MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 309 One wears three

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Chapter 309: One wears three

A storm rolled up in the desert at night, rising hundreds of meters into the sky and covering nearly a kilometer of the surrounding area.

The vision is dim and there is dust flying all over the sky.

Ji Xinghuo hovered more than ten meters above the ground, with countless sand hitting him being bounced away. He drew out the Demonic Sound Sword with his left hand, his expression calm, without any fluctuation at all.

  Electromagnetic induction scanned the surroundings, but no trace of the "Sandstorm Lord" was found. This advanced profession is very strong, integrating strength, defense, recovery, control, and concealment. It has almost no weaknesses, and the opponent is a second-level legend.

 Three enemies, Sandstorm Lord is the strongest.

 The desert is still the opponent's home field and can exert greater power.

Ji Xinghuo originally did not intend to fight the enemy head-on and wanted to fly away directly, but there was a sword-wielding team and a pilot in the aerial fighter plane.

They were obviously not traitors, but were deceived by Ye Tongjun as a cover. Although they had been poisoned, they did not die. When the fighter plane was destroyed by the ground thorns, some swordsmen were affected and died, but four were still alive.

 If he leaves, these four swordsmen will definitely die.

 A bang.

An air cannon exploded in the sand dune where the Halo Fighter was, blasting away four sword lights. When the sword lights came again, the Halo Fighters had already stood up again. Even though he only had one left arm left, he could not face the sword lights. Not afraid.

At the same time, Ji Xinghuo noticed that the density of the surrounding air increased sharply, the air pressure surged, and an implosion occurred centered on himself.


 He stepped forward and hit a wall of wind.

The invisible and thick wind wall was shattered, but his figure was still stagnant, unbalanced in the air, and Ye Tongjun appeared from the shadows behind him.

 Shadow Warrior, the advancement of Shadow Blade and Martial Arts Master.

Ji Xinghuo is very familiar with this profession, because Xia Qingyu is also a shadow warrior, and the weapons he uses are the same two short swords.

Ye Tongjun's short sword comes with a "Shadow Blade", which is as black as ink, and the tip of the sword bursts out with "thorn light" and stabs Ji Xinghuo's vest.

 However, Ji Xinghuo neither turned around nor dodge.


 A bolt of lightning burst out instantly, exploding in Ye Tongjun’s face.

She closed her eyes subconsciously and kept stabbing her hand forward. Then she felt as if the dagger was stabbing on the alloy wall, and some of its force bounced back, causing her gloves to burst open and blood to flow from the tiger's mouth.

 Amidst the crackling sound of electricity, Ye Tongjun opened his eyes.

She saw that her dagger penetrated a layer of thin and transparent armor, but got stuck on the scales inside, unable to move any further.

Ji Xinghuo was unscathed.

 Even, Ji Xinghuo did not look back at her, completely ignoring the attack from behind.

 Instead, her whole body was in severe pain from the lightning, and she quickly ran away and escaped into the shadows again.

Ji Xinghuo ignored Ye Tongjun. Finally, at the moment when the gas explosion occurred, the electromagnetic induction captured the position of the Sandstorm Lord. With a bang, he accelerated and moved a hundred meters in an instant. His spiritual energy exploded and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

Huge lightning struck the ground, creating a large crater with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Electrical current spreads underground.

 A blurry figure paused in the sand and made a muffled sound. Before he could recover, Ji Xinghuo arrived.

Moyin slashed through the air with a sword.

The white wave-like ultrasonic sword energy slashed into the ground, turning over countless sand and dust, like plowing the ground, and the sword energy penetrated several meters underground.

 “Seeking death!”

Amidst the roar, a giant made of hundreds of tons of sand rose up with only its upper body. Its right hand condensed into a huge sand fist and slammed down on Ji Xinghuo's head. At the same time, there were countless air currents surrounding Ji Xinghuo to stop him. Get away.


The sand fist, which was bigger than a truck, hit the ground. The ground shook violently, and the entire giant turned into countless sand and splashed away.

As the dust dispersed, Ji Xinghuo's figure was revealed in the middle. His legs were beaten into the ground, but his body was not injured at all.

"Got you."

Ji Xinghuo said indifferently.

 A circle of arc pulses erupted, and a strong body emerged from the dust in the sky. It was the Sandstorm Lord.

At the same time, the four sword lights of the Spirit Sword Bracelet abandoned the Halo Fighter and suddenly struck from behind the Sandstorm Lord.

 The fire sword explodes, and the ice sword explodes with frost.

The light sword burst out with fierce light, illuminating the night and blinding people. The electric sword was like a bolt of lightning, accompanied by Ji Xinghuo's psychic lightning that struck down all over his face.

In an instant, the Sandstorm Lord's body was covered with cuts and bruises, but these were not fatal to him. He resisted the sword light and landed quickly. The moment his figure touched the ground, he melted into the desert and disappeared.

Ji Xinghuo wanted to kill the Sandstorm Lord with one blow, but Ye Tongjun appeared again.

 He stepped forward, avoiding the dagger.

 But he only dodged less than three meters, and then he dodged back again, turning around strangely in the process, facing Mr. Ye Tong.

 The distance of three meters was enough for Ji Xinghuo to increase his speed to the upper limit.

 It was in front of me in the blink of an eye, almost touching my face.

 The magic sound draws the sword!

Ye Tongjun performed exceptionally under the huge pressure and reacted very quickly. She blocked with two daggers in succession. However, every time she blocked, she was forced to take a big step back, and Ji Xinghuo immediately approached, using the magic sound sword in her left hand like a wave.

The sword blades clashed with a clanging sound, and sparks flickered in the dark night.

Ye Tongjun tried his best to dodge, using Shadowless Step, Afterimage, Flash Step, Shadow Escape, Feiyan Jin, and all kinds of special abilities in turn.

 However, Ji Xinghuo was like a gangrene attached to his bones and could not be shaken off no matter what.

Ji Xinghuo attacked Ye Tongjun, but his eyes were not on her. He placed her on his left side and forced her to block with the long sword, unable to escape.

At this time, a golden light rushed out from the ground, it was the Halo Fighter who had lost an arm.

 Ji Xinghuo took a step forward to the left and forced Ye Tongjun back.

Just as the Halo Fighter rushed out from under his feet, Ji Xinghuo clenched his fist with his right hand and fired an electric spiral.


This punch hit the Halo Fighter's temple accurately.

 The Halo Warrior's entire body is protected by light energy, possessing both strength and defense. There is no weakness in his body, but he is of little use in the face of absolute power.

The bright bald head exploded like an egg, blood and brain matter flew out, and was instantly evaporated by the high-temperature lightning from Ji Xinghuo's fist.

 The Halo Fighter turned into the Headless Fighter in an instant.

Ye Tongjun screamed and finally seized the opportunity to escape, but as soon as she escaped into the shadows, Ji Xinghuo's magic sound exploded.

 Sonic boom!

The violent sound shock wave exploded, hitting Ye Tongjun and forcing her out of the shadows.

 A huge bolt of lightning struck down, hitting her on the top of her head.

Immediately afterwards, four rays of sword light slashed at Ye Tongjun, who was paralyzed and in severe pain. She cut off her iron shirt strength, penetrated back and forth several times, and dug several transparent holes with blood. Her legs were covered from the knees down. Cut off.

Ji Xinghuo didn't kill her, he just disabled her fighting ability.

With the vitality of a legendary strong man, he will definitely not die immediately. A living and rebellious deputy director of the Sword Bureau is worth much more than a corpse.

"Ahhh..." Ye Tongjun screamed in pain and rolled on the ground.

"Shut up!"

Ji Xinghuo shouted.

The electric sword with jumping current stopped on Ye Tongjun's neck. The sharp blade sliced ​​through the skin and could decapitate her with just a slight pressure. Ye Tongjun's eyes were full of fear, and her desire to survive made her endure the severe pain and did not dare to make any more noise.

The electric sword kept releasing electric current, causing her whole body to twitch and she was no longer able to fight back.

 The surrounding sandstorm continues and becomes more and more intense.

Sandstorm Lord disappeared again while Ji Xinghuo killed the Halo Warrior and defeated Ye Tongjun.

This enemy can not only sneak into the ground, but also has a "quicksand body". The body turns into sand and merges with the desert. Electromagnetic induction is also difficult to find.

 But as long as the opponent attacks, flaws will be revealed.

Suddenly, Ji Xinghuo noticed that Ye Tongjun's expression was twisted with fear as he was lying on the ground, and he immediately realized that the Sandstorm Lord wanted to kill people and silence him.

 A huge rock thorn emerged from under Ye Tongjun.


Ji Xinghuo's figure flashed and appeared next to Ye Tongjun, kicking off the rock thorn. Ye Tongjun was pushed up half a meter, and a hole was stabbed in her back. She was just a little bit pierced by the rock thorn and died.

"get out!"

The moment the rock thorn was formed, Ji Xinghuo found the enemy.

A bolt of lightning split open the sand in the sky and hit the ground dozens of meters away on the right, creating a large crater. Several rays of sword light then penetrated into the ground.

Sharp sword light erupted in the sand, and the Sandstorm Lord was forced out of the ground. Countless sands were wrapped around his body, forming a giant more than fifteen meters tall. His lower body was in the shape of a tornado, and he was flying at extremely fast speeds, like a building flying toward Ji Xinghuo. Pounce on him and crush him head on.

The Sandstorm Giant was still in mid-air and had already manipulated the airflow to compress and restrain Ji Xinghuo crazily.


Ji Xinghuo instantly accelerated and took off, the air imploding behind him.

 He did not retreat, but moved forward.

The Sandstorm Lord's "Air Explosion", "Wind Wall" and "Vacuum Implosion" were all left behind by Ji Xinghuo. In an instant, he passed through countless sand and wind blades, directly hit the head of the Sandstorm Giant, and penetrated from behind. .

With a loud noise, the sandstorm giant's head exploded, but it immediately condensed into shape again. A huge sand spear was drawn in the giant's palm, and he threw it directly without turning around.

Ji Xinghuo certainly couldn't be hit.

 He kept flying at high speed, turned at right angles in the sandstorm, and flew on a weird and unpredictable path.

 Sandstorm Lord can control air currents and release various invisible attacks, but he is always half a step behind Ji Spark.

Ji Xinghuo crashed directly into the Sandstorm Giant many times, but was unable to kill him.

 He can't stop either.

As soon as it stops, it will be bound and cut by the air flow, and then it will be bombarded from the front by the sandstorm giant.

The sword light of the Spirit Sword Bracelet kept killing and cutting the Sandstorm Giant, but the damage of the sword light was really insignificant to the huge body, and the Sandstorm Giant's body could regroup in the blink of an eye.


After a stalemate for half a minute, Ji Xinghuo seized an opportunity and hit the sandstorm giant head-on.

The electric light spiral force explodes with full force.

Electricity burst out all over the sky, and the sandstorm giant's fist exploded from his shoulder. The power of the fist spread throughout his body, and his entire body began to collapse and disintegrate, falling to the ground and turning into a small sand dune.

 But after a few seconds, the dune stood up again and became a giant.

 “It’s so difficult to deal with.”

Ji Xinghuo was surprised. The strength of this sandstorm lord would definitely rank in the top fifteen or even top ten on the earth's legend list.

The other party will definitely not be an unknown person, but I have never heard of it before.

"The two legendary strong men brought by Ye Tongjun should not be Xuanyuan Swordsmen." Ji Xinghuo guessed that these two people were trained by the Qianyuan Society. They stayed incognito and did many things in secret. This time, they followed Lord Ye Tong and pretended to be Xuanyuan Swordsmen. The soldier boarded the Sword Bureau's air and space fighter.

 “No matter how strong you are, you must die!”

Ji Xinghuo fought with the Sandstorm Giant for a while and noticed that the opponent's strength was weaker than before.

 Obviously, it takes a lot of star power for the opponent to keep the Sandstorm Giant.

Moreover, every time it is dismantled and reshaped, a large amount of star power has to be expended, and the combat effectiveness will be reduced.

While Ji Xinghuo was entangled with the sandstorm giant, he controlled the sword light and stopped attacking the sandstorm giant. He suddenly turned around and flew towards Ye Tongjun on the ground. The sharp blade was inserted into her body, but it did not hurt her vital parts. Several sword lights took off in unison, killing her. She was taken far away to avoid being killed by the Sandstorm Lord.

Then, he flew out by himself, out of the attack range of the sandstorm giant.

 The Sandstorm Giant immediately chased after him.

Ji Xinghuo landed next to the aerial fighter plane. He raised his hand in the air, and the metal fragments of the damaged fighter plane flew over and twisted and deformed while still in mid-air.

 The metal fragments fell on the hand, and were immediately melted, stretched, cooled, and shaped. In an instant, it turned into a heavy alloy javelin, more than two meters long, as thick as an arm, and weighing more than three hundred kilograms.

 The current on the javelin jumped, and a dazzling electric light lit up.

Ji Xinghuo's eyes were focused on the chasing sandstorm giant. The magnetic star core in his chest released star power at the highest power, running the magnetic field, and his spiritual energy completely exploded. The electric field blessed the javelin in his hand and inspired "Dragon Madness". The strength of the whole body increases dramatically.

 Metal manipulation, electromagnetic amplification, body strength!

 Three forces in one.

Ji Xinghuo entered the Vientiane Senluo, his eyes flashed with light, and the world instantly became quiet and slowed down.

Countless lights and shadows evolve into the future in the field of vision, and finally stop and freeze.

 He instantly accelerated forward and threw the alloy javelin.


There was a thunder on the ground, and the electric light illuminated the dark night in the desert. The alloy javelin penetrated the dust and wind pressure in the sky, flew more than 400 meters in an instant, and accurately shot into the middle of the chest of the sandstorm giant.

The flying sandstorm giant paused for a moment, and then exploded into countless sands.

 A few seconds later, it stood up again.

Ji Xinghuo had already made a second alloy javelin in his hand. As soon as the Sandstorm Giant took shape, the alloy javelin shot at it.

 Another violent explosion.

Ji Xinghuo held the third alloy javelin in his hand. However, after waiting for a few seconds, the sandstorm giant did not stand up again.

 He immediately accelerated and flew over, reaching the sky in half a second.

 Then, he accelerated and dived toward the ground, throwing the alloy javelin in his hand fiercely and inserting it into the ground, like an earth-penetrating missile.

Immediately, the desert with a radius of 100 meters was overturned, like an earth dragon turning over, and a large crater with a diameter of tens of meters was exploded.

  A figure was hiding in the sand and flying away.

Ji Xinghuo's eyes were as bright as fire, and he locked onto the Sandstorm Lord at a glance, but pretended not to notice and allowed the other party to escape thousands of meters away.

 He calmly took off the black eternal crystal war bow from his back, his eyes flashed, and he shot a heavy tungsten-core arrow.

The arrow shot through the air and made a sonic boom.

 In the dark night, the jet-black tungsten-core heavy arrow was difficult to see, and it reached more than three times the speed of sound.

 Five seconds later, a scream was heard in the distance.

Ji Xinghuo then flew over and found the Sandstorm Lord, but only half of him was found. The Sandstorm Lord's lower body was missing, leaving only his body from the waist up, lying in the desert and falling into a coma.

 He lifted half of his body back and threw it next to Ye Tongjun.

  The Sandstorm Lord's predecessor was an Earth Walker. He had "Earth Pulse" and would recover quickly when he touched the ground. However, with only half of his body, the Earth Pulse could not recover and could only make him temporarily immortal.

Ji Xinghuo dealt with the two prisoners, quickly entered the broken aerial fighter plane, and rescued the swordsmen.

 (End of this chapter)