MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 18 Double-level soaring, counting the harvest

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   Chapter 18 Double-level soaring, counting the harvest

  The environment on the second floor is similar to that on the first floor, only slightly smaller.

   But the number of bookworms has not decreased, but more.

   At a glance, it is densely packed.

  With the previous experience, Liu Yang took the lead in launching the attack without waiting for the bookworm to act.



  The arrows shot wildly, and the bookworm fell down.


   A bookworm jumped up while Liu Yang was filling the arrows, and slammed into him.

   Liu Yang was surprised.

   A little inspection and found no injuries.

   "Yeah, I'm level 5 now, and I still have excellent leather armor, so I'm afraid of hair!"


   Liu Yang stood still, only paying attention to the defense with his neck up and focusing on the attack.

   In this way, the bookworms die faster.

   Kill monsters, collect arrows, and go upstairs.

  The second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor and the fifth floor

   Not long after, all the bookworms in the library were wiped out.

   Liu Yang stood by the window on the fifth floor and looked out.

  In addition to the surrounding area of ​​the bookstore, there is land, grass and flowers.

   Farther, just chaos.

   raised his hand to shoot an arrow, and the arrow flew into the edge of chaos.

   An invisible force appeared.

  I saw that arrow fell into lava like ice.

   melts, evaporates, and disappears in an instant.

   Liu Yang felt a chill in his heart and did not dare to try again.

   At the same time, I am very fortunate to go there without dying before.

   looked at the time in the upper right corner.


   "Hey, the monsters are all over, and I don't know how to get out."

   "But even if you can go out, don't go out. What if it refreshes after a while?"

   Having nothing to do, Liu Yang began to count the harvest from the beginning to the present.


  【Name】: Liu Yang.

  【Age】: 24 years old.

  【Level】: 8 (63.41%).

  【Location】: Book Tower.

  【Physical condition】: Healthy.

  【Energy Value】: 450/450.


[Seckill lv6: The only skill that can instantly kill creatures of the same level as the skill level by 100%. For each level, the success rate is reduced by 20%. Each time it is used, it needs to consume a certain amount of energy. You can freely control the switch and upgrade to the next level. Skill Book Page x70. 】

  【Warehouse (72.31%)】

Food and drinking water: 3500ml of drinking water, 100g of steamed bread x3, 100g of whole-wheat bread x1, 550ml of mineral water x2, 300ml of cola x4, 200ml of milk x2, egg **** x1, rat king meat x4, big meat bun 100g x2 , Pickled chicken feet 180g x1, potato chips 80g x2, banana x3, apple x2, orange x3.

Materials: Linen 1m x3, Fluorescent Grass x5, Charcoal x16, Hay x32, Fire Spirit Stone x3, Wood Spirit Stone x4, Water Spirit Stone x1, Spiritual Energy x241, Book Page x26, Wood x86, Iron Block x51, Stone x55, Copper Block x8, Corrosive Grass x10, Poison Heart Grass x8, Corpse Spirit Grass x5, Toxic Cat Fang x6, Corpse Soul Grass x7, Corpse Cat Carrion x4, Heartbroken Vine x6, Vampire Wood x9

  Items: Psionic Lighter x1, Gold Necklace x1, Roll Paper x3, Medical Gauze 5m x2, Excellent Wind Spirit Repeating Crossbow Matching Crossbow Arrow x32.


Ordinary steel knife, ordinary wooden bed, ordinary psionic faucet, small wooden barrel, excellent wind spirit repeater, excellent wind spirit repeater with ten arrows, stone bowl, simple wooden table, small charcoal stove, excellent leather armor set.

   (PS: The warehouse and manufacturing data are only sorted out this time. If necessary, a single chapter will be issued in the future.)

   "A lot of arrows have been scrapped along the way, so I have to add more."

  【You have made 100 excellent wind spirit repeating crossbow matching crossbow arrows, iron block -20, wood -40. 】

  【Congratulations on getting 100 excellent Fengling Repeating Crossbow matching crossbow arrows. 】

   "It's a pity that only book pages and psionic energy are exploded here. If other materials are also exploded, it would be even better."

   "Now that there is so much psionic energy, I just feed the bread tree and refill the tap."

  Do it when you think of it.

  Liu Yang went down to the first floor and released his home in the central space.

   pushed the door in, and he took the lead towards the bread tree.

   One. Two and three

   With the input of psychic energy, the flower buds slowly grow up, bloom, and bear fruit.

   Until the 47th time, the bread was finally ripe.

   Liu Yang smiled when he saw that the 3-meter-high bread tree was covered with palm-sized bread with a faint scent of wheat.


   Forty-one loaves.

  Frugal and frugal, even if no other food is available, it is no problem to support the rest of the month.

   Picked one off and tasted it.

  The aroma of wheat is rich, soft and sweet.

   Then there is one more important thing to verify.

   Liu Yang took off all the bread and stored it in the warehouse.

   Take another look at the bread tree, which is lush and green.

   did not wither directly as he had feared.

   "Then, as long as you have psychic input, you can grow bread indefinitely, depending on the next experiment."

   So, Liu Yang cast psionic energy into the bread tree again.

  10 points. 20 points. 30 points.

   A lot of psionic input, the bread tree did not move at all.

   This made Liu Yang's face a little ugly.

   But 30 points have already been spent, isn't it a big loss to stop now?

  What if it is because of insufficient psionic power.

   It is 20 o'clock again, and the bread tree has finally changed.

   Around the branches, again some sharp corners appeared.

   Liu Yang took a closer look, and it was the sharp bud of the flower bone.

   "Ok, it turns out that this bread tree can produce bread again as long as it has psionic power."

   "It's just that the consumption of psychic energy is a bit big!"

   After the bread tree thing is resolved.

   Liu Yang put the water in the bucket under the psionic water tap into the warehouse.

   Then added 2 psionics to the psionic tap.

   When things are done, there will be no strange fights, and there will be no crisis.

   After being in a coma for so long, I didn’t even feel sleepy even when I wanted to sleep.

   In vain, Liu Yang felt a little dazed and empty.

   This made him feel a little uncomfortable, who had been nervous all the time.

   "By the way, I haven't told Shi Yufei yet when the bread is harvested. She still provided this flower pot, and I just gave her some to try."

  Thinking about it.

   Finally remembered that there was still something to do, Liu Yang immediately took action.

   "Thank you for the flower pot you provided. I used it to plant a bread tree, the kind that can grow bread directly. As a thank you, please taste the first batch of bread harvested."

  Transaction, send.

  Initial underground palace No. 201314.

  The girl nibbled at the hard steamed buns.

   His facial features were wrinkled together, and he said pitifully:

   "Hey, Sister Feifei, why hasn't your boss replied yet? I'm still waiting for him to cook meat for us."

   Shi Yufei soaked the steamed buns in the water.

   Then open your mouth and take a bite, chew a few times, and swallow.

   "It's not like you don't know what's going on with everyone now.

   Maybe people are fighting with some ferocious dungeon creatures.

  Wait again, when he is done, he will make you eat until you vomit. "

   "Hey, I miss a young, beautiful and beautiful girl like me.

   is the age of listening to music, shopping and watching movies.

   I didn't expect to be pulled into this survival game to suffer.

   God can't open his eyes! "

   "If you come here, you can rest assured. If you think about it carefully, it is much more exciting than the boring study and life."

   "Is that so? I don't know who is always yelling that my body stinks and I want to take a shower."


   (end of this chapter)