MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 463 : God vs. Giant Ghost

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"how is this possible?"

"King Zhenyuan was forced off his horse by that young man!"

"Where is this sacred?"

The people on the wall were shocked.

The wild ghosts shrank their pupils and were greatly shocked. In their eyes, King Zhenyuan is an invincible existence, especially after he has transformed into a ghost, it is not an exaggeration to call him the master of this world.

But right now, they were picked off the horse in the middle of a face-to-face meeting, which brought a great shock to their hearts.

For a while, even the morale of the ghost army in the rear became a little low.

As for the players who were fighting, their faces were overjoyed, and their ghost power was mobilized like those who don't need money, and their morale increased greatly.

"A lot of strength."

Even Mr. Li praised him from a distance.

"It is estimated that there are already seven levels of physique. Even in the outer world, it is an extremely powerful existence. I did not expect Wu Tongshen to be able to cultivate such a monster. However, it is estimated that all his efforts have been exhausted. . "


King Zhenyuan was a little unbelievable, and then he became even more angry, his arms vibrated, and the silver spear spun like a swimming dragon, with the force of counter-shock, making Lin Chen's palm slightly loose.

King Zhenyuan took back his silver spear, a sharp cold light bloomed, and the spear came out like a dragon, stabbing at Lin Chen again.

This time, he was no longer careless, but used all his strength, black light bloomed on his body, blessed himself with ghost power, and increased the piercing power of the silver spear.


The silver gun burst out with infinite light calamity, and the terrifying power turned into a beam of light and burst out from the tip of the gun.

And this burst of energy was right in front of Lin Chen, and the distance between Lin Chen and King Zhenyuan was just a gunshot away, so the energy of the silver gun poured towards Lin Chen's door.


King Zhenyuan snorted and roared, wanting to penetrate Lin Chen with a blow, and blast Lin Chen into powder with the burst of power.

Although he missed just now, he is still confident in his own strength.

After all, he is the real dungeon master, the true king of ghosts.

The murderous look in King Zhenyuan's eyes was overwhelming.

Faced with such violent power, Lin Chen's face remained unchanged. He didn't even take out a weapon like an iron pan, but just greeted him with his hands.


King Zhenyuan's pupils shrank, and at the same time he was surprised, but also a little bit happy.

However, at the next moment, King Zhenyuan's expression changed drastically, and his heart was shocked.

All I saw was that the strength he was so proud of was just like a light without attacking power in front of Lin Chen.

Even Lin Chen's palm didn't penetrate, it was blocked, but Lin Chen pinched his silver gun again.

"Can you still shake me away this time?" Lin Chen sneered.

Under the eyes of King Zhenyuan and countless inconceivable gazes, the five fingers exerted force impressively.

Just listen to "Bang!"

As if sculpted by nature, the peerless silver gun made by heaven and earth was broken!

This silver gun is not extraordinary, when it explodes, the power it emits turns into a strong wind and spreads around.

It was so powerful that even the military horses outside the city were blown by the wind and took a few steps back.

This is the influence of Wang Zhan.

The outcome of the battle between the player and the original ghost depends entirely on the outcome of Lin Chen and King Zhenyuan.

King Zhenyuan reacted in a very short time, threw away the residue of the silver spear in his hand, and collided with Lin Chen at full strength.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

His fists are heavy, and his legs are like steel whips.

The two are fighting in pure flesh, and the speed is so fast that it dazzles the viewers.

"Nice power."

Lin Chen commented after the battle.

Even though the battle was so fierce, his attitude was still very calm, as if he was strolling in a garden.

King Zhenyuan was sweating on his forehead. Such a high-intensity battle exhausted his physical and ghost power. Fortunately, the constant power of rules in the dungeon was boosting him, otherwise he might have already been defeated by Lin Chen.

"Is this a monster?"

"Or, the so-called human players are all so powerful."

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't even take a breath, King Zhenyuan's heart sank even more, and Lin Chen's comments made him feel extremely harsh.

"It seems that your ghost seed has something to do with power, but it doesn't matter. In my eyes, you will always be a waste." Lin Chen shook his head and said, at the same time, he punched King Zhenyuan on the shoulder with a sudden force, making his shoulder A big hole was opened and it shattered directly.

"you wanna die."

King Zhenyuan's broken body recovered after a slight shock. Hearing Lin Chen's words, his anger almost overwhelmed his reason, and he rushed towards Lin Chen roaring.

At this time, his face was ferocious, his body was stained with blue blood, and his expression was fierce and terrifying. How could he look like a king of Zhenyuan with great achievements and great ambitions? Totally a human ghost.

"When you are incapable, you can't protect your own woman, so forget it."

"But the reason why I really look down on you is that when you have the ability, you dare not look back, you don't know how to protect her, and you hurt her. This makes me despised."

"You only saw yourself being humiliated, but never imagined how much her heart ached."

Lin Chen's words were filled with spiritual power, like a magic voice, and every character was like a thunderbolt hitting his chest when he heard King Zhenyuan's ears.

On the city wall, the beauty in white was looking down with tears streaming down her face.

With the instinct of a ghost, she might come to help King Zhenyuan fight the enemy, because the love of a ghost can overcome all grievances, but her body is bound by rules and cannot leave the city, so she has never acted.

For King Zhenyuan, what Lin Chen said was to uncover his hidden scars, and for Love Ghost, it was to express her grievances and bitterness for many years.

"So, King Zhenyuan, do you know how damned you should be?"

Lin Chen's strength became stronger and stronger, and King Zhenyuan's reluctance to deal with it at the beginning became helpless, and he was completely suppressed by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's fists were like a violent storm, hitting King Zhenyuan's face continuously, causing him to retreat steadily.

Under Lin Chen's attack, King Zhenyuan screamed and cried out in pain at first, and then gradually fell into confusion.

According to the rules of the dungeon, he is immortal, so he didn't suffer any fatal injuries at all.

But his thoughts seemed to have fallen into slack, as if he had entered memories.

Lin Chen didn't care, and his attacks became more and more ruthless.

No one knew that at this moment, Lin Chen was also filled with gloom.

In front of outsiders, Lin Chen is still very powerful.

But Mu Yun's death still left a scar in Lin Chen's heart.

That day was the first time in his history that he felt powerless.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Obviously she is right in front of her eyes, she is almost within reach.

But she still perishes, like the other shore flower withers.

Right in front of him, it became his eternal regret.

Lin Chen has never told anyone about this, and people think he is unintentional. This is because Lin Chen has never been a person who is willing to expose his weak side in front of outsiders.

But maybe, in the dead of night, when no one was around, when the young man took out his hair, the regret and guilt in his eyes was his true self.

The incident between Xuanmu and King Zhenyuan stirred up Lin Chen's memory and even brought it into it.

He compared Xuanmu to Mu Yun, and King Zhenyuan to himself.

It was only then that he kept scolding King Zhenyuan for being a waste. This was dissatisfaction with King Zhenyuan and a complaint against himself.

"King Zhenyuan, I can give you a way out, apologize to Xuanmu, and stay with her forever, are you willing?"

Lin Chen stopped and looked at Zhenyuan Wangdao who was lying on the ground.


Xuanmu looked at King Zhenyuan with tears in her eyes, and said softly.

No matter what the man in front of her has done, in her eyes, he is still Ah Wen who is holding the sage book and taking her to buy candied haws in his spare time.

King Zhenyuan came back to his senses, glanced past Lin Chen at Xuanmu in the city, and then sneered at Lin Chen, "I am a dignified King Zhenyuan, why do you want to let me live?"

Lin Chen's figure flashed, and when King Zhenyuan punched and kicked King Zhenyuan and fell to the ground, he said, "What kind of King Zhenyuan are you?"

King Zhenyuan was lying on the ground, Yang Tian looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and suddenly he sneered, the laughter became louder and louder, and finally turned into hysterical laughter.


A black dragon descended from the sky and hit King Zhenyuan directly, causing the surrounding earth to tremble and a violent sound appeared.

This black dragon was transformed by Thunder. The Thunder in the dungeon can almost be regarded as the rules of the dungeon. The black dragon is huge, connecting the sky and the earth from head to tail.

The power of the rules contained in it is unimaginable.

King Zhenyuan also began to tremble all over at this moment.

"Come on, the masterpiece has appeared, Chen, you are very strong, but my masterpiece is not weak either..." Mr. Li's eyes brightened, as if watching a play had reached a climax, full of anticipation.

After the black dragon was absorbed by King Zhenyuan, its body began to enlarge directly.

ten meters.

fifty meters.

One hundred meters.

One hundred and fifty meters.

In the end, it turned into a giant with a height of 200 meters!

This is a colossal monster, towering above the sky and making people look up to.

And King Zhenyuan's face and body have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The silver armor turned black, but sharp bony spurs grew out. His hands were scratching, and the pitch-black nails looked abnormally sharp.

His eyes are blood red, his face is blue and his fangs are so inhuman.

It was the body that Lin Chen glimpsed through the mist!

"Ghost-species real body!"

"Fuck, it's fake!"

"Isn't he the Seven Star Ghost?"

"The seven-star ghost merges into the ghost domain, and it is perfectly round as one. The eight-star ghost seizes all the good fortune of the world and can change into a real ghost species. It can be as big as a mountain, or as small as an ant, or the size of an ordinary person. The power is too terrifying, so it is named after the good fortune ghost. "

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Below, the nine players forced their opponents back, looking at King Zhenyuan in disbelief.

They were quite well-informed, and they could tell the state of King Zhenyuan at a glance, and they were all horrified for a while.

Mr. Li glanced at them, then appreciatively looked at Zhenyuan King, and chuckled: "It is the real body of the ghost species. Zhenyuan King is a giant ghost. It has never appeared in the ranking of the fierce ghost species, but it is also the most advanced potential. Well, based on this foundation, I made an additional modification to let it have the power of creating ghosts in advance, otherwise how can it be called a masterpiece?"

"However, the rules cannot be violated. No matter how much you increase, it is impossible to break through the real limit. At this time, the real body of the ghost species is just a castrated version. Its power and mystery are not as good as the real ghost."

Mr. Li had a smile on his face. To him, the tragic battle in front of him was just a stage set up by himself and invited actors.

And the direction of the scene, in his eyes, has always been under his control.

In the arena, everyone was staring at the behemoth with dumbfounded expressions.

It was as if the giant who destroyed the world had descended.

Even if you don't move, you will feel extremely oppressive, your hairs will stand on end, and it will be difficult to breathe.

Compared with this kind of giant, ordinary people are indeed too small.

Just like the ants on the ground watching the dragon in the sky.

"Morning boy, what should we do!"

Zhou Geng shouted that the ghost power in his body was already violently turbulent. If King Zhenyuan was really difficult to match, he was ready to fight desperately to win the opportunity for everyone and Lin Chen.

Among the ten people, although they belonged to the alliance, Zhou Geng was the one who would give the most initiative.

"It's just a firefly light."

Lin Chen's voice resounded throughout the world, still so calm.

The next moment, Lin Chen's aura erupted for the first time. This kind of power is too grand and powerful, and there are many completely different powers contained in it


Mr. Li's smile was slightly restrained.

"Ghost power, internal power, dao power, and divinity..."

"No, why is this divinity so strong, what kind of crystal did he absorb?"

Mr. Li's face changed for the first time. At the next moment, Lin Chen's body suddenly rose.

"Fa Tian Xiang Di!"

Lin Chen used his natal skills, and when he grew up, he was faster than King Zhenyuan.

In an instant, it had already reached more than 100 meters, and the momentum continued to grow wildly.

150 meters.

160 meters.

170 meters.

In an instant, Lin Chen broke through the 200-meter mark, and continued to grow to 230 meters before stopping.

Its height is not to mention soaring into the clouds, but in the eyes of everyone, it almost blocks out the sun, and it is a head taller than King Zhenyuan.

Compared with King Zhenyuan, his selling looks much more sacred and extraordinary. UU reading

Lin Chen's black hair turned crimson, and his body was made of golden thunder armor, exuding a faint golden radiance, especially behind him, there are one big and two small, three ghost domains lying across the back of his head and shoulders, the whole body It looks like a **** descending from the earth.

Flesh body technique, ghost domain, thunder technique, fire technique, and the highly effective gold-type skill, suspected metal technique, were all used.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

This is the first time that Lin Chen has used his real strength after greatly improving himself.

It is also the first use of the physical technique Tianxiangdi after it has been promoted twice.

"this is…"

Even the players were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Lin Chen to have such a way to suppress the bottom of the box.

Zhou Geng also took a deep breath, and then said ecstatically: "I know, this is his special ability. When the old Duan talked to me, he could transform into a giant with unparalleled power. But when the old Duan told me, he I can only transform into a giant of tens of meters, but I didn’t expect to be promoted to this level now.”

"What kind of power is this, can players really do this?"

"It's not an exaggeration to call it a god!"

"Hahaha, it is indeed the light of fireflies, Li Shen is like the bright moon in the sky."

"Brothers, let's go together, **** these evil spirits that come out of the dog's day."

Under the shock, the players turned into ecstasy and became extremely excited.

Gu Yehan's sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and a sharp sword tens of meters long condensed out. With one strike, the head of the barbarian ghost flew out of the body on the spot.

Among the players, morale increased greatly.