MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 1104 The princess is a living sign!

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Chapter 1104 The princess is a living sign!

Shui Ling's eyes were red, and she sat next to her master. It took a long time before she could say a word.

“Princess, it’s not good to grow up! We didn’t have these things when we were children. The old lady and the fourth lady are also at home, eating, drinking and playing with you every day.”

Jiayin sighed and smiled bitterly.

"Yes, there are too many worries when growing up, but no one can stop it. When we were children, we were protected by our families and didn't have to worry about anything. But when we grow up, we have to shoulder the responsibility and protect our families, the elderly and children. , naturally I am a little tired.”

"It would be great if I could never grow up." Shui Ling was a little frustrated.

Jiayin patted her on the back and comforted her, "Don't say stupid things. You have to work hard these days to go to the palace and deliver meals to the third princess. At this time, we can only do so much."

"Okay, don't worry, Princess. If nothing else, I can still do errands." Shui Ling quickly agreed, and then took out the pair of gold bracelets.

“Princess, this bracelet is too expensive. I look at the style and it looks like it’s for a wedding. The third princess actually gave it to me!”

I received the good news in my hand and looked at it carefully, feeling even heavier in my heart.

This is indeed a dragon and phoenix bracelet, which means that the dragon and phoenix are auspicious, and they will be together for a hundred years.

The third princess actually didn't care and just rewarded it casually.

It can be seen that how much she looked forward to getting married before, but now how much she dislikes it...

 “Take it, don’t make the princess unhappy over such a trivial matter.” Jiayin waved her hand.

Shui Ling put away the bracelet and replied, "Then Shui Yun and I will have one each. She will cook and I will deliver the food. Naturally, we will share the rewards equally."

 After saying that, she skipped to the kitchen.

 At dusk, Li Laoer and Mr. Wen both came back from the city.

Everyone was talking while eating, and the dinner table was naturally a little lively.

Li Laoer felt a little relieved when he saw that his niece looked pretty good, and then he tried to persuade her.

"Fu Niu'er, the third princess is getting married. What do you plan to give her as a gift? Do you need help from your second uncle?"

Mr. Wen also agreed, "Yes, the wedding is really urgent. Outsiders don't know the truth, and all kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky. I have wronged the third princess. You have a good relationship with the third princess, and you can comfort her more at this time."

 Aiwujiwu, Jiayin naturally knows that the elders care about the third princess because of her.

She responded with a smile, "Second uncle, Mr. Wen, don't worry. I plan to give the third princess a set of jewelry, and I also specially made a gold and jade card. I will use this card to go to the Baiyunjian main store and all branches in the future. You can eat whatever you want.

“It happened that when my eldest brother went to the southwest, I also asked people to open a branch. The third princess was not afraid of running out of snacks whether she was in Xindu or at her husband’s house.”

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and Li Laoer responded, "You girl, you are really a born businessman. When you add makeup to the third princess, you don't forget to make money. If the third princess goes to the southwest in the future and frequently goes in and out of the white clouds, outsiders will See you, I’m afraid business will be even more booming.”

Jiayin smiled slyly, "Oh, I gave her the snacks for free, so she should help make a living sign. It's so simple to eat what others have to say!"

 Everyone laughed louder, and there was no need to worry about it for the moment.

 After dinner, before the city gate was closed, Li Laoer and Mr. Wen hurried back to the city.

 There is no other reason. Tomorrow is the crown prince ceremony.

Although the Ministry of Rites has asked the Emperor to delete many unnecessary links and compress three days into one day, the necessary procedures are still scheduled from the fifth watch to midnight, which is a full day of purely physical work.

Jiayin quickly handed over all the things he had prepared to Zheng He.

Li Laoer and Mr. Wen hurried back to the city, turned to Liu's house, and took a quick rest.

 In the early morning of the second day, when the sky and the earth were still dark, the entire Xindu became busy.

 All officials of the fifth rank and above, whether they hold fictitious or actual duties, burned incense, bathed and changed their clothes. Then they changed into new and clean official uniforms and hurried to the palace gate.

By the time the sun was rising above the horizon, the palace gate had been opened, and the square paved with white marble was filled with hundreds of civil and military officials kneeling in darkness. The prince changed into a bright yellow dragon robe, which was the same as the emperor's dragon robe except that there were fewer dragon claws.

 The people were led by the Minister of Rites, and chanted the thousand years of age over and over again. They knelt down and kowtowed, stood up and saluted, and tossed until they were numb.

By the time the prince was holding the sacrificial inscriptions and worshiping heaven and earth, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

 The prince went back to change clothes, eat, and rest for a while, and was ready to continue worshiping his ancestors.

 In the square, the civil and military officials did not receive this treatment. They could only sit down and take a breath.

 However, the sun in the sky seemed to have gathered all the enthusiasm together, and it was much more violent than before, baking the entire earth like a furnace.

 Some officials secretly took snacks from their sleeves and stuffed them into their mouths, feeling very hungry for the time being.

In order to avoid going to the hut, they did not dare to drink water last night, and they did not dare to eat in the morning.

 At this moment, my chest is pressed to my back with hunger, and my throat is filled with smoke from thirst.

Someone choked and stretched his neck and hit his chest hard several times to prevent himself from becoming the first Tianwu official to choke to death.

Li Laoer, Mr. Wen, and Liu Zhiheng are ranked in different positions, but they are not far apart.

 At this moment, they are also eating secretly.

The snacks they brought were specially made by Jiayin. Each one was only the size of a date, with a glutinous rice skin on the outside and sweet and sour jam in the middle. It was appetizing and delicious.

If you don't like it, there are also small pieces of meat, which are slightly salty and sweet. Hold it in your mouth and slowly grind your teeth. It's delicious and very hungry.

Occasionally, when you feel very thirsty, you can lower your head slightly, bite a hose on the collar, and take a sip of cold sour plum soup, which really makes you feel refreshed instantly.

 The three of them looked at each other occasionally, and they were all extremely happy.

 Last night, they felt that the arrangements for their little niece were too troublesome.

At this moment, this really saves lives...

 Old Mrs. Liu and a group of old friends were arranged near the courtyard wall, where they could get a little shade.

 This was originally done by the Ministry of Rites to take care of their old age.

 Unfortunately, this little care is of no use.

Mr. Liu had just eaten two pieces of snacks when his old friend next to him collapsed. His eyes were closed tightly and his face was flushed. It was obvious that he had heatstroke.

Everyone was startled and wanted to call the imperial doctor for help, but the prince had already come out and was about to start worshiping again.

At the critical moment, Mr. Liu moved over, quickly took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve, poured anti-surgery pills into his old friend's mouth, and then took out a soft leather water bag from his arms.

 When the old man kneeling on the other side saw this, he quickly stepped forward to help.

 The two of them broke into each other's mouth, and the other drank, a rare tacit understanding.

 After the prince finished reading the memorial text and began to kowtow and pray nine times, the comatose old friend finally woke up.

He expressed his gratitude to everyone with lingering fear, and everyone quickly pointed at Mr. Liu.

 Old Master Liu shook his head gently and comforted, "It's just a small effort, let's get through today first."

The rescued old friend quietly handed over his hand, clicked his mouth twice, and savored the taste of the gift, and then asked in surprise, "Brother Liu, you actually brought sour plum soup?"

 (End of this chapter)