MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1198 Hong

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Time has passed another year.

After a year left when the starry sky road was closed, the mysterious **** outside the tomb changed.

The power of chaos floating outside the tomb of the **** suddenly melted into the tombstone of the gods, activating the mysterious lines of the surface of the tombstone, and the entire tombstone slowly became transparent.

In the deepest part of the tombstone, there is a vaguely visible figure, a looming soul that seems to swim in the stars.

"Success, he really succeeded!"

Looking at the clearer figure, the big frog opened his eyes and his face showed a complex color.

"For four years, the life and death of the universe, the realization of the universe is true, and the rebirth is born again, this kid will be a god!"

Feeling the life of the Divine Tombstone is getting stronger and stronger, a lot of chaos, the law of order constantly shaping the shape of Ye Chenfeng, the big frog knows that Ye Chenfeng has passed the test of the tombstone I am already qualified to see the soul.

"Hey, if he is a god, he is my master, my destiny will be under his control!"

Thinking of this, the frog sighs in a faint sigh, the body of the frog changes constantly, and eventually changes into a green dress, the skin can be broken, the stream is sinister, and the ethereal The feeling of the woman.

The gathering of gods, the evolution of avenues, the visions of the ridges, the flow of fairy sounds...

Slowly, the tombstone of the gods broke the cracks of the road. A very powerful heart beat sounded in the tombstone, and every beat of the heart beats can evoke the resonance of the world.

"My heart is eternal, I am not dead, reborn!"

Ye Chenfeng is like a phoenix reborn in the fire. It combines the power of the tombstone and the power of chaos to complete the rebirth.

"Primary, you are very good, passed the test of the tombstone of the gods, qualified to see me, you come in!"

Ye Chenfeng reinvented his body and gradually recovered his consciousness. A thick and dignified voice rang in the ear of Ye Chenfeng, awakening him from his sleep.


Ye Chenfeng spit out a suffocating gas and slowly stood up.

Through the test of the tombstone, Ye Chenfeng and Chaos are perfectly integrated, regardless of each other, and his body is the ultimate in the body. With the power of the tombstone and the chaotic method, he crosses the virtual God is the ultimate, reaching a half-step realm of realism.

At this moment, suddenly a sultry aroma drifted into the nose of Ye Chenfeng, and this charming fragrance, Ye Chenfeng turned his head and found a woman wearing a turquoise dress, swaying The **** waist, slowly came over.

Although Ye Chenfeng has seen a lot of beautiful women, but seeing a woman, his eyes can not help but brighten, regardless of appearance or temperament, she is only seeing Ye Chenfeng.

"Girl is..."

Looking at the mysterious woman, Ye Chenfeng was surprised and asked.

"Forgot me so soon?" The woman said faintly, let Ye Chenfeng have a feeling of being abandoned.

"Have we seen it?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the woman's exquisite face, and wanted to break his head and couldn't think of where he had seen him.

" forgot to bully people!" The woman stared at Ye Chenfeng with her big eyes, and said softly.


"You really forgot me!" Looking at the black line of Ye Chenfeng, the woman continued: "People are worried about you."

"You... are you a frog god!" Looking at the woman's resentful eyes, Ye Chenfeng captured a familiar atmosphere from her, her eyes suddenly curled up and thought of her identity.

" finally remembered me!" The frog goddess smiled and said: "I am not so beautiful now, you like it or not."

"What are you doing, it is not good to be a frog, why do you want to become a woman!" Ye Chenfeng said something silent: "You have to know, this way is not suitable for you, or change back to your original Look like it."


"This is what I really look like, the frog is that I feel fun for a while!" said the frog goddess faintly.

"Forget it, would you like to change back to the frog to follow you, I went to the tomb of the **** to see the soul!" Ye Chenfeng was too lazy to talk nonsense with the frog goddess, and he would walk to the tomb of the god.

"Hey, don't you believe me?" The frog goddess caught up with Ye Chenfeng, grabbed his hand and pressed it on his towering jade peak: "You try, this is true."

According to the jade peak of the frog goddess, Ye Chenfeng not only did not enjoy a little, but instead had a feeling of electric shock, and the instinctive pumped back.

"Frog God, don't make trouble, hurry back to your original look, this is really not suitable for you." Ye Chenfeng said silently, it is impossible to connect the frog and the goddess.

When he finished, he hurried into the tomb door that had been banned, and walked into the tomb of the **** who could not feel a cold, full of powerful rules, and followed a promenade to the depths of the tomb. go with.

Along the way, he found an ancient picture on either side of the gallery, and these pictures were fierce battle scenes, and the same person appeared in these scenes.

This man is tall and straight, wearing a golden armor and a crown at the top of his head.

He hates the dragon, steps on the nine secluded, destroys the gods, and the gods, omnipotent.

"He is God, and I used to be the master...Hung." The frog goddess quickly chased it up, faintly introduced.

Walking and walking, Ye Chenfeng found an incomparably huge stone door in front of him. The stone door is engraved with a lot of ancient lines, and these ancient lines are very mysterious, and they have not seen the eyesight of Ye Chenfeng.

"Frog God, how can I open this stone door!" Ye Chenfeng stared at the stone door in front of him and said slowly.

"You passed the test of the sacred tombstone, and you have the qualification to see God. You should be able to push the stone door directly!"

"Okay. I know!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded and walked under the stone gate. The body pressed on the stone door that portrayed the ancient lines and pushed the stone door hard.


When Ye Chenfeng broke out with tens of billions of pounds of force and pushed Shimen, a series of regular chains appeared from all directions, attacking Ye Chenfeng at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For the attack of a chain of rules, Ye Chenfeng was unmoved, let him break into the body and push Shimen.


The stone gate was pushed open, and the regular chain of the body that broke into the leaf morning wind disappeared, and a vast force was released in the stone gate.


A deep breath, Ye Chenfeng healed his body injury and walked into Shimen. He saw a piece of incomparably huge chaotic stone carved in the center of the temple. He sat on his knees and wore a golden armor. His body was not burly. But it gives people the general illusion of the mountains, the eyes are closed, there is no trace of life, handsome man.

Looking at the man's face exactly like the old picture outside, Ye Chenfeng immediately knew his identity.

He was the master of the universe, the true god.

Although Hong died for centuries, when Ye Chenfeng saw him, he still had the illusion of worship in the depths of his heart. This is the absolute suppression of the true God. Even if he is half-step, he can't compete.

Read Fantasy: I! Accept disciples and become stronger!