MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 1103 self-righteous truth

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Chapter 1103 The self-righteous truth

Compared to the gossips of the common people, the attention of relatives, friends and comrades gathered together in the back houses of various aristocratic families and high-ranking officials has risen to a certain height.

"Something is wrong, this matter is too strange." A young official glanced at several elders and whispered, "I always feel that the emperor is too impatient. Even if he wants to help the prince to ascend the throne as soon as possible in order to stabilize the government, it still makes sense.

“But the rush to choose a concubine for the prince is a bit too hasty, as if he is trying to find helpers for the prince for fear that he will be overwhelmed.

“It’s even more strange that the third princess is in a hurry to get married now. It seems like something big is about to happen and the emperor is in a hurry to settle his children..."

The rest of the people also had a sullen face and nodded along.

"Yes, since the imperial concubine and the queen mother were convicted, the emperor has become more and more anxious. Not only the marriage between the prince and the third princess, but also the government affairs have been arranged more and more, and even the affairs in a few years have to be decided immediately ." A middle-aged man echoed a few words.

The young man seemed to be encouraged and became bolder. He spoke again, "I wonder if there is something wrong with the emperor's dragon body?"

“Shut up!” the oldest man present scolded, stopping his grandson from making rude remarks.

“Don’t say a word of this outside, or you may bring disaster to your family.”

The young official quickly bowed his head and admitted his mistake, but still insisted on his own point of view.

"Grandfather, I am at least 80% sure of what I guessed. Otherwise, why would the emperor be so anxious? Think about it carefully, do all the arrangements made by the emperor during this period seem to be explaining the funeral arrangements?"

Everyone was silent. Naturally, they had some guesses, but the matter was too important to speak casually.

 In the end, it was the old man who said, "Don't make any noise about this matter. We need to find out more information before talking about it."

 Everyone quickly agreed without saying a word.

Whenever a family lasts for more than a hundred years, there will basically be some secret hands to help deal with things that are not easy to bring to the table.

 Inquiring about information is simply the simplest and most common among them.

 Even if the target is the imperial palace, the most noble place in the world.

 However, no matter how noble and prosperous the place is, it is still for people to live in. Some people may have different thoughts, so there is no need to think about keeping any secrets.

What's more, what is happening in the palace now? Is it because the emperor's dragon body is not in good health that makes the prince and the third princess so anxious to decide their lives?

 This question has become a question mark on everyone’s mind.

Everyone showed their talents and had the same goal, so there was no suspense about the outcome, and it was quickly discovered.

 The Queen passed away!

 Five words, caused a small shock in the homes of various insiders.

No wonder the crown prince and concubine selection were in such a hurry. The third princess also had to get married urgently.

It turns out that the queen passed away. According to etiquette, the prince and the third princess must observe mourning for three years.

Even if the prince and the third princess are willing to observe filial piety, the emperor is not willing.

Therefore, it is natural not to announce the funeral secretly but to marry a daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law urgently.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and gradually ignored him.

Of course some smart Mrs. Gaoming knew the news and was already making preparations.

What refreshing sachets, pills to relieve heat, or a "tear-jerking device" soaked in **** juice?

 After all, when the queen passed away, the mourning was kept secret, not the mourning was not announced all the time.

 After the crown prince chooses his concubine and the third princess gets married, the palace will definitely become crowded.

 Otherwise, the queen's body might stink.

 Where will the royal dignity be placed at that time?

Those rotten literati have guessed the inside story and are afraid that they will use their pen to put the emperor, the culprit, on the pillar of shame...

 The disturbances from the outside world do not affect the life in the palace at all.

The emperor is busy with political affairs, and the prince is studying. The third princess also left Kunning Palace and took several nuns with her to sort out the dowry for the last time, bind it into a book, and prepare to get married.

Perhaps feeling guilty, the emperor sent a lot of good things to him. It can be said that half of the inner treasury was emptied.

 The third princess was not polite at all and accepted them all.

In addition to what the previous queens had saved, what they should prepare according to etiquette, and what they had saved from "robbery" over the years, it can be said that the dowry of the third princess was the most generous among the princesses in the past dynasties.

 The mothers who were responsible for compiling the records have become numb from the initial surprise.

 When a girl gets married, she is very happy to have a box of gemstones to make her hair jewelry.

 But when it comes to the third princess, the gems are calculated according to the box.

There are more than 200 sets of various headgear, and I am afraid that I will not wear them all until the end of my life.

Shui Ling carried the food box and followed the little **** into Zhilan Palace. The third princess was sitting in front of the window reading a book. Her calm and cold appearance was not like a newlywed bride at all.

Shuiling felt mixed in her heart and stepped forward to salute and said, "Princess, our princess is thinking about your bitter summer and is afraid that you will have a bad appetite, so she personally cooked lily porridge, steamed crystal vegetable dumplings, and mixed your favorite cold dishes. .

“The slaves have been brought here. You can eat as much as you want. You can go back and do business with the princess.”

She originally thought that the third princess would not eat, but she never expected that the third princess actually smiled and motioned to Caiyun and others to set the table.

 Then, she started eating porridge and vegetables, and during the process, she also asked about trivial matters about Broken Gold Beach.

Shui Ling endured her surprise and responded one by one.

By the time the third princess finished eating, half of the food was gone.

Caiyun was so happy that she wished that the princess would send her food every day.

The third princess casually took out a pair of red gold bracelets from the jewelry box on the table and gave them to Shui Ling.

"Thank you for your hard work. Go back and tell your princess that you don't have to worry about me. Everything is fine with me. The day before I get married, I will invite her to the palace to add makeup and we can have a good time together then."

Shui Ling quickly and respectfully agreed, but the bracelet was too expensive and she didn't dare to accept it.

Seeing this, Caiyun stepped forward and gave Shuiling the bracelet, then took her out.

 In the courtyard, many eunuchs and maids were carrying boxes and sweeping and cleaning. They were very busy.

 But everyone subconsciously slowed down their movements and did not dare to make a sound.

 So much so that the huge Zhilan Palace was extremely quiet and depressing.

This does not look like a happy event!

Shui Ling and Caiyun held hands and walked out the door. Shui Ling lowered her voice and asked, "Sister Caiyun, why does the princess look like something is wrong?"

Caiyun made a sad face and leaned into her ear and said, "It's hard for me to guess what the master is thinking. But this look makes me worried to death.

“Sister Shuiling, the princess is always smart and must know the princess’s thoughts. Please go back and talk to the princess and see if she can help with some persuasion.

“Even if the princess can’t persuade her, can you please bring us some food for our master every day? The princess just touches the food in the small kitchen with her chopsticks, and I’m almost dying of worry!”

Shui Ling nodded quickly, "Sister Caiyun, don't worry, I'll talk to the princess when I get back."

Caiyun escorted Shuiling for a while, then turned back.

Shui Ling hurriedly returned to Broken Gold Beach. When he saw his master, he started talking to her. Finally, he tentatively asked, "Princess, I feel uncomfortable looking at the third princess. Do you want to persuade her?"

Jiayin shook his head and looked at the sky outside the window. There was no cloud at all.

 “No one can persuade her, this is the path she chose herself!”

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)