MTL - Dream is King-Chapter 17 You can sleep when you run out of money

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   It was about eleven o'clock. Bai Haonan didn't even remember that he walked into the tenth bar. Before he sat down, he was attracted by the resident singer on the stage, not that Qiao Yingna, who else?

  Isn't a medical student, or a trainee in a hospital, how could I become a bar singer!

Bai Haonan, who had already drank seven or eight beers, suddenly became excited. It turns out that you are also a fake identity, hahaha, so this time I decided not to go, I just found a bar that was closer to the stage and sat down, and I especially chose At an angle where the rotating light can shine, she sat on the high stool and faced Qiao Yingna with a smile.

  I want to come to this bar street with no less than thirty or forty various bars, clean bars, music bars and even small night clubs.

   As Bai Haonan perceives during the day, Qiao Yingna is indeed a woman who shines under the lights of the night scene.

A very simple white dress, pure white without any decoration, sleeveless square neckline is relatively large, revealing the upper half of the chest, the round and fair pair of arcs are constantly dyed in various colors under the light, Bai Haonan In that special memory, Qiao Yingna also wore a similar gray dress during the day, plus her lace home dress, it seemed that she still knew exactly what her unique selling point was.

  The special memory that Lao Chen regards as a treasure, Bai Haonan is using it to waste this **** at this time.

   But even such a simple white dress could not hide the light, almost all eyes in the whole bar were focused on Qiao Yingna, just like Bai Haonan saw her the first time he walked in.

I walked past some bars in front of me, either hi music or rock and roll, the speakers were turned on like no electricity bills, and I had to shout at the waiter to order a drink. The voice is attractive, and the penetrating singing even makes the backing band behind her seem to become transparent, and all attention will be in this singing.

Qiao Yingna's typhoon is also like her dress. There are no fancy decorations. She just stands there quietly, squinting and slightly raising her head to immerse herself in her singing. She sings very common and common popular love songs. What kind of ingenious arrangement changes, but it makes the atmosphere of the whole bar become distant, even a guy like Bai Haonan feels that he is much more elegant.

After the song    was sung, Qiao Yingna opened her eyes a little, and then saw Bai Haonan who stood up and quietly greeted with her fingers. There was no panic in her eyes, and she was very old-fashioned. She continued to the next song.

Bai Haonan is more knowledgeable, so he turned around and sent flowers to the bar first, a bunch of a few hundred dollars. He knew that singers got a commission. Today is different from the past. There are ten bunches and crowns, scepters, etc. There is still no problem with the mind, and it is very considerate to order a glass of water to moisten the throat, rather than order a glass of wine to make things difficult for the singer.

   Qiao Yingna just smiled and nodded at him.

   Originally, Bai Haonan planned to sit with him until closing time, but Qiao Yingna sang only three songs and left the stage.

Bai Haonan is still Men'erqing. This aunt can sing well. Most of the time, she has to catch up on the scene during the prime time, so he also emptied the wine in his glass and ran to the door to wait. Sure enough, within five minutes, Qiao Yingna put on a mask. Thin shirt came out and was not surprised to see Bai Haonan: "Yo, expert."

Bai Haonan was polite and polite: "I've never played here before, and the first one went wrong, so I decided to scan them one by one. After I'm familiar with the venue, I can have fun. Can I accompany you to carry a bag or something? "

   In fact, Qiao Yingna had walked forward quickly, sneering: "You are really an old hand, I don't want to eat this."

Bai Haonan is not discouraged: "No, as soon as I meet you, I think you are a girl with a story. It's a fate to meet, and it's a great fate to meet again this night. If you think I'm playing your crooked mind, then you're really killing yourself. Well, I can still do some protection work for you tonight."

Qiao Yingna smiled enchantingly in the night: "Oh, we are a society ruled by law, and ordinary bar owners who are not open-minded and unethical can handle it. Besides, I'm just a little singer, and there are not so many things..." An ordinary In addition to preventing the temperature difference in the middle of the night, the medium and long fleece sweater that is passed through is the most important thing to cover up the sultry performance clothes in the night, because Bai Haonan can't describe the way the corners of the shirt flutter, he just feels heartbroken.

   But after talking, she arrived at another bar about fifty or sixty meters away. Qiao Yingna pointed to Bai Haonan to the tall waiter standing at the door, also known as the spectator manager: "My friend."

So Bai Haonan also walked into this more luxurious and high-end bar, but he still knew how to do it. He didn't drink alcohol. He came in and asked for a four-color fruity wine, which was a foreshadowing, because one of the alcohols was slightly milky. You can give it to the singer, but the manager also gave Li's a discount, and everyone nodded and smiled knowingly with a very comfortable attitude.

As a result, Qiao Yingna sang for almost two hours this time, and there were almost ten songs. Bai Haonan continued to drink, even if there was a discount, Xiao Qianqian also went out, so Qiao Yingna frowned a little when she came out: "You do this, it makes me feel I'm like a wine saucer!"

   It was past two o'clock in the night, and Bai Haonan calmly helped Qiao Yingna to unfold her thin shirt before walking side by side: "I haven't met you, so I still want to drink, maybe I meet a beautiful woman to drink with, wouldn't it be more?"

   Qiao Yingna really only drank some mineral water to moisten her throat. She smiled and nodded to the audience who might know by the roadside: "I saw a few beautiful women who came to chat with you, why didn't you go?"

   Bai Haonan does have skills: "I'm listening to you sing, you sing well!"

Qiao Yingna had already turned into the alley next to her, as if the bizarre glitz was only a few meters behind her, and she instantly sank into an ordinary and somewhat dilapidated trivial life: "Compared to studying medicine, I prefer singing, and I have started since my freshman year. I’m running around here, and now the trainee doctor doesn’t have the right to work the night shift, only the honest girl Xiaofen believes, you are really sorry for her.”

   Bai Haonan smiled: "I think this is the most worthy of her."

   Qiao Yingna pouted again in the night: "You two are so funny!"

  Bai Haonan actually said: "I'm just a fool, happy day is a day, I have wine now and I am drunk, I just want to have it, not to..."

Qiao Yingna has rolled her eyes and waved her hands: "Okay okay, stop, I sang all night and it's enough, you don't need to read the lyrics to me, although I don't mind *** or something, but I can't hurt Xiaofen, you What are you going to do, don't talk to me about the lines."

   Bai Haonan clapped his hands to turn on the voice-activated lights in the corridor: "Actually, it's a black light. You still need someone to take care of it. Anyway, I'm fine living here these days. Can I pick you up at night?"

   Qiao Yingna was angry: "You never thought about delaying my affair? You are so stupid and follow me. If there is a Bole who appreciates me and prepares to unspoken rules for my big man, won't you cut off my future?"

  Bai Haonan has a sense of fluency in chess and opponents: "No! I still have eyesight, haven't I embarrassed or embarrassed you?"

   Qiao Yingna sighed before opening the door: "You're a thief..." When she opened the door and found that it was dark, she shut up, but she turned on the light and turned around to find that Chen Sufen wasn't really there. She was a little surprised: "Does she trust you so much?"

   Bai Haonan has no conscience: "She's stupid..."

   Qiao Yingna rolled her eyes: "You're just a white-eyed wolf! You wouldn't use force against a weak woman like me, would you? I'll call the police."

   Bai Haonan hurriedly read the lyrics that he listened to all night: "I exchange my sincerity for my true feelings!"

   Qiao Yingna laughed and scolded, then found clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower, but after coming out, her pajamas were wrapped tightly: "I'm not kidding, it's really impossible, good night."

   Bai Haonan went to spread the quilt on the sofa and made Qiao Yingna laugh again, but she still locked the door when she entered the bedroom.

   In fact, they all understand people.