MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 17 book tower

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   Chapter 17 Book Tower

   Time and space rotation.

   In the blink of an eye, Liu Yang was in an unfamiliar place.

   The blue sky and white clouds, the green grass and the flowers bloom, and the fragrant breath haunts him.

   And he was lying on the clean and tidy steps made of white jade.

  The person escaped the danger, but the injury still exists.

  It is completely impossible to wait here for the body to recover slowly.

   Because in the upper right corner of Liu Yang's line of sight, a row of numbers is displayed.


   Obviously, what this number represents is how long he can stay here.

   "What should I do now? Should I just wait two days?"

   "It's a rare opportunity not to say anything, just do nothing, and it's probably still the same after two days."

   Liu Yang understands that if you want to get better soon, you must have a potion to treat the injury.

   Call out the game interface and enter the auction page.

   Searched for healing medicine and found nothing.

Replace    with several other keywords, such as injury, medicine, trauma, therapy, etc., which are also blank.

   Then Liu Yang entered the area to chat and shouted for acquisition.

   Go to World Chat and do the same.

  After waiting for an hour, there was no movement.

   "Hehe, think about it too. Anyone who gets a healing medicine can't take it out and trade it. This thing can save lives at a critical moment."

   Enter the warehouse and see if there is anything left out that can be used.

   Suddenly, an item caught Liu Yang's attention.

   That is the half bottle of primary gold sore powder (small) he used last time.

   "Last time it was a skin injury, this time it was mainly on the internal organs and bones of the body, can it be useful?"

   "It doesn't matter if it's useful or not, let's talk about it after using it."

   When you bite your teeth, your heart is swollen, and a dead horse becomes a living horse doctor.

   Liu Yang thought, and a small porcelain bottle appeared beside his mouth.

   Bite off the cork, hold the mouth of the bottle, and pour the powder into your mouth.

   He couldn't move his hands and feet, so he had to.

  As the medicine powder was swallowed, the cool air spread down from the throat and spread to the limbs and bones of the whole body.

  The pain gradually disappeared, and body control gradually recovered.

   Liu Yang was stunned, shocked and inexplicable.

   "Could it be that this is the correct way to use the golden sore powder?"

   Two hours later.

  Liu Yang stood up and moved his muscles and bones without any discomfort.

   Take out a pile of food and water.

   After filling his stomach, he made a steel knife.

  Everything was ready, so I looked up at the tower behind the steps.

   It is said to be a high tower, but it is only 5 meters high.

   Compared with the giant chapter, the difference is not a star.

   "This should be the book tower, then, let me go in and see how strong the bookworm really is."

   kicked the door open with one foot, and Liu Yang stepped back and ran wildly.

   After I ran out for a long distance and found that there was nothing chasing out, I felt relieved.

  Have a close contact with death, it's okay to be a little careful! ?

   holding a crossbow forward, cautiously, for fear that a powerful monster will suddenly appear.


   When he came to the door, no monsters appeared.

   Looking in from the outside of the door, there are no monsters around the door.

   And the small figure moving in the distance seems to be extremely weak.

   "Since there is no danger at the door, it should be fine to go in and take a look? If there is a situation, just exit in time."

  Thinking like this, Liu Yang stepped into the book tower.


   A loud bang.

  The gate of the book tower closes automatically.

   The figures in the distance all stopped moving and turned to look at the door.

   [Bookworm lv5: A unique creature in the book tower, usually doing nothing, once someone steps into the book tower, they will definitely swarm to attack. 】

   When the bookworm discovered Liu Yang, he also saw the bookworm's information and appearance clearly.

   This is a worm-like creature, only much larger.

   "Only level 5? Then what else should I be afraid of."

   "Although the leather armor is broken a little, it shouldn't be a big problem to defend against their attacks."

   "If I didn't wear it before, I guess I'd be a jerk."

   Even though he thought so, there was no reason to wait until he was beaten before fighting back.

   Aim with the crossbow and pull the trigger.

  【You hit the bookworm with one arrow, and the bookworm died. 】

  【Congratulations for killing the bookworm, get book page x1, psychic power x1. 】

   Instant kill with one arrow, or without using the spike skill.

   This greatly encouraged Liu Yang.

   Arrows began to pour out, each one taking the life of a bookworm.

   Occasionally wear a string and shoot two dead with one arrow.

  【Seckill skill upgrade conditions have been met, do you want to upgrade? 】


  【Seckill skill upgrade successfully. 】

[Seckill lv2: The only skill that can instantly kill creatures of the same level as the skill level by 100%. For each level, the success rate is reduced by 20%. Each time it is used, it needs to consume a certain amount of energy. You can freely control the switch and upgrade to the next level. Skill Book Page x30. 】

   After a short while, his skill level has been increased by one level.

   Liu Yang was shocked, overjoyed, and more motivated.

   Aim, shoot, load arrows, all in one go.

   Except when loading arrows, the bookworm can get a little closer, and don't even think about it at other times.

   After a while, the beep sounded again.

  【Seckill skill upgrade conditions have been met, do you want to upgrade? 】


  【Seckill skill upgrade successfully. 】

[Seckill lv3: The only skill that can instantly kill creatures of the same level as the skill level by 100%. For each level, the success rate is reduced by 20%. Each time it is used, it needs to consume a certain amount of energy. You can freely control the switch and upgrade to the next level. Skill Book Page x40. 】

  【Experience is full, the level will automatically increase. 】

  【Congratulations on your level upgrade, the current level is lv5. 】

   "666666, this treasure, love love."

   "And the beautiful Fifi who sent me the teleportation scroll, I love you."

   "Wait, if I can meet you someday, I'll marry you."

   "Find a picturesque place with mountains and water, build a beautiful and warm courtyard, and regenerate a few cute babies."

   Liu Yang attacked and babbled wildly.

   Soon, all the bookworms on the first floor were wiped out.

   And the closest bookworm to Liu Yang is also nearly three meters away.

   The tower is really not big when you read it outside.

   But when I came in, I found out that the space inside is much bigger than I imagined.

   But it is.

   comes here by the space teleportation scroll.

   Then it is not surprising that there are means of using space power and the like.

   searched carefully, and there were no bookworms left.

   Looking at the books on the bookshelf, Liu Yang's brain was wide open.

   "Could this bookworm be transformed from these books?"

   "If it is, then take the book away, and there will be no shortage of pages in the future."

  So, Liu Yang stretched out his hand excitedly.

   Picked up the book on the shelf, the text on the cover was completely incomprehensible.

  I wanted to open it and have a look, but I couldn't open it.

   Take the book and walk out a few meters, and the book will automatically return to the bookshelf.

  I plan to use the power of the game system to put it in the warehouse and take it away.

  The almighty warehouse was silent at this time.

   "I'll go, weren't you very active when the bookworms burst the pages? Why are you dumb now?"

   After some tossing, Liu Yang gave up.

   This book.

   He can't take it away!

   "Forget it, there were originally only 7 pages, so the first floor has been upgraded two levels, and there are still 3 pages left."

   "Be a human being, don't be too greedy."

   Liu Yang swept away the surrounding books.

   Endured the extreme distress, and walked back to the stairs of the second floor step by step.

   It’s just that every step you take, your distress deepens.

   Until the heartache is so painful that I can't breathe, and it seems to be in shock.

   finally set foot on the second floor.

   (end of this chapter)