MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 1092 Sisters are like siblings, men are like clothes!

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Chapter 1092: Sisters are like siblings, men are like clothes!

She put down the cup and looked at the third princess, "I grew up next to my brothers. I treat my brothers' friends or the boys in my family as my elder brother. There are no exceptions, including Prince Lu. and Mr. Jia Xujia.

“Especially Prince Lu, he is the same age as my eldest brother, more than ten years older than me. I never thought that I would have any relationship with him beyond that of brother and sister.

“So, since I discovered Prince Lu’s thoughts, I have never seen him again, and I didn’t give him any room for misunderstanding.

“If you think about it carefully, you must also remember that even when Prince Lu arrived at Zhilan Palace, I always found excuses to hide.

“Even if it’s like this today, it’s really unavoidable, so I’ll try to find a way for you to send someone to the Lu family to deliver the message.

"What am I doing for? I never want you to misunderstand me, and I don't want you to ruin our sisterhood because of a man."

Jiayin sighed, thinking about this period of time, I really tried my best to find a consummation, but unfortunately it still ended like this.

She also had red circles in her eyes, gritted her teeth, and continued.

“I really tried my best. I can’t control what other people think, but I will never covet my sister’s man, even if there is only one man in the world, I will never!

“We’ve been together for so long, you should know what my temper is like! I know you like Prince Lu, how could I get involved!”

The third princess lowered her head and said nothing, not sure whether she heard it or not.

Jiayin was a little depressed. In her two lifetimes, this was the first time she had experienced such a bad thing.

To put it bluntly, no matter how you explain it now, it's like mud thrown into your crotch, it's either **** or shit!

She took a deep breath, suppressed the grievance in her heart, raised her hand to pick up the phoenix hairpin, and gently inserted it into the third princess's bun.

“I’ve finished what I said, if you still think I’m wrong and can’t understand, then from now on we will..."

Before she could finish speaking, the third princess suddenly jumped up, hugged her tightly, and cried loudly.

“No! No! You can’t say goodbye to me. Wuwu, you are the only good sister I have! You can’t abandon me!

“Brother Lu doesn’t like me. If you leave again, I will be alone! You are all bad and you are all bullying me!”

The third princess was crying with tears and runny nose. She wished she could turn into a rope and tie up Jiayin, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

Jiayin was choked so hard that he couldn't breathe, and he was so dazed that he didn't react for a long time.

 Aren’t we going to break up the relationship?

 What kind of turning point is this!

 Fortunately, the third princess cried for a while and heard no sound, so she finally released the good news from her "breast" with her face reddened.


Jiayin "escaped death", took a few deep breaths, and cursed, "You said you couldn't bear to leave me, but actually you wanted to kill me for revenge! You want to suffocate me!"

The third princess shrank her neck and sobbed softly, "I'm just afraid that you will run away and that you won't be my sister anymore."

Jiayin pulled a handful of messed up hair and couldn't help complaining, "Yes, you suffocated me to death, my family will kill you, and we will become a pair of female ghost sisters!"

“Pfft!” The third princess couldn’t help laughing as she thought about the two female ghosts holding hands and floating here and there.

Jiayin rolled her eyes, took out a comb from the bag at her waist, pulled the third princess to sit down, and then helped her arrange her hair.

“Hurry, I’ll comb your hair first, otherwise people will think you’re looking for trouble, but you’ll be beaten by me instead!”

 The third princess felt guilty and aggrieved when she thought of her impulse just now.

“I also suddenly realized that... I am very angry. I know you are not... but you are just angry! Angry Brother Lu, no, Prince Lu does not like me. Even though I am so beautiful, I am still a princess!"

As he spoke, the third princess felt deeply wronged.

“The most important thing is that he doesn’t like me, he can tell it! He obviously agreed to the marriage and is about to get married soon, but he secretly likes you!

“Also, you are so smart, you must have known what he was thinking, but you didn’t tell me either!

 I thought you liked Prince Lu too, but I didn’t dare to say it because of me. You two like each other, but I have become the bad guy who robs others of their marriage! " Jiayin hit her on the head with a wooden comb and cursed, "You still blame me for not speaking out. Do I dare to speak out?

"You were like you just now, but fortunately you are in my shop. If you were in the palace, people would probably make trouble for the emperor and the prince, and even the whole story would be known!"

"It hurts, it hurts! I said I was too angry!" The third princess held her head and begged for mercy.

Jiayin tidied her bun quickly and put the comb into the third princess's hand, "You can comb it for me too!"

 The third princess took the comb and began to clumsily try to be a dressing girl.

Jiayin's hair was pulled by her from time to time, and she gasped in pain, but she didn't forget to continue talking.

“Uncle Huang loves you very much and gave you a marriage to Prince Lu. He must have wanted you to have a good destiny in the rest of your life. But he also had other considerations. After all, the Lu family guards the southwest.

“Now that you know what Prince Lu is thinking, you should think carefully about what to do in the future.

You should just pretend that what happened today has not happened, continue to get along with him, and get married later. It's better to ask the emperor's uncle to take back the marriage and choose a new consort.

"This matter is of great concern. Don't be anxious. Think about it slowly. You will have to be careful in the next few days."

“Of course, no matter what you decide, I will support you.”

The third princess nodded slightly, with a little confusion in her eyes. She played with Jiayin's hair in her hands and sighed softly, "I understand."

 Finally, she asked again, "What about you?"

Jiayin didn't know what she was asking about, so she replied thoughtfully, "I don't like intrigues, and a big family is not suitable for me. I want to find someone who has no father or mother, and marries someone I know my heart and soul. Of course, this It will take a long time, so there is no rush.

"As for Prince Lu...I will definitely not see him again or have anything to do with him. Our family is maintaining superficial harmony with him and we just don't want to break up with him for the time being."

 The third princess put down her comb and looked much more relaxed.

"I understand, I want to think about this matter. I will go back to the palace first, and I will ask someone to send you a message later if I have something to do."

Jiayin nodded, "Okay, you'd better take my carriage. I won't worry if I don't send you back safely."

 The two of them had solved the knot in their minds. Although the problem had not yet been resolved, they both felt much relieved.

Jiayin opened the door and the third princess walked out.

Caiyun and others immediately stepped forward to wait for their master to leave.

Jiayin stood in front of the door and didn't speak for a long time.

Until Shui Ling walked forward slowly and asked in a low voice, "Princess, the third princess is not angry anymore?"

"Don't be angry anymore. She has an upright temper. Just talk about it." Jiayin shook her head, relaxed her shoulders and neck, and said with a smile, "When the carriage comes back, let's go home."

", the princess is not ready yet!" Shui Ling looked very strange, as if he was trying his best to endure something, and his face was strangely red.

Jiayin looked confused and asked, "Are there any other things to deal with?"

Shuiling pointed to her head and whispered, "Princess, your head..."

 (End of this chapter)