to stay in the devil's lair left by the Lord of Terror, so looking for the Darkest Ax in Jiaoyan Hell is to find the whereabouts of the Lord of Terror's devil's nest.

Of course, the main force of the mechanical legion is still in the Wanyuan Plain.

"I don't have a clue yet."

The Mechanical Heavenly Venerable thought about it carefully, and then said: "In the second layer of the Flame Mountains in the Jiaoyan Hell, the Mechanical Legion encountered a strange place, but it should not have much to do with the Lord of Terror you mentioned."

Garen's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "Let's listen."

The Mechanical Heavenly Venerable said: "After establishing the base in the Flaming Mountains, I sent miniature mechanical flying mosquitoes to collect intelligence information in all directions. Although many mechanical flying mosquitoes were destroyed by lava eruptions, ash rain, demon attacks, etc., these are all normal phenomenon."

"It's just that a batch of mechanical flying mosquitoes lost contact after going to a mysterious place. The last blurred picture was a strange moon-shaped city standing on the **** of a volcano."

"I later sent combat units to form a small team to investigate, only to find that Moon City had disappeared strangely."

Garen thought for a while, then pondered, "Maybe it's the private domain of a powerful demon lord."

The most powerful creature in the Burning Hell is the demon named Yugoloth. They are not a certain kind of demon, but a large category of demons, just like the Obiris demon and the Tanari demon, but, The yugoloth cannot be compared with the two major types of demons who successively served as the spokespersons of the abyss.

"The probability is not high."

Mechanical Tianzun said.

"In that moon city, I saw demons and devils, as well as humans, elves, dwarves, and even dragons, all living together in peace and harmony."

A city where multiple races coexist harmoniously will not belong to a demon lord.

"Can you still lock its position?"

Garen asked.

The mechanical **** said: "The missing mechanical flying mosquitoes have not been destroyed, but the communication with the outside world has been blocked. Although I can receive some signals intermittently, they are very weak."

The silver dragon recalled the records about the mysterious land and race in Jiaoyan Hell, showing a thoughtful expression.


"Notify me when you can lock its location."

Garen said slowly to the mechanical Tianzun.

Instead of staying in the metal world, Garen cast time teleportation and returned to the plane of Dragon Court.

In the Dragon's Nest in the depths of the Eternal Palace, with the faint ripples of time, the body of the silver dragon solidified and fell onto the layers of gold and silver treasures.

He looked down into the depths of the treasure.

Yuna is still sleeping, her physical and mental state is close to perfect.

Waiting by his partner's side, Garen also closed his eyes and fell into a sleep state.

Although it only exploded for a few seconds in the bottomless abyss, Garen consumed a lot of power, otherwise he would not have been able to capture the Lord of the Shadow Shoal so quickly.

Although the Lord of the Shadow Shoal is only the weakest level of divine power, he is also a demon lord after all.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

In the quiet dragon's nest, time passed bit by bit.

Soon, a year passed quietly.

Except for the demons who are fighting endlessly in the bottomless abyss for the throne of the demon king, the other plane worlds are generally considered peaceful, and no war worth mentioning has broken out.

During this period, the **** Gallon, who was newly added with the authority of the dragon magic net, broke through the weak divine power naturally, reached the eleventh level of godhead, and reached the middle divine power level.

If only the level of divine power is counted, UU Reading at this time the **** Gallon is already among the best in the dragon **** system.

This means that there are more people who believe in the **** Gallon than the average dragon god.

This is a matter of course.

Although it is only a new dragon god, and it has not even been a hundred years since its debut, but because of the blessing of the legendary status of the time dragon, the dazzling record shown in the war of glory, and the promotion by plundering all the mighty power of an enemy god, the dragon **** created afterwards. Dragon Demon Net and these commanding gods, Gallon, became the most discussed dragon god.

It's just that he was promoted again shortly after ascending to the gods.

This made the Dragon of Eternity and Time, which had begun to dissipate in popularity after nearly thirty years, once again become a hot topic of discussion among many creatures.

Creatures that have enmity with the dragon gods became even more restless.

Especially, after knowing that Garen even chased him to the bottomless abyss to take revenge because of his petty enmity.

At this moment.

Bored, Garen, who was driving the real mechanical dragon and participating in the **** battle in the Wanyuan Plain, suddenly changed his face slightly, withdrawing his spiritual will from the real mechanical dragon, and handing it over to the intelligent control of the mechanical god.

Layers of overlapping gold, silver and precious stones bulged, and then separated as if stirred by an invisible big hand, and lifted up, revealing Yuna's figure.

The lavender eyes just opened, and when he looked up, he met Garen's gaze.

After more than a year of deep sleep, Yuna, who adjusted her state to the peak, woke up.

"Garon, I'm ready."

Yuna jumped out from the bottom of the dragon's nest, and the gold coins, silver coins and gemstones that had just been separated and flew fell back to the original place precisely.

(end of this chapter)

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